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Carnyx release - General feedback

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Hoplite Brigade
#941 - 2015-06-04 07:52:06 UTC
DHuncan wrote:
Now how the ship is not in center ? Very annoying.

Oh, ok, you only have to dock, take another ship and undock. It magically fix Shocked.

What did you say about CODE?

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#942 - 2015-06-04 08:04:59 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
ShockedJust a point to bear in mind CCP. The Icons are the first thing one sees when one enters space, the first thing one needs when encountering an enemy, the first thing one turns to when identifying a threat, and the last thing one needs to lead to signing off with a headache due to overload/eyestrain.

Last night, I cut my playtime short by two hours as I literally could not take any more, and went and did something else. Time I had freed up to spend with friends in game.
It is not going to get better, I am not willing to accept getting familar with the headaches.

If you genuinely are willing to sacrifice players to the altar of "cutting edge 8 bit design" we have no future together.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Monkey Attack Squad
Goonswarm Federation
#943 - 2015-06-04 08:37:36 UTC
Captain Semper wrote:
PANZER1233000 wrote:
General feed back from rus com.

Original topic from

Phew, I spent half a day, but still wrote his thoughts.

Guys it was a joke with google trabslate. I could not imagine that somebody post this.
But if you undetstand this... Well... :)

It's not my text, I just repost it.
Teacher Oumis
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#944 - 2015-06-04 09:01:03 UTC
Having read a few more comments, I definitely agree that part of the overview problem is the merging of all icons into one overarching design.

Before, when running ded sites in low sec etc, I could tell immediately if another ship had landed on grid with me. Now it's just another microscopic complex icon in a sea of other complex icons. Even if I wasn't looking directly at the overview itself, it's crystal clear when a great big square lands on grid.

Please consider allowing us to customize our overviews for those that want to roll back to the previous setup.

The overview, for me personally is the most important, most used, intrinsic part of Eve.

I shed a tear when the old blue pulsing sensor booster sfx vanished. But this overview change is another level, it's a literal headache.
#945 - 2015-06-04 09:10:30 UTC
Lahnius wrote:
i remember when eve felt like this:


well now its increasingly feeling like this:


so i logged into eve this morning (PST) as i usually do at this time before heading to work in a few hours. i sipped my coffee thinking, "ok so the icons are obviously here to stay, lets see if i can just make the best of it" ...

well, i undocked and paused for a moment as i looked at the overview ... i wasnt angry, i was dissapointed. eve has always been a very cool game to play ...but i am so sorry CCP, someone really f**ked up on this one.

i actually tried today to just, as CCP Claymore said:

CCP Claymore wrote:
All I can say at the moment is please take some time to get used to the new icons if this is the first time you are seeing them. It has been a while since they last changed, if ever, and it will take a while to learn them again.

... but damnit, this isnt getting any better for me. what once was a cool game for me is slowly becoming a drab, greyed out, ugly, and cumbersome nightmare that someone else has effected all over everyone, and it really stinks!

The old icons are still being used in the BeTA Starmap, and frankly when i use that map its a breath of fresh air, and this is not because i dont like change or because im used to the old stuff (or whatever reason someone wants to try and shove down my throat for complaining), its because the old icons are good. the old icons are simple and convey the information i need quickly without confusion or eyesore or delay trying to figure out (not what the damn icon is) why in the world someone would do such a sloppy and horrible job and then slap a happy face sticker on it calling it "a better way".

seriously, i remember playing atari space invaders back in 1979 and i have to be honest here, these icons remind me of that time. damnit CCP these icons are just f**kin' crap d00d; cant you see that? are you just flat not listening? THE ICONS ARE GARBAGE! you screwed up, now step back, suck it up, swallow the pride and give back what OBVIOUSLY most of the paying customers prefer.

these "new" icons are just stupid and cause eyestrain, brainstrain, delays in reaction time, anger, frustration ... i actually feel dumber for using them since they look so cheap like my grandson made them at the fingerpaint table.

