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A Message Regarding "Hyperdunking"

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Black Pedro
#961 - 2015-02-04 21:52:37 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:

Fitting a hauler for defense in hi-sec barely has practical merit now. Why? Because your defenses are going to be entirely irrelevant depending on your cargo. You can fit 3 t2 bulkhead's to your freighter and if you are carrying 10bil in goods you are very likely going to get ganked.

This is how it should be. If you put 10B ISK in a single ship, you are painting yourself with a large bulls-eye as you are now a profitable target for everyone. The amount you can carry safely (that is while being unprofitable to gank) is determined by your EHP, and if you stay under that you are much safer from gankers. So no, 10B will make you a target in any case, but 1B? A triple-bulkhead freighter is unprofitable to gank with only 1B in cargo (at least for a fleet of typical size) while a triple-cargo expander is profitable.

While nothing can guarantee your safety in New Eden (as the developers have intended) there is much merit in making yourself an unattractive target by making yourself unprofitable to gank. How you fit your ship, and what you choose to carry determines this, and is completely in the freighter pilot's hands. If you get caught by gankers, this makes how you fit your ship very relevant indeed.

Of course Destiny Corrupted is correct that the chances of getting ganked are so remote, that it probably makes sense just to forgo tank altogether. Freighters are so safe, that the chance of you losing one, even AFK, is low enough probably just to ignore. Personally, I always tank and fly with an escort to be safe, but rationally I know that this is a waste of my time as the chances of running into one of the two freighter ganking organizations is indistinguishable from zero.
Valterra Craven
#962 - 2015-02-04 22:03:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Black Pedro wrote:
Valterra Craven wrote:

Fitting a hauler for defense in hi-sec barely has practical merit now. Why? Because your defenses are going to be entirely irrelevant depending on your cargo. You can fit 3 t2 bulkhead's to your freighter and if you are carrying 10bil in goods you are very likely going to get ganked.

This is how it should be. If you put 10B ISK in a single ship, you are painting yourself with a large bulls-eye as you are now a profitable target for everyone. The amount you can carry safely (that is while being unprofitable to gank) is determined by your EHP, and if you stay under that you are much safer from gankers. So no, 10B will make you a target in any case, but 1B? A triple-bulkhead freighter is unprofitable to gank with only 1B in cargo (at least for a fleet of typical size) while a triple-cargo expander is profitable.

While nothing can guarantee your safety in New Eden (as the developers have intended) there is much merit in making yourself an unattractive target by making yourself unprofitable to gank. How you fit your ship, and what you choose to carry determines this, and is completely in the freighter pilot's hands. If you get caught by gankers, this makes how you fit your ship very relevant indeed.

Of course Destiny Corrupted is correct that the chances of getting ganked are so remote, that it probably makes sense just to forgo tank altogether. Freighters are so safe, that the chance of you losing one, even AFK, is low enough probably just to ignore. Personally, I always tank and fly with an escort to be safe, but rationally I know that this is a waste of my time as the chances of running into one of the two freighter ganking organizations is indistinguishable from zero.

Well if gankers were solely motivated by profit then I'd have no problem with the system as it stands. But the fact that it took me all of 5 seconds to find the exact opposite of what you described: kill 44344581 means that not all ganks are motivated by profit.

I'll say again, fitting a hauler for defense in hi-sec barely has practical merit now. The only practical way to defend yourself is to not play, or to use a web alt.
David Mandrake
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#963 - 2015-02-04 22:08:20 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
I think you've misunderstood what I'm saying here. I'm saying that I don't look at things the same way. Both sides have relevant arguments, whether each chooses to acknowledge them or not. I don't for a second think that CCP would ever completely eliminate ganking, nor would I ever advocate such. Therefore I am not using the idea of a pvp-free area to structure any of my arguments. That being said, I don't think that if ganking were eliminated that it would in any way shape or form break or unbalance the game, ya know especially given how low the risk of getting ganked already is...

The idea of a PvP free area is essentially your argument, as far as you've presented it.

