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AFK Cloaking™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9841 - 2017-06-09 10:24:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Max Deveron
Teckos Pech wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
ok, especially @ Shitecko there.......

Explain why "AFK" cloaking is such a valid tactic and why that alone needs to be defended so heavily by its supporters?

Because you should not get enhanced security--i.e. lower risk. Ratting in NS Is already pretty damn safe if you are on comms, in the standing fleet and paying attention to intel and local.

Everyone who wants to get rid of AFK cloaking wants to do it by nerfing cloaks, not just for those who AFK cloak, but for those who use cloaks ATK. This tells me two things:

1. These people don't give a **** about game balance.
2. These people want less risk.

The first follows from the desire to nerf cloaks in general. But there are more uses for cloaks than just AFK cloaking. Scouts often use cloaking ships. People move small size high value cargo in cloaked ships like T3Cs and blockade runners. Exploration often requires a cloaky. Not to mention ATK hunting with a cloaking ship. So...why should these players have their game degraded so you and Mike can feel safer while acquiring resources?

ok dont have my coffee yet so bear with me..........

My perspective is coming from Highsec, i no longer live in null, have not in a few years now sicne i raged quit on the account that did over an argument with an alliance leader that failcascaded while i was gone.

Anyway, my point is this...lets say that I have an alt....its at war, i dont like the current odds....i can keep tabs on the target(s), stay in system, blah blah blah....while basically being AFK playing on another character till the odds or favorable oppurtunity changes.

imo...cloaking even in that regards is wrong....there should be a way to counter it.

edit: an afterthought, but any counter needs to be change to mechanics that applies to the entire system of cloaking. (sigh hope you understand that, going to go make my coffee and breakfast)
Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9842 - 2017-06-09 12:03:59 UTC
ok with breakfast out of the way and armed with coffee..........

Considering my perspective is from Highsec these days.
What was the standard grid changed to? 800km? 1400? about this for a test idea (flesh it out, use it for a building block of idea(s), flame it, whatever)

How about a High Power Module (highslot), and i say this because a barge/exhumer would have to sacrifice a strip, ships with utilities would have to sacrifice something....maybe
That in effect when you ping the D-scan(it flashes green and goes bong now) if, and i truly mean if a cloaky ship is on grid the d-scan will at least flash red or something instead and make a different sound.

This in effect has the basic of the pilot doing the ping scanning being ATK, and gives such pilot some assurance that a possible cloaker is not an imminent threat. (BLOPS cant warp cloaked correct? just T3's and covops)

Can even add a couple of skills in game....
1skill, lets say because some sort of emission leakage provides 2% per level (just a number folks) for the cloaker to be more difficult in detecting in this way.

The other, make it so a d-scan pinger with better training could maybe detect a cloaker easier better......

idk maybe at equal skill they cancel each other out.
This does not let you pin point said location of a cloaker, but hey this isnt Star Trek with Klingons and Birds of Prey having tail pipes.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#9843 - 2017-06-09 12:15:52 UTC
Nortal Aldent wrote:
I think CCP MUST realize there IS an issue given the number of pages this thread has going on.

Doesn't mean they will DO anything...but they must realize there is an issue.

It's on the first page.

This threads existence does not mean ccp nor isd's think there is anything that needs fixing. It is simply a thread to put all the whining in one place.

Ccp fozzie hinted that something might be done, but that it had something to do with afk cloaking not being an issue in wh space. This was well over a year ago though.

@max deveron
You're coming from the exact same position that i did when i first came to these threads. I dislike the immunity that cloaks provide. But i got into a lengthy discussion with our old friend nikk narrel about local. The way it works completely defeats the point of cloaking. There is no way, outside of wh's, to sneak up on people because you are painfully obvious in local. In many cases you are painfully obvious several systems out and all targets disappear before you even load system. The only way to get people to doubt your presence and leave the safety of their pos/citadel is to appear to be afk. You have to screw up on multiple levels to be caught by a regular roam, and as a result very few ratters are caught by non-cloakers.

There is counter play to afk cloaking at the moment. True you will never get the initiative, but ratting in groups and having a cyno ready makes ambushing you immensely more dangerous. The reason this thread has gone on so long? Because null bears feel entitled to rat without support (case in point from our latest arrivals). Other players disrupting their game play should be forbidden. And null bears are unable to think their ideas through.

