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Increase the fps on a mac (Intel HD Graphics 3000)

Deadspace Excavations
Shadow Ultimatum
#1 - 2015-01-28 15:30:32 UTC  |  Edited by: AmoriA
I run EvE on a Macbook pro 2011 via. wine [windows client].
The graphics card was originally allocating 384 mb of the total ram.
I then bought more ram, went from 4 to 16 GB.
The graphics card then automatically started allocating 512 mb.
That had me at around 15-30 fps playing eve in the lowest graphics possible (horrible, i know).

I found a thread on how to allocate more ram to your graphics card.

This thread is specifically for Intel HD Graphics 3000 but I am sure you can find a similar thread for your macintosh graphics card.

I put it up to 1GB and when I put Interval immediate ingame, I went up to 60fps steady! (still in the lowest graphical settings though)

I will test this more and give an update later.
p.s. if you try this out your self, remember to only run the script once and then restart, I did it 3 times and went up to 3gb and that made my screen all very fuzzy and bad.
p.s. 2 : if you do that, there are instructions lower on that same page on how to reverse that.

update : seems that 60fps was a bit optimistic. getting steady 30 fps and sometimes jump up to 45 in space. 45-60 fps in station doing nothing.
-all dependant on using "Fixed window".

update 2 : This does not seem to have had any significant implications on the game experience. A slight improvement but nothing as i had expected. (going to buy a computer with a decent graphics card and windows now :) )