OFFER THE OPTION TO SWITCH BETWEEN OLD AND NEW ICONS! If you believe this is going to cause confusion amongst players, then those confused players can seek help in the help channels.

seriously here CCP, isnt there just ONE PERSON in your company that says "um, fellas, this looks like sh*t"? i just cannot believe that the entirety of CCP says "YAY SUCCESS AND THE NEW ICONS LOOK AMAZING! CHEERS" ... come on now, this just cannot be happening ... lol ...

space invaders 1979: reference:
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#946 - 2015-06-04 09:25:06 UTC
Icons have made the game almost non playable to self navigate ...PLEASE give us the option to turn icons off . or just get rid of them...
State War Academy
Caldari State
#947 - 2015-06-04 09:29:52 UTC
Quonne wrote:
Icons have made the game almost non playable to self navigate ...PLEASE give us the option to turn icons off . or just get rid of them...

Get rid they have made a good game rubbish to play
#948 - 2015-06-04 09:31:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lahnius
look, CCP, if you want feedback or ideas well heres an idea for the new icons:

offer the options in overview settings to use the ROOKIE ICONS or the PRO ICONS.

rookie icons are good for hisec mission runners and belt rat hunts, but you might want to use the pro icons for large scale pvp, low and null sec fun. have aura explain the difference to new players.

i have always done alot of scanning in my cheetah. i used to have a 1bil bounty for stealing from mission runners so much. timing is crucial for that job. if i delay even for a second, im gone ... poof ... destroyed! the new icons cause this delay and im not about to not only lose my sneaky cheetah but damnit losing my billion isk pod because some dev team with an attitude thinks they have a better idea for me is unnacceptable.

and now that i have moved into low sec gate camps and roams, this blows!

i can only imagine how titan players feel right now! i am so sorry guys!

PRO ICONS! The old icons!

ROOKIE ICONS! The new icons!

see? this would be win/win ... CCP saves face and keeps their new idea, and veteran players are happy because they retain the efficient method of playing that has WORKED for years.

put it to the test and monitor how many people actually use the new icons versus how many remain using the old icons.
Monkey Attack Squad
Goonswarm Federation
#949 - 2015-06-04 09:42:52 UTC  |  Edited by: PANZER1233000
Why CCP shifted from customized to any color interface to static interface list? CCP shifted from color surround Neocomian to flat monochrome. Why!!! Why!!! Iam play 5 years, not met person with daltonism! CCP how much pay interface designer? I can be better for 400$ per month.
Monkey Attack Squad
Goonswarm Federation
#950 - 2015-06-04 09:51:30 UTC
Hmm maybe attack jita monument again? Donate shop and gold ammo be next :D
Elisk Skyforge
State War Academy
#951 - 2015-06-04 09:59:02 UTC

^So what happened to Cerberus new hull?!
Quay Industries
#952 - 2015-06-04 10:03:32 UTC
Day #3 - Well ive given it another try and its still horrible, still doesnt do what its supposed to do, and wont be tried again.

IMO this isnt the first time CCP have fcked up, but on other occasions its been something that hasnt affected my day to day much. This is different, 90% of the time im doing something that is in someway connected to these new icons and it has now become a chore. More time spent trying to decipher what exactly is on screen, and less time actually playing the game.

As far as im concerned, Eve died on Tuesday and unless these either get changed back, or at the very least let the paying customer decide which set to use, then i'll just let my subs lapse later this month.
Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#953 - 2015-06-04 10:17:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tao Dolcino
Third day.
I am a professional prey in EVE. I roam solo in dangerous areas (low, null, WS) with a PvE fit and explorations modules. Just like the antelope in the savanna, if i am caught i am mostly dead.
I have sharpenned my reflexes during years of practise to warp away immediatly if anything lands on grid.
Now with the new icons, i am not able anymore to react fast enough. It has nothing to do with "getting used to", it is simply that your new icons are not well thought, that you have not at all listened to all the players who told you that they were not working, and that you are too proud and disdainful toward your paying customers to admit it (you have proven this behavior many many times already in the history of EVE).
I don't think that i will stay in EVE if you don't give us back the old icons.
There are other interesting online space games nowadays, i think it will be time for me to move on.
Your own fault CCP.
#954 - 2015-06-04 10:18:59 UTC
Maybe it is just me, but it seems to be the change for an escalation has been reduced quite significantly.

