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The Battle of Kehjari

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2015-07-07 14:32:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Epikurus
The following is a sketch of the battle from the CalMil perspective, focussing on territorial control. I'll be looking to work up a fuller report in collaboration with Veratrix in the coming days.

Things looked pretty bleak for BLOC's forward base in Kehjari on Friday afternoon. After some light plexing in the EU tz on Thursday, a concerted effort had been made by pilots from Spaceship Bebop to push the system up starting immediately after BLOC’s main US strength had logged off c. 0300 eve time. With little BLOC presence that day in AU tz the contested level nudged up to 50% shortly after downtime. Unfortunately for the defenders the entire Bloc FC cadre, across all timezones, and 80% of our officers and directors, were completely unavailable for the next 24 hours due to personal, family and work commitments. It was only the full and immediate deployment of FCs from the broader CalMil coalition, along with pilots from all coalition groups, that allowed a desperate battle to be fought to slow down the Gallente onslaught during these first, dark 24 hours and prevent the system being flipped on the first day.

As we built numbers and added FCs over Saturday, scraping some territorial control back in the AU tz, it started to look as if we might be able to blunt the momentum of the Gallente attack. Critical to that effort was the actions of the US timezone pilots, who fought outnumbered on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and were able to keep up their morale and fighting spirit even when called upon to sacrifice fleet after fleet against a dominant enemy force just to try to slow them down.

Those efforts were ultimately worth it. Gallente system control peaked in the US tz on Saturday at 87% and their ability to hold onto a 20 man fleet right up until down time, keeping the system roughly steady in early AU, was daunting. However, that was the high water mark for the enemy assault. The Gallente had pushed system control up to 78% by downtime the day before but had hung only 9% in the subsequent 24 hours. The battle entered its decisive phase on Sunday with Caldari forces pushing the system down throughout the EU afternoon and then continuing the momentum through EU prime, not just holding but winning in this timezone for the first time during the weekend. US tz showed the same pattern as previously, with huge Gallante numerical dominance (in the 3:2 to 2:1 range) but at the end of the US tz system control had been pushed up only as far as 85%. GalMil had failed to secure any progress over the previous day and going into the AU tz their exhaustion started to tell, with their numbers declining sharply from those fielded the day before.

By downtime the contested level was down to 75%, marking a 12% Gallente loss over the previous 24 hours and the CalMil late AU/early EU maintained complete dominance in the post-DT period, logging a 20 man fleet back into game within seconds of downtime finishing. As another 10% was taken off the system over the next three hours it became clear that the exhausted Gallente forces were spent, many of them having begun their plexing efforts 36 hours before their Caldari counterparts. The battlefield was conceded at c. 1700 eve time on Monday, with jubilant CalMil forces engaging in friendly local chats with an enemy who were battered and beaten but not broken.

Good fights were had by all and there are many stories to tell about the battle besides the territorial control tale sketched above. The concentrated intensity of the fighting was unsurpassed, with somewhere between 2500 and 3000 kills being wracked up over 3 days, peaking at over 1500 in a 24 hour period, making Kehjari not just the most violent system in the game but more violent than the whole of Fountain, the nullsec region with the most kills at the time.

If anyone has any interesting stories or anecdotes about the battle, please let me have them so I can work them in to a fuller battle report with a bit more colour.
#2 - 2015-07-07 15:16:26 UTC
Stories like these are one of the reasons I love EVE.
Thanatos Marathon
#3 - 2015-07-07 15:27:46 UTC
lulz incursion.
Arla Sarain
#4 - 2015-07-07 15:47:57 UTC
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
lulz incursion.

Hard mode activated
Digital Ghosts
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#5 - 2015-07-07 18:32:40 UTC
gals didnt run outa steam was incursion that ****** our supply chain damn ccpzzzzzzzz y u troll us so hard
Nameira Vanis-Tor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-07-07 19:31:38 UTC
Sounds like fun.

Enjoy it whilst you can though, I keep hearing the rumours that Brave will join one of the militias. Whichever militia is on the receiving end of that increase in WTs is not likely to win a plex war very often. I bet their killboards will be very green though!

Was it just a Bebop operation or a wider push?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-07-07 19:43:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Veratrix
Eh well. We certainly did not constrain it to just just bebop. We got a lot of support from GMVA, but only a smattering of support from other groups, although fleets were open to all militia entities and ceo's were notified well in advance.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2015-07-07 19:51:13 UTC
Nameira Vanis-Tor wrote:

Was it just a Bebop operation or a wider push?