The people that they kill? I also haven't said that they are the only ganking group. In fact, even given my past history with goons (relatively minor given my spot in BoB at the time) and their very high profile ganking events, I wouldn't even call them gankers. Me thinks that they have much bigger issues to concern themselves with on a regular basis... Regardless, CODE does seem to be the most high profile group. So if the most talked about group is irrelevant, then...?

They're irrelevant in the amount of actual damage they do to the economy. That doesn't mean, however, that their playstyle should be eliminated from the game simply because they're trolls.

1. Well I don't think the suggestion I proffered is particularly game breaking, and while a lot of people have argued about its necessity, I don't think anyone has combated the idea on the game breaking front. 2.) Given that the same mechanic I'm proposing already exists in another form, I wouldn't think what I'm suggesting goes completely against the game either. 3.) Given the goal is to protect people that are not profitable to kill I don't think any amount of effort on their part to protect themselves is going to matter. I'm still getting hung up on the fact that you are arguing that its not a big threat, while saying that its relevant to the game though. And OOOHHH yes I'm familiar with propoganda. I don't know that I'd call Sir Molle the best at it as I think that title would be better served under Mittani, but I've definitely encountered it lol.

I'm not aware of where a PvP free area exists in another form in this game? Unless you're talking about:

Does never leaving station count? (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Which I'll refer to my earlier message about having a billion ISK locked in Jita because I couldn't get in range to modify my sell orders so that it'd actually sell. Add on to that scams and the like and although you might technically be safe from combat in a highsec or a lowsec station (in sov nullsec you can, of course, stay docked up all you want while supercarriers are pounding your station, and they won't be able to kill you, but you'll be locked out of station services and be unable to redock when you do finally decide to undock, effectively locking assets in there and making them unusable).

As for being game breaking, if you actually read back through the thread (and not back to page 41 or whatever the latest page you're willing to go back to) you'll find some arguments for why particular ideas that have been suggested would be game breaking (like the guy that wants the Titan bumping cannon or the superspeed guns). This is what it was in reference to (and I apologize if I wasn't clear enough because I was attempting to type the entire post out and research a few points in a 30 minute work break while juggling eating dinner). Towards your particular suggestion, I'll simply point out again that CCP didn't set up this game to be PvP safe, and CCP Falcon specifically said

Some of the people complaining in this thread have valid points about the fact that they don't feel safe. Simple fact of the matter is, that you're not suppose to feel safe in New Eden.

Eve is not a game for the faint hearted. It's a game that will chew you up and spit you out in the blink of an eye if you even think about letting your guard down or becoming complacent.

While every other MMO starts off with an intro that tells you you're going to be the savior of the realm, holds your hand, protects you, nurtures your development and ultimately guides you to your destiny as a hero along with several other million players who've had the exact same experience, EVE assaults you from the second you begin to play after you create a character, spitting you out into a universe that under the surface, is so complex that it's enough to make your head explode.

The entire design is based around being harsh, vicious, relentless, hostile and cold. It's about action and reaction, and the story that unfolds as you experience these two things.

True, we're working hard to lower the bar of entry so that more players can enjoy EVE and can get into the game. Our NPE (New Player Experience) is challenging, and we're trying to improve it to better prepare rookies for what lies out there, but when you start to play eve, you'll always start out as the little fish in the big pond.

The only way to grow is to voraciously consume what's around you, and its your choice whether that happens to be New Eden's abundant natural resources, or the other people who're also fighting their way to the top.

The thing is, this makes Eve a different game from most and it's why so many people want to defend it. We want a difficult and challenging MMO where our primary opponent is other players. There's countless numbers of other games - MMO and otherwise - which give you varying degrees of difficulty; but they typically do come with some measure of complete safety. Eve is Unique in that it doesn't have that, and most people believe that this is to the betterment of the game. Unfortunately I'm now out of room to type; but that's the view of it that I see.
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#964 - 2015-02-04 22:13:53 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:

Why should that be the logical conclusion? (that freighters should travel in groups or risked being ganked) The problem with this outcome is that it literally makes no sense in the context of space that empire kills happen. Would it make any sense for an area that is controlled by powerful factions such as concord and and the empires to allow the same criminal acts to happen by the same people ad infinitum?

