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MOSAIC - Issues

First post First post First post
Miner Mule
Grizly Bears
Grizly Bears Alliance
#241 - 2015-05-19 21:33:00 UTC
Wow so many different issues, and I have no idea where to really post. So here it is. You fixed the 2 FA and then it went right back on. How do I shut it off? Because the only thing I see it doing is driving me back to some other game for 6 months or until you quit screwing around and fixing things that don't need to really be fixed.

Here I sit broken hearted, thought you fixed it, and it still doesn't know the ISP I have been using since god was created.
Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#242 - 2015-05-19 22:53:50 UTC
Was trying to post about the ongoing issues with the Launcher to get a page of "We Got Ganked!" on following the clicky. Umm, CCP, you've got more issues than an infestation of chiggers in the Launcher...

So attempting to keep a humorous view (failing somewhat but hey...) on Mosaic Issues.

What's today's memo?

Jeven HouseBenyo wrote:
I've noticed a lack of recent responses from any Dev for Mosaic Issues, figure we're out of the concern and fix part of a new mini-expansion bug repair time slot.

Le sigh...


Simple bug for today's memo, if anyone's still at least listening.




It doesn't have issues anymore, it has full subscriptions of bugs now.

The new incoming shinys for the summer won't do much good if I can't login to be blinded by them.


Jussayin'. And if you were ganked, where were your scouts to warn of incoming reds to the forum site?? Scolding time!

>Jeven (again, I know.... srsly.)

Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

John WarpingSlow
#243 - 2015-05-26 13:05:02 UTC
- launch exefile.exe: "Incompatible build"
- close exefile.exe

Begin frustration loop:

(1) Open launcher
(2) Wait 2 mins for it to try to figure out it needs to update. (Grey bar along the bottom. No progress.)
(3) Realize it's 'stuck' and isn't doing anything.
(4) Close launcher
(5) Return to step (1)

Lea De Dijon
Inner Circle Research
#244 - 2015-05-26 22:59:12 UTC
And again no patch notes....... Client not starting..........
Jared Tobin
Bloodstone Industries
#245 - 2015-06-01 22:48:34 UTC
PART 1 of 2

- AUDIO: STARGATE AND STATION EXTERIOR "CHATTER" SOUND IMBALANCE: There are some "vocal/indecipherable talking" comm sounds that are WAY louder than anything else when exiting/approaching stations and stargates. This occurs when all volume settings for Stations, Stargates, and even the general "World" sound settings are set to normal/default settings. In fact, those sliders do not affect the "chatter" at all. The volume for those comm sounds need to be taken down a decibel or two, please.

- ON-DEMAND CONTENT: "LAG" & HARD DRIVE USAGE: In terms of "lag", over the past several weeks, EVE itself has become more "jittery" and "laggy", while also increasing my computer's hard drive usage during game play. After some testing, oddly my personal experience/conclusion is that "the lag" and "jumpy framerates" are now shared both equally on my machine's end as well as on EVE's end in terms of "information/data" being served over the Internet. This is most noticable during docking/undocking, stargate system jumps, and missions (or belts/fields) exacerbated linearly with the numer of moving ships/asteroids/objects/etc. This also has proved quite a messy situation for the hard drive itself, when daily defragmentation (after clearly all unnecessary temp files, etc) of the drive used for Eve game play has jumped from the usual 5 minutes to upwards of sometimes 2 hours - all depending on how long I spend playing.

- GRAPHICS ISSUE: TOO BRIGHT, YET DROP-SHADOWS STILL NEEDED: Strictly from traveling in Caldari space, the background "space" itself has become exceedingly bright. Not the nebulas, but the "blue/white areas amidst the black starfield" background is sometimes so bright that the "white" text displayed above the HUD (such as "APPROACHING" or "JUMPING" in large bold white letters with speed or distance listed below it, centered) lacks any black outline or shadow, which makes it unreadable at time if the "space" behind it is bright blue/white. This also occurs when damage/hit/miss information is displayed (the textual parts that aren't red or blue). This should be noted as an unresolved issue, considering all "targets" and other ship and "object" icons that appear in space DO HAVE a shaded "drop-shadow" effect to allow visability of those icons regardless of how bright your screen may be at any time. The solar system and current ship drive operation texts, however, are lacking any outline or drop-shadow.

