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Wardeccers cost me my corp/alliance membership, need advice

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2015-01-13 12:41:16 UTC
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
what makes you a special little snowflake?

How old are you? 12?
Dreaded Vengance
Godless Horizon.
#22 - 2015-01-13 12:46:42 UTC
Posadas wrote:
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
what makes you a special little snowflake?

How old are you? 12?

Your standard and only riposte throughout this thread shows a lack of imagination and originality, terrible troll 0/10.

Republic Military School
#23 - 2015-01-13 12:46:48 UTC
Posadas wrote:

Well it certainly seems that way from where I'm sitting. Losing your ship to wardeccers cos you're a newb and don't know better is one thing, losing your ship to wardeccers even though you know it's going to happen bu the gameplay dynamic has compelled you into a situation where it's your only alternative to spinning your shuttle in station is quite another.

This is arse.

You aren't compelled to do anything of the sort.

In your situation and with a modicum of lucidity, I would have simply created a one man corp to mission or explore in at 0% tax. I'm really not seeing what your issue is, it's common sense. It's got nothing to do with not being able to afford this, or having to ship spin that. The opportunities available to you in the face of highly selective adversity are vast. Your comments about the sandbox being restrictive fly in the face of all logic. You're obviously institutionalized and can't see the field for the 'roids.

Moreover, the incessant bleating of people like yourself, who appear to be unable to rationally think through a situation, analyse it, make an informed decision and act upon it is what gives enterprising players the opportunity and desire to grief, scam and destroy you.

You make yourselves easy targets. There is no logical counter-argument to this.

Sometimes you hit the bar and sometimes the bar hits you...

Black Pedro
#24 - 2015-01-13 12:57:34 UTC
Posadas wrote:
It doesn't function in the way you describe though. If it did then people like me wouldn't be in the position that i've painstakinly elaborated to you in the OP. The fact I could end up in the situation I did end up in shows that there's clearly something going wrong and this idealistic vision of the game being flawless, that if I'd just done X, Y or Z differently things would've been different. As of yet I haven't seen anyone describe to me what I could've done differently to avoid this outcome really (apart from not joining a Nullsec PVP corp until I'd done 5 years of mission-running and got 50 million skill points first before trying to actually enjoy myself)

It functions in such a way that PvE draws me out of me playing the game I enjoy (PVP, nullsec etc) for very long periods at a time but in the process makes me a sitting duck to wardeccers. Therefore I can't get the resources I need to fight my opponents (which if you remember back to the OP was the cause of my weeks of inactivity) in nullsec without facing inevitable and challenge-free certain death. Catch-22.

I never claimed that the game was perfect, but you being drawn out as a target is by design. Why do you assume that highsec under wardec is any safer than nullsec? Highsec is suppose to have conflict - in fact Jita is probably the most dangerous system in the game most days - it is just tempered a bit by CONCORD and the faction police which makes the tactics slightly different.

If there is a kernel of an argument in there, it is that part of the problem is that highsec pays too well for the reduced risk. Given the opportunity to mission in highsec under the free protection of CONCORD, or earn ISK in nullsec, nullsec should win hands down each time. Your alliance was responsible for the security of your null home and thus should have been much more profitable for you to stay there than to mission in highsec. Now under a wardec, clearly null is much safer than highsec so you made an error in coming back to highsec no matter how you look at it, but still, you shouldn't be tempted with that risk-free ISK in the first place.

The core of your problem was clearly a poor corp. They should provide protection for you and opportunities to make income if you are going to live in null. They should also be able to front/lend you ships to make money if you suffer a loss or are starting out. And they should teach you to PvE under wardec or in null (which is always under threat). If you are not getting any benefits from being in their corp, you are much better off in an NPC corp as you have fewer of the downside risks, and none of their wars. Dust yourself off, find a new, better corp that will actually support you, and learn from your mistakes and get on with the game.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2015-01-13 12:58:02 UTC
Danalee wrote:
I'm gently trying to get it through your thick skull that the problem is YOU and you alone.

