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A Message Regarding "Hyperdunking"

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Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#861 - 2015-02-02 20:20:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Destiny Corrupted
Valterra Craven wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

(and we pay much more, because the armed forces have to be included in the calculation),

Considering concord doesn't protect people from war decs, no "defense" should not be included.

That would be like faulting the police for not cracking down on UFC cage matches. "Corporate wars" are nothing but a government-sanctioned bloodletting mechanic to keep pod pilots preoccupied with their own crap. So yes, defense does have to be included.

Incursions are literally foreign invasions on empire space, and CONCORD was the first force to stand against them. That's as close to an army/police force as you can get.

Valterra Craven wrote:
Well if your argument is we pay infinitely more for it in real than eve because we pay zero for it in Eve, I could see your point.

But given that this isn't a free to play, and given the way CCP has set up the game mechanics that I do pay for, even without market taxes its still not zero (I would not play eve if high sec did not exist).

Then we're in agreement that people don't actually pay for their protection in high-sec, while getting it anyway. Okay.

Maybe now we can start addressing this problem, instead of keeping our focus on why this free protection should increase in scope.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Valterra Craven
#862 - 2015-02-02 20:34:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Incursions are literally foreign invasions on empire space, and CONCORD was the first force to stand against them. That's as close to an army/police force as you can get.

I'd give you incursions if they protected us from them now, but since hi-sec incursions exists I will again disagree with you.

Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Then we're in agreement that people don't actually pay for their protection in high-sec, while getting it anyway. Okay

No. What I said was every subscriber pays for their protection in high-sec. I don't think this game would exist without it.

EDIT: That being said I wouldn't be opposed to a .05 market sales tax if CONCORDs capabilities made ganking in general less common. But I could see how neither side would want that.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#863 - 2015-02-02 21:03:36 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Valterra Craven wrote:

They are very basic questions that CCP should be able to not only answer, but even break down by ship type and loss numbers.

We have all the data to do that ourselves.

Did not the great Tippia point out that the killboard data from 2013 was incomplete thus making that task impossible? If you can tell me how to go about doing this, I'm all ears.

You make estmates and base your data what you have.
Valterra Craven
#864 - 2015-02-02 21:10:47 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

You make estmates and base your data what you have.

How do you filter out all the war targets?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#865 - 2015-02-02 21:25:32 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

You make estmates and base your data what you have.

How do you filter out all the war targets?

Briar Thrain
Arcana Noctis
#866 - 2015-02-02 21:39:14 UTC
If hyperdunking is deemed legal but there is not enough incentive/opportunities to entice anti-gank 'policing' by other pilots - perhaps they should introduce some interesting game content or modules which would encourage it.

Some half baked ideas for starters -

A module which when activated dramatically increases rate of weapons fire while nerfing dps. Perhaps when activated the only targets that could be fired upon would be criminally flagged ships/pods.

Hired NPC escort squads to get you through a system. Ala insurance payments. Not as powerful as concord or navies providing something rather than nothing.

Personal pulse forcefields of some sort - or a weapon which acts like a directed forcefield that can bump things in the area out of the way. Make it based on the relative mass of the ships ignoring modifications of fitted modules.

If nothing else it would introduce some fun new ways to have the gankers and anti gankers clash.
David Mandrake
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#867 - 2015-02-02 21:39:28 UTC  |  Edited by: David Mandrake
baltec1 wrote:
Do this and you would make it impossible to gank freighters in highsec.

Actually I wouldn't have a particular issue with rebalancing freighters so that they have a few more fitting options. In particular, I'd like to see the removal of the sublight velocity bonus, and changing the base hitpoints, powergrid, and CPU to accommodate active modules for an armor tank; the end result EHP-wise being similar to what you can get now. Thus the freighter wouldn't technically be harder to gank; however it would wind up significantly benefiting from an active tank and thus not being autopiloted (whereas right now it's literally impossible to fit anything but passive tanking modules that don't need to be turned on and the bonuses seem to imply that it should be autopiloted, as you don't really need a sublight bonus in a freighter unless you're slowboating to a gate). So not exactly a buff to freighters, but rather a rebalance that prefers being at the computer vs being afk. That, and the removal of the autopilot from the Tutorial (it literally tells you to autopilot; although it does briefly mention the danger) may help new players avoid that sort of a trap when they get in to a freighter.

Hiasa Kite wrote:
These are insurmountable obstacles facing my attempts to save freighters from certain death and they all stem from the fact that freighter ganking simply doesn't happen enough!