And as for their ideas:
- If you can decloak a cloaked ship then all the null bears dock up and a combat fleet arrives forcing the decloaked cloaker out. There is no opportunity to disrupt resource gathering.

- If you know that someone is afk because of a flag in local then you also know when they are not afk by the lack of flag. Everyone knows when to dock up and when not to dock up. There is no opportunity to disrupt resource gathering.

- If cloaking takes fuel then the ratters know its only a matter of time before a cloaker has to leave. They simply sit in safety and wait it out. Then when the cloaker is gone, rat in absolute safety. This is the worst of both worlds. The cloaker is still untouchable until he leaves and the ratter is still ratting with no risk.

A compromise needs to be made. Local is too powerful. Cloaks are too powerful. A way for cloaked ships to be found would be good, but only if it requires some kind of effort and only if it isn't stupidly obvious the second an enemy enters system, especially an enemy using a cloak. There should be significant risk when you're ratting in null.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#9844 - 2017-06-09 12:26:20 UTC
With regards to the proposal;

Doesn't stop people afk cloaking at a safe. Even with grids being 10k km, thats not much time to do anything about someone coming. I imagine most players will still dock up as soon as a cloaker enters local bringing us back to square one.

We really mean it when we say local is the problem. No local, no point in afk cloaking.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9845 - 2017-06-09 12:42:46 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:

intelligent informational reply

others ideas
-I am not sure about an ability that can pin point a cloaked ship, not without convulted mechanics to the probing side fo things and maybe exorbitant expensive new types of really expensive and more than difficult to acquire. im on the fence of the topic but leaning towards a -1.

-hmmm, Fuel....again as Teckos said you could truck that in, doesnt help....maybe a really high cap drain that can not be mitigated effectively, then you just run around till your cap recharges? idk.

-the flag not going to search for that in this threadnaught to even get the basics of it but it sounds bad the way you explained it.

Ok so if both are too powerful........
And you say a compromise.
I for one dont like the idea of making local like wormhole space.....because it would make no sense to do so just for null, and if just because of newbros it would be detrimental to highsec since Constellation and Regional are already like that, doesnt make any sense to make them feel isolated and in a Solo player game when they are not. And you could not make that change sensibly without making the change a blanket for all of K-Space.

Now i did hear something earlier........
Would a combination of my module idea.....(with or without the new skills)
plus effectively allowing Cloakers and Recon ships (thinking like Rook here, Falcon is a cloaker) to dissappear from local when their systems were activated............
ok lost my train of thought, RL.
anyway i think you get the gist of what i am saying, would it be a closer step towards such a compromise?
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9846 - 2017-06-09 18:02:26 UTC
Tessa Sage wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

1. If he logs in and goes to work, he won't be locking or scramming anyone, this will be discernible via killboards. Go look through them and see when the player tends to get his kills.

... You know he is there and you can take the appropriate action (see my post above or any one of dozens in this thread).

This gives me an idea Teckos, where if zKillboard and the in game bounty system embellish upon said cloaker's usual whereabouts, notoriety and PvP capability, perhaps introduce one catalyst: a greater than 100 Million bounty will decloak the camper for a reasonable "go get em" span of time. This would no doubt draw lots of attention to the system affected and richly reward mercenaries in range to respond. Would they leave quietly upon carrying out the gargantuan bounty? It's fun to play through this concept.

Unless this decloaks the pilot immediately this won't work. Grab and alt, clear the an added bonus, get 100 million ISK (or have a buddy do it).

And I doubt that CCP would implement this where it decloaks anyone as soon as the bounty is placed. CCP usually likes to give people a chance to respond to such actions--e.g. all the timers in game. Further this would nerf ATK cloakers too. There you are moving 1 billion ISK of stuff in your viator and whoops, some guy just put a bounty on your head and you are decloaked and blapped by an insta-locking tornado. Why should the ATK blockade runner have his game ****** over in this manner?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9847 - 2017-06-09 18:22:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Nortal Aldent wrote:
I think CCP MUST realize there IS an issue given the number of pages this thread has going on.

Doesn't mean they will DO anything...but they must realize there is an issue.

It's on the first page.

This threads existence does not mean ccp nor isd's think there is anything that needs fixing. It is simply a thread to put all the whining in one place.

Ccp fozzie hinted that something might be done, but that it had something to do with afk cloaking not being an issue in wh space. This was well over a year ago though.

