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Make rarest ores more valuable?

First post
Silver Talon
#61 - 2015-01-17 07:13:35 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
Ruinoso wrote:
James Baboli wrote:
It is your proposal. Thus the burden of communication falls squarely on you. Make us understand what it is you want in certain terms. Be crystal clear and if necessary, use formal logic and the symbolic representation of said logic.

I was very clear in my OP. People don't read carefully. Others read off-topic responses to the OP and assume they've read the OP. Other posters' carelessness or ineptitude isn't my problem.

If I need to read carefully, either the subject is deeply technical, or the writing is bad. As you have stated that you think the OP is clear, I will do a fill critique for you, so you can edit if you see fit, or improve any future posts.

There was no clear statement of what you mean by rare. Does this mean the 5 & 10% yield ores? ABCs? You don't specify except by a single example.

There was no single sentence which contained the basic idea as simply as ppossible.
You open at least two methods of making the cahnges you want but neither is spelled out clearly in its own sentence, paragraph or other logically sized chunk.
There are three text blocks of approximately paragraph size without cohesive theme to them, and with out any transition or link.

You present the problem you want to solve as a given, without but a single refrence to the description. This means it is easy to argue that your selected issue is an actual problem.
You present the implicit assumption that lore should be a primary driver of game mechanics.

You present two very early concept level ways of reconciling game mechanics with lore, but they aren't even fleshed out enough to be called skeleton s.

Then don't waste your time posting in my thread. Go to the threads written by college professors and the like. Capice?
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#62 - 2015-01-17 07:18:48 UTC
Ruinoso wrote:
If the benefit-to-risk ratios of mining the most common ores in highsec vs. the rarest ores in nullsec are close to one another, are even, or are shown to favor the former, then the rarest ores in nullsec cannot reasonably be said to be all that rare, nor can they be said to be so sought after that a mere chunk of the stuff would make a pilot rich. That's the position in a nutshell. Until that is addressed, does it matter what one thinks about the mechanism proposed to affect the rarest ores' rarities? I don't think so. So far, everyone has an opinion about the latter, but few have addressed the former.

It isn't so much an issue of overabundance of high end minrtals as it is an explosion of demand for the low end stuff and a near simultaneous reduction in supply. This makes the low end substantially more value.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2015-01-17 07:22:26 UTC
Ruinoso wrote:
Then don't waste your time posting in my thread. Go to the threads written by college professors and the like. Capice?

He just handed to you on a silver platter an easy way to clean up your idea and present it in a way that would deter trolls and possibly garner constructive criticism.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#64 - 2015-01-17 07:24:21 UTC
Ruinoso wrote:
James Baboli wrote:
Ruinoso wrote:
James Baboli wrote:
It is your proposal. Thus the burden of communication falls squarely on you. Make us understand what it is you want in certain terms. Be crystal clear and if necessary, use formal logic and the symbolic representation of said logic.

I was very clear in my OP. People don't read carefully. Others read off-topic responses to the OP and assume they've read the OP. Other posters' carelessness or ineptitude isn't my problem.

If I need to read carefully, either the subject is deeply technical, or the writing is bad. As you have stated that you think the OP is clear, I will do a fill critique for you, so you can edit if you see fit, or improve any future posts.

There was no clear statement of what you mean by rare. Does this mean the 5 & 10% yield ores? ABCs? You don't specify except by a single example.

There was no single sentence which contained the basic idea as simply as ppossible.
You open at least two methods of making the cahnges you want but neither is spelled out clearly in its own sentence, paragraph or other logically sized chunk.
There are three text blocks of approximately paragraph size without cohesive theme to them, and with out any transition or link.

You present the problem you want to solve as a given, without but a single refrence to the description. This means it is easy to argue that your selected issue is an actual problem.
You present the implicit assumption that lore should be a primary driver of game mechanics.

You present two very early concept level ways of reconciling game mechanics with lore, but they aren't even fleshed out enough to be called skeleton s.

Then don't waste your time posting in my thread. Go to the threads written by college professors and the like. Capice?

It ain't rocket surgery. It's basic written communication at about the high school level. You put up that you thought you were clear, I corrected an erroneous assumption. Its as simple as ctrl x to section out the bits there into 3 organized sectiond and one to two more sentences about the two changes you want, like where this added mineral cost might be.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#65 - 2015-01-17 07:29:51 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Ruinoso wrote:
Then don't waste your time posting in my thread. Go to the threads written by college professors and the like. Capice?

He just handed to you on a silver platter an easy way to clean up your idea and present it in a way that would deter trolls and possibly garner constructive criticism.

While on my phone no less.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Dave stark
#66 - 2015-01-17 09:12:26 UTC
ccp can't change the price of people's market orders. or how supply and demand works.
Les Routiers
Proudly Snoring
#67 - 2015-01-18 15:07:04 UTC
I'm understanding three different things from the OP. These are:

1. It feels strange that the in-game description calls rare and valuable actually aren't.

- Reason: EVE is a sandbox.
- Possible fix (1): have CCP change the ore description for Arkonor.
- Possible fix (2): find something more interesting to worry about.

2. 0.0 miners don't earn all that much more than their highsec counterparts.

- Reason: the big minerals consumers are the supercap builders, and those need a ton of trit and other low-end ores.
- Possible fix: change the 0.0 belt composition so there will be more Dense Veldspar and less Arkonor. Make the +10% roids rarer in highsec.

3. I wish 0.0 miners would earn more.

- Reason (1): EVE is not a PVP game. Between dedicated bears and bearing alts, the majority of EVE activity involves farming ISK. So there is massive overproduction, and manufactured goods are cheap.
- Reason (2): Ratting is better isk per hour.
- Possible fix: hm... that's a toughie... maybe reset all mining toons (except the OP's, obviously) to 0 SP in resource gathering, while making all resource gathering skills x256? Twisted - podcast en français sur Eve online.