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Wardeccers cost me my corp/alliance membership, need advice

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#61 - 2015-01-14 03:27:42 UTC
As a wardec predator myself, let's dissect the errors here. Some newbie might learn something, who knows, maybe the OP might too.

First, you were flying a Navy Megathron - a ship that is much more expensive than a standard Megathron but that only offers a small performance boost. As such, I would immediately conclude 'rich pickings'. I started as a PVE player, but did not use a ship more expensive than a tech 2 fitted Dominix for quite a considerable time.

Secondly, you were carrying out PVE activities during a war. This isn't a death sentence if you do them carefully, but you need to be in agile ships. A Deimos or Proteus costs less than a Navythron, and is much easier to escape a trap in. Both of those ships are capable of doing level 4 missions (if that is your thing).

Thirdly, you are using tech 1 guns despite tech 2 ones being *so much better*. Not unforgivable on a tech 1 battleship (that's a pretty sensible step for a rookie) but a very poor move on an expensive ship.

Fourth, you are mixing active and buffer tanking. Missions pretty much require an active tank (exceptions are rare), and that plate is doing almost nothing for you.

Fifth, you were killed by a Cynabal. You would have had ample warning of a hostile in local - even if it had a neutral prober, a Cynabal would have taken at least a minute to warp to your mission pocket then warp to you through one or more acceleration gates.

Sixth, you had invested too much effort in amplifying drone damage in your fit.

There. You just learned six expensive lessons. Recover, then, if you desire it, seek revenge. It's the EVE way. Or, as CCP put it,

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2015-01-14 03:38:39 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
First, you were flying a Navy Megathron - a ship that is much more expensive than a standard Megathron but that only offers a small performance boost. As such, I would immediately conclude 'rich pickings'. I started as a PVE player, but did not use a ship more expensive than a tech 2 fitted Dominix for quite a considerable time.

Secondly, you were carrying out PVE activities during a war. This isn't a death sentence if you do them carefully, but you need to be in agile ships. A Deimos or Proteus costs less than a Navythron, and is much easier to escape a trap in. Both of those ships are capable of doing level 4 missions (if that is your thing).

Thirdly, you are using tech 1 guns despite tech 2 ones being *so much better*. Not unforgivable on a tech 1 battleship (that's a pretty sensible step for a rookie) but a very poor move on an expensive ship.

Fourth, you are mixing active and buffer tanking. Missions pretty much require an active tank (exceptions are rare), and that plate is doing almost nothing for you.

Fifth, you were killed by a Cynabal. You would have had ample warning of a hostile in local - even if it had a neutral prober, a Cynabal would have taken at least a minute to warp to your mission pocket then warp to you through one or more acceleration gates.

Sixth, you had invested too much effort in amplifying drone damage in your fit.

There. You just learned six expensive lessons. Recover, then, if you desire it, seek revenge. It's the EVE way. Or, as CCP put it,

100% agree with all this but it's missing the point.

The problem is I shouldn't have been in the position where I'm having to spend weeks at a time doing this boring grind just to participate in hot sexy nullsec action every now and then. I'm well aware of all the mistakes I had made once i'd already got to that point, my disappointment lies with the fact I had to be in hi-sec grinding missions at all, not in what happened once I got there.

As for fitting - it was my prestige bling boat, stupidly overpowered for the missions I was running (which is why the fit is the way it is) but the only other ship I had was a Brutix which I couldn't really do the level 4's solo with. I have other ships elsewhere in New Eden but no in places I could get too easily (Thera)

As for the evading wardeccers, as a matter of fact I used to get so bored doing the missions I'd just go to a trade hub (usually Dodixie) and try and provoke them into chasing me in different ships just for my own amusement and to practice evasion etc. Good fun as it happens - which is why I can't hold any sort of grudge against Marmite and so on, cos I got more fun out of them trying to kill me than I did from the PvP stuff I was trying to do in nullsec.

Thanks for the considered reply though. CODE seem pretty cool.

Mount Sumaco
#63 - 2015-01-14 04:10:40 UTC
Wow. This thread 1/2 OP stating his world view, and then defending his precious world view against constant and unassailably logical arguments as to why the problem is his own perception and choices, and not the game.