It's actually funny that you make that point because I'd been thinking something similar at work today. Back when I was working on my Orca to essentially make it ridiculously difficult to gank, I wanted to better understand bumping mechanics. I had a difficulty, though, in finding a bump fit Machariel on Zkillboard that was obviously fit for that, as I frankly didn't know enough about battleships or fitting at the time to make that determination on my own. But, the great thing is there's a module scanner! I can fit it on a cheap Imicus in a cheap clone, and wait for a Machariel to bump a freighter, then scan it's modules to get what it's fit with and if I get ganked, disposable clone! I'd thought of everything. So I went to Uedama and waited for a gank. And waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Two days later I gave up, because it was obvious that I wasn't going to catch a gank in action any time soon and had other things to do with my time; and I wanted to actually take what little I did know and head over to Sisi to do some experiments (I *really* wanted to make sure I knew all the risks with my Orca before I dropped a PLEX on it). CODE. just simply wasn't - and still isn't - active enough to really harm the freight population. The only real reason that there was that spike of ganks discussed earlier in the thread is that it was the weekend and that brings more players, and thus it's easier to actually field a fleet that's capable of killing a freighter.

Valterra Craven wrote:
How do you filter out all the war targets?

War targets typically will only have a handful of people on the killmail, whereas a freighter gank will usually have dozens (up until the recent advent of hyperdunking but hey, at least now we also have wars show up on Zkillboard so you can better cross-reference it). Additionally war targets will often use more expensive ships; I'm not sure about a few years ago but if you see an Orca/Freighter in Highsec killed by a T3 or a faction hull, or just anything blingy it's either a war target or the victim went suspect.
David Mandrake
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#868 - 2015-02-02 21:48:08 UTC  |  Edited by: David Mandrake
Briar Thrain wrote:
A module which when activated dramatically increases rate of weapons fire while nerfing dps. Perhaps when activated the only targets that could be fired upon would be criminally flagged ships/pods.

Ewar. ECM (jams), Damps (to lower targeting range/locking speed), etc. These already fill these rolls; they're not a sure thing - jams in fact are chance based on a few other factors - but any sort of a weapon like that would likely have some downside to using it or not do a whole lot if one ship uses it.

Hired NPC escort squads to get you through a system. Ala insurance payments. Not as powerful as concord or navies providing something rather than nothing.

There are players in this thread which have offered to do the same thing. Heck, if I thought it could be a viable thing I'd totally train up another character to run highsec escorts for other people. The problem is nobody wants to pay players for it, even though they're the best defense against other players - for some reason everyone wants NPCs to do it, which just isn't how this game is set up (CCP would literally have to code in entirely new NPC mechanics to get them to follow players around and defend ships.)

Personal pulse forcefields of some sort - or a weapon which acts like a directed forcefield that can bump things in the area out of the way. Make it based on the relative mass of the ships ignoring modifications of fitted modules.

Bring an escort that can fly a Stabber (cheap but effective way to bump things; just not as effective as a Mach) or something and just bump them out of the way. If you've actually got an escort fleet of sorts - again you can pay players - someone can be in a disposable ship (say, an Atron) and just scram the ship that was bumping your freighter. This shuts off their MWD and effectively keeps them from bumping you while they're scrammed, and can buy your freighter some time to escape (or at least summons CONCORD to you so that if your freighter is engaged immediately at least one gank ship is going to die instantly).

Again the mechanics exist within the game to do what you want done, why are you wanting new mechanics coded in to the game?
Briar Thrain
Arcana Noctis
#869 - 2015-02-03 02:48:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Briar Thrain
Absolutely David to most of the things you've replied about.

The 'rapid fire' idea was that the increased cycle speed would allow less wasted time when destroying multiple targets. i.e. waiting for the final shot to cycle through before firing on the next target, while still maintaining similar DPS. It would only be making a real difference when fighting waves of fragile frigs/destroyers.

Correct me if I'm wrong but currently the only method of bumping ships is with other ships? Just thought it would be cool to introduce another element to the game such as bumping 'weapons' which ships could use against those smaller than themselves and leave it as an area effect that doesn't trigger suspect/criminal status.

I'm not saying I'd like anything added that could eliminate what's going on - just spit balling ideas that add tools to the counter gank toolbox to broaden the options.
David Mandrake
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#870 - 2015-02-03 03:01:04 UTC
Briar Thrain wrote:
Absolutely David to most of the things you've replied about.