@max deveron
You're coming from the exact same position that i did when i first came to these threads. I dislike the immunity that cloaks provide. But i got into a lengthy discussion with our old friend nikk narrel about local. The way it works completely defeats the point of cloaking. There is no way, outside of wh's, to sneak up on people because you are painfully obvious in local. In many cases you are painfully obvious several systems out and all targets disappear before you even load system. The only way to get people to doubt your presence and leave the safety of their pos/citadel is to appear to be afk. You have to screw up on multiple levels to be caught by a regular roam, and as a result very few ratters are caught by non-cloakers.

There is counter play to afk cloaking at the moment. True you will never get the initiative, but ratting in groups and having a cyno ready makes ambushing you immensely more dangerous. The reason this thread has gone on so long? Because null bears feel entitled to rat without support (case in point from our latest arrivals). Other players disrupting their game play should be forbidden. And null bears are unable to think their ideas through.

And as for their ideas:
- If you can decloak a cloaked ship then all the null bears dock up and a combat fleet arrives forcing the decloaked cloaker out. There is no opportunity to disrupt resource gathering.

- If you know that someone is afk because of a flag in local then you also know when they are not afk by the lack of flag. Everyone knows when to dock up and when not to dock up. There is no opportunity to disrupt resource gathering.

- If cloaking takes fuel then the ratters know its only a matter of time before a cloaker has to leave. They simply sit in safety and wait it out. Then when the cloaker is gone, rat in absolute safety. This is the worst of both worlds. The cloaker is still untouchable until he leaves and the ratter is still ratting with no risk.

A compromise needs to be made. Local is too powerful. Cloaks are too powerful. A way for cloaked ships to be found would be good, but only if it requires some kind of effort and only if it isn't stupidly obvious the second an enemy enters system, especially an enemy using a cloak. There should be significant risk when you're ratting in null.

I want to reiterate/emphasize a number of points Daichi made above.

If you have been caught by an active cloaker or a roaming gang you made several mistakes. Several. Mistakes. Those mistakes are probably:

1. Not on voice comms.
2. Not in a standing fleet.
3. Not watching intel.
4. Not watching local.

We killed 2 rorquals a gila and a dreadnought (the thanny pilot thought better of it and was just outside the dictor bubbles so he e-cyno'd out) a few nights ago. There were something like 80 of us. We were a huge freaking gang, mostly in caracals burning Hell bent for leather to the desto system. 80 or so people burning through a number of hostile systems....there were clearly a number of serious screw ups there that let us get those kills.

As for ratting in a group we had that discussion awhile ago. It was pointed out that the damage output from 5-6 ishtars is pretty impressive. So much so that there is a good chance you'll take at least one BLOPs with you, maybe more. So even if they wipe out your entire fleet of ishtars the isk war will likely be 50-50 based on just the hull value of the BLOPs. Factor in some nice blingy modules and you guys might "win". If the drop even happens.

Will you make as much ISK relative to ratting solo? No. But WITF? Some ISK > Zero ISK. Not only that, but if the BLOPs guys decide not to drop on you eventually they'll move that covert cyno ship. It is like running from a bear. I don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than the next slowest guy. If they move on looking for better hunting win. Congratulations.

And in addition to Daichi's points about unrestrained resource/ISK gathering....many of these changes nerf ATK cloaking. Nerfing people who are NOT the problem to "balance" those who are is by definition unbalanced and just lazy stupid game development.

Am I open to addressing the AFK cloaking issue? Yes, I have been for longer than some of these people have been playing the game. I have made my views on this known (repeatedly) way back in my old mega-thread on ****** anti-cloaking collection thread. My preferred approach is local becomes delayed. The observatory array offers some fitting options for finding cloaked players, but that these things are no vulnerable to attack. If you bugger off and hide in your outpost, citadel, POS, whatever, it will be destroyed and you'll not be blind. Even better allow a hacking option so that it can be subverted, a neutral or hostile appears blue.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#9848 - 2017-06-09 23:02:33 UTC
Local isn't the problem.

Your intended targets getting into a dock is also not a problem.

Using evasion as a defensive tactic is not a problem.

Your entire issue is that you choose the worst possible set of circumstances stacked against you--- prepared pilots in empty/allied space. You seem to think that you need a hard mechanical counter to make your poor choices not only possible, but essentially assured---without even a need to pay attention to the screen.

That's what cloaks are... an overpowered module that makes extremely poor gameplay choices a common institution for whiny gankbears to make the game as painful as humanly possible for everyone but them.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9849 - 2017-06-09 23:07:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Local isn't the problem.

