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[New structures] Mooring and docking features

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Amarr Empire
#261 - 2015-03-27 09:52:22 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Another element i want to throw in here is the idea of soft mooring which works a bit like the current POS shield so you can still move around and use dscan etc within range of the structure but you cannot target anything and you are invulnerable.

It is basically an area invulnerability effect around the station like a remote rep or similar. It allows you to warp to 0 or undock into relative safety.

You can of course be bumped unless you do a hard mooring or dock up.


Well, then just leave a POS shield up around the structure, like we have now

CCP Philosophy: If it works, break it. If it’s broken, leave it alone and break something else.

Amarr Empire
#262 - 2015-03-27 10:36:29 UTC
EvilweaselFinance wrote:
Styphon the Black wrote:
Elenahina wrote:

Honestly, I don't see these as issues.

Supercapitals in particular are supposed to be strategic assets, not personal playthings (the last few years of Eve not withstanding), and as such, some thought should be put into their basing, advance, and withdrawl from the field.

If that was true than it should take an alliance to fly it and train up to do so. Not an individual toon.

that's a nice thought, perhaps when someone codes eve so its design is not reliant on on one ship = one human pilot it will be relevant

it is absolutely true that supercapitals are strategic assets no matter how hard you try to logic it away

I use mine for ratting :)

CCP Philosophy: If it works, break it. If it’s broken, leave it alone and break something else.

LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#263 - 2015-03-27 14:42:45 UTC
I dont know if this point has been raised (it might well have), but the one thing I cant wrap my head around is why you would restrict the ability to dock to XL-structures?

I mean, building a "space home" is a goal for a not insignificant segment of the player base, and the ability to dock is somewhat essential to the idea of a "home" (for those so inclined, the "spacehouse" should also contain a captains quarters).

IMO, the docking feature should come into play at M level (a personal home), and the thing that changes through L and XL is the ability for docking that would support a "corporation HQ" (L-size) or "Alliance HQ" (XL-size), capacitywise (i.e. how big the hangars are)
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#264 - 2015-03-27 14:55:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Chi'Nane T'Kal
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:

Nothing in EVE should ever be 100% safe.

I beg to differ. The process of logging out should indeed be 100% safe, as the second you decide to quit playing for that day, you effectively retract ANY agreements regarding PvP (or actually, interaction) inherent to your participation in the game.

The ONLY reason that there are mechanisms preventing your ship from vanishing instantly when you log off, is that it could - and would - be abused.

Therefore, if the option to move under a POS shield and use the safe log off mechanism is removed, CCP absolutely needs to replace it with a suitable alternative. Probably the easiest of those would be to allow safe log off with cloak activated.

(Not flying a super, nor aspiring to, btw)
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#265 - 2015-03-27 17:19:59 UTC
I made a little image regarding mooring, with respects to wspace.

If it's something around that, maybe it'll work.

While I was making it, I decided to try to come up with concepts to break mooring. Here's what I came up with.

1) Moore your ship, log off. If a mooring dock has a finite amount of mooring spots (let's say 8 for supercapitals), once you log off with your cap while moored? Does the mooring spot free itself up?

If it does, you can fit a unlimited amount of caps and pods in 1 structure.
If it doesn't, you now can grief the station owner by logging off caps, taking all the mooring structures and denying anybody else the ability to dock.

If the ship stays in space when you log off, you can't use the Moore at that spot (and lost 1).

Let's break it some more.

5 fleet boosters all within mooring range. They get attacked, I instantly Moore the one being attacked, they switch, I unmoore the original one and Moore the one getting attacked. Rinse and repeat.

Just some thoughts. Not against mooring but the rules regarding combat timers will have to be addressed (else it turns into jita undock everywhere).


Alavaria Fera
#266 - 2015-03-27 17:23:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Chi'Nane T'Kal wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:

Nothing in EVE should ever be 100% safe.

I beg to differ. The process of logging out should indeed be 100% safe, as the second you decide to quit playing for that day, you effectively retract ANY agreements regarding PvP (or actually, interaction) inherent to your participation in the game.

The ONLY reason that there are mechanisms preventing your ship from vanishing instantly when you log off, is that it could - and would - be abused.

Therefore, if the option to move under a POS shield and use the safe log off mechanism is removed, CCP absolutely needs to replace it with a suitable alternative. Probably the easiest of those would be to allow safe log off with cloak activated.

(Not flying a super, nor aspiring to, btw)

It would probably involve afk cloaking** until downtime.

And then immediately after downtime ends you must log in (because your ship is still around) and cloak up immediately, or (if the enemy is already there with probes out) you must jump out and then cloak in safe elsewhere.