The 'rapid fire' idea was that the increased cycle speed would allow less wasted time when destroying multiple targets. i.e. waiting for the final shot to cycle through before firing on the next target, while still maintaining similar DPS. It would only be making a real difference when fighting waves of fragile frigs/destroyers.

Correct me if I'm wrong but currently the only method of bumping ships is with other ships? Just thought it would be cool to introduce another element to the game such as bumping 'weapons' which ships could use against those smaller than themselves and leave it as an area effect that doesn't trigger suspect/criminal status.

Bring a weapon with a fast cycle time in that case, augmented with the various modules which already increase refire time (though keep in mind that the server runs on ticks so you'll only be able to increase it so much).

The second idea could potentially also be terrible when it comes to large fleet fights, as well as allowing people to easily bump supers out of a POS to kill them.
Briar Thrain
Arcana Noctis
#871 - 2015-02-03 03:14:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Briar Thrain
David Mandrake wrote:

The second idea could potentially also be terrible when it comes to large fleet fights, as well as allowing people to easily bump supers out of a POS to kill them.

I'm counting on it Blink

Although I was suggesting that you could only bump things of lesser mass than your own ship (the base mass unaltered by fits/skills/modules etc.) Ok, i just want gravity weapons. Big smile
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#872 - 2015-02-03 03:19:53 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

A new generation of gamer was born after autosave on the XBox replaced gambling your quarters on fighting game matches with other people at the local arcade.

This sums it up nicely. EVE is effectively the dark souls of the MMO world, full of sadists and unsavory types. If you come here expecting what you get with every other game out there then you are in for a shock.

This is nonsense...there may be a lot of nasty folks in nullsec...but highsec pve players are by and large nice, friendly, and collaborative.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#873 - 2015-02-03 04:06:42 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Then we're in agreement that people don't actually pay for their protection in high-sec, while getting it anyway. Okay

No. What I said was every subscriber pays for their protection in high-sec. I don't think this game would exist without it.

EDIT: That being said I wouldn't be opposed to a .05 market sales tax if CONCORDs capabilities made ganking in general less common. But I could see how neither side would want that.

Not every subscriber needs protection in high-sec. Why should some of us pay for something we don't need? What?

Valterra Craven wrote:
How do you filter out all the war targets?

If you had even a week's worth of experience as a ganker, you could easily tell what type of kill it was by looking at it.

Briar Thrain wrote:
Hired NPC escort squads to get you through a system. Ala insurance payments. Not as powerful as concord or navies providing something rather than nothing.

Read one of my earlier posts. This one:

Veers Belvar wrote:
This is nonsense...there may be a lot of nasty folks in nullsec...but highsec pve players are by and large nice, friendly, and collaborative.


By and large, high-sec carebears constitute the most vitriolic group of players I've ever dealt with. Even those I've tried to help have been extremely rude to me at times, and as you can see from my writing, I'm probably not the type of person who goes around insulting peoples' mothers. In all my time playing, I've had a pvper/pirate go off at me less than half a dozen times. With carebears, that number is in the triple digits. Blow up someone's Drake, and then get blindly threatened to have your children raped after pointing out the fitting mistakes and linking a better setup. Yeah, Veers, nice and friendly indeed.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#874 - 2015-02-03 04:21:17 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

A new generation of gamer was born after autosave on the XBox replaced gambling your quarters on fighting game matches with other people at the local arcade.

This sums it up nicely. EVE is effectively the dark souls of the MMO world, full of sadists and unsavory types. If you come here expecting what you get with every other game out there then you are in for a shock.

This is nonsense...there may be a lot of nasty folks in nullsec...but highsec pve players are by and large nice, friendly, and collaborative.

I have never had death threats, threats of lawyers being called and endless insults from null, WH or low sec players. High sec bears are the most vile and anti-social people in the game.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#875 - 2015-02-03 04:23:06 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:


By and large, high-sec carebears constitute the most vitriolic group of players I've ever dealt with. Even those I've tried to help have been extremely rude to me at times, and as you can see from my writing, I'm probably not the type of person who goes around insulting peoples' mothers. In all my time playing, I've had a pvper/pirate go off at me less than half a dozen times. With carebears, that number is in the triple digits. Blow up someone's Drake, and then get blindly threatened to have your children raped after pointing out the fitting mistakes and linking a better setup. Yeah, Veers, nice and friendly indeed.