Let me give it a try. First, some "culture":

The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

(I underlined the important parts for this discussion. You're welcome)

So this famous poet figured out over a hundred years ago that in life, wherever you end up, its completely the unintended consequence of your choices. You can look down the road, but you really can't foresee which choices will you make today will tomorrow end in tears, and which will end in tears of happiness.

Now Eve is special because you can live multiple lives via alts. But even there, each gets to tread the path only once. Sometimes their particular path comes full circle and you get to choose another (or repeat your footsteps down the same path), and sometimes you see an intersection of choice only once.

So you made some choices and are not happy with the destination you have arrived at. Instead of introspection, you're blaming the game and the game mechanics. This is the same as going on a road trip and, without a map, hoping to end up in Disneyland but instead ending up in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And then blaming the Dept. of Public Works for building a road system that leads everywhere instead of a straight line to where you'd dreamed.

People have given many examples of ways you could have done things better and you have dismissed them all with fallacies and "oh, that wouldn't work because of X". Let me give you two examples off the top of my head:

#1: WingspanTT
This guy learned on day three of his free trial that there was a ship called a "Stealth Bomber" in the game. He looked at it and decided that that appealed to him and he would go do that. He never finished the tutorial missions (and it shows in his early videos, always with hilarious results) but rather "took the path less travelled"... and then recorded and upload everything to Youtube, becoming Eve famous and obviously have a fantastic time with his "Torpedo Delivery Service".

#2: Cannibal Kane
You've come to C&P and don't seem to realise the sort of attention you have called upon yourself (again, by your own actions and choices).

This fair gentleman is famous/infamous for having declared that he will only ever pay for the the mods and ships he uses off the literal corpses and wrecks of his victims. He has stated more than once that he has little or no interest in parts of Eve that are not pvp-related (he tried writing a blog once but gave it up, much to my sorrow). From that, when they decided to interview "famous figures in Eve" (I think it was on Evenews24), he was the first to be interviewed. That says a lot for someone who has taken a self-imposed narrow road and elevated a particular aspect of Eve to near-high art.

Cannibal Kane wrote:

You are being a spoiled brat.

It does not take 4-5 years to do anything in this game. If you cannot do what you want in the first month and then build on it from there you are doing it wrong.

I will be keeping my eye on you...

By the way, if this was said to me I'd be very much afraid, and with good reason. Its the same as the Devil himself taking particular interest in the life of one particular ant...

To sum up (and reiterate what has been said many, many times already in this post) buck up and stop blaming others/the game for your perceived failures. All your problems can be found in the mirror.

Also, good luck with the unintended results of your choice to post this topic in C&S. I suspect you're really going to need it.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#64 - 2015-01-14 04:23:33 UTC
Posadas wrote:

100% agree with all this but it's missing the point.

The problem is I shouldn't have been in the position where I'm having to spend weeks at a time doing this boring grind just to participate in hot sexy nullsec action every now and then. I'm well aware of all the mistakes I had made once i'd already got to that point, my disappointment lies with the fact I had to be in hi-sec grinding missions at all, not in what happened once I got there.

As for fitting - it was my prestige bling boat, stupidly overpowered for the missions I was running (which is why the fit is the way it is) but the only other ship I had was a Brutix which I couldn't really do the level 4's solo with. I have other ships elsewhere in New Eden but no in places I could get too easily (Thera)

As for the evading wardeccers, as a matter of fact I used to get so bored doing the missions I'd just go to a trade hub (usually Dodixie) and try and provoke them into chasing me in different ships just for my own amusement and to practice evasion etc. Good fun as it happens - which is why I can't hold any sort of grudge against Marmite and so on, cos I got more fun out of them trying to kill me than I did from the PvP stuff I was trying to do in nullsec.

Thanks for the considered reply though. CODE seem pretty cool.

Most nullseccers don't spend ages ISK grinding to participate in fleet fights.

They field ships they can comfortably afford to lose on low strategic importance corp/alliance ops, and if an op of significnat importance comes up, every halfway decent alliance has a ship replacement program in place.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2015-01-14 04:29:25 UTC
Mount Sumaco wrote:
Wow. This thread 1/2 OP stating his world view, and then defending his precious world view against constant and unassailably logical arguments as to why the problem is his own perception and choices, and not the game.

