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EVE General Discussion

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On a per minute basis, is Eve the most boring game you've ever played?

Sean Parisi
Blackrise Vanguard
#21 - 2015-03-15 23:01:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Sean Parisi
Nope. I have been bored at times. But for the most part I am engaging in something because I want to (with the acceptance of risk) and when things happens they are typically much more exciting then in most games.

The main issue some people have with EvE is they stick to one form of gameplay and never branch out, so they get used to it as a daily grind and then become disenfranchised with the game. IE: Level 4 Mission Runners.

EvE is a sandbox that requires you to take initiative to use the tools to entertain yourself. To make friends and enemies and as such create content.

Contrast this to world of Warcraft - Check Garrison for facebook missions to send pixels out on, do dungeon or raid that is repetitive that you've done 2000 times more, PvP in the exact same battle ground to grind out gear as you have done before.
AKA boring as hell. Seriously, there is no substance to doing the same chores over and over again.

Atleast if this game becomes a chore you are going about it and suddenly 20 catalysts land on grid and mess you up or you find a guy who got messed up check his wreck and find 20 plex.

ie: The fun you get is equal to effort you put in and the amount you socialize. Otherwise you will be bored. Also take risks.

When I do hit burnout or boredom I will usually step away from the game for a few days and focus on myself or play something else. One good thing about EvE is you can still be productive / 'level up' even while living your real life. There is no requirement to constantly log on like in other games.
Memphis Baas
#22 - 2015-03-15 23:47:45 UTC
My reasons for alts:

- Capital ships, you're often stuck in them; some don't dock, others you don't really want to leave pilotless at a POS, basically there's no point to having subcap skills on a capital pilot. And yes, sometimes you can't even trust your corpmates to give you a good cyno so your capital can land safely where you want it, awoxing is a thing.

- CEO, you want your main to leave your little corp that you've made for yourself, but still keep the corp? Then the CEO can't be your main.

- You **** off some people over the weekend, they'll come after you even when it's inconvenient. So, you often need to keep your money-making PVE alts separate and secret from your PVP main.
Little Kicks
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2015-03-16 00:05:11 UTC
Thanks for the replies, guys. I think Sean has Eve about summed up. The best times I've had in Eve are working with other players. Cooperative gameplay must be tough to build, because so few companies have been able to do it well (I judge).

And Memphis, you added another category to my list of alts: Admin. I'm sure this is just one of many examples where an alt is used to tackle admin duties (like Little Kicks posting.. right now).

I try not to muddy myself with the haters, but I keep getting the feeling that I'm coming across as threatening to some players here:

Pok Nibin wrote:
Little Kicks wrote:
... to maximize my winning....
Rather clumsily phrased, but enough there to demonstrate the misconception. Don't worry. It's a common one.
One doesn't "win" EVE.
Little Kicks wrote:
...There is too much/enough for me to manage as one player....
I see. This is even more telling. "EVE should suit me, not you...."
I'm sure you understand if tens of thousands of us disagree.

I think the Great Charlie Sheen turned the present participle "winning" in to a complete phrase, "Winning!" I don't think CS thought he had won life like one wins a race, Super Mario, or a misconception of Eve. I think of CS Winning as accomplishing what you are after with great success, especially to the dismay of haters. Sorry to not give CS his due when I quoted him.

I'm not here to say Eve doesn't suit me and I'm ready for it to change, regardless of the others. Who ever did, and did they succeed? I've played this unique game off and on since 2006. No other game in my library has that staying power. So I'm not leet vet here to school you on the past (not that you accused me), and I'm not the messiah of modern gaming here to save you from this niche.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the game (mostly) and I thank most of you for your constructive comments.
Harrison Tato
Yamato Holdings
#24 - 2015-03-16 02:43:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Harrison Tato
I play one character on one account and I have fun. I did train a station trading alt during our free training days but I never use it for anything.

I am also one of few people who are members of a two man corp with two actual men in it.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2015-03-16 02:47:25 UTC

Little Kicks wrote:
You can run one account doing a boring function that another player would never want do (hang outside the station and run this booster), while trying to get some action on another account.

CCP Fozzie wrote:
Nothing would make me comfortable with optimal gameplay for some characters during a battle being for them to sit at a safespot.


Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Jenshae Chiroptera
#26 - 2015-03-16 02:52:34 UTC
I do not require immediate self gratification, like a child screaming they want something "Right now!" at a check out till.

I also appreciate greater adversity as it brings satisfying accomplishments.

Anarchy Online eventually lost me when I had completely broken the learning curve. It all came down to grind and a matter of applying time.
EVE does not have that because when you can fit a ship (some people never manage this) then there is logi lead, ECM lead, doctrine making, diplomacy, fleet command, industry supplies, so on and so forth and over all that meta game.