**If you ever disconnect you must immediately get back on and activate your cloak.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#267 - 2015-03-27 18:16:05 UTC
I thought it was a given that you would be able to log off while moored, much as you log off while docked (except taking up one of a limited number of mooring spots).
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#268 - 2015-03-27 18:47:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Phoenix Jones
Masao Kurata wrote:
I thought it was a given that you would be able to log off while moored, much as you log off while docked (except taking up one of a limited number of mooring spots).

And if you log off for a year.. What happens to that spot? The only method I can think of combatting that is that the moored capital stays in space when you log off (visually stays moored to the structure). And if you never return, someone attacks structure and destroys it, your moored ship goes floating to whoever wants it.

Many people will hate it, but it is a necessary evil. At that point most directors and higher ups in corporations and alliances will want the ability to eject moored ships. What happens to that person if they log back on then?

It's a debate that needs to happen.


GeeShizzle MacCloud
#269 - 2015-03-27 22:12:09 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
I thought it was a given that you would be able to log off while moored, much as you log off while docked (except taking up one of a limited number of mooring spots).

And if you log off for a year.. What happens to that spot? The only method I can think of combatting that is that the moored capital stays in space when you log off (visually stays moored to the structure). And if you never return, someone attacks structure and destroys it, your moored ship goes floating to whoever wants it.

Many people will hate it, but it is a necessary evil. At that point most directors and higher ups in corporations and alliances will want the ability to eject moored ships. What happens to that person if they log back on then?

It's a debate that needs to happen.

check my 12 point proposal that ytterbium liked btw...
Cade Windstalker
#270 - 2015-03-27 23:25:45 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I live in a wh, I have more to risk than just one super if they do a bad job w/ the docking / mooring stuff. I would rather have the POS shield stuff remain - probably more than you. I'm just giving you some possible options if it comes to that.

There's too many supers in game. WHs weren't designed for folks to settle in them. They are different but they are the same.

A little perspective for you. A settled wh more than likely has a lot more value in it than the most blinged out super. A lot of folks have a lot at stake based on how these changes go. You (points finger at you) can either step up, make plans and have a few options so that you can best adapt to whatever comes.... OR..... you can whine and cry on the forums.

You're worring about how you can moor your one little ship safely. I'm worried about having my entire (though small by null block standards) corp and way of playing eve steam rolled. Your concerns are pretty much small potatoes compared to mine. Adapt or quit, but done don't whine and complain. If you've been in game long enough to fly a super then you've been around long enough to know how CCP is going to implement their plan.

TL/DR Change is coming, you can catch the wave and ride it or you can get crushed by it - no one cares either way.

Love this attitude Pirate

Out of curiosity does gaining the ability to Dock in a wormhole (albeit at a player-made Large or X-Large structure) alleviate your concerns? Since Mooring is for ships that can't dock then it shouldn't really be much of an issue for Carriers, and Super Capitals don't exist in Wormholes.

It might be easier for everyone, and more useful for CCP, if people started listing what they'd reasonably like to see out of the new system and what their concerns are instead of taking the very sparse "bucket full of brainstorm" we've been given and making all sorts of jumps to conclusions about what CCP are definitely going to do (or wreck) with these changes.
Cade Windstalker
#271 - 2015-03-27 23:34:30 UTC
GeeShizzle MacCloud wrote:
check my 12 point proposal that ytterbium liked btw...

I like this as well. I think a lot of it is obvious things that make sense and don't deviate too far from current functionality. The one thing I would add is some kind of permissions system that allows a player to leave their Super there and accessible but only to players with the correct roles. This allows an Alliance to, if they so choose, have a Super in storage and accessible even if the pilot is not available but without the risk associated with a POS where anyone with the password can go "yoink! mine!"

The downside of course being that since it's unpiloted it doesn't Panic Jump if the structure is compromised, it just un-moors and the free-for-all starts.

Random idea, does anyone else think it would be kind of cool to have a version of the Captain's Quarters for Moored Supers pilots that's actually part of their ship and looks out onto the space around the station? I think it'd be pretty badass to be able to walk over to a window and stare out at a frigate fleet forming up on the station and see just how small they are relative to your massive ship.

For an added bonus this means that once people figure out where those quarters are on each ship they can troll the Moored Supers pilots by ramming into the view-port... Lol
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#272 - 2015-03-28 01:13:03 UTC
My wh concern is that if capitals are moored and visible then figuring out the math for an invasion fleet becomes pretty simple. If and evicting party can just warp around a wh system cloaked and take an accurate inventory of all capital assets in system, then taking that system down becomes simple.