Let me give it a try. First, some "culture":

The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

(I underlined the important parts for this discussion. You're welcome)

Oh god you pretentious fool, do you think and dream in CCP marketing-talk as well as post in them?

Mount Sumaco wrote:
So this famous poet figured out over a hundred years ago that in life, wherever you end up, its completely the unintended consequence of your choices.

This is ridiculous. What are you some kind of life coach? Who speaks in entirely inane platitudes? Can we stick to the discussion at hand rather than your deep poetry and astonishing level of insight you've gleamed from it?

Here's a tip for you - rather than garnish your point with utterly irrelevant and pretentious crap just say what you need to say and do it without resorting to this sort of rubbish. It smacks of insecurity if nothing else and it's not exactly on topic. Here's another saying from a famous poet - "brevity is the soul of wit" (you might have to google it though...)

Mount Sumaco wrote:
So you made some choices and are not happy with the destination you have arrived at. Instead of introspection, you're blaming the game and the game mechanics.

That's beacuse in this instance being compelled to follow the game mechanics (grinding missions of ISK/Standing) is what led to me being in hi-sec in the first place. All the moralistic and prentious stuff about the road less travelled and so on might sound insightful in your head, but to me it's irrelevent. It was the game mechanics (with a dash of bad luck of course) that led this game being over for me, and having read all the points given to me and learned what I can from the serious replies, if I could go back in time I'd do it all over again - because the choice I had was a) die in hi-sec or b) rot in nullsec.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
This is the same as going on a road trip and, without a map, hoping to end up in Disneyland but instead ending up in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And then blaming the Dept. of Public Works for building a road system that leads everywhere instead of a straight line to where you'd dreamed.

You seriously are kiling this metaphor y'know. This is pure cringe.

[quote=Mount SumacoPeople have given many examples of ways you could have done things better and you have dismissed them all with fallacies and "oh, that wouldn't work because of X". Let me give you two examples off the top of my head:[/quote]

Which fallacies? Name them. And "oh that wouldn't work because of X" happens to be correct in my case. Perhaps spending a moment to consider the situation I was in, rather than boring me to tears with your faded memories of high-school english literature and other such banalities.
#66 - 2015-01-14 04:40:39 UTC
There are plenty of ways to make isk without doing missions for gosh sakes. Sounds like this is a tempest in a teacup.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2015-01-14 04:41:07 UTC
Mount Sumaco wrote:

#1: WingspanTT
This guy learned on day three of his free trial that there was a ship called a "Stealth Bomber" in the game. He looked at it and decided that that appealed to him and he would go do that. He never finished the tutorial missions (and it shows in his early videos, always with hilarious results) but rather "took the path less travelled"... and then recorded and upload everything to Youtube, becoming Eve famous and obviously have a fantastic time with his "Torpedo Delivery Service".

What has this got to do with me being unable to participate in nullsec PvP due to a badly thought out game mechanic?

Again, this might be the sort of thing that lifts your spirit and your soul, but to me it looks like a digression to obfuscate the fact you can't actually make any sort of defence for your beloved game.

All I see here is immature fanboys rushing to defend their game from criticism based on my actual experience (not PR spiel that has little or no resemblence to the game I've spent 6 months playing) with the occasional thoughtful post thrown in by someone trying to be helpful.

Mount Sumaco wrote:

#2: Cannibal Kane
You've come to C&P and don't seem to realise the sort of attention you have called upon yourself (again, by your own actions and choices).

Is that meant to be some kind of a threat? pmsl could you go into more detail pls? This should be funny.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
This fair gentleman

*tips fedora* M'lady

Mount Sumaco wrote:
By the way, if this was said to me I'd be very much afraid, and with good reason. Its the same as the Devil himself taking particular interest in the life of one particular ant...

Why? Would could he possibly do to me? Destroy my ships? Well I don't have many left so good luck to him on that one.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
To sum up (and reiterate what has been said many, many times already in this post) buck up and stop blaming others/the game for your perceived failures. All your problems can be found in the mirror.