No I'm really not - when your advice to a new player who wants to play nullsec PVP (y'know, the part of the game that's actually fun) but runs into a flaw which makes it impossible is stop playing nullsec PVP and go be a market trader/miner/etc instead that would suggest to me a very serious flaw in the overall gameplay. People shouldn't be forced out of the one thing they paid for just because mechanics that were either badly thought out and deliberately made to be that way. Eve sells itself on it's nullsec PVP, that's what gets the suckers in, that's what pays the rent for CCP right? The fact i've tried in good faith to do this and run into a catch-22 style situation not of my own making that's stopped me from doing it leaves me with this gnawing feeling that maybe I've been cheated, maybe it's as much of a scam as any other game where you can buy in-game currency for real money, where balance and gameplay issues are of secondary importance to keeping a churn of new suckers paying subs. Maybe they design features like Wardeccing to give an incentive for players to pay for PLEX with hard cash? Maybe that's the part you don't see, you think these issues are about balance, about CCP having your best gameplay experience at heart when they introduce these features. Maybe wardeccing just exists cos they worked out it would boost PLEX sales by X% or something? That because you can lose expensive ships easily with little or no skill it makes PLEX's a more tempting option.

Y'know those sort of freemium games where they con you into spending money in-game to actually be able to compete at an even level? I think there's a lot of that going on in Eve - it's the only way I can explain things like the Wardeccing mechanic or the some of the other weird things I've seen since I've been playing. I have this horrible feeling I'm being conned and that the best way to get pleasure out of the game is to treat it like a big con, an opportunity to extort and grief and so on, and that the likes of Marmite have worked this out and tbh represent the real eve. I have more respect for them for being a pure distillation of what this game is all about than I do the sanctimonious crap I've heard from you that's for sure.

To those who've sent me messages, thank you for taking the time and effort to respond in detail to the points without stooping to the level of a edgy high-school student to dismiss it, I'll respond to you in all due course.

Thinking of just going for the griefing stuff rather than RvB, NPSI, FW etc cos that's where the real meta is.
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#26 - 2015-01-13 12:59:51 UTC
Stupid OP is stupid.

First his terribad thread gets deleted.

Thinking he is entitled, he then reposts his sad sob story in C&P, and then expects sympathy.

He is given great advice, for free, and then ignores it, being he is stupid.

To OP: get out of my damn spaceship game.

I believe Star Trek Online is thatawayArrow

You will love it. Its free, there is no PVP, and even if you get blowed up, it doesn't matter anyway.

You will also be able to walk in a starbase and shoot people with fire extinguishers.

Have fun, and give me all your stuffs before you cancel your sub.

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2015-01-13 13:00:06 UTC
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
Posadas wrote:
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
what makes you a special little snowflake?

How old are you? 12?

Your standard and only riposte throughout this thread shows a lack of imagination and originality, terrible troll 0/10.


Harden the **** Up? pmsl.

All you need to do now is call me either a beta or a SJW or something. Most 12 year olds would cringe at this ****, I take it back.

Careful with those edges, you might just cut yourself.
Yourmoney Mywallet
#28 - 2015-01-13 13:16:10 UTC
^^ you're not good enough to be beta.
Yourmoney Mywallet
#29 - 2015-01-13 13:17:37 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Posadas wrote:
As of yet I haven't seen anyone describe to me what I could've done differently to avoid this outcome

Join Brave, RVB, EVE-UNI, Phoebe freeport, Any CFC member, Hisec gankers, hisec mission runners, incursion runners, WH dwellers.
Try to play the markets, try hauling, try scanning, try Faction warfare solo, try faction warfare with a group.
Begin an industrialist career, build pos, research stuff, try PI, make corp, recruit members, wardec other corp to get poco.
Be an agent of the CODE., be an anti-ganking sperglord.
Scam people. Blow stuff up. Awox. Do espionage for mittens.
Be social, help others, talk to people, be creative.
Make your own story.



pro-poast tbh
Black Pedro
#30 - 2015-01-13 13:18:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Posadas wrote:
this is such crap and I'm sorry I've been playing long enough to be able to see marketing like that for what it is. It's a very restrctive sandbox, especially for those who are less than 3 or 4 years old, with a number of in-built checks and co-ercisve pressures to channel you into doing certain (often tedious) things. I wouldn't chose to run missions if we were in a proper sandbox game - very few Eve players would. Features such as wardeccing are speficially designed, not by the players but by the CCP itself it's in game design, to prevent your ability to do the basic things required to play the game and get ships.

New Eden is a sandbox. To make it interesting there are many ways to gather resources but all of them have a way to be interfered with by other players. This is intended and required to make a viable sandbox game. You have the freedom to make your way through them as you want, but don't expect any income to be handed to you risk-free. Take the risk, you earn the reward. That is the game.