- GRAPHICS ISSUE: BRIGHTNESS VS VISIBILITY: It should also be noted that the previous note mentioned regarding "bright/almost white" backgrounds of distant space has the same effect in creating difficulty determining if a module (such as a missile launcher or cloaking) in the HUD is "on" ("glowing green") due the gradience into transparency which any highly bright backgrounds will overwhelm any hope of seeing a "green" glow, or lackthereof.

- UI DEFAULT WINDOW ISSUE: NEW CONTRACT TEXT OVERLAP GLITCH: The default height of the "Create Contract" window always has the last to lines overlayed ATOP each other. Only if you stretch it out vertically from it's default "beginning opened size" will you be able to read the follow sentences without sharing the same line:

[ ] On behalf of [corporation name here] (Master Wallet)
Outstanding Contracts: 0 / 20

- "POP-UP" WINDOW DELAY GLITCH: Though there is a delay slider you can set for how long you wish your "tooltip/popup" text windows to wait until popping up, once you have one hovering open (example: in LIST MODE), when you scroll up or down, all popup windows for any newly moused-over items will immediately replace the already opened popup window. This defeats the purpose of setting a delay for ALL popup windows' delay timer for display. The only way to have it obey the user settings of delay is to completely mouse off the current window, and then back. This obviously becomes frustrating upon repetition.

- UNREAD/READ MAIL GLITCH: Unread mail messages from as far back as 2012 and 2 weeks ago will 80% of the time indicate they are "new" and "unread", even after you've marked them all as read and physically cleared out your entire cache since the Mosiac upgrade. This problem has persisted in unpredictable fashions of behaviors since 2012.

- NEOCOM GLITCH: CONTRACTS ALERT: Contracts do not automatically notify or "flash" the Contract button, even if new contracts have been assigned to you. Only IF you decide to click the Contracts button (for no reason except to manually check for yourself?) do new contracts show up. Therefore: What is the point of having a Contract system that doesn't notify you, or having a button that doesn't "flash" to visually signal you of new contract notification until AFTER you voluntary click on it?

- NEOCOM GLITCH: WALLET ALERT: Wallet no longer flashes even when set to do so during any corporate or personal perchases/sales have been made.

- INTERACTION GLITCH: "You cannot rename objects you don't have access to." is a frustrating error that occurs whenever trying to rename containers in your own active ships's cargohold, even when docked.

Win7Pro64, Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 (4GB Edition), DirectX 11
Jared Tobin
Bloodstone Industries
#246 - 2015-06-01 22:50:42 UTC
PART 2 of 2

- INCORRECT NPC CORPORATION LOGOS ON NPC STRUCTURES: On a very odd side note, I've noticed several different NPC corporate stations sometimes have the "wrong" corporate logo on their outside of NPC structures. Some examples: MOST Peace and Order, Caldari Navy, & Hyasoda all seem to bear the mark of the "Sukuuvestaa Corporation" logo. Some caught examples with "Sukuuvestaa" logo clearly on the exterior of stations:

Abagawa VIII - Moon 4 - Peace and Order Unit Logistic Support
Saisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace and Order Unit Testing Facilities

Likewise, another mismatching NPC corporation logo on wrong station example:

Eskunen XI - Moon 1 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant has the "W" logo complete with the words of the "Wiyrkomi" logo on its exterior.


- "DRAG/DROP" SELLING: CORPORATE MALFUNCTION: "Drag items to add to sale" drag/drop selling STILL does NOT function when attempting to drag items to sell from a corporate hangar into the selling window. Only way to sell multiple items is to select them all, then sell, or right-click and select "sell" to force the client to add that item into existing open selling window. This has been an unresolved (but filed and acknowledged) "issue" since the roll-out of the new selling items window UI implementation back in 2014.

Win7Pro64, Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 (4GB Edition), DirectX 11
Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#247 - 2015-06-02 07:03:09 UTC
KISS reply. The two posts above this one, listing part one and two of Mosaic Issues...


With few exceptions, all the same bugs I still have from Mosaic, and further back than that for the Notification Tab issues (contracts and insurance.)


Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

Gary Bell
The Initiative.
#248 - 2015-06-02 13:39:31 UTC
So game wont patch wont take manual patch and repair tool is failing..