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Crucible Mac Crash Thread

First post
#41 - 2011-12-04 07:18:34 UTC  |  Edited by: RubyPorto
Adrenalinemax wrote:
CCP Konflikt wrote:
Crash dumps are the cornerstone of how crashes are resolved, without them it's simply not possible to fix the issue, luckily our new crashes tool helps a little but in some cases we need to see the crashes you are experiencing and are most important to you.

For the people who can't find the crash dump normally in the root of the P_Drive, please can you try a simple step to see if there are any dumps created.

1) Open Terminal from Spotlight
2) type "cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/EVE\ Online/p_drive/
3) next type "ls -R | grep .dmp"

If there are any dump files listed after step 3, take a look here too:
~/Library/Application\ Support/EVE\ Online/p_drive/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/CCP/Eve

Again if you find a crash dump after crashing on TQ, ever, make a bug report call it "For Konflikt : Mac Crash" and I will do my best to crush all mac bugs, especially crashes :)

I understand where crash dumps are, but the way the client is freezing, doesn't write anything to that file. It just goes "Poof"

I know that doesn't help you, but it also doesn't help us :)

I also know how to run the client with logging turn on, but i haven't run the game in that manner in a while (Feb 17 to be exact.) I will try and run it like that from now on to hopefully get something for you.

BTW: Do you know how to run multiples from the cider trace log instructions? I typically run up to 10 clients and can never get anything more than 1 to open using cider trace log thing. Or is that not really an option anymore with the built in logging?

This is the exact behavior I've been experiencing. Windowed mode, Docked, no CQ, yes spinnable ships, all gfx settings at lowest possible.

OS 10.6.8

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Bottle ofMilk
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2011-12-04 11:51:53 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
Please can any of you describe the circumstances when the client crashes? Your assistance will mean that i am able to give the most detail to our programmers to fix this.

Are you undocking or docking?
Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning?
Is there heavy graphical load?
What are your graphics settings?
Are you all using ATi Macs?
What is your OSX version?

I apologize for the difficulties this issue causes and I really do want to get this resolved.

Might be late, regardless, i have only played/tried playing since client update #3 today. All crashes I had (quite a few) occured after some time.

as for the questions:

Are you undocking or docking? -> Happened while in station, happened outside. No action given.
Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning? -> Tried both, happens.
Is there heavy graphical load? -> happens on graphics high and low, in station, and just undocked from station (no other people around)
What are your graphics settings? -> Tried on low and high, everything in between.
Are you all using ATi Macs? -> All nVidia for my machines (mac pro, mac mini, 2 macbooks)
What is your OSX version? -> Lion/10.7 (11A511) on all.
Luther DelMordaine
State War Academy
Caldari State
#43 - 2011-12-04 22:13:09 UTC
Cant stay logged on long enough to create a petition, barely had enough time to update my skill que before the client froze up!!!!

The client is unplayable.

Will be hoping for a return of lost game time!!!!
Caldari State
#44 - 2011-12-05 09:46:52 UTC
Josufas wrote:
CCP Konflikt wrote:
Please open /Users/Account Name/Library/Application\ Support/Eve Online/p_drive/

Attach "Win32 CrashReport" and "Win32_minidump.dmp" to a bug report and call it "For Konflikt : Mac Crash" or similar and I will endavour get this fixed as fast as i can :)

I have now been up and down these folders, and there are no dump files there after the crash. i only have a stack of folders an no files in that folder

All Users Local Settings SendTo
Application Data My Documents Start Menu
Cookies NetHood Templates
Desktop PrintHood
Favorites Recent

i did however get this from GM Haggis

Is you use this you generate a log file using this method:

Launch Terminal. You can find Terminal using Spotlight; it can also be located in "/Applications/Utilities"
Right click on the EVE install that you wish to redirect, and select 'Show Package Contents'
Open the 'Contents' folder, then the 'MacOS' folder
Drag the 'cider' file into the Terminal window, this will generate a link directly to the cider file. USER$ /Applications/EVE/ (this may look different if you renamed the EVE application, don't worry!)
Add the following to the end after .../cider ' -debugmsg +seh,+tid,+module,+debugstr &> ~/Desktop/EVEcrashlog.log'. Note the space.
The command should now look like; 'USER$ /Applications/EVE/ -debugmsg +seh,+tid,+module,+debugstr &> ~/Desktop/EVEcrashlog.log'
Hit ENTER to execute the command. This will start logging and generate the logs to the Desktop in a file called "EVEcrashlog.log"
Once the bug has been reproduced, ZIP the EVEcrashlog.log file and upload the zipped copy to the bug report.

i have submitted that to Support, but no answer so far.