Also, good luck with the unintended results of your choice to post this topic in C&S. I suspect you're really going to need it.

Unfortunately though badly thought out game mechanics that ended up restricting me to a choice between a) certain death in hi-sec or b) absolutely no ability to engage in nullsec PVP (ie the part of the game which isn't terminally boring) and no amount of introspection or angsty poetry can change that. You might to too brand loyal to countenence even the slightest criticism of the game, but my experiences of this game and it's community were pretty poor on the whole, i can see why it's the figure of such mockery and derision now I've actually had a go.

And I'd be really interested to year what these un-intended results are. What kind of threats are you making here? Be specific please and don't just quote me another poem.
Mount Sumaco
#68 - 2015-01-14 04:44:01 UTC
Mount SumacoPeople have given many examples of ways you could have done things better and you have dismissed them all with fallacies and "oh, that wouldn't work because of X". Let me give you two examples off the top of my head:

Which fallacies? Name them. And "oh that wouldn't work because of X" happens to be correct in my case. Perhaps spending a moment to consider the situation I was in, rather than boring me to tears with your faded memories of high-school english literature and other such banalities.

Sigh. I try to inject a little humour and "culture" to a circular topic and all I get is ridicule and my feelings hurt. Forum rules need to be buffed so that it doesn't happen again!

In all seriousness, this exact reply is full of fallacies and "I'm right you're wrong": there is nothing unique in your particular case; you have made choices and decisions and are unhappy with the outcome. And again, instead of looking in the mirror at the cause, you're lashing out at anyone and everyone who is trying to help you see that.

I suspect this is true in your real life too, though I obviously can only infer that.

(Was that a more simple and contrite response? Were you able to read that without frothing up and resorting to ignominious name-calling?)
Alexi Stokov
State War Academy
Caldari State
#69 - 2015-01-14 04:47:18 UTC
This can not be a serious post.

You were in WH space making billions and isk was not an issue but left because it was boring due to no fights. Then you were doing grinding missions that you are now complaining about because CCP forced you to do them for money just so you could afford pvp...... that CCP falsely marketed in a pretend sandbox game.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2015-01-14 04:48:28 UTC
Orlacc wrote:
There are plenty of ways to make isk without doing missions for gosh sakes. Sounds like this is a tempest in a teacup.

Usually yes, but not in my case, which is why I ended up mission running in hi-sec. You're also forgetting standings. This is a hell of a grind to expect someone to go through just to participate in PvP. I think mechanics like this are cynical attempts to get people to pay for PLEX. I don't think the missions are boring and unrewarding by accident - I think it's a deliberate design feature to incentivise paying for PLEX and part of the business strategy. Something similar might be the case with how wardeccing currently functions. Either way it's a good enough reason not to bother playing the game other than to troll grief and scam.

More and more get this feeling that this game is ultimately a scam by design and the correct way to play it is to treat it as a scamming opportunity, rather than do the nullsec stuff (which although I enoyed I was ultimately forced out of)
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#71 - 2015-01-14 04:59:52 UTC
I know this has probably been touched on before, but the whole 'never fly something you can't afford' to lose thing is not just an axiom in this game.
It's pretty much the first law of EVE.
Had you kept your ship choice more modest then the loss would not have put you in so much of a bind.
A beat up truck would have done the job, but instead you went with the sports car with spinning rims and ground lighting... and then someone jacked it.
This sucks, but it's also the nature of the game. Grab a couple beers, kick back and let the anger flow out of you. Take the good bits of advice that have been proffered and think on em. Fit up another ship that's more affordable and get yourself back on your feet.
Your position is not untenable. Recovery is always possible.
Life under wardec isn't the end of the world either, many of us here operate under multiple wardecs continuously... you just need to learn to adapt to it.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2015-01-14 05:01:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Posadas
Mount Sumaco wrote:
Mount SumacoPeople have given many examples of ways you could have done things better and you have dismissed them all with fallacies and "oh, that wouldn't work because of X". Let me give you two examples off the top of my head:

Which fallacies? Name them. And "oh that wouldn't work because of X" happens to be correct in my case. Perhaps spending a moment to consider the situation I was in, rather than boring me to tears with your faded memories of high-school english literature and other such banalities.

