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This Week in EVE #82 - Week 23/2015

First post
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2015-06-05 17:53:18 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
"This week in EVE" is a weekly overview of EVE Online related news and events and shows what is going on in EVE Online. The focus of this overview is on official news from CCP: For example, dev blogs and important forum posts by CCP developers, the ever evolving background story and upcoming events. The previous weekly overview can be found here. The next weekly summary can be found here.

The current "This week in EVE" gives an overview of the week from May 30th to June 5th

Dev blogs and announcements
The Blood Soaked Riches of Alliance Tournament XIII - Feedback
The Alliance Tournament XIII take places between August 15 and 30. We will see alliances fighting tooth and nail in intense matches to gain eternal fame - and to earn rare prizes! We have tournament medals, a tournament cup, a special Nightmare SKIN, large PLEX bundles, and new prize ships, the Imp and the Fiend, both based on Sansha ships.

New SKINS This Summer - Feedback
CCP FoxFour has an update ready regarding ship SKINS and our plans for the near future. First we have released with Carnyx SKINs for the Marauders (Paladin, Golem, Kronos, Vargur). Next we will publish SKINS for the Sisters of EVE ships (Astero, Stratios, Nestor). Next on the shelf are special designer SKINS not tied to any particular NPC corporation; we aim to publish four designer SKINS during the summer (check out the concepts in the dev blog).

New Details on July Sovereignty Release Schedule - Feedback
Work on the new sov system is full in swing and the first important changes (station service activating/deactivating via Entosis mechanics, setting alliance wide vulnerability timers) are already available now with the Carnyx release. The work continues, of course, and on July 14 you will see further changes.Customizable alliance wide timers will be available in July; with Carnyx you can already pre-set those timers.

PLEX for GOOD: Nepal Earthquake Relief - Results - Feedback
A total of $103,650 US was raised by the players of EVE Online for PLEX for GOOD to help people in need after the devastating earthquakes in Nepal. This incredible level of support coming from the community shows how much you really care and what a wonderful bunch of evil internet-spaceship pirates you are! Thank you!!

Updating to Carnyx using the Repair Tool Issues
This is only relevant to those players who are not using the EVE Launcher to log into EVE Online. Players who log into EVE Online by using directly the exefile.exe instead of the EVE Launcher should please consider that manually updating exefile.exe with the repair tool might fail in some cases after the Carnyx release. Please read the above linked news article for further information and check out the workaround.

Successful Carnyx release on June 2
The latest update to EVE Online, Carnyx, has been successfully published during the scheduled extended downtime on June 2. Check out the various resources and information:
Feature overview
Patch notes
General feedback thread
Issues thread

How to "connect" to EVE as a new player?
How do you "connect" to EVE and start building some social connections? New players - or long term solo players - might think it would be difficult, but far from that! Members of the EVE community organize countless awesome fun events (check out this Reddit thread for some overview) - simply join one of those events and see what happens! Big smile

Mystery Code

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

#2 - 2015-06-05 18:00:41 UTC
Yay, right for the start of summer (here at least)! Thank you another time, CCP Phantom. Big smile


Lil' Brudder Too
Pistols for Pandas
#3 - 2015-06-06 00:40:49 UTC
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#4 - 2015-06-06 07:29:08 UTC
Thank you

★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-06-06 19:16:25 UTC
Thank you o7
Apaolo Miros
Talking In Stations Corporation
#6 - 2015-06-08 15:17:20 UTC
Hey thanks again for writing all this up!
eu 2
Dark Path
#7 - 2015-06-11 23:59:01 UTC
Raven with the Kaalakiota SKIN! i want one of those!
Koba Kyogen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-06-12 00:41:02 UTC
Hmm, no mention of the Icons.

No fix for the Icons? No re-sub.

One account expired on Tuesday. I'm not renewing.

Give us the option to use the legacy icons.


Elite: Dangerous.

Star Citizen.
LuCiFAs Son
Seal Clubbers Club
#9 - 2015-06-12 12:44:05 UTC
looks like every single EvE player besides the forum warriors finally agree on something
too bad it involves the biggest screwup ever by CCP
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#10 - 2015-06-12 18:12:13 UTC

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-