You mean the same powerful factions that daily allow thousands of Blood Raider, Gurista, Sansha, and opposite Empire combat ships free roam in every single highsec system? Quite frankly, a squad of 8 catalysts is small intrest in the sheer weight of Angel Macharials sitting in deadspace pockets all over the system. Don't see you calling for Lv4 missions to be erradicated from Highsec.

If you are going to call "realism" in to play, you can't be biasedly selective to only the thing you want to deal with.
David Mandrake
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#965 - 2015-02-04 22:16:43 UTC  |  Edited by: David Mandrake
Valterra Craven wrote:
Well if gankers were solely motivated by profit then I'd have no problem with the system as it stands. But the fact that it took me all of 5 seconds to find the exact opposite of what you described

That ship was killed by a rather significant number of T3,T2 and faction ships. It likely went Suspect either due to a killright (which doesn't show up on EveKill or ZKB for whatever reason) or due to looting and then dumping cargo, or simply was suspect from something else and undocked in the freighter.

Either way, that's essentially like running your freighter in to Amamake while PL was still there; you're a free target to everyone and you're going to die because you have a big expensive ship. I doubt anyone got CONCORDed for shooting him, and I'd probably have shot him too if I'd been in Amarr at the time. But nobody is going to intentionally suicide gank in a T3 (it does happen but it's usually a "Oh hey free explorer kill... WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M IN HIGHSEC D:" type thing), and I'm doubtful someone would use a T2 to suicide gank, or a hauler (there's an Iteron Mk V on there) So the kill just screams suspect freighter to me.
Black Pedro
#966 - 2015-02-04 22:19:37 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
Well if gankers were solely motivated by profit then I'd have no problem with the system as it stands. But the fact that it took me all of 5 seconds to find the exact opposite of what you described: [redacted]

I'll say again, fitting a hauler for defense in hi-sec barely has practical merit now. The only practical way to defend yourself is to not play, or to use a web alt.

First, you are not suppose to post kill mails. Second that kill mail was not a gank - the expensive T3 and faction ships are the tipoff.

But that aside, we are going in circles here. I said, there were no guarantees, and ships get blown up for reasons beyond profit. But making yourself unprofitable to gank provides a strong disincentive for gankers to do it. They still might if there is no other target, but if the choice is between your unprofitable triple-bulkheaded freighter and the next guys's overloaded cargo-expander one, you will win every time.
Valterra Craven
#967 - 2015-02-04 22:23:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
David Mandrake wrote:

That ship was killed by a rather significant number of T3,T2 and faction ships. It likely went Suspect either due to a killright (which doesn't show up on EveKill or ZKB for whatever reason) or due to looting and then dumping cargo, or simply was suspect from something else and undocked in the freighter.

Your right, I was trying to figure out why they would use so many expensive ships and they weren't lost when the guy obviously couldn't have been a war target. I did find this one though: zkillboard kill 44344581

(I've edited my post to reflect the new one)
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#968 - 2015-02-04 22:32:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Valterra Craven wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Valterra Craven wrote:

Fitting a hauler for defense in hi-sec barely has practical merit now. Why? Because your defenses are going to be entirely irrelevant depending on your cargo. You can fit 3 t2 bulkhead's to your freighter and if you are carrying 10bil in goods you are very likely going to get ganked.

This is how it should be. If you put 10B ISK in a single ship, you are painting yourself with a large bulls-eye as you are now a profitable target for everyone. The amount you can carry safely (that is while being unprofitable to gank) is determined by your EHP, and if you stay under that you are much safer from gankers. So no, 10B will make you a target in any case, but 1B? A triple-bulkhead freighter is unprofitable to gank with only 1B in cargo (at least for a fleet of typical size) while a triple-cargo expander is profitable.

While nothing can guarantee your safety in New Eden (as the developers have intended) there is much merit in making yourself an unattractive target by making yourself unprofitable to gank. How you fit your ship, and what you choose to carry determines this, and is completely in the freighter pilot's hands. If you get caught by gankers, this makes how you fit your ship very relevant indeed.