Give me Go (with tactics AND strategy - if this confuses you go look up the difference) rather than auditory hallucinations

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Little Kicks
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2015-03-16 03:23:36 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
I do not require immediate self gratification, like a child screaming they want something "Right now!" at a check out till.

I also appreciate greater adversity as it brings satisfying accomplishments.

Are we in the same topic?

Go is a great game. I've never played or read about AO, but I'm glad we all enjoy Eve, too.
Serene Repose
#28 - 2015-03-16 07:39:20 UTC
Little Kicks wrote:
Thanks for the replies, guys. I think Sean has Eve about summed up. The best times I've had in Eve are working with other players. Cooperative gameplay must be tough to build, because so few companies have been able to do it well (I judge).

And Memphis, you added another category to my list of alts: Admin. I'm sure this is just one of many examples where an alt is used to tackle admin duties (like Little Kicks posting.. right now).

I try not to muddy myself with the haters, but I keep getting the feeling that I'm coming across as threatening to some players here:

Pok Nibin wrote:
Little Kicks wrote:
... to maximize my winning....
Rather clumsily phrased, but enough there to demonstrate the misconception. Don't worry. It's a common one.
One doesn't "win" EVE.
Little Kicks wrote:
...There is too much/enough for me to manage as one player....
I see. This is even more telling. "EVE should suit me, not you...."
I'm sure you understand if tens of thousands of us disagree.

I think the Great Charlie Sheen turned the present participle "winning" in to a complete phrase, "Winning!" I don't think CS thought he had won life like one wins a race, Super Mario, or a misconception of Eve. I think of CS Winning as accomplishing what you are after with great success, especially to the dismay of haters. Sorry to not give CS his due when I quoted him.

I'm not here to say Eve doesn't suit me and I'm ready for it to change, regardless of the others. Who ever did, and did they succeed? I've played this unique game off and on since 2006. No other game in my library has that staying power. So I'm not leet vet here to school you on the past (not that you accused me), and I'm not the messiah of modern gaming here to save you from this niche.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the game (mostly) and I thank most of you for your constructive comments.
He quotes Charlie Sheen....winning. "I see," said the blind man as he picked up the hammer and saw.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

#29 - 2015-03-16 07:41:43 UTC
To me 8-10 hours go by unoticed.
But it all depends on what you do.

Theres an absurd number of things to do in this game, but you need to use your own creativity and imagination, contrary to what youre used to do on WoW.
Vyl Vit
#30 - 2015-03-16 07:58:19 UTC
If you're bored, you must be boring.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Mikael Menethil
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2015-03-16 09:45:28 UTC
"because corpmates are unreliable"
Close enough.

Some things are better done if you're the only one who knows about them.

I think it's all about risk management.
Sooner or later you will get screwed, depending on the scale of your activities and plans, so you better watch your back with an alt or 2.

"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool."

roberts dragon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2015-03-16 10:16:52 UTC
I have 3 accounts will in 3/6 months merge them to 1 account the reason I am doing this is long term future to save the time and effort , they all doing research and manufacturing invention .
also I am doing missions with the trio to get all their standings up so will save time and effort but in general I stay on this one will make everything I can and then make isk to have fun in pvp so I wont need to bother about ships modules or anything else .
not going to grind just doing bits and bobs for now until I get where I want then with the ships and modules I am building now ready for when I will do pvp even made 2 battleships can only fly cruisers for now .
so for me like the game but it is long term iam looking at reason for doing things this way

many thanks
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#33 - 2015-03-16 10:52:59 UTC
Since Fozzie has joined the Dev team i have needed a second account to do things while i wait for my Nyx to firstly warp to something and then wait for my fighter bombers to actually lock a target since their 92% scan res nerf.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#34 - 2015-03-16 11:15:52 UTC
Little Kicks wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

The problem with posts like these is that you've already come to a (rather ignorant) conclusion and are just looking for confirmation rather than a discussion.

My 2nd (and 3rd and 4th) accounts are there to give me more options. When null is too hot for ratting, I log in my low sec lvl 5 mission runner or my incursion alt or my fw mission alt.. Or when Im flying a carrier in fleet, I might have an alt in a bomber flying support for that same fleet etc,

If you think eve is boring, it means you are one of those video gaming adrenaline junkies who made a poor choice in playing EVE in the 1st place.

I'd like to think I led with a postulate, and I'm certainly asking to hearing opinions. But I could see how one might think I'm bashing them and their poor or rich gameplay.

