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Logistics Frigates

Bayushi Tamago
Sect of the Crimson Eisa
#41 - 2011-12-19 01:57:18 UTC
Instead of logi frigs: profession frigs? Would be a good use for the sparrow etc (the unused t2 mining frigate models)
Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#42 - 2011-12-19 02:56:49 UTC
Aethlyn wrote:
Nice, my reply was ganked... another take on:

Also, on a further note: There are T1 cruisers having a Logistics bonus. People just ignore them most of the time (from what I've seen). If you'd really like to go for Logistics, you could test the waters with one of these, although being not as effective as with the T2, you could still lend a hand as well as see how it plays.

No you can not, because they lack any bonus to actually make them worth using. They are fragile as hell, have fitting issues and are generally not worth using. AF actually sounds fine for a logistic bonus, right now they are decent robust and would actually make a good "logistic" or better spider-tank, just give them that logistic range bonus based on af skill. 30/40km range would be more than enough range for fast and agile ships. And actually small reps would have more range than mediums of those pity t1 logistic which simply sucks.

Remove insurance.

Starside Industries
#43 - 2011-12-22 11:20:37 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

I'm not opposed to the idea of logistics frigates, but I'd much prefer they fix t1 logistics ships:

Both the Exeq & Osprey have the potential to become great low-cost logistics ships with only minor tweeks.

As for logistics frigates, they need to fit medium RR modules to be effective!

The purpose of logistics is a force multiplier. In a standard fleet battle, one logi ship easily negates the dps of 2+ enemy ships.This has a cascading effect, so that a fleet with a few logis can take on reasonable larger fleets and win. Now, assuming one logi-frigate provides 4 small RR, its range and rep quanitty really limit the the "force multiplier" effect. Essentially 4 Small RR doesn't negate much more than the dps of a single frigate, let alone a destroyer+ class hull.

The idea wasn't as much to "negate damage" as it was to "give the target a bit more EHP". And hell, if they just add a, say, 20% bonus to remote shield/armor repair amount per skill level, they'll have the potential to give 8 Small Remote Repairers with just 4 high-slots. I know that they'll need a huge range-boost as well, but that's all something that needs to be sorted out.

I'm personally for the idea of Logi-frigates, as I prefer flying small Frigates, so more options would be sweet.
Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#44 - 2011-12-22 13:13:21 UTC
Kasperow wrote:
The idea wasn't as much to "negate damage" as it was to "give the target a bit more EHP". And hell, if they just add a, say, 20% bonus to remote shield/armor repair amount per skill level, they'll have the potential to give 8 Small Remote Repairers with just 4 high-slots. I know that they'll need a huge range-boost as well, but that's all something that needs to be sorted out....

With a 100% efficiency bonus a small RR has exactly the same output/input as a medium RR only with 20% less range.

If we were to give them 20% efficiency and 150% range (like logi cruisers) per level you get medium RR performance with 40'ish km range which is as far as I am concerned just about perfect. By 'restricting' them to smalls we can avoid having to add cap/fitting bonuses which are required were we to use mediums (see logistics cruisers) and thus leave room for a secondary bonus .. frigs may be cheap, but if they become copies of the logistics cruisers (ie. no function beyond RR) then they become liabilities (comparatively low EHP) so they need something more as it were.
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2012-01-09 18:41:15 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
Kasperow wrote:
The idea wasn't as much to "negate damage" as it was to "give the target a bit more EHP". And hell, if they just add a, say, 20% bonus to remote shield/armor repair amount per skill level, they'll have the potential to give 8 Small Remote Repairers with just 4 high-slots. I know that they'll need a huge range-boost as well, but that's all something that needs to be sorted out....

With a 100% efficiency bonus a small RR has exactly the same output/input as a medium RR only with 20% less range.

If we were to give them 20% efficiency and 150% range (like logi cruisers) per level you get medium RR performance with 40'ish km range which is as far as I am concerned just about perfect. By 'restricting' them to smalls we can avoid having to add cap/fitting bonuses which are required were we to use mediums (see logistics cruisers) and thus leave room for a secondary bonus .. frigs may be cheap, but if they become copies of the logistics cruisers (ie. no function beyond RR) then they become liabilities (comparatively low EHP) so they need something more as it were.

*shrugs* Again, main point is to add SOME kind of logistics capacity for small, fast gangs of Frig/Dessie sized vessels :)
Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#46 - 2012-01-09 18:51:38 UTC
Aye, it is sorely needed for me as well .. we have shield logi fast/nimble enough in the Scimi but that's about it.

Maybe when null (read: CSM) gets their wish and convince CCP to launch the light cruisers, aka. over-buffed AFs, they'll realise that they have just the one logi option and convince CCP to give them something lighter that isn't 5+ times the cost of its 'clients'. Smile
Deutzer Freiheit
#47 - 2012-01-09 20:15:02 UTC
Seems like you want interceptors with logistical bonuses instead of offensive ones.

Novelty is always fun.
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