Of course Destiny Corrupted is correct that the chances of getting ganked are so remote, that it probably makes sense just to forgo tank altogether. Freighters are so safe, that the chance of you losing one, even AFK, is low enough probably just to ignore. Personally, I always tank and fly with an escort to be safe, but rationally I know that this is a waste of my time as the chances of running into one of the two freighter ganking organizations is indistinguishable from zero.

Well if gankers were solely motivated by profit then I'd have no problem with the system as it stands. But the fact that it took me all of 5 seconds to find the exact opposite of what you described: kill 44344581 means that not all ganks are motivated by profit.

I'll say again, fitting a hauler for defense in hi-sec barely has practical merit now. The only practical way to defend yourself is to not play, or to use a web alt.

New game guys, lets pretend this guy isn't Veers!

And there is that external focus yet again. Now this poster has a say in what motivates a person to do something in a video game, like it's their business.
Valterra Craven
#969 - 2015-02-04 22:41:23 UTC
David Mandrake wrote:

The idea of a PvP free area is essentially your argument, as far as you've presented it.

Lol, no. Its not. Go back and re-read post 956.

David Mandrake wrote:

They're irrelevant in the amount of actual damage they do to the economy. That doesn't mean, however, that their playstyle should be eliminated from the game simply because they're trolls.

Well given that CCP has now set a precedent for removing things that players don't use (see industry teams), then it would seem that further restrictions or outright removal of their play style would not be unreasonable (only in that context). (For the record I fought pretty hard against that change. My suggestions to alter their gameplay would not remove it however, nor do I think we should remove it, just that this type of argument doesn't sway me)

David Mandrake wrote:

I'm not aware of where a PvP free area exists in another form in this game?

There are none that I know. The mechanic I was referring to was jump fatigue. IE expontentially increases timers depending on number of jumps.

[quote=David Mandrake]
Towards your particular suggestion, I'll simply point out again that CCP didn't set up this game to be PvP safe, and CCP Falcon specifically said

Some of the people complaining in this thread have valid points about the fact that they don't feel safe. Simple fact of the matter is, that you're not suppose to feel safe in New Eden.

I'm not asking for CCP to make this EVE be PVP safe.

Valterra Craven
#970 - 2015-02-04 22:44:53 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

And there is that external focus yet again. Now this poster has a say in what motivates a person to do something in a video game, like it's their business.

No there isn't. The external focus came about because of arguments proffered by others. This is my argument:

Valterra Craven wrote:

it make any sense for an area that is controlled by powerful factions such as concord and and the empires to allow the same criminal acts to happen by the same people ad infinitum?

It has nothing to do with people's motivations. But please, continue to do a horrible job of actually keeping up with who said what and where ideas originated from.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#971 - 2015-02-04 23:21:00 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
David Mandrake wrote:

The idea of a PvP free area is essentially your argument, as far as you've presented it.

Lol, no. Its not. Go back and re-read post 956.

David Mandrake wrote:

They're irrelevant in the amount of actual damage they do to the economy. That doesn't mean, however, that their playstyle should be eliminated from the game simply because they're trolls.

Well given that CCP has now set a precedent for removing things that players don't use (see industry teams), then it would seem that further restrictions or outright removal of their play style would not be unreasonable (only in that context).

Like for instance removing autopilot?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Marsha Mallow
#972 - 2015-02-04 23:42:36 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Valterra Craven wrote:
Well given that CCP has now set a precedent for removing things that players don't use

Like for instance removing autopilot?

Maybe she means the CSM.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#973 - 2015-02-04 23:45:49 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

Of course Destiny Corrupted is correct that the chances of getting ganked are so remote, that it probably makes sense just to forgo tank altogether. Freighters are so safe, that the chance of you losing one, even AFK, is low enough probably just to ignore.

You're more likely to get in a real life car accident than ganked in a freighter. Their deaths are exceedingly rare, with very few ship classes having less deaths.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Valterra Craven
#974 - 2015-02-05 00:41:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Malcanis wrote:

Like for instance removing autopilot?