I definitely see from you and others (not the one line zingers) that alt's are about options, not a lack of engagement in one screen alone. Consequences is a word that bounces around Eve a lot, too. Like the negative security status consequence, or the gated timer consequence. Consequence for the toon, not the player, I think.

having alts mean you can be more self sufficient, if i ever need to move a capital or something expensive, i use my alt to scout myself, if i need a cyno, i get my alt to do it, means i dont need to ask someone else to do it for me, if i need supplies i use my trade alt in jita to buy everything and have it shipped to my location so i dont have to go to highsec

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#35 - 2015-03-16 12:01:26 UTC
eve nullsec is pretty much like being back in the Army

50 percent routine boredom
25 percent interesting stuff
10 percent excitement
5 percent bowel churning terror
10 percent getting pissed and hot washing the previous 5 percent

though I have been told that the 10 percent is in reality almost 90% in some corps Big smile

Is EVE the most boring game ever? Are you insane OP? EVE is awesome, warts and all.

You get out of eve what you put in to it.

Be a content creator Big smile

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2015-03-16 12:45:10 UTC
For the record, I have no alts.

I mean, I filled up my character slots on one account but I only use the other two to sit in trade hubs and do nothing. When they gave us the 20 free days of multi-character training, I turned one into a semi-decent gank alt, but still don't use it.

Maybe I'll start a proper alt at some point, but right now I have no plans for it.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2015-03-16 13:06:37 UTC
I had an alt, but I found I had so much going on with my main I didn't have time for my alt. So I'm not sure what game you are playing...
Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#38 - 2015-03-16 13:09:08 UTC
Little Kicks wrote:
I was reading the post about subscriber numbers, and one thing that kept jumping out at me was the speculation on the number of alts people use. Even the phrase "alt online". It got me thinking, why does this game have so many dual subscribers? (or triple and beyond?)

If I play a racing game, a strategy game, shooter, sports... anything, I don't try to play the game from two angles to maximize my winning. There is too much/enough for me to manage as one player.

Not Eve. "Align to", "Orbit", cap stable infinite reps or boosts or lazers. You can run one account doing a boring function that another player would never want do (hang outside the station and run this booster), while trying to get some action on another account.

So back to my question. When you play Eve, are the individual tasks you need accomplished so boring that you add a second account to play simultaneously? Or do you maybe add a second account because corpmates are unreliable?

Eve is a sandbox, you make your own fun. For me, eve is a lot like fishing in rl. In fishing, you don't catch fish ever minute you are out there. In fact, even if you fish for hours or days at a time, you still may not catch any fish. So while catching a fish is certainly rewarding, the fun in fishing is not necessarily in the catching, but rather it lies in everything else that goes with it and leads up to the catching. The same holds true in eve. Of course not everybody is suited for fishing or eve. It takes patience and maturity. For the twitch types, there are lots of other games out there.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#39 - 2015-03-16 13:15:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Vol Arm'OOO wrote:
Little Kicks wrote:
I was reading the post about subscriber numbers, and one thing that kept jumping out at me was the speculation on the number of alts people use. Even the phrase "alt online". It got me thinking, why does this game have so many dual subscribers? (or triple and beyond?)

If I play a racing game, a strategy game, shooter, sports... anything, I don't try to play the game from two angles to maximize my winning. There is too much/enough for me to manage as one player.

Not Eve. "Align to", "Orbit", cap stable infinite reps or boosts or lazers. You can run one account doing a boring function that another player would never want do (hang outside the station and run this booster), while trying to get some action on another account.

So back to my question. When you play Eve, are the individual tasks you need accomplished so boring that you add a second account to play simultaneously? Or do you maybe add a second account because corpmates are unreliable?

Eve is a sandbox, you make your own fun. For me, eve is a lot like fishing in rl. In fishing, you don't catch fish ever minute you are out there. In fact, even if you fish for hours or days at a time, you still may not catch any fish. So while catching a fish is certainly rewarding, the fun in fishing is not necessarily in the catching, but rather it lies in everything else that goes with it and leads up to the catching. The same holds true in eve. Of course not everybody is suited for fishing or eve. It takes patience and maturity. For the twitch types, there are lots of other games out there.

That is the best EVE analogy I've ever heard.

My 18 year old thinks fishing is the most boring thing in the history of things, she even think it's stupid when "you can just go to Long John Silvers" (I lol'd hard the 1st time she said that when she was 9).

It brings up the point i originally made. One person's boring is another man's 'relaxing and peaceful with an opportunity for awesomeness'. My daughter doesn't like fishing or EVE, I can't get enough of both. If she were paying 15 bucks per month for a fishing license when she thinks fishing is boring I'd tell her she was doing it wrong, like wise if you find EVE 'boring' you are in the wrong game.
Shiva Linga
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2015-03-16 13:24:45 UTC
Not boring, just stagnant.

I am waiting for the moment when CCP will open 3000 more null sec systems, without giving notice about it to anyone and where players will have to scope the systems, discover resources on planets, new territories and possibly new npcs to kill.

Would be nice to have planets where resources get depleted. That would mean fights for territories would ensue, scanners and probers would have a bigger purpose. Would be nice to have 300 new systems in WH space with moons giving up to R8 harvestable stuff.

Theres room for a lot more content. :)

Nowdays theres nothing more to surprise us older players.