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why do players stay in npc corps?

First post
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1501 - 2015-06-09 02:15:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Lucas Kell wrote:
Clearly you are going to argue literally everything. Obviously you are right. Players come here seeking diverse and engaging social content, fall into PvE by accident, which happens to be very similar in style to other far more popular MMOs. They then stay trapped in that paying for a sub they don't actually want until they eventually leave.

No, I only argue where the evidence supports that argument.

I don't know why the majority of players fall into PvE personally. It's not what I do and I haven't asked others myself. They may well come to Eve for the PvE (and not surprisingly be very disappointed). There's just not the data in that presentation to support that view.

CCP seem to think it has more to do with rich experiences over isolated play and they've drawn that conclusion from the data they've analysed.

Whether it is PvE or PvP, it all has the potential to be a rich experience, since the experience is not about the actual task in a lot of cases, but about interaction, in CCPs conclusion.

I recently ran my first incursion sites in nullsec and being in a fleet for PvE was just as engaging as being in a fleet for PvP. The shooting of red crosses was dull, but the F1 isn't what makes a fleet engaging for me either. It's the group activity involved in it. It's the same when I run combat sites. It's not only quicker (which is a blessing), but also more engaging to run the sites with other people. But that's just me. I don't expect that is necessarily representative of everybody and it's clearly not what some people want. Each to their own. So it's difficult to extrapolate limited sets, or unrelated sets into some other purpose. The arguments are just not very strong.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#1502 - 2015-06-09 02:32:10 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Lucas, it might be worth going back and listening to CCP Rise in that 2014 presentation again.

From those stats, the 40% that go into solo play missioning/mining, which the old tutorial system led them towards, also tended not to stay with the game for very long.

So there was the 50% that left within a month or so, 40% that tended not to stay very long and 10% that end up as long term retained players.
Yeah, that's my point. People are always saying "how can we turn that 40% into more for the 10%". What I'm saying is "what did that 40% want to do that can be improved so they stay on their own terms". To me they came in wanting a diverse PvE experience, and they got the barely passable red crosses and rocks that is EVE PvE. Make EVE PvE more varied and group friendly and they will get what they came for and likely stay longer.

Say for example you run a soup shop, and you sell an amazing chicken soup. You also sell a tomato soup from a tin.
50% of your walk ins don;t fancy soup and leave.
40% come in for tomato soup, but don;t come back because it's terrible.
10% come for the chicken soup and love it, returning every day.

Why try to find ways to make the 40% love chicken soup when you could simply make your tomato soup better? You've already done the hard part of getting them in the store, Now you just need to help them enjoy what they came in for.

Does that not make sense?

You analogy is wrong (as usual) It isn't different types of soup. EVE is a Steak House. The 40% are vegans. Sure you can try to add stuff they will like, but they will still be ticked off at all the meat eating going on, the meat eaters are going to be ticked off at all the complaining tofu eating slipper wearing hippes in their steak house and no one is happy.

EVE has SANDBOX PVE. It appeals to Sandbox PVErs (people like me) who like 'engineering challenges', unlike Themepark PVErs who 'want to be told a story, interact with that story and have that story confirm that they are 'special'. Like the rest of EVE, PVE in this game isn't for everyone and that's ok. CCp has tried the whole "broaden the game, be inclusive" crap and it failed. No more of that I say.

The other thing is CCP. CCP is HORRIBLE at creating content. When they have tried to do themepark like features (cough incursions cough epic arc missions) all they ended up doing was creating more boring farming content that was beaten within a week. When they create sandbox PVE (Burner missions, the perfect engineering challenge that they KNOW is going to be 'gamed' so the create them with that in mind) they do much better.

You're like those incarna people , CCP has proven time and time again that they aren't good at certain things, and actually good at others, yet folks like you think it's a good idea for CCP to bang it's head on brick wall and kep walking the road of fail. Screw that, CCP needs to work to it's strengths. Sandbox. Spaceships. And that's all.
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1503 - 2015-06-09 05:26:50 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Lucas, it might be worth going back and listening to CCP Rise in that 2014 presentation again.

From those stats, the 40% that go into solo play missioning/mining, which the old tutorial system led them towards, also tended not to stay with the game for very long.

So there was the 50% that left within a month or so, 40% that tended not to stay very long and 10% that end up as long term retained players.
Yeah, that's my point. People are always saying "how can we turn that 40% into more for the 10%". What I'm saying is "what did that 40% want to do that can be improved so they stay on their own terms". To me they came in wanting a diverse PvE experience, and they got the barely passable red crosses and rocks that is EVE PvE. Make EVE PvE more varied and group friendly and they will get what they came for and likely stay longer.