Sigh. I try to inject a little humour and "culture" to a circular topic and all I get is ridicule and my feelings hurt. Forum rules need to be buffed so that it doesn't happen again!

In all seriousness, this exact reply is full of fallacies and "I'm right you're wrong": there is nothing unique in your particular case; you have made choices and decisions and are unhappy with the outcome. And again, instead of looking in the mirror at the cause, you're lashing out at anyone and everyone who is trying to help you see that.

I suspect this is true in your real life too, though I obviously can only infer that.

If that's your idea of humour I'd go see a shrink m8.

If it's your idea of culture then you must be living in some arid cultural desert.

ON both counts you failed hard. Don't take your frustrations out on me.

Btw only pretentious American college pseudo-intellectuals and Dawkinsian Atheists actually use the word "fallacy" in conversation. Normally people use the word "wrong" or "incorrect" (there's a variety of synonyms you could use here more suitable than "fallacy") and aren't so insecure as to replace a normal word with something that's vaguely more scientific-sounding, more redolent of the high-school debating society, in order to bolster their point.

allow me to give you some advice. Read this - and pay particular attention to rules 2 and 3.

If there are "fallacies" the name them don't just allude to them.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
(Was that a more simple and contrite response? Were you able to read that without frothing up and resorting to ignominious name-calling?)

contrite? No. Because the word contrite means "to be apologetic, sorry, to show contrition" etc and you certainly weren't being apologetic (that would first require you to accept you were wrong after all...)

I think the word you're looking for is concise, not contrite.

Generally speaking it's a good idea not to use flowery language to express your point unless you have a strong vocabularly and know what the words actually mean before using them.

In your case I think you just use it because it manages to spare you the trouble of actually reading the details of my situation, asking relevant questions and responding to specific things to further the discussion. Why do any of that boring stuff when you can copy and paste poetry right? Deeep man deeeep..... *smoke dat kush brah*
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2015-01-14 05:10:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Posadas
Alexi Stokov wrote:
This can not be a serious post.

You were in WH space making billions and isk was not an issue but left because it was boring due to no fights. Then you were doing grinding missions that you are now complaining about because CCP forced you to do them for money just so you could afford pvp...... that CCP falsely marketed in a pretend sandbox game.

Yes. I made billions WH ratting and ended up after what, 2-3 months of being in a nullsec corp, running out of ISK and with no alternative source of ISK (due to circumstances that aren't typical, but simultaneously aren't glitches but features of the game)

There's also the issue of standings, which I couldn't raise, meaning I could never go back to hi-sec (or Thera) without running the gauntlet (which I don't mind doing, getting a chase is about as much fun as I could've possibly had at that time, but got me told off by my corp mates cos apparently losing a shuttle or ceptor is the End of Days....) whereas everyone else had a network of jump clones and so on already set up.

had I spent another few months just doing nothing but missions it woud've been possible for me to play nullsec PvP, but I've only been playing the game 6 months and most of the standings are very low, the missions are amazingly boring and unrewarding (by design imo) and these are the pre-requisites for actually being able to play the game.

ISK isn't an issue until it runs out, is it? And you can't even get back upto hi-sec to sell some of your loot without losng 2 ceptors or whatever in the process. And when you do you get wardecced. Kinda feels like I was totally boxed off, that there's nothing I could do to get around this (god knows I tried at the time and nothing worked out)

Do people as a general rule here think that everyone who's been let down and disappointed by the game is making it up, or at fault in some way? Or are there people willing the accept the game is anything less than perfect? Some of you have made some interesting points but trying to talk to Eve players about faults in Eve is like trying to convince North Koreans that Kim Jong-Un doesn't make the sun rise and fall every day, it just can't be done.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2015-01-14 05:14:46 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:

Most nullseccers don't spend ages ISK grinding to participate in fleet fights.

They field ships they can comfortably afford to lose on low strategic importance corp/alliance ops, and if an op of significnat importance comes up, every halfway decent alliance has a ship replacement program in place.