Posadas wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Specifically targeting new players isn't very sporting

So?? All the more reason to do it right?

Black Pedro wrote:
In fact, if you blow them up and then gently explain to them what they did wrong, and that New Eden isn't a safe place, you are doing them a valuable service by teaching them this lesson while they are flying an easily replaceable ship.

Why would I want to do that?

I blow up new players from time-to-time in the course of enforcing the Code and when they show a good attitude, it is quite rewarding to give them advice on why they were exploded and how to avoid it in the future. If you don't find that rewarding, then just blow them up - the lesson is still taught the same. As long as you stay within the EULA, you have the freedom to do whatever you'd like.

Posadas wrote:
Well it certainly seems that way from where I'm sitting. Losing your ship to wardeccers cos you're a newb and don't know better is one thing, losing your ship to wardeccers even though you know it's going to happen bu the gameplay dynamic has compelled you into a situation where it's your only alternative to spinning your shuttle in station is quite another.

The mere fact I found myself in this situation should be a sign that there's a problem with the wardeccing feaure that's not being addressed, and slavishly defending the game itself in spite of it's weaknesses seems like someone who's invested to much into a game (which only exists to deprive you of your money btw, the people who make Eve aren't a charity, they care more about money than balance y'know...) and can't bring themselves to acknolwedge certain facts even when they're staring them in the face

If you knew it was risky why did you do it? If you must mission in highsec, which for the record most sane players do not do regularly, then do it in a one-man corp or NPC corp. Otherwise you would have been better off in wormholes, or ratting in null, or even doing missions in lowsec than in highsec under wardec. And if you must do it in highsec under wardec you can still be safe, although I would probably have used a less expensive ship and perhaps stuck to blitzing L3s.

Wardecs provide risk to highsec as you have found out and they are working as intended. Highsec is not suppose to be safe - anyone who has told you this is mistaken. The game isn't broken - you just didn't/don't understand how the game works. It is PvP everywhere - EvE is "Everyone vs. Everyone".

If you are having trouble figuring this out, find a corp that can help teach you. Ranting on the forums that the game isn't what you expected or think it should be is not especially productive.
Charlie Jacobson
#31 - 2015-01-13 13:20:41 UTC
If you really want to do nullsec PvP, then look for a more serious nullsec corp that can help you actually do so. You might have some trouble now that you've humiliated yourself so badly on the forums, though.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2015-01-13 13:31:53 UTC
Charlie Jacobson wrote:
If you really want to do nullsec PvP, then look for a more serious nullsec corp that can help you actually do so. You might have some trouble now that you've humiliated yourself so badly on the forums, though.

Well Nullsec PvP is what drew me to the game, but after having a dabble and running into a brick wall just as I was finding my feet and enjoying it I'd like to try something else. That was kinda the point of the threat, to hear suggestions of alternatives to Nullsec PvP from people.

I don't see how someone who's had a bad experience with the game and feels like they're being scammed should be considered humiliating - this sort of nonsense is what I was referring to when I first mentioned that it's difficult to even raise concerns about the way the game is designed without provoking the ire of overly brand-loyal fanboys with this (unintentionally hilarious) nerds machismo.

I can live without nullsec PvP now I know how it works - this isn't a part of the game that interests me because I've been there, had a go, ended up stuck in a position where I'm spending inordinate amounts of time running boring missions just to enable me to occasionally get in a fleet and have some fun.

I'm not suggesting my situation is typical, a bit of bad luck played a role for sure, but I can't be the only person in the this game who's faced these sorts of problems, and repeating CCP's blatantly false marketing spiel about how this a perfect sandbox with no restrictions of imperatives to guide your actions in any direction etc isn't going to cut it (as so many of the replies have so sadly been) it's just pure denial.

Can't respond to everyone on the thread right now, I'll try and get back to everyone who made a thoughtful reply as soon as I can though.
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2015-01-13 13:33:39 UTC
Posadas wrote:
... my point is how come the game forces people to engage in this tedious grind of hi-sec mission running for ISK, standing, etc but then also includes a mechanic which means that Wardeccers can destroy you whilst you do this unwelcome grind on a total whim?

I was basically locked out of being able to play the game for weeks because I had no money to buy ships to replace my losses in my nullsec corp

First, the game doesnt' force a grind. If you were in a navy mega, you worked awfuly hard to get to that point, but let me break it to you. I make hundreds of millions or even billions in only an hour or two every few weeks. In between that time I don't make any money. I don't mission, I don't mine, I don't explore. My playstyle is not for everyone, but if you aren't enjoying what you're doing, then stop doing it. It really is as simple as that.