Nur die harten kommen innen Garten, eh .... Eve xD

Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#955 - 2015-06-04 10:26:53 UTC
I must say, the Icons are well.. awful.
I mean their actual design.
I see houses and little pacman ghosts all over my screen.
They don't seem to have an correlation to the things they represent besides maybe a few.
I do like the asteroid belt icon :P

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

Jack Mancetti
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#956 - 2015-06-04 10:36:57 UTC
Remove this new icon crap , my eyes hurt after 1h Playtime and i lost the fun to fly around.
I'm survived many from your crap CCP what u had released last times but this new icons . . . no way to play with it What?
Jenni Concarnadine
SYNDIC Unlimited
#957 - 2015-06-04 10:39:39 UTC
Sorry (Sad) but not great fan of new icons -- do not see how they are an *improvement*.

Old ones worked well as far as I

Kaeda Maxwell
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#958 - 2015-06-04 10:48:20 UTC
CCP Surge wrote:

I'm also curious to hear more from, and maybe wasn't aware of how many users played with a 90% downscaled UI (as opposed to scaling up for accessibility reasons.) What are your reasons for doing so?

Basically screen real estate in EVE is at a premium. So any space I can win anywhere is welcome making everything smaller is a good way to gain space. If there was a 75% scaling option I'd use that too :)

Why is screen space so valuable, well, especially in PvP with smaller numbers manually piloting the ship is vastly superior to using keep at range or orbit. Partly because both those options are horribly slow to respond to changes and partly because manual flying gives you far better control over stuff like transversal and the ability to respond to changes in transversal/speed of your opponent much faster by anticipating why that change is happening.

One of the inherent handicaps about manual piloting though is that it needs a lot of swapping between how much you're zoomed in it's very hard to accurately place the double clicks required for precise manual piloting when you're zoomed out very far, but at the same time you need to regularly switch to zooming out quite far to be able to keep track of where things are on the grid in relation to you.
Because the only other method of keeping track of things around you when zoomed in (which will frequently occur because of what I outlined above) is the overview and to some extend currently locked targets and the dscanner read out most manual piloting PvP'ers have above average sized Overviews and Dscanners. Even with 90% scaling my overview + dscanner take up about at least quarter of my available screen space. And then my locked targets and the 'capwheel' take up space too ofc, add a fleet chat window, maybe a drone window and relevant fleet screens and suddenly half your screen is covered in windows.
And this competes with my need to be able to see the brackets of things around me in space and my need to be able to frequently zoom in to pilot. When I'm zoomed out far enough that I can see what's around me I can't pilot properly and when I'm zoomed in far enough that I can pilot properly I can't see enough of what is going on around me on the grids.
Leading to a desire to make everything as small as I can possibly make it, making 90% UI scaling very attractive over 100%.

If you have anymore questions I'd be happy to clarify further :)
Natya Mebelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#959 - 2015-06-04 10:51:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Natya Mebelle
I would like to conduct a test and using this quote as reference for everyone suffering from the same problem:
Tao Dolcino wrote:
I roam solo in dangerous areas (low, null, WS) with a PvE fit and explorations modules.
Now with the new icons, i am not able anymore to react fast enough.

Everyone in a hostile NPC environment means their overview is filled with red icons. A player ship is a white icon.
So my genuine question is to anyone having this problem: Who of you is colour blind, and who is not?
For those who are not color blind, why is the difference between red and white not enough?
For those who are color blind: please speak up, because those are one of the reasons that WILL make a company change their minds. It is one thing to lose players who are just grumpy. It is another to lose players because they are unable to play the game anymore based on medical conditions.

Taramada wrote:
When playing dress up my dolly, I noticed that the Women 's 'Hover' Tights are only UNDER garments. Interesting as they would serve as pants/tights to go under a dress. Adding shoes .... well looks like a woman in a dress with different colored tights/legs. Why can't I do that? Why are they regulated to be under pants. Example Rocket Dress plus Hover Tights and shoes...done, but it is not so.

The reason you can be without pants with the sanctity dress is, because the sanctity dress covers all your bottoms.
The rocket dress shows your slip, which apparently is not okay, while showing space-bra with outerwear jacket only apparently was deemed not a problem. So that means the rocket dress misses the "scripted" addition of "I can work without pants" like the sanctity dress does. If this was an oversight, or intended because of... well... showing underwear? I don't know.
Josef Djugashvilis
#960 - 2015-06-04 10:52:37 UTC
For the love of all things holy, stop messing around with drones.


This is not a signature.