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How about new Destroyers?

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#41 - 2011-12-08 00:38:55 UTC
Catalyst - Undock Terrorist

Light Nuetron II x 8 w/ Void
No mids!
MFS II x 3
Hybrid Collision
Hybrid Burst

Hobgoblin II

3% small hybrid damage impland and 1% all turret damage implant - both cheap.

Total DPS - 733.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#42 - 2011-12-08 00:45:30 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
Catalyst - Undock Terrorist

Light Nuetron II x 8 w/ Void
No mids!
MFS II x 3
Hybrid Collision
Hybrid Burst

Hobgoblin II

3% small hybrid damage impland and 1% all turret damage implant - both cheap.

Total DPS - 733.

I'd never fly that but its an interesting mental exercise I guess. Thanks! :)


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#43 - 2011-12-08 00:51:18 UTC
It's total crap but funny I guess.
Norris Packard
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#44 - 2011-12-08 05:31:45 UTC
Rhastafan wrote:
Dam my post was eaten.

When I was thinking about new up-gunned destroyers I had in mind light cruisers; we currently have heavy (aka armored) cruisers but not light cruisers.

CT - Corvette
FF - Frigate
DD - Destroyer
CL - Light Cruiser
CA - Heavy Cruiser
BC - Battlecruiser
BB - Battleship

The new destroyers would have the role of leading sub-cruiser fleets and providing range and firepower to deal with enemy destroyers in opposing sub-cruiser fleets without the cost of a full cruiser. To keep them from having more firepower than current cruisers I would limit them to using 5 (maybe 6?) high slots for weapons and have the rest strictly utility. Perhaps in a pinch they could be used to get under the guns of battleships?

Light Cruisers (CLs) do already exist, nanofiber a standard cruiser and there you go, to be honest they are faster than most destroyers when you do that to them anyways and would still be better protected than a destroyer. The ship you are looking for exists and is about 4-6mil isk; not very expensive.
Titania Hrothgar
Nemesis Retribution
#45 - 2011-12-08 05:44:28 UTC
Filan Fyretracker wrote:
Tier 2 destroyers would be pretty awesome. caldari one with 8 light launchers(Super-Kestral! basically).

the big issue with Destroyers is they have a huge sig but do not always back that up with the right amount of pew pew. and buffing them always gets the AF crowd's panties in a knot because they fear a tech 1 boat that is far cheaper than their AF being able to alpha said AF(id imagine 8 light missiles being a good sized threat to an AF or even an inty if such a destroyer existed)

What's AF?

All the world's a stage and all the men and women are the players.

Titania Hrothgar
Nemesis Retribution
#46 - 2011-12-08 05:48:05 UTC
MetalDev wrote:
Destroyers need some love. Its like they were completely ignored. They dont really do much of anything particularly well, and you never see them. Maybe tier 2 destroyers should be made and a bit less useless. Theyre a relic from early days of eve

Really? My Minmitar destroyer is so far the only ship I like in Eve. It's fast, agile, packs a huge 7 turret punch with an 8th high slot open for anything I want to put in it including a missile turret, and it can actually target, track, and decimate small ships and cruisers. It can survive lvl 3 missions if I'm REEAALLLY careful.

All the world's a stage and all the men and women are the players.

#47 - 2011-12-08 06:12:52 UTC
Titania Hrothgar wrote:
Filan Fyretracker wrote:
Tier 2 destroyers would be pretty awesome. caldari one with 8 light launchers(Super-Kestral! basically).

the big issue with Destroyers is they have a huge sig but do not always back that up with the right amount of pew pew. and buffing them always gets the AF crowd's panties in a knot because they fear a tech 1 boat that is far cheaper than their AF being able to alpha said AF(id imagine 8 light missiles being a good sized threat to an AF or even an inty if such a destroyer existed)

What's AF?

Assault Frig
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2011-12-08 11:20:00 UTC
Norris Packard wrote:
Rhastafan wrote:
Dam my post was eaten.

When I was thinking about new up-gunned destroyers I had in mind light cruisers; we currently have heavy (aka armored) cruisers but not light cruisers.

CT - Corvette
FF - Frigate
DD - Destroyer
CL - Light Cruiser
CA - Heavy Cruiser
BC - Battlecruiser
BB - Battleship

The new destroyers would have the role of leading sub-cruiser fleets and providing range and firepower to deal with enemy destroyers in opposing sub-cruiser fleets without the cost of a full cruiser. To keep them from having more firepower than current cruisers I would limit them to using 5 (maybe 6?) high slots for weapons and have the rest strictly utility. Perhaps in a pinch they could be used to get under the guns of battleships?

Light Cruisers (CLs) do already exist, nanofiber a standard cruiser and there you go, to be honest they are faster than most destroyers when you do that to them anyways and would still be better protected than a destroyer. The ship you are looking for exists and is about 4-6mil isk; not very expensive.

That makes a fast cruiser, not a light cruiser (nano doesn't reduce the base EHP to anywhere near as low as a DD not to mention cruisers have more slots for tank), Also it doesn't make the cruiser any cheaper.
Omir Kajil
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2011-12-08 15:06:56 UTC
Cedo Nulli wrote:
What we need is new tier 2 dreads with XXL-sized weapons that can destroy planets. Its a logical followup for the new tier3 battlecruisers.

Our cruisers can't repel firepower of that magnitude! It's a trap!
Tanya Powers
#50 - 2011-12-08 15:13:17 UTC
Max Von Sydow wrote:
I would rather see new destroyers using the other weapon systems for each race.
Drones for gallente, light missiles for caldari and rockets (?) for amarr. No idea what minmatar should get, unless they get the rockets and amarr get something else.

They would get:

Drones, rockets and pulse. Ho and probably also rails, blasters, ham's & hm's, beams & tachs, would have bonus to speed and 8 high 8 mid 8 lows.

Don't forget they were slaves and now are better than everyone Lol
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