Your intended targets getting into a dock is also not a problem.

Using evasion as a defensive tactic is not a problem.

Your entire issue is that you choose the worst possible set of circumstances stacked against you--- prepared pilots in empty/allied space. You seem to think that you need a hard mechanical counter to make your poor choices not only possible, but essentially assured---without even a need to pay attention to the screen.

That's what cloaks are... an overpowered module that makes extremely poor gameplay choices a common institution for whiny gankbears to make the game as painful as humanly possible for everyone but them.

Local is the problem, it is very powerful. So much so that people are very safe using it along with intel channels to mitigate their risk to a significant degree. Now I'm fine with long as we have AFK cloaking so that resource/ISK acquisition can be adversely effected. But that is the thing isn't want to remove AFK and keep your powerful intel tool. In short you want to have your cake and eat it too.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Aeryn Atropos
ISSD Holdings
#9850 - 2017-06-09 23:52:57 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

Local is the problem, it is very powerful. So much so that people are very safe using it along with intel channels to mitigate their risk to a significant degree. Now I'm fine with long as we have AFK cloaking so that resource/ISK acquisition can be adversely effected. But that is the thing isn't want to remove AFK and keep your powerful intel tool. In short you want to have your cake and eat it too.

AFK cloaking is not enough to counter the current resource/ISK acquisition. The economic indexes show that Null sec is safer than Hi-Sec. Delve alone is responsible for damn near half the production in EVE. This is due to the fact that large blocs have their territory locked down and guerilla warfare is made impossible by local. CCP Quant is entirely correct when he said we are the problem not CCP. Unfortunately the proposed nerfs wont change what is happening. CCP needs to nerf local along with other changes to balance the risk/reward of Null.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#9851 - 2017-06-10 00:59:30 UTC
So local, along with boatloads of player effort and safe flying practices, allows for the mitigation of risk, which is OK so long as you are spoonfed with a mechanic to completely remove any benefit from the player effort and safe flying. Gotcha.
Aeryn Atropos
ISSD Holdings
#9852 - 2017-06-10 01:48:30 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
So local, along with boatloads of player effort and safe flying practices, allows for the mitigation of risk, which is OK so long as you are spoonfed with a mechanic to completely remove any benefit from the player effort and safe flying. Gotcha.

All of the effort and safe flying practices which are based on the free, instant, accurate intel provided by local. There are plenty of ways to organize defense without local but there is no way for an attacker to get around it. The attackers presence is always given away. It should be no wonder then why people are not engaging in Null, but do engage in Hi-sec where the abundance on non hostiles in local masks the hostiles.

this shows large risk/reward imbalances.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9853 - 2017-06-10 04:44:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Mike Voidstar wrote:
So local, along with boatloads of player effort and safe flying practices, allows for the mitigation of risk, which is OK so long as you are spoonfed with a mechanic to completely remove any benefit from the player effort and safe flying. Gotcha.

Boatloads? Watching local is that hard for you? Putting the intel channel next too is hard? Jesus. Roll

Oh and lets not forgot that you are gaining resources, the person sitting at a safe and cloaked is not. That right there makes it much more reasonable.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#9854 - 2017-06-10 07:11:38 UTC
Aeryn Atropos wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
So local, along with boatloads of player effort and safe flying practices, allows for the mitigation of risk, which is OK so long as you are spoonfed with a mechanic to completely remove any benefit from the player effort and safe flying. Gotcha.

All of the effort and safe flying practices which are based on the free, instant, accurate intel provided by local. There are plenty of ways to organize defense without local but there is no way for an attacker to get around it. The attackers presence is always given away. It should be no wonder then why people are not engaging in Null, but do engage in Hi-sec where the abundance on non hostiles in local masks the hostiles.

this shows large risk/reward imbalances.

Another lazy person or at best someone being very imprecise, there are gaps in local intel with empty systems and people AFK so movement does not get reported, but if you say that there is no way to get around when you jump into the system, then this is the lazy part. Get into an interceptor and point them for your mates, you have to get the right site and off you go, plenty of people do it, why can't you, let me guess you don't have mates or you prefer to fly something bigger, that is your fault, simple as that.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9855 - 2017-06-10 08:16:10 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
Aeryn Atropos wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
So local, along with boatloads of player effort and safe flying practices, allows for the mitigation of risk, which is OK so long as you are spoonfed with a mechanic to completely remove any benefit from the player effort and safe flying. Gotcha.