More concerning is your comments about your null sec corp. Why is your corp not replacing your losses?

Posadas wrote:
So I'm wondering what to do next, as I still have 6 months left of my subscription, what options are there? Nullsec PVP is ruled out, so should I go for something like Faction Warfare? What's Red vs Blue like? I was in a wormhole corp with some friends when I first started, and that was fun, but it gets a bit boring tbh after a while if your WH never gets anyone visiting for a fight. How about organised griefing and Wardeccing in hi-sec? It seems pretty easy and you get to take out your frustrations and disappointments in the game against unsuspecting new players. I did a bit of hi-sec catalyst ganking and that's a cheap laugh, but there's not much challenge in it. Is there a way of doing this on a bigger scale? Is specifically targetting brand new players who are likely to ragequit also allowed when it comes to griefing?

Specifically targeting new players is heavily frowned upon, but if they aren't in rookie systems, nothing will be done. Please, contact me in game so we can talk. I have a few ideas I'd like to float by you, and you seem to enjoy the fun parts in eve. Just stop worrying about the isk and fly some smaller stuff for awhile.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#34 - 2015-01-13 13:37:24 UTC
Join Estel Arador Corp Services to get your Jump Clones, that is what they do, then leave and join back your original corp.

Then rat in Nul for ISK.

Problem solved.
Godfrey Silvarna
Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#35 - 2015-01-13 13:54:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Godfrey Silvarna
Posadas wrote:
blatantly false marketing spiel about how this a perfect sandbox with no restrictions of imperatives to guide your actions in any direction etc isn't going to cut it (as so many of the replies have so sadly been) it's just pure denial.

It's not a sandbox if you can do whatever you want and others can not interact with you. You seem to have gotten sandbox and theme park confused with each other. In a sandbox the environment is defined by your interactions with other players as opposed to being defined by hard coded interaction with non-player entities. You seem to be under the impression that a sandbox MMO is like single player Minecraft, which is strictly false.

EVE is a conflict driven PvP game. Wardecs successfully serve the function of causing conflict to provide content for the game.

The real problem in your case is that many older nullsec corporations assume that all their members are capable of independently making their ISK, often with alts, which was a false assumption in your case and for some reason no one bothered to guide you in the right way.

I am beginning to suspect your past corp mates might make their isk with off-corp alts in faction warfare, wormholes or even highsec. If the latter is the case, could some adventurous Agent of the New Order of Highsec please send them to the company of their mains in Nullsec where they belong? I am starting to think there is something to all this talk about highsec income needing a nerf if nullsec players end up going to highsec for their ISK.
Dreaded Vengance
Godless Horizon.
#36 - 2015-01-13 14:03:01 UTC
Posadas wrote:
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
Posadas wrote:
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
what makes you a special little snowflake?

How old are you? 12?

Your standard and only riposte throughout this thread shows a lack of imagination and originality, terrible troll 0/10.


Harden the **** Up? pmsl.

All you need to do now is call me either a beta or a SJW or something. Most 12 year olds would cringe at this ****, I take it back.

Careful with those edges, you might just cut yourself.

I didn't miss the fact that you were ganking miners in high sec, ironically in the very same region where you lost your Navy Mega. Nor the fact that you didn't actually address my post but instead went on the defensive or tried to call out anyone that said maybe the problem is you.

You saw fit to take away someones means for making money in high sec using the game mechanics available to you, yet when the same happened to you, you decided to hit the forums and complain. I wonder what your response to one of those miners would have been?

So yes, grow a spine.

Ro Fenrios
Armilies Corporation
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#37 - 2015-01-13 14:15:22 UTC
Lol. Maybe the miners hired mercs to wardec op?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2015-01-13 14:31:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Posadas
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
I didn't miss the fact that you were ganking miners in high sec, ironically in the very same region where you lost your Navy Mega. Nor the fact that you didn't actually address my post but instead went on the defensive or tried to call out anyone that said maybe the problem is you.

You saw fit to take away someones means for making money in high sec using the game mechanics available to you, yet when the same happened to you, you decided to hit the forums and complain. I wonder what your response to one of those miners would have been?

What's wrong with ganking miners in hi-sec? Isn't this one of the many features of the game that should be praised and encouraged?