Yup, but most nullseccers have a jumpclone (or more than one) set up at various points where it's safe for them to do some ratting (not always in hi-sec just somewhere away from trouble where the money is good etc)

This isn't something newer places such as myself are able to do. I don't mind losing a ceptor here and there and I don't mind losing other stuff but my ISK supplies were never going to last forever, and god knows the fact I was trapped in a semi-active corp for weeks without even being able to get out of my station and go for a roam and cause some trouble is bad enough, but not having a jumpclone or any money either?

The mistakes I made in this process wouldn't have changed any of that - I might've died in a Brutix instead of a Megathron Navy but they're both gonna die eventually, just a matter of when. Likewise I could've kept the bling off it, different fit etc, but so what?
Mount Sumaco
#75 - 2015-01-14 05:25:35 UTC
"Contrite - feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong."

Thank you Google dictionary.

I am remorseful (does this word suit you better?) that I am unable to express myself adequately to the lowest-common-denominator without them feeling resentful.

I am remorseful that others choose to ignore the message and rather choose to shoot the messenger.

I am remorseful that some people will stubbornly hold their point of view, even with an avalanche of evidence to the contrary.

Did you ever consider that your "chosen playstyle" may not, in fact, be for you? And that your current predicament is the result of your past actions and are thus your own fault?

...Oh wait, there's that "mirror" thing again, where someone tells you that you are your own worst enemy. I'm so sorry about that. Mirrors are just evil that way. They should be nerfed to not do that again.

What I meant to say was:

I am remorseful to have ever questioned you and your obviously well thought out argument that Eve is a pay-to-play game and thus is evil and we should all stop because you can't shoot red boxes in peace.

I am remorseful to have even attempted to hold your argument up to the light of day and criticized it in any way.

I am remorseful for making you angry. You're obviously someone I should fear and your opinion of me is something I hold in highest regard.

I shall now go stand in the corner and keep my logical opinions to myself, since logic obviously has no place in this topic.And neither does this here mirror.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2015-01-14 05:38:19 UTC
Mount Sumaco wrote:
I am remorseful that some people will stubbornly hold their point of view, even with an avalanche of evidence to the contrary.

Not that I've seen, and certainly not from you, who was too busy trying to sound smart and copy and paste poetry to engage n something close to an adult discussion. Some people have suggested that I shouldn't have been playng Nullsec PvP at all, which is the only thing in this game that interests me beyond ganking and trollling.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
Did you ever consider that your "chosen playstyle" may not, in fact, be for you?

Well I had that choice made for me by the game. And no I don't want to be a miner/explorer these parts of the game are generally very boring.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
And that your current predicament is the result of your past actions and are thus your own fault?

Not my fault you need to grind missions to get standing. That was the design of the game, not me.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
I am remorseful to have even attempted to hold your argument up to the light of day and criticized it in any way.

You shouldn't be - after all why feel guilty for something you haven't done. Some people have made attempts to engage, you decided to post poetry and show us all how intellectual and deep you were by confusing contrite with concise and so on.

Mount Sumaco wrote:
I am remorseful for making you angry.

I shall now go stand in the corner and keep my logical opinions to myself, since logic obviously has no place in this topic.And neither does this here mirror.

I've been very patient and tried to keep my language clear and stick to the topic at hand. No anger, just fascination, don't give
yourself that much credit.

You have't had any logical opinions. You started out by copy and pasting some poetry and then carried on by writing off everything I've said as "your fault, look in the mirror, Eve is perfect anyone who thinks otherwise obviously isn't hardcore enough" etc etc

And could you go into more details about the threats you were making by proxy with Cannibal Kane pls? Why should I be scared? Scared of what? I notice you didn't follow up on this. It is quite important you do.
Mount Sumaco
#77 - 2015-01-14 06:13:45 UTC
Oh lastly, thank you very much for that article link [url][/url]

I had forgotten that the very act of writing is never in itself a form of entertainment, even a reply to a post of a game that by OP is "badly designed". From now on, I shall endeavour... I mean, make sure, I communicate in a business-like fashion just for you.

Let's forget that the article originally written by George Orwell was about not being lazy with language, putting effort and proper thought into your communication. Not, as I understand it, as you deem to remove all elaborate or literary words and phrases.