All of the effort and safe flying practices which are based on the free, instant, accurate intel provided by local. There are plenty of ways to organize defense without local but there is no way for an attacker to get around it. The attackers presence is always given away. It should be no wonder then why people are not engaging in Null, but do engage in Hi-sec where the abundance on non hostiles in local masks the hostiles.

this shows large risk/reward imbalances.

Another lazy person or at best someone being very imprecise, there are gaps in local intel with empty systems and people AFK so movement does not get reported, but if you say that there is no way to get around when you jump into the system, then this is the lazy part. Get into an interceptor and point them for your mates, you have to get the right site and off you go, plenty of people do it, why can't you, let me guess you don't have mates or you prefer to fly something bigger, that is your fault, simple as that.

Typical Dracvlad, everyone else is talking about cloaks and he is talking about a straight up roam. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Merin Ryskin
Peregrine Industries
#9856 - 2017-06-10 09:54:47 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
Another lazy person or at best someone being very imprecise, there are gaps in local intel with empty systems and people AFK so movement does not get reported, but if you say that there is no way to get around when you jump into the system, then this is the lazy part. Get into an interceptor and point them for your mates, you have to get the right site and off you go, plenty of people do it, why can't you, let me guess you don't have mates or you prefer to fly something bigger, that is your fault, simple as that.

Oh FFS, it doesn't really matter if there are gaps in the intel network, the intel network is just an extra bit of safety to cover the lazy carebears who farm while nearly AFK. All the intel network does is let them not even pay attention to local on their farmer character, since they can get long-range warnings and come back from AFK with plenty of time to dock up. If you're ATK farming PvE stuff with local open it's virtually impossible to be caught. Even an interceptor with a perfect guess on which anomaly the target is at AND an anomaly located close to the gate AND a PvE ship located right on the warp-in point is going to find it nearly impossible to catch a ship that clicks "dock" as soon as the interceptor pilot appears in local. And if the perfect conditions don't exist because the anomaly is on the other side of the system, the PvE ship used a MJD to get off the warp-in point, etc, that minimal chance of success drops to zero and only the stupidest and laziest PvE players will ever be caught.

The ONLY counter to the advance warning provided by watching local in the system you're PvE-ing in is AFK cloaking, because it forces you to either accept a degree of risk in your PvE activities or give up completely for days/weeks/longer at a time. With AFK cloaking a name in local is no longer a 100% accurate piece of intel that a threat exists, and you can no longer apply the "dock as soon as they enter local" rule.
Aeryn Atropos
ISSD Holdings
#9857 - 2017-06-10 10:06:31 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

Another lazy person or at best someone being very imprecise, there are gaps in local intel with empty systems and people AFK so movement does not get reported, but if you say that there is no way to get around when you jump into the system, then this is the lazy part. Get into an interceptor and point them for your mates, you have to get the right site and off you go, plenty of people do it, why can't you, let me guess you don't have mates or you prefer to fly something bigger, that is your fault, simple as that.

Please link the interceptor fit you apparently have that allows a player to enter a system, warp to, and tackle someone else within the time it takes to notice a local flash and warp a pre aligned ship back to base. The statistics clearly demonstrate how much risk mitigation there is, Hi and Lo sec have far more destruction than null, and a large part of the reason is the difference in usefulness of local. I wish the report showed J-Space as well, because amazingly people still manage to harvest resources without local crutch, they just do it with far more risk.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#9858 - 2017-06-10 10:51:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Aeryn Atropos wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

Another lazy person or at best someone being very imprecise, there are gaps in local intel with empty systems and people AFK so movement does not get reported, but if you say that there is no way to get around when you jump into the system, then this is the lazy part. Get into an interceptor and point them for your mates, you have to get the right site and off you go, plenty of people do it, why can't you, let me guess you don't have mates or you prefer to fly something bigger, that is your fault, simple as that.

Please link the interceptor fit you apparently have that allows a player to enter a system, warp to, and tackle someone else within the time it takes to notice a local flash and warp a pre aligned ship back to base. The statistics clearly demonstrate how much risk mitigation there is, Hi and Lo sec have far more destruction than null, and a large part of the reason is the difference in usefulness of local. I wish the report showed J-Space as well, because amazingly people still manage to harvest resources without local crutch, they just do it with far more risk.