I was told to disable EVE voice in the client, i did, but that did not work either, feel free to try that and report back if it works for you
CCP Konflikt
#45 - 2011-12-05 13:44:48 UTC
I did get a crash just now infact, this crash presents the debug option as described.

It's pointing to 0x00000000 which is not so healthy.

Do you all get a memory reference like this or different?

This one will be fixed very soon.

CCP Konflikt Quality Assurance Engineer Team Trilambda

Jon Helriz
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-12-05 14:19:47 UTC
I played yesterday for a few hours and no crash issues at all. I didn't download any new patches, just the previous two after the initial Crucible download. Seems to have fixed itself for me. Hope it works out for the rest of you.
Bottle ofMilk
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2011-12-05 15:52:04 UTC
Nope, no memory references (or debug windows whatsoever). Just hard locks of the application with stuttering sounds.

I can try to get it to coredump later tonight if that helps, I think a ^\ should do that. I'm not absolutely sure if that's helpful when it's wrapped in cider or wine, but can't do any harm I guess.
CCP Konflikt
#48 - 2011-12-05 17:17:52 UTC
Bottle ofMilk wrote:
Nope, no memory references (or debug windows whatsoever). Just hard locks of the application with stuttering sounds.

I can try to get it to coredump later tonight if that helps, I think a ^\ should do that. I'm not absolutely sure if that's helpful when it's wrapped in cider or wine, but can't do any harm I guess.

Any clue is a good one, give it a try :)

CCP Konflikt Quality Assurance Engineer Team Trilambda

Bottle ofMilk
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2011-12-05 18:54:28 UTC
Every time one actively tries to crash an application it somehow refuses. Heisenbugs are literally the worst bugs :(. Currently running eve with output of cider tee'd into a textfile. When it crashes I'll update this post with pastebins of the cider output and a coredump (if it yields one).
#50 - 2011-12-06 04:45:05 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
I did get a crash just now infact, this crash presents the debug option as described.

It's pointing to 0x00000000 which is not so healthy.

Do you all get a memory reference like this or different?

This one will be fixed very soon.

I used to get memory refs like that in a different sort of crash that popped up when I adjusted graphics settings. I reported it and was told my card was only barely within supported specs (which I guess means it's not actually supported or something). I just use the workaround of never adjusting my graphics settings to fix that one.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2011-12-06 16:55:41 UTC
0002:trace:module:GetModuleFileNameW L"C:\\Program Files\\CCP\\EVE\\bin\\ExeFile.exe" {result = 40}
0005:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x705487d8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=130 cc=130
0005:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0005:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x705487d8): lc 190 rc 185 ot 2 sem 44291 spin 0
000e:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x705487d8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=130 cc=130
000e:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
000e:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x705487d8): lc 190 rc 185 ot 2 sem 44291 spin 0
0028:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x705487d8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=130 cc=130
0028:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0028:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x705487d8): lc 190 rc 185 ot 2 sem 44291 spin 0
0006:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x705487d8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=130 cc=130
0006:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0006:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x705487d8): lc 190 rc 185 ot 2 sem 44291 spin 0
0029:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x705487d8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=130 cc=130
0029:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0029:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x705487d8): lc 190 rc 185 ot 2 sem 44291 spin 0
0022:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x705487d8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=130 cc=130
0022:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0022:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x705487d8): lc 190 rc 185 ot 2 sem 44291 spin 0
0027:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x705487d8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=131 cc=131
0027:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0027:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x705487d8): lc 191 rc 185 ot 2 sem 44291 spin 0

Any help?
Arna Padrona
Amarr Empire
#52 - 2011-12-06 18:35:16 UTC
I'm not sure this is relevant but....

I haven't crashed, frozen or disconnected for 2 days now (and I froze like 5-10 times a day before).