Classic griefer thinking...of course after you commit crimes against someone and destroy their possessions they will be upset...much like if you went and smashed someone's car window in. The troubled soul here is not the victim - it's the perpetrator. If you would act like a decent person and not try to **** other people off, they might be nicer to you. I personally have had extremely positive interactions with highsec PvE players, who are very friendly to those who treat them with dignity and respect.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#876 - 2015-02-03 04:25:32 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

A new generation of gamer was born after autosave on the XBox replaced gambling your quarters on fighting game matches with other people at the local arcade.

This sums it up nicely. EVE is effectively the dark souls of the MMO world, full of sadists and unsavory types. If you come here expecting what you get with every other game out there then you are in for a shock.

This is nonsense...there may be a lot of nasty folks in nullsec...but highsec pve players are by and large nice, friendly, and collaborative.

I have never had death threats, threats of lawyers being called and endless insults from null, WH or low sec players. High sec bears are the most vile and anti-social people in the game.

Oh opposed to Goons smearing one of their own players as a BL spy, blowing up his ship, and trying to drive him out of the game? Not to mention a full out propaganda campaign against the poor follow. That is a lot worse than anything I have seen from highsec PvE players, who by the way are on the receiving end of crimes. Don't want to face the rage from them? Stop breaking the law and blowing them up.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#877 - 2015-02-03 04:27:14 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:


By and large, high-sec carebears constitute the most vitriolic group of players I've ever dealt with. Even those I've tried to help have been extremely rude to me at times, and as you can see from my writing, I'm probably not the type of person who goes around insulting peoples' mothers. In all my time playing, I've had a pvper/pirate go off at me less than half a dozen times. With carebears, that number is in the triple digits. Blow up someone's Drake, and then get blindly threatened to have your children raped after pointing out the fitting mistakes and linking a better setup. Yeah, Veers, nice and friendly indeed.

Classic griefer thinking...of course after you commit crimes against someone and destroy their possessions they will be upset...much like if you went and smashed someone's car window in. The troubled soul here is not the victim - it's the perpetrator. If you would act like a decent person and not try to **** other people off, they might be nicer to you. I personally have had extremely positive interactions with highsec PvE players, who are very friendly to those who treat them with dignity and respect.

I never committed any crimes. I played a video game within the confines of the rules and regulations laid out by its developers, that all players must agree to before they're able to play it. In fact, in over ten years, I've accumulated exactly zero infractions on my account. Not even a temporary mute; which is more than I can say for a whole bunch of players who've threatened to murder me in real life.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Valterra Craven
#878 - 2015-02-03 04:34:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Not every subscriber needs protection in high-sec.

I disagree. Protection/order is what makes modern economies work.

Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Why should some of us pay for something we don't need? What?

A lot of people make that argument about taxes that they pay to the government. Why should I pay for nullsec development. I surely don't need any of that!

Destiny Corrupted wrote:

If you had even a week's worth of experience as a ganker, you could easily tell what type of kill it was by looking at it.

Sure, if I had a weeks worth of time. But that's not how I think. I'm Systems Administrator by trade and the name of the game is automation. Either someone with too much time on their hand does something like that, or someone that doesn't know how to make it go quicker. Either way not interested. Its not like any of the other 500k subscribers have ever bothered to.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#879 - 2015-02-03 04:35:45 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

A new generation of gamer was born after autosave on the XBox replaced gambling your quarters on fighting game matches with other people at the local arcade.

This sums it up nicely. EVE is effectively the dark souls of the MMO world, full of sadists and unsavory types. If you come here expecting what you get with every other game out there then you are in for a shock.

This is nonsense...there may be a lot of nasty folks in nullsec...but highsec pve players are by and large nice, friendly, and collaborative.

I have never had death threats, threats of lawyers being called and endless insults from null, WH or low sec players. High sec bears are the most vile and anti-social people in the game.

Oh opposed to Goons smearing one of their own players as a BL spy, blowing up his ship, and trying to drive him out of the game? Not to mention a full out propaganda campaign against the poor follow. That is a lot worse than anything I have seen from highsec PvE players, who by the way are on the receiving end of crimes. Don't want to face the rage from them? Stop breaking the law and blowing them up.

Yea that never happened. Granted he got his titan exploded but he is happily still in the CFC with a shiney new titan. This is a great example of what we are talking about. You white knighters take something like this and expand it with bullshit and lies while everyone in the CFC (including the "victim") laugh it off as yet another shoot blues tell vile rat incident.
Valterra Craven
#880 - 2015-02-03 04:38:45 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

I have never had death threats, threats of lawyers being called and endless insults from null.

Maybe you aren't trying hard enough? :P Or maybe you weren't around for the Great War? Either way, I remember some pretty bad stuff from both parties...