Cannibal Kane can speak for himself (or not, as he chooses). You have a point; just because I have a healthy level of respect/fear of the man does not automatically mean you should. This is not a debate about religion, after all...

...The Church of Cannibal Kane...Let it be known it was started here! Cool

Having been chastised for only reading the posts here (instead of studying them in their deep, philosophical meaning), having done so I still cannot find any reasoning on your part other than "I made decisions and the unintended consequences are affecting my current intended gameplay. I don't like this and I choose to rather blame others and the game instead of take responsibility."

To "create" a simile/metaphor (since using an already published one is not allowed), that is the same as saying: "You Buddhists are too pacifist, even to the point of allowing harm to come to you by others. I don't like that because it negates my view the people are inherently aggressive and I live my life that way and you are negating my chosen lifestyle." (if this is not an adequate example, I am contritely remorseful. Perhaps you could give a better "home-spun" illustration).

Though I do have to give you credit: you have at least remained resolute in your defense of your position and attended to your thread through at least four pages of constant and continuous mirror-holding. Your resilience does you credit, if nothing else.

Also, alts are totally a thing. Both for moving undetected and for experiencing parts of the game you may have inadvertently locked yourself out of. Biomass and restarting from new is another available choice, though you may find that unpalatable.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#78 - 2015-01-14 06:15:07 UTC
I think I've bitten my tongue so many times reading this thread that if I remain silent any more I shall indeed bite it off.

EVE is not perfect, it's just a great deal better than what passes for alternatives out there. In fact many forum dwellers spend an immense amount of time griping about various aspects of it. Yes, it has shortcomings, but on the other hand you have a dedicated playerbase who has hung in there with it for over 11 years now. There is a reason for this: no competitor comes even close to having what EVE has to offer in terms of freedom.

You were not forced to do anything. There were methods of getting what you wanted that did not involve grinding anything. Jump Clone service corps exist for people exactly like you. You made a poorly informed choice and got burned. The fact that you did so in a ship that you obviously could not afford to replace was also your choice. The corp you associated with who didn't give you any good advice or real support? Also your choice. Coming to the forums to gripe about it... you got it, your choice.

None of this is on EVE. This tattered mess is of your own creation. What you do with it from here is also your choice.
If you stay and learn and grow from this that's one choice. You can also choose to stamp your feet and rage at the unfairness of the world and summarily quit.

Up to you.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2015-01-14 06:27:19 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
You were not forced to do anything. There were methods of getting what you wanted that did not involve grinding anything. Jump Clone service corps exist for people exactly like you.

Yes but there were objections to this in my corp. As a service it's extremely limited and wasn't suitable for what I needed to do.

Omar Alharazaad wrote:
You made a poorly informed choice and got burned.

Could you go into more detail about this?

Omar AlharazaadThe fact that you did so in a ship that you obviously could not afford to replace was also your choice.[/quote wrote:

I don't mind losing the ship - only that I was forced into a position where facing certain death-by-wardec was my only viable way of playing the game. Please re-read the OP.

Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Coming to the forums to gripe about it... you got it, your choice.

I came here to query a combination of gameplay mechanics that've essentially driven me out of the game and ask for advice on how to get into other forms of PvP that are more along the lines of griefing and so on as an alternative (due to the fact i'm still paying for this racket for the next 6 months might as well try and ruin someone elses fun, right?)

[quote=Omar Alharazaad]None of this is on EVE. This tattered mess is of your own creation. What you do with it from here is also your choice.

If you stay and learn and grow from this that's one choice.

You can also choose to stamp your feet and rage at the unfairness of the world and summarily quit.

There's nothing to learn though in terms of gameplay. All the things you're trying to tell me, about my ship, jump clones, etc, were things I was perfectly aware of months ago and made absolutely no difference whatsoever to my course of action.

All i've learned is that Eve fanboys refuse to accept any fault with their game whatsoever and their community has a mental age of about 12.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#80 - 2015-01-14 06:34:08 UTC
When I proposed in the most awesome thread on these forums that Veers and Kell make a baby and let it be the king of all Biebers... I didn't realise this had already taken place.

I stand corrected.



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