The core force on the Gal side was Bebop with GMVA support and on the Cal side the core was BLOC, HECON and Templis. Both sides were also boosted by smaller numbers from other outfits.

Numbers were extremely closely balanced. Using the active PvPer metric on Zkill Bebop and GMVA have 230 together (805 on the books) while BLOC, HECON and Templis together have 216 (786 on the books).
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-07-07 21:05:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Veratrix
If you add up active pilots in last 7 days on zkill it's:

BEBOP: 126
GMVA: 108
Total: 234

BLOC: 108
Heiion: 50
Templis: 58
Total: 216

I would say we had maybe 60-70% of the Galmil number participate in kehjari at some point with an added 5-8 people from other groups join in over the course of it. Our biggest fleet number was 47 that I can remember. Just some fun stats to chew on.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2015-07-07 21:11:26 UTC
Didn't see that you posted like the same thing haha
George Gouillot
Pandemic Horde
#11 - 2015-07-08 13:17:09 UTC  |  Edited by: George Gouillot
... Incursion ...

Nah, actually this would have been in our favor in the long run with a much higher kill/loss ratio and considerably easier supply lines (take a look at the map).

I do not want to downtalk this victory for CalMil, but the only reason we did not take the system was a general lack of dedication and effort. No fingerpointing, some of our people did scarifice a lot of time/ money /sleep - there had been just not enough of them.

I personally think it is absolutely acceptable that one wants to have fun in a game without putting to much effort in, he should be just aware that usually effortless insta-fun and accomplishment of (longer-term) goals do not work together very well.

GF, CalMil - you have been definitely more dedicated and fully deserved this victory for this reason.
Julius Foederatus
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2015-07-08 14:42:18 UTC
To be fair, it was 4th of July weekend, a lot of people had things to do out of game, so it makes sense that we wouldn't have as many people available to push the system.
Roy Henry
Black Fox Marauders
Pen Is Out
#13 - 2015-07-08 14:58:54 UTC
Gf cal mil another victory not at the hands of the incursion or defeat in combat but gal mils inability to focus on anything but small interesting fights and not long term operations or goals.

Wonder what would happen if you guys worked together on the offense as well as you do on defense and started snatching out of the way constellations.

Guess I will find out when blfox joins cal mil

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#14 - 2015-07-08 14:59:16 UTC
Julius Foederatus wrote:
To be fair, it was 4th of July weekend, a lot of people had things to do out of game, so it makes sense that we wouldn't have as many people available to push the system.

Which works both ways. Calmil is not without a US timezone. So really it was a successful defense for Calmil. This actually makes me quite happy. Id rather fight a stronger Calmil than have to fight hot dropping pies.

System plex pushes and the fights between two militias that they bring, are what FW should be. Thanks Calmil for reawakening. It was rather boring without you fighting. Smile

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2015-07-08 15:41:05 UTC
Deacon Abox wrote:
Julius Foederatus wrote:
To be fair, it was 4th of July weekend, a lot of people had things to do out of game, so it makes sense that we wouldn't have as many people available to push the system.

Which works both ways. Calmil is not without a US timezone. So really it was a successful defense for Calmil.

Indeed. If anything, the manpower/holiday issue was strongly in GalMil's favour. From Thursday afternoon BLOC's FC and officer corp started signing out for scheduled RL commitments over Friday and the weekend. When I logged in after DT on Friday I knew that almost every FC in the alliance was on a break for at least another 24 hours. The three whose real life schedules I didn't know were all contacted over the next couple of hours and I found out that they all also had work or family commitments until Saturday afternoon. I had my own commitments and, although I could sneak into the game for an hour here or there, I couldn't get on comms without risking divorce.

I had to field promote some pilots so we would have at least some people online who had hangar access and when I logged off after a couple of hours of diplo work calling in our allies I was leaving the whole alliance in the hands of some slightly bewildered individuals who had just had a lot of responsibility thrust upon them unasked. Over the next 24 hours we sporadically managed to have a single officer or director online, with people nipping away from family functions or logging in at work, but circumstances didn't allow any of them to FC.

In addition, since there were no fleets scheduled for Friday, and not much at all planned for the weekend, our logged in numbers were much lower than normal on Friday (probably 30-40% down) and smaller than normal in some time-zones throughout the fight. Given that BLOC was the local alliance, and is also the biggest alliance in the militia, these facts conspired to give GalMil a massive bonus at the start of the campaign. When our guys started filtering back on Saturday afternoon the defence strengthened considerably but had we had these numbers, or some FCs or officers to rally the troops, on Friday GalMil would not have got anywhere near the contested level it achieved on the first day.

So I think, on balance, that the lack of pilots committed to the fight was a much bigger problem for us than for our opponents. There was a positive side, though, in that when our guys did come back on Saturday and Sunday (I didn't settle properly into comms myself until Sunday EU prime time) they were fresh whereas the Gal pilots who had been involved since the push began on Thursday night had already been at it for 36 hours.
Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#16 - 2015-07-08 16:04:13 UTC
Epikurus wrote:
Nice report

Thanks for a good read about the other WZ.

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

Yuri Antollare
#17 - 2015-07-10 04:19:23 UTC
BEEBOP/GMVA + friends: 203

Calmill: 275

Neutrals: 335

Total numbers that participated, Calmill is possible - 14 from that as I still have to sort those individuals between neutrals or Calmill.

10.2 bill lost for Galmill, 14.7 ish bill for Calmill (totals excluding pods.)

635 ships lost for Galmill, 1154 ships lost for Calmill.

Not reflected, total length of new neckbeard grown, was pretty humerous seeing 40 squids either side of DT, I never knew so many squids were australian! Blink

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2015-07-10 12:24:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Epikurus
Yuri Antollare wrote:
BEEBOP/GMVA + friends: 203

Calmill: 275

Neutrals: 335

Total numbers that participated, Calmill is possible - 14 from that as I still have to sort those individuals between neutrals or Calmill.

10.2 bill lost for Galmill, 14.7 ish bill for Calmill (totals excluding pods.)

635 ships lost for Galmill, 1154 ships lost for Calmill.

Not reflected, total length of new neckbeard grown, was pretty humerous seeing 40 squids either side of DT, I never knew so many squids were australian! Blink

What's the source on those numbers? If you managed to get the BR site working again can I have the link? At first glance the kill numbers don't look terribly reliable as there were around 2700 kills in Kehjari over the period of the battle and it would be rather surprising if there were 1000 dead neuts.


was pretty humerous seeing 40 squids either side of DT

I was in fleet pre and post downtime on Saturday and Monday and the numbers were in the high teens / low twenties. The only time-zone we had 40 or more in fleet for on any day was EU prime.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2015-07-10 12:45:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Epikurus
Battle Report

That's the best one I can get but it is definitely missing a large number of kills (just count the pages for Kehjari on Zkill to see how many).

GalMil: 194
CalMil: 212 (including the 14 man Pestilent gate camp which turned up for an hour but didn't get involved in the plexes)

LOSSES (based on the Ship Class summary page)
GalMil: 630 ships / 11.11 bil
CalMil: 1104 ships / 11.55 bil

251 pilots, 125 ships lost worth 5.29 bil

If this is representative then in terms of numbers and isk lost the fight was extremely finely balanced, albeit with a larger number of cheaper Caldari ships destroyed.


Some more detailed AU tz figures for the 3 hours pre- and post-downtime:

Friday Pre-DT: 11 Gals, 5 Caldari
Friday Post-DT: no data / no Caldari activity

Saturday Pre-DT: 17 Gals, 27 Caldari
Saturday Post-DT: 23 Gals, 31 Caldari

Sunday Pre-DT: 29 Gals, 24 Caldari
Sunday Post-DT: 26 Gals, 34 Caldari

Monday Pre-DT: 14 Gals, 22 Caldari
Monday Post-DT: 24 Gals, 31 Caldari
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#20 - 2015-07-10 13:10:03 UTC
Epikurus wrote:
If this is representative then in terms of numbers and isk lost the fight was extremely finely balanced, albeit with a larger number of cheaper Caldari ships destroyed.

Yup, good fites all around. Really disappointed we weren't able to push more and harder, but logistics was definitely an issue (running invasions out of a POS is much harder, and Incursion definitely didn't help). Well done on camping the hell out of the Maroh-Kehjari gate, definitely made it more difficult to get reships into system.

I was a bit surprised to see Caldari running Tristan and Algos fleets, but it seems like you folks are pretty much at parity with us in Novice / Small doctrines for the most part. You don't seem to have a plex doctrine counter to our AHAC fleets yet though, which is probably why you see the significant isk/kill disparity. Nicely done on that Jaguar comp too, excellent little counter to our Sniper Harpies.

In all, well done to CalMil. As in Hasmijaala, you all showed you can actually pull together and have your logistics sorted a LOT better than you did last year. Looking forward to more of these clashes to come.

I suppose the big question is... when will CalMil be ready to start going on the offensive? The last major system we lost was due more to not wanting to deal with basing in SNUFF's home system than anything else...

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

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