I recall a year or maybe 2 back when one of the larger wh groups tried to steamroll another of the larger groups. The amount of defending dreads/carriers was poorly estimated and the steamrolling got flipped and the defenders had a glorious feast.

This is not so much of a concern for larger corps that have say 20-25 dreads and commensurate carriers in system. The logistics involved in seeding caps into such a wh is just too much for most groups to undertake. However, for the smaller to mid sized corps that have less than say 10 capitals total in system, an accurate count of those assets makes invasion logistics probably too easy to manage.

I'm getting the feeling that only supers will not be able to dock, so I think my concerns are for not (I'm still keeping an eye on it). Not being a super pilot I haven't bothered to form an opinion on how they should be handled. If you pushed me, I'd say no docking for supers. They've been 'flying coffins' since their introduction date, so their pilots knew what they were signing up for. If it's not everything they thought it would be... meh.

My general opinion on forum posting super pilots is that they come off as elitist whiners. They purchased a multi bazillion isk in game asset w/ fake space bucks and suddenly CCP, me and the next guy owe them something just because they did. 99% of the 'my super sux - you have to fix it' seems to come from some self propelled feeling of entitlement of the supers owners group. Were I CCP I would simple say "get over yourselves guys" and walk away, but that's just me.LolShocked
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#273 - 2015-03-28 01:34:17 UTC
Disclaimer - this is a general concern and not specifically a mooring docking concern.

Another wh concern is my indy pos. I'm not a big indy guy, but we have one set up for corp use. That's the thing - it's just one pos. We online and offline a whole lot of crap on an as needed basis.

Example: we have one guy that is on alone in our off hours time about once a month. When alone and bored he occaisionally mines. So we have a ore to minerals converter thinger (I don't know the actual name of it) that gets used maybe a few times every other month. It's normally offline. To use it, I offline a currently unused thinger, then I online the rock crusher thinger and make some minerals for the guy. When that task is completed I offline the rock crusher thinger and put the other thinger back online.

If that easy online / offline of the indy thingers functionality is lost w/ the upcoming changes I'll be left w/ 2 options:
1. Set up and fuel multiple structures that are rarely used.
2. Tell one of my guys I can't support part of his play style anymore.

There are several indy thingers that several guys only use once in a while. Currently I can suppport a lot of side activities for my guys by only fueling a single pos and swapping thingies as needed. If I have to keep all the thingers fueled all the time - I'll more than likely provide less thingies for my guys to use. Not getting into my corps structure, but via a minor tax we (the corp) provide most of everything to the corp. The guys just need to show up w/ ships to pvp in - we cover all the other crap.

I'm worried all the other crap will become less or the corp tax will become more for some infrequently used thingies.

I agree that a few more high level details (like can I online and offline thingies) would be wonderful. I think the replacement thingies are far enough in the future that this will all become clear before it gets dumped on tranquility.
John McCreedy
Eve Defence Force
#274 - 2015-03-28 01:52:47 UTC
d0cTeR9 wrote:
100% waste of time if the supers can't be safe while mooring/unmooring.

No one will use it, since the moment you try to log off (aka unmoore, fly to a safe, and HOPEFULLY you can log off without dying) would mean certain death.

Think about this CCP, VERY carefully before removing POS bubbles. That's our ONLY way to safely log off, have no timer, be uncloak, no modules activated, and then safe log off and wait 30 seconds!!!!!!!!!

You're absolutely right which then begs the question, why remove POS? Why not simply change their role from mobile home/heavy industry centre (moon mining) to one of deployable shield, i.e. remove all features save those relating to combat. Dickstar's aside, an average fleet doesn't take much time to knock a POS in to reinforced mode and POS timers are a good source of mid-scale combat. I appreciate the change to one of mobility for sov but please, let's not eliminate larger fights altogether.

13 years and counting. Eve Defence Force is recruiting.

Cade Windstalker
#275 - 2015-03-28 02:18:37 UTC
John McCreedy wrote:
You're absolutely right which then begs the question, why remove POS? Why not simply change their role from mobile home/heavy industry centre (moon mining) to one of deployable shield, i.e. remove all features save those relating to combat. Dickstar's aside, an average fleet doesn't take much time to knock a POS in to reinforced mode and POS timers are a good source of mid-scale combat. I appreciate the change to one of mobility for sov but please, let's not eliminate larger fights altogether.

If you check the various dev posts in this thread you'll note that there are apparently some as-yet unstated issues with the current POS shield mechanics. If I had to guess I would say this relates to abuses of said mechanics like "skynetting", garage door cynos, bumping, and all the other edge cases people have figured out for abusing POS shields for fun and profit.