What changed? I guess it could be something CCP did, but I also recalled I did something else about 2 days ago:

I went here and followed the instructions:

I'm not saying this necessarily made my client stable, but it is a rather curious coincidence, right?

Korgan Nailo
The Gorram Shiney Alliance
#53 - 2011-12-06 21:28:39 UTC
After reading this thread, I thought I could share my experience.

The game is simply unplayable right now. I had about 35 mails to read, and the game froze about 4 or 5 times. I had to relog 4 or 5 times just to read mails that should take no more than 5 minutes to do.

No captains quarters, didn't undock, didn't do ANYTHING but opening my mail and trying to read those. I did move some windows though. No command+tab or return to the desktop.

Looking for .dmp files, there are NONE in my Library/Application Support/Eve Online.

Now, for the devs, is there ANY way to help you guys find what the hell is wrong?

--== EvE Online Quick Reference Sheet: E-Uni Forums Link / EvE Forums Link ==--

Kyra Felann
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2011-12-07 00:50:41 UTC
Arna Padrona wrote:
I'm not sure this is relevant but....

I haven't crashed, frozen or disconnected for 2 days now (and I froze like 5-10 times a day before).

What changed? I guess it could be something CCP did, but I also recalled I did something else about 2 days ago:

I went here and followed the instructions:

I'm not saying this necessarily made my client stable, but it is a rather curious coincidence, right?


I didn't do that and I haven't had a crash or lockup in the last few days.
Avery Lewis
Pandemic Legion
#55 - 2011-12-07 07:18:07 UTC
Received a lockup just now.
5th Burwell Airborne Division
#56 - 2011-12-08 08:08:24 UTC
Still crashing despite client update. It happens when switching session timer - undocking, switching CQ to ship spinning.

Same error message as before.

Single fullscreen client, no alt-tabbing, snow leopard 10.6.8, MBP i7-2.66
#57 - 2011-12-08 12:16:11 UTC
This has just started happening to me.

I am a new user who installed the client a few days ago. Everything ran fine and I even upgraded my account from a trial one. However, I logged on this morning to what I can only describe as massive UI lag. For example, opening the market took 45 seconds. The character screen was simply unavailable (when I hovered over the button it didn't highlight). Undocking button did not work.

The issues still continue. I've downloaded no client update to my knowledge other than the ones required when I installed the game. Running on OSX 10.6.8 here.

Eddard Varbosa
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2011-12-08 12:28:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Eddard Varbosa
Started locking up on me today. Worked fine until server restart on 8th Dec. Mac OS 10.6.8 on MacBook Pro.

A few seconds after I login the client freezes up, as if I've been disconnected. But yet I can still see other people chatting away.

:: edit ::
This is definitely something to do with the server, because my other account that runs on a Win7 machine is now also crashing. I've never experienced any crashes until today on either machines.
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#59 - 2011-12-08 13:56:02 UTC
Eddard Varbosa wrote:
Started locking up on me today. Worked fine until server restart on 8th Dec. Mac OS 10.6.8 on MacBook Pro.

A few seconds after I login the client freezes up, as if I've been disconnected. But yet I can still see other people chatting away.

:: edit ::
This is definitely something to do with the server, because my other account that runs on a Win7 machine is now also crashing. I've never experienced any crashes until today on either machines.

Or your internet connection
Tess La'Coil
Messerschmitt Vertrieb und Logistik
#60 - 2011-12-08 17:33:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Tess La'Coil
Logged in to warp to WH..

Sat still at POS..

Client Froze..?

Sorry for the amazingly small report.. but that is all that happends. I had it twice already tonight. Nothing is logged/reported to the folder said before. Any crash reports there are a lot older. Have been having this since Crucible. Also sometimes run two clients.. sometimes one freezes, the other time the other freezes.. I've had it a few times in fullscreen mode too, but its a lot more annoying then as you can't really quit out if it. And it forces me into a hard reboot..

Thus.. i've stopped using dual client and doing anything now.. I play roaming WH's and killing people.. and I just can't get caught Freezing up anywhere in there...
Someone once said I was a muppet. If that's so, I'm quite sure the Swedish Chef is my brother.