Say for example you run a soup shop, and you sell an amazing chicken soup. You also sell a tomato soup from a tin.
50% of your walk ins don;t fancy soup and leave.
40% come in for tomato soup, but don;t come back because it's terrible.
10% come for the chicken soup and love it, returning every day.

Why try to find ways to make the 40% love chicken soup when you could simply make your tomato soup better? You've already done the hard part of getting them in the store, Now you just need to help them enjoy what they came in for.

Does that not make sense?

You analogy is wrong (as usual) It isn't different types of soup. EVE is a Steak House. The 40% are vegans. Sure you can try to add stuff they will like, but they will still be ticked off at all the meat eating going on, the meat eaters are going to be ticked off at all the complaining tofu eating slipper wearing hippes in their steak house and no one is happy.

EVE has SANDBOX PVE. It appeals to Sandbox PVErs (people like me) who like 'engineering challenges', unlike Themepark PVErs who 'want to be told a story, interact with that story and have that story confirm that they are 'special'. Like the rest of EVE, PVE in this game isn't for everyone and that's ok. CCp has tried the whole "broaden the game, be inclusive" crap and it failed. No more of that I say.

The other thing is CCP. CCP is HORRIBLE at creating content. When they have tried to do themepark like features (cough incursions cough epic arc missions) all they ended up doing was creating more boring farming content that was beaten within a week. When they create sandbox PVE (Burner missions, the perfect engineering challenge that they KNOW is going to be 'gamed' so the create them with that in mind) they do much better.

You're like those incarna people , CCP has proven time and time again that they aren't good at certain things, and actually good at others, yet folks like you think it's a good idea for CCP to bang it's head on brick wall and kep walking the road of fail. Screw that, CCP needs to work to it's strengths. Sandbox. Spaceships. And that's all.

Lucas analogy is more accurate and fine. CCP offers many different things in EVE, and all players are welcome to enjoy the parts they do(after all, they pay the same as everyone else). You acknowledge that CCP needs to improve on content, and they should, like Lucas suggested. It is the difference between sandbox and litter box. You want a litter box, other players want a beach sand box. Don't bring up Incarna like you understand what that was about.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1504 - 2015-06-09 06:45:47 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Maybe because they don't want to? Contrary to popular belief, there's a lot more to do in EVE than shoot people, and there are groups who want to exist to do something that isn't pew pew. If the answer is "learn to shoot people", that's effectively writing off players corps as only for people who want to shoot other people, which is pretty much an exaggeration of the problem there is now.
Lucas, your argument depends on mixing the idea that (1) people want to do different things, with (2) people want to be combat free. (1) and (2) are not related at all. People are free to do all kinds of things in EVE, and not a single person is debating their right to do so, even though you keep bringing it up as if people are against Explorers or Miners. No one is arguing that career choice.

What is objectionable is the expectation that you should be completely safe while you are Mining or Exploring or Hauling. People don't have to learn how to PVP at all, but at the very least they have to learn how to not be targets. You are absolving people of that responsibility by appealing to a "think of the kids" reasoning - how weak and incapable these people are, like helpless children. Is this characterization actually true? Are you advocating for coddling?
Nobdy (at least nobody relevant) is here demanding complete safety while mining. What people like myself atre advocating is the continuation of the current mechanics where certain types of risk are able to be avoided. It's no secret that I think the wardecs system is a pile of crap, and I don't think people should be forced out of NPC corps and into the firing line for that mechanic just so a bunch of whiners can have more easy targets. That's not what EVE is about.

The thing is, these people already know how to not be targets. One of the ways to reduce that is being in a NPC corp. You don't like that though and want them punished for making that choice and forced to be targets of veteran "merc groups" (I use that term very loosely). At the end of the day, this is a game. If you come here to shoot red crosses, you shouldn't be 100% safe, which right now your already aren't. What you shouldn't have though is to spend 99% of your time dodging people and hiding in stations rather than playing the game the way you find it entertaining. If people want to hide our in NPC corps to reduce the number of people they are targets for in the first place, good for them.

On a final note, removal of NPC corps would only cause people to create thousands of 1 man corps in an effort to remain less of a target, further reducing their social contact and increasing the likelihood they stop playing. No thanks. When the wardec mechancis stop making it most rewarding to go after the weakest targets, maybe this can be looked at again. Until then I'll support remaining as is and looking for better ways to people to socialise regardless of affiliation.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1505 - 2015-06-09 06:50:37 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Does the dial on attackers vs. defenders need to be adjusted? I can be convinced of that, if someone can provide me some statistically backed argument as to why this is necessary. (Yes Lucas, I do see your wardec statistics, but I think the numbers are contrived).
I've given you the tools you need to look at the data, so why don't you do your own analysis if mine is so flawed.
I believe the way I pulled the data was the fairest. ISK killed as a winning metric and eliminating wars with zero activity. In a balanced system I'd expect to see a roughly 50/50 split with that much data. It wasn't even close (90/10).

Do you at agree with my suggestion that wardec mechanic as they currently stand encourage players to go after the easier targets, the ones with lots of juicy ships and little combat ability rather than picking a fight with a group ready and willing to fight back in highsec?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#1506 - 2015-06-09 06:56:39 UTC
My god. Shocked

That horse. Ugh

What have you done?

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1507 - 2015-06-09 07:00:13 UTC
Hey man, I didn't kill it. I just found it here.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Galactic Rangers
#1508 - 2015-06-09 08:15:30 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

What is objectionable is the expectation that you should be completely safe while you are Mining or Exploring or Hauling. People don't have to learn how to PVP at all, but at the very least they have to learn how to not be targets. You are absolving people of that responsibility by appealing to a "think of the kids" reasoning - how weak and incapable these people are, like helpless children. Is this characterization actually true? Are you advocating for coddling?

coddling is already happening, there isn't a player in this thread right now who hasn't helped someone who needs to be coddled to some degree.
it's all about comfort zones,, even battle hardened PVPers have a comfort zone, you take them out of it and it's not long before they kick up, we've all been in a fleet where the FC died and not one person was willing to step up and take command, surely these tuff battlehardened vets are not scared are they? nope,, not at all,, just being expected to step out of their comfort zone.

there is no reason why a miner/hauler shouldn't expect this comfort zone to be provided when they join a corp, in most cases it's just not provided so they end up on the fourms whining about it and calling for a nerf of somekind.

advocating for coddling? lol come on,,, it's already in the game and you can bet it's the cause of most not getting the hell out of that comfort zone sooner.

Snagletooth Johnson
Snagle Material Services
#1509 - 2015-06-09 09:24:14 UTC
This thread still?

Why do people stay in NPC corps? Caiuse this is Eve, and in Eve, trolling your angst is PvP for some people.

Omar Alharazaad wrote:
My god. Shocked

That horse. Ugh

What have you done?

Don't ask...
Valkin Mordirc
#1510 - 2015-06-09 09:30:03 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
My god. Shocked

That horse. Ugh

What have you done?

I said the same thing about 30 pages back.

It's not a horse.

It's a glue bottle.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#1511 - 2015-06-09 09:34:52 UTC
Valkin Mordirc wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
My god. Shocked

That horse. Ugh

What have you done?

I said the same thing about 30 pages back.

It's not a horse.

It's a glue bottle.

Oh well, at least I'll have something to sniff to help make all of this oooookaayy.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Lucy Lopez
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1512 - 2015-06-09 10:16:59 UTC
Snagletooth Johnson wrote:
This thread still?

Why do people stay in NPC corps? Caiuse this is Eve, and in Eve, trolling your angst is PvP for some people

Indeed. I often see people talking about 'delicious tears' etc, but from what I can see in these threads the most delicious of them all are those which flow so profusely from the eyes of self-styled tear extractors.
Black Pedro
#1513 - 2015-06-09 11:13:35 UTC
Orion Nex wrote:
I think you are 100% correct about the level of fail corps would pop up, how many exploitive CEOs there would be, and on and on and on. But you know what, those people are now involved in Eve meta. If they made a few friends in their first fail corp perhaps they'd start their own venture or join a better corp together. Crappy corps are better than no corps. War decs to me kill that aspect. It would be good for Eve for there to be a 1000 pilot derp corp that grabbed up every new pilot that undocks for the first time. This type of thing is just not doable in high sec. To me that's crazy. Every game has huge groups of scrubby newbs. And many of the good players in those games probably have one of those starter derp corps in their corp/clan history.

A crappy corp may be better than no corp, but from a new player perspective they are still terrible. Eve deserves to be shown to new players at its best, and that is not grinding away in highsec for a CEO taxing 50% of your income and giving you nothing in return. I have no problem with veteran players deciding to hang out in a do-everything/do-nothing corp in highsec, or realizing that the NPC corp is a better place for them as they have figured out what they like and are indeed subscribing, but new players deserve better or many of them will quit.