The issue isn't the combat potential of POSes. Otherwise CCP wouldn't have given us a mock-up of structure fitting that includes a Stargate with guns on it. It's a safe bet that some or all of these new structures are going to include defensive equipment of some kind.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#276 - 2015-03-28 02:47:49 UTC
EvilweaselFinance wrote:
Styphon the Black wrote:
Elenahina wrote:

Honestly, I don't see these as issues.

Supercapitals in particular are supposed to be strategic assets, not personal playthings (the last few years of Eve not withstanding), and as such, some thought should be put into their basing, advance, and withdrawl from the field.

If that was true than it should take an alliance to fly it and train up to do so. Not an individual toon.

that's a nice thought, perhaps when someone codes eve so its design is not reliant on on one ship = one human pilot it will be relevant

it is absolutely true that supercapitals are strategic assets no matter how hard you try to logic it away
in the same way that every ship is a strategic asset, just not as important as the big ones is the only real difference.
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#277 - 2015-03-28 05:52:08 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
I thought it was a given that you would be able to log off while moored, much as you log off while docked (except taking up one of a limited number of mooring spots).

And if you log off for a year.. What happens to that spot? The only method I can think of combatting that is that the moored capital stays in space when you log off (visually stays moored to the structure). And if you never return, someone attacks structure and destroys it, your moored ship goes floating to whoever wants it.

Many people will hate it, but it is a necessary evil. At that point most directors and higher ups in corporations and alliances will want the ability to eject moored ships. What happens to that person if they log back on then?

It's a debate that needs to happen.

In my mind, the way it would typically work is that while super owners would sometimes moor and log off at corporation owned structures, when they really want safety they will moor at a privately owned smaller structure only capable of mooring a single ship. This structure will be fitted with a cloak and, unless someone finds the structure during the (long, I'm thinking five minutes) cloak reactivation timer, thus cannot be found by direction scan or probes while not being decloaked by proximity of an unmoored object. Logging in while moored would not involve an emergency warp and would not trigger decloaking of the structure as the ship would still be moored, making this in some ways safer for the super pilot.

Incidentally, such a portable mooring station which can fit a cloak could be the replacement for afk cloaking if that REALLY has to go, which I don't think it does.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#278 - 2015-03-28 08:52:29 UTC
AFK cloaking??? How does one determine if I'm afk or not again? I'm not sure it can even be PROVEN that someone has cloaked and gone afk. How can you get rid of something that you can't prove even exists??

on topic:

I really don't see a need to have any kind of cloaking docking thinger for supers. My thinking?? If you're ALL THAT and fly around in a super, then you should be able to figure out how to survive logging off. I don't think you're ENTITLED to a safe log off mechanism. Honestly, you sound like one of those risk averse HS bears.

I'm just not making the connection between 'my ship is really expensive' and 'I get free log offs'

Feel free to make me understand how a super pilot is entitled to free stuff because he's a super pilot.

Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#279 - 2015-03-28 11:32:54 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:

I really don't see a need to have any kind of cloaking docking thinger for supers. My thinking?? If you're ALL THAT and fly around in a super, then you should be able to figure out how to survive logging off. I don't think you're ENTITLED to a safe log off mechanism. Honestly, you sound like one of those risk averse HS bears.

I'm just not making the connection between 'my ship is really expensive' and 'I get free log offs'

Feel free to make me understand how a super pilot is entitled to free stuff because he's a super pilot.

You mean the free stuff everyone else gets - the ability not to arbitrarily lose a ship when they go on holiday for a couple of weeks. Oh, how unreasonable of super pilots to want the same degree of safety accorded to every other single pilot in the game with every other class of ship.

I'm just not making the connection between "your ship is really expensive" and "so you should just get ******", which appears to be your arguement.
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#280 - 2015-03-28 12:13:08 UTC  |  Edited by: CynoNet Two
Serendipity Lost wrote:
AFK cloaking??? How does one determine if I'm afk or not again? I'm not sure it can even be PROVEN that someone has cloaked and gone afk. How can you get rid of something that you can't prove even exists??

on topic:

I really don't see a need to have any kind of cloaking docking thinger for supers. My thinking?? If you're ALL THAT and fly around in a super, then you should be able to figure out how to survive logging off. I don't think you're ENTITLED to a safe log off mechanism. Honestly, you sound like one of those risk averse HS bears.

I'm just not making the connection between 'my ship is really expensive' and 'I get free log offs'

Feel free to make me understand how a super pilot is entitled to free stuff because he's a super pilot.

Following that logic, why is anyone entitled to a safe log-off mechanism? If you're going to start setting arbitrary values on which ships can and can't log out safely, who's to say where that limit lies? Should JF pilots be shootable while docked and logged out? What about Carrier pilots? Black Ops BS? Faction BS? T3s?