Likewise there's nothing inherently wrong with Wardeccing - it's a dynamic that could probably do with tweaking some extent (and I'd be happy to discuss possible ideas for this on another thread maybe) but it's the sequence of events that led to me being stuck in hi-sec running missions in a very expensive ship, whilst a war dec was on, as it was the only way I had to engage in Nullsec PvP, that's the root cause of my concern.

If I'd got killed as a result of recklessness, or naivity, or refusal to listen to advice etc then you'd be right - but the fact that I got caught up in this process even though I knew it was reckless, even though I had advice telling me not too, that I ended up in that ship at that time, with my posterior exposed waiting for Marmite to come along and have their wicked way with me, because it was either that or sit in my station and do nothing, this is the root of the problem, and like it or not that's not a problem that can be reduced down to my personal behaviour. If I could relive the whole thing I'd do it all again cos I can't see what else I could've done bar quit the corp and start over?

Al lot the cliche's and advice I've heard from people are banal truisms that anyone who's been playing the game for more than week ought to be aware of, and don't get anwhere near the issue at hand. The only people who've made any attempt to think about this properly are the people who've sent me mails privately and written considered replies - to those people, thank you, I will respond to you all in detail once this thread is over with.

I haven't spent any time here complaining about Marmite Collective - they have my respect. They're a more honest incarnation of the spirit of Eve than the stuff i've heard from you. They did what they do, it's part of the game, it's not their actions I'm bothered by (cos their actions aren't a problem) and it's not losing a ship that I'm bothered by - it's the fact I was put into that position in the first place that annoys me, that I was wrapped up in time-consuming mission grinding, making me a stupidly easy target for wardeccers, as a means to play the game.

You can't expect people to have to do this mission grinding in a game then throw in a feature that makes said mission grinding borderline-impossible. Either change the way in which the missions work, how standings work, or change wardeccing, because the combination of the two in this particular scenario is a nightmare and a real problem, not a figment of my imagination.

A closer reading of what I've been saying might've spared me some trouble in explaining this.
Dreaded Vengance
Godless Horizon.
#39 - 2015-01-13 14:51:55 UTC
Posadas wrote:
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
I didn't miss the fact that you were ganking miners in high sec, ironically in the very same region where you lost your Navy Mega. Nor the fact that you didn't actually address my post but instead went on the defensive or tried to call out anyone that said maybe the problem is you.

You saw fit to take away someones means for making money in high sec using the game mechanics available to you, yet when the same happened to you, you decided to hit the forums and complain. I wonder what your response to one of those miners would have been?

If I'd got killed as a result of recklessness, or naivity, or refusal to listen to advice etc then you'd be right - but the fact that I got caught up in this process even though I knew it was reckless, even though I had advice telling me not too, that I ended up in that ship at that time

So, I'm right. Right?

Posadas wrote:
You can't expect people to have to do this mining in a game then throw in a feature that makes said mining borderline-impossible. Either change the way in which the mining works....blah

Are you self aware? You should try the mirror test.

Lucas Padecain
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#40 - 2015-01-13 15:29:07 UTC
OP, I was in your shoes once. When I first started playing I lost my precious Brutix to a guy who probed me in my mission, stole my loot and baited me into aggressing him. He promptly squished me like a bug.

I was very close to letting my sub lapse and just move on with my life. But I did something crazy...I started to research the game, its mechanics, fitted up some ships and went to low sec. And I've stayed here for nearly all of the last 2 and a half years.

My point is that you shouldn't throw your hands in the air and say "I quit." You need to read blogs, articles, guides, etc to understand this game, and then actually do it to learn it. You experienced a war dec from Marmite. So what? You make it seem like you're completely stuck when you're not.

There's always more corps out there. Sure, you have your group of people you like, but you can always stay in touch. Play this game how you want to play it, not how you think others want you to.When it comes down to it, you're the one paying for the sub and it's your enjoyment.

With that said, stop being so defensive. Eve has a lot of trolls and you'll have to filter that out, but there is a lot of solid advice in here. It would do you well to listen to/think about it.

As far as what you said about how "you can't be good in this game unless you've played for 3 years" (or whatever it was, exactly), that is a complete and utter LIE. A good Eve-friend of mine used the 20 day multi-character training thing to create a brand spankin new character to PvP with. Not even a week into it and (s)he has 19 kills, zero losses with an Atron that did 38 dps for the first few days.

It's all about attitude and resourcefulness, and I suggest you take a moment to examine yourself on both.