Wardecs weed out these fail corps just like highsec-awoxing used to. The solution isn't to continue to turn player corps into de facto invulnerable NPC corps by nerfing wardecs, but rather to buff player corps to make them desirable and worth being in so players want to defend them. This would foster conflict and engagement with the game. Are there some tweaks that could make wardecs less lopsided? I am sure there are, but the game is specifically designed so that players and corps will be routinely destroyed. It is not a bad thing that every corp does not make it and so wardecs should not be neutered to try to make every corp succeed "for the newbies". A corporation is something players should rally around and fight for in pursuit of a common goal and having meaning and value, not just be a glorified chat channel.

As for your assertion that 1000 pilot new corp is "not possible" this is exactly what Brave (AKA Brave Newbies Inc) did. They focused on grabbing a bunch of new players and set out to make a name for their corporation with little experience and low SP characters. This is completely possible under the current wardec mechanic. Further there are hundreds of smaller, high-quality highsec corporations that deal with wardecs and thrive everyday. Just because everyone does not succeed does not mean it is not possible.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1514 - 2015-06-09 12:16:49 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Clearly you are going to argue literally everything. Obviously you are right. Players come here seeking diverse and engaging social content, fall into PvE by accident, which happens to be very similar in style to other far more popular MMOs. They then stay trapped in that paying for a sub they don't actually want until they eventually leave.

No, I only argue where the evidence supports that argument.

I don't know why the majority of players fall into PvE personally . . .

Then stop arguing it.
You are putting on a spectacular demonstration of the difference between a logical argument and a reasonable one.

People play MMORPGs for ::reasons::
People play EVE for ::reasons::

Sure, you could speculate that EVE is x, y, or z other things or that special people play EVE who don't have the same reasons as normal MMORPG players, but when you do that, it just makes you sound like an idiot. You're argument goes something like:

Gravity makes things fall to the ground. An apple fell to the ground, but I can't prove gravity made it fall, since there might be other possible causes.

Instead of saying that, why not just make the reasonable assumption that people do PVE in EVE, an MMORPG, for the same reason they do it in any other MMORPG? Or, if you have evidence to the contrary that is leading you to a different conclusion, share it with us so you don't sound so obtuse.
Smegma United
#1515 - 2015-06-09 12:19:23 UTC
Why does the chicken cross the road?

It's hard to say. It probably doesn't even know what a road is and it probably can't even see what's going on on the other side either. And I doubt it can actually think about this long enough to weigh off the benefits and drawbacks of going over there.

Eve too complicated? Try Astrum Regatta.

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1516 - 2015-06-09 12:24:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

Once again you spectacularly fail to understand the discussion.

Yes, people might well PvE because they want to (I know many that do this, so I know that is true). You'll get no disagreement from me on that. The only thing is that the data being used to justify that opinion didn't.

Other then that, I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. So I'll stick with the data and not use it to justify something it can't answer.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#1517 - 2015-06-09 12:34:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Scipio Artelius wrote:

CCP seem to think it has more to do with rich experiences over isolated play and they've drawn that conclusion from the data they've analyzed.

Yep, and they are right. Even miners will tell you that mining is 'better' when done in a group where people are chatting on comms.

The real issue here has nothing to do with 'new players', 'playstyles', or 'retention'. NPC corps are refuges for weak willed and risk averse VETERAN players who (like all human beings) found an exploitable advantage (war dec immunity) and ran with it. The talk about PVE is a deflection, most of the posters talking about PVE aren't even PVE players and wouldn't know the difference between their ass and an Outuni spawn. It's just more "you want me to play your way" BS, as if anyone cares what they personally do.

I personally don't care, I shoot things that used to be Red Xs (bring back my fracking Red Xs btw pls and/or thanks) for fun so I can't criticize. The issue has never been about forcing people into player corps so they can be shot at, it's about disliking the fact that CCP caters to these gross advantage seekers (Veteran NPC corp hiders) to the detriment of the rest of the game, on the false beleif that if you protect people, they will stay and eventually branch out and do other things.

CCP needs to re-adopt the old school "sink or swim" mentality they had in the beginning when you started the game in space and at the mercy of any passing a-hole. Those were the times that bred the hearty "it's just pixels" type community members that went on to make this game great. It's obvious to everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together that this era of safety (in a video game) hasn't worked at all.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1518 - 2015-06-09 12:38:09 UTC
Scipio Artemis wrote:
Yes, people MIGHT well PvE because they want to.

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1519 - 2015-06-09 12:43:52 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Scipio Artemis wrote:
Yes, people MIGHT well PvE because they want to.


Actually, might was the wrong word.

There are definitely people that PvE because they want to. They enjoy that and great for them. I hope everyone enjoys what they do in the game whether it is PvE, pvp, or both.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1520 - 2015-06-09 13:39:31 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
There are definitely people that PvE because they want to.