Well I don't know how many people use autopilot, but I think I've already been pretty clear that I'm not for AFK play, which means that I wouldn't be opposed to them removing that and making AFK mining nearly impossible. Ironically those changes would make the game a lot safer since people would have far less capability for stupidity.
Valterra Craven
#975 - 2015-02-05 00:50:33 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:

You mean the same powerful factions that daily allow thousands of Blood Raider, Gurista, Sansha, and opposite Empire combat ships free roam in every single highsec system? Quite frankly, a squad of 8 catalysts is small intrest in the sheer weight of Angel Macharials sitting in deadspace pockets all over the system. Don't see you calling for Lv4 missions to be erradicated from Highsec.

If you are going to call "realism" in to play, you can't be biasedly selective to only the thing you want to deal with.

I'm pretty sure that I've already stated I'd have no problem with more realism. It would be AMAZING to see npcs actually combat each other. (See CCP's "blackboard" idea for NPC AI). But the problem as it stands is that none of those NPCS actually do anything. They aren't attacking anything on gates or stations. And technically if you had read far enough back I did come up with an idea that CCP should remove all missions and agents should just give missions to hunt down people with sec status below 0.0. (To be fair it wasn't a serious idea)
Marsha Mallow
#976 - 2015-02-05 01:06:19 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
And technically if you had read far enough back I did come up with an idea that CCP should remove all missions and agents should just give missions to hunt down people with sec status below 0.0. (To be fair it wasn't a serious idea)

Why not? I wouldn't mind that at all.
Cite these earlier comments with links please.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Valterra Craven
#977 - 2015-02-05 01:33:06 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:

Cite these earlier comments with links please.
Post 632:

Valterra Craven wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Now you are just being stupid, you know exactly what I mean. Every time you attack an NPC or mine a rock you will suffer all the mechanics that come into play for gankers. Concord will kill you, sec status loss, GCC, ect.

Why would concord attack you for doing their job for them? OHHH. This actually gives me a great idea. We should remove NPCS completely from the game and all missions should be to attack people with bounties and sec status below 0.0!
Marsha Mallow
#978 - 2015-02-05 01:41:22 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
Marsha Mallow wrote:

Cite these earlier comments with links please.
Post 632:

Valterra Craven wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Now you are just being stupid, you know exactly what I mean. Every time you attack an NPC or mine a rock you will suffer all the mechanics that come into play for gankers. Concord will kill you, sec status loss, GCC, ect.

Why would concord attack you for doing their job for them? OHHH. This actually gives me a great idea. We should remove NPCS completely from the game and all missions should be to attack people with bounties and sec status below 0.0!

You presented that as a ludicrous idea, but it sounds fine to me.
Maybe if you tried it again, with your top on.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Valterra Craven
#979 - 2015-02-05 02:02:41 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:

You presented that as a ludicrous idea, but it sounds fine to me.
Maybe if you tried it again, with your top on.

Well the problem is that unlike players, npcs are technically infinite. Its basically why null-sec has issues with population density now. What I mean by that is nullsec systems, even the best ones, typically can't support all that many players because the number of activities available to them is comparatively finite to missions in hi sec which are not.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#980 - 2015-02-05 05:23:04 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
Fitting a hauler for defense in hi-sec barely has practical merit now. Why? Because your defenses are going to be entirely irrelevant depending on your cargo. You can fit 3 t2 bulkhead's to your freighter and if you are carrying 10bil in goods you are very likely going to get ganked.

If I put 10b worth of stuff on my combat ship, I can get ganked just as easily. And yet, I'm not asking for increased CONCORD protection, despite flying ships like that in pvp on a regular basis.

Valterra Craven wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Realism isn't the only reason to escort freighters. They may just as well be escorted for in-game reasons.

Then why aren't any of the NPC hi-sec haulers ever escorted?

How many have you ever seen at gates? The only ones I've ever noticed have all been within cover range of station sentry guns.

Malcanis wrote:
Like for instance removing autopilot?

I hope they don't remove that. It's quite convenient for me to safely transfer my assets across empire space while having some free time to do other things.

Marsha Mallow wrote:
Maybe she means the CSM.Straight


I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here: