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Three New Team Play Anti-Gank Modules

First post
Black Pedro
#161 - 2015-07-15 21:35:32 UTC
davet517 wrote:
If high-sec is supposed to be lawful space, habitual, criminal behavior shouldn't be tolerated, and should eventually get you excluded. It does, sort of, except that you can skirt around through creative ship boarding. It's a hole that ought to be plugged.

Low-sec is the part of space where pirates should be able to live and victimize the unwary as a career, not high-sec. I say that as someone who was pirating long before you were playing. Bullshit? Butthurt? More like a juvenile who doesn't know how to have a civil discussion, I'd say.

Highsec is suppose to have criminals. It's why CCP spent untold development hours adding Crimewatch, CONCORD, security status and other such mechanics to enable them to operate. If they wanted "lawful" space it would have been much simpler to just disable offensive modules or something than create such game mechanisms for criminals to operate.

Criminals are that little bit of spice that makes existence extra nice in highsec. Without them, highsec would be a complete snooze fest which would bore practically every new player out of the game as per CCP statistics.

And as an aside, I am only posting in this resurrected thread I swore off of days ago to fill the time until these servers come back up. Go CCP, you got this!