Stupid point sarcasm does not work with players who know players who get tackle doing this, all I can say is get better at Eve, you are just lazy and giving up, thankfully the hunters I know are not and don't...

WH space vs null, does hole control and cyno's have any impact on risk? Stop posting stupid to people who know the game.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Aeryn Atropos
ISSD Holdings
#9859 - 2017-06-10 11:27:54 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

Stupid point sarcasm does not work with players who know players who get tackle doing this, all I can say is get better at Eve, you are just lazy and giving up, thankfully the hunters I know are not and don't...

WH space vs null, does hole control and cyno's have any impact on risk? Stop posting stupid to people who know the game.

Is it sarcasm to point out that you don't know a single player that has the ability to prevent someone from warping to safety the instant they see a hostile in local? The only people that get caught are the ones not paying attention. logical fallacies like the use of anecdotes are stupid, and they do not work on intelligent people.

For someone who claims to know the game so well you seem to not understand hole control. Establishing Hole Control is itself a risky activity, and it must be constantly maintained because it resets daily and sometimes randomly.

As for Cynos, again tell to me your method of using Cynos which prevents people from docking to safety the instant they see hostiles in local.

If you are wondering why CCP is whacking carriers with the nerf bat, look no further than the safety of Null, because Null-bears don't want to accept the risk associated with the high rewards of Null, CCP has to reduce the profits. CCP Quant was mostly correct in his analysis, the problem is that people want all the perks without the risk. Unfortunately they are nerfing the perks when they should be increasing the risk.

Null sec needs a New Order.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#9860 - 2017-06-10 12:36:07 UTC
Aeryn Atropos wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

Stupid point sarcasm does not work with players who know players who get tackle doing this, all I can say is get better at Eve, you are just lazy and giving up, thankfully the hunters I know are not and don't...

WH space vs null, does hole control and cyno's have any impact on risk? Stop posting stupid to people who know the game.

Is it sarcasm to point out that you don't know a single player that has the ability to prevent someone from warping to safety the instant they see a hostile in local? The only people that get caught are the ones not paying attention. logical fallacies like the use of anecdotes are stupid, and they do not work on intelligent people.

For someone who claims to know the game so well you seem to not understand hole control. Establishing Hole Control is itself a risky activity, and it must be constantly maintained because it resets daily and sometimes randomly.

As for Cynos, again tell to me your method of using Cynos which prevents people from docking to safety the instant they see hostiles in local.

If you are wondering why CCP is whacking carriers with the nerf bat, look no further than the safety of Null, because Null-bears don't want to accept the risk associated with the high rewards of Null, CCP has to reduce the profits. CCP Quant was mostly correct in his analysis, the problem is that people want all the perks without the risk. Unfortunately they are nerfing the perks when they should be increasing the risk.

Null sec needs a New Order.

I am saying that you are failing to use your brain on what you can do to improve your chances, either you are stupid or you were being sarcastic in asking for a fit for an interceptor that can catch a pre-aligned ship. The key part is whether the ship is pre-aligned or not, get it....? A VNI with a over sized AB has the turning circle of a brick, are you seriously telling me that you cannot catch one, people catch them a lot, it is not just about paying attention, but if you want to be dumb about it then please continue.

Of course it is risky creating hole control, but it is necessary to get the freedom to bring out the expensive toys, again you have the ability to create a certain level of safety, and you have bottlenecks in system entry, in null there is the cyno... Anyway you sound like a WH player to me who just want to pop into null sec and be invisible in their T3C to get tackle, lazy that is all you are.

The whacking of Supers and Carriers is because the Goons are over doing it again under their hard worked for total dominance in the region of Delve, it is like that idiot Linus Gorp wanting to nerf local because bots in the drone lands use local to auto report. My alliance does not use auto bots to give local intel, so we have to suffer the impact, CCP should remove those bots not wreck game play because of it. In any case I don't carrier rat, because simply put the fact that the fighter comes to a complete stop after blowing something up annoys the absolute hell out of me and at this point I do not have T2 fighters trained as I wanted to drop a max damage dread on PL. So suggesting I am a null bear is way off the mark, the arrogance of WH players yet again.

If you do not like null sec with local then stay in WH space, simple as that, I don't seek to impose my play conditions on you, so why do you feel so entitled that you can do the same with local. Many null sec players get around it by using their brain and the correct ship type, I have around me in my alliance some excellent hunters who do it, they use interceptors, command dessies, sabres, who would have thought that? Your whining is sad.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp