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Your Best - or Worst - EVE Confession

First post
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#121 - 2015-01-08 03:12:25 UTC
Thor Kerrigan wrote:
So the idea is simple: post the most embarrassing, terrible, or secret thing that has happened involving you in EVE. Post with your main (if you dare) or random NPC alt, doesn't matter.

I was a worse person before I started EvE than after 7 years of playing it.

Who else could ever say the same?
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#122 - 2015-01-08 03:24:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Dersen Lowery
I logged in one evening in our wormhole only to be immediately collared by our FC. They were in nullsec, down a short chain, in combat. Armor DPS, now. OK, no problem. I grab something (a Prophecy, IIRC; maybe a VNI) and zip down the chain into nullsec... and the system is totally empty.

"Where are you guys?"

"We're in [some alphanumeric gibberish]. When can you be here?"

"Let me see." I set destination to the specified system. 23 jumps. I took the wrong damn chain.

Back up the chain all the way home, back down another chain, out into the proper exit only 5 jumps away, and... it's over.

I'm bad enough that I don't often get embarrassed playing this game, but this was bad even for me.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#123 - 2015-01-08 03:37:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Ah, I have another good one.

In my first days, I spent all my money purchasing T2 small ships (Cheetahs and similar). I could not even fly a cruiser, my best was a T1 Rifter with MAPC aid.

I formed a six fully expanded and rigged Mammoths (large T1 hauler) train to carry them. Of course with my humble newb pilots skills + expanders those took like 1 minute to align Oops.

Loaded to the brim, I merrily made 40 jumps with each, including passing from Uedama and whatsnot, destination Jita, where I'd resell them at a good profit.

Incredibly enough, nobody popped them.

Also, for reasons whose "logic" escaped myself, I thought the smartest idea EVER would have been to make those haulers meet at Uedama (yeah I was good at choices like that! Lol) with a fleet coming from Jita. So the first ones could go back to Minnie space quicker.

And where in the heavens would I think to perform the swap? Since they were my first EvE weeks, all the ganking I knew happened at stations undocks (I had no idea passing through Uedama / Sivala is worse, yet).

So I "smartly" thought: "well, I'll show those gankers my superiority: I am going to warp at 100 off a planet and swap the cargo there".

I ejected EVERY single T2 ship, there was a little "cloud" around me.


... every ejected T2 ship self assembled in space and became a neutral ship, ready for boarding.

I tried to get them back inside the other haulers but no, it was not possible at all. They wouldn't magically repackage!
I could not fly a single ship of those. For 34 days at a minimum (it was still the days of learning books etc. etc.)!

Since apparently I had a keen sense for self inflicting torture, I managed to worsen the situation.

I started spamming Uedama and 4-5 nearby systems (low sec included! Shocked) with desperate requests for help. To get somebody to pilot those now neutral ships for me away from the planet to the nearest station.

Thanks to the cold, harsh, selfish nature of EvE P nobody cared to reply. Else I'd have learned what calling people and auto-gifting away T2 ships en masse is like...

At this point... I learned the second EvE Law (the first being: "don't fly what you can't afford to lose"), that is: "the second you undock, consider your ship lost. If you get back in one piece, that's a welcome bonus".

I then proceeded flying my empty haulers back to Minnie space, headbanging IRL walls and calling myself unrepeatable names.

34 days later, I passed back from Uedama. Just for the sake of curiosity, I bothered to fly to the planet where all my ships were abandoned more than 1 month ago, ripe for taking.

And the incredible happened.

Nobody cared to go take them. They were still all there! I still don't understand why, as back at the time ISK was not easy to come by (and PLEX did not exist) and those ships were quite expensive.

But hey, who cares about logic, when the the lack of such logic just saved your ass?
Therefore I spent a good time flying all those ships to the nearby station and learned more and more lessons about EvE in the process.
Iyokus Patrouette
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2015-01-08 03:46:08 UTC
We had just ganked some site runners in a wormhole, The pods got away but I had a bubbler on the high sec constantly bubbling their attempts at an exit.

Constantly these pods warped to the highsec hole at range and warped away again. 'planet 9' one of the other guys said as he watched the pod make it's exit.

I gave chase in my daredevil on my second account. Landing at planet 9 I see nothing. a few minutes pass and the pod comes back and warps off, once again i give chase. . . finding nothing.

Eventually we catch the pod on his warp back to the highsec and kill him. Finally i stop and look at my main sitting by a poco wondering how i never found this pod.

Turns out in my hurry i never jumped into our static and was just bouncing POCOs in my home system. Blink

Fear my awesomeness!

---- Advocate for the initiation of purple coloured wormholes----

Justin Zaine
#125 - 2015-01-08 06:06:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Justin Zaine
I got recruitment scammed for 500 mil by Goonswarm.

I got confused one day about which JC I was in, and self destructed my 1 bil + pod outside the Amarr hub for no apparent reason, probably thinking i was taking the pod express from a blank clone to an implanted one.

I organized a ganking op for my corp. There were 4 or 5 of us. We went to Uedama and ganked a Magnate with 2 plex inside it. Both plex dropped, and nobody got the loot because I forgot to assign someone the task of loot-scooper. We all lost our ships to Concord and some random guy had a very nice day.

He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

flaming phantom
Unlimited LTD
#126 - 2015-01-08 16:39:29 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Worst confession ever, related to Eve.

Bailed on an alliance op with a really crappy excuse. Actual reason for bailing was because spouse was feeling frisky. Engaged in marital relations. Forgot that I had teamspeak on at the time, set to voice activation, with laptop sitting on stand next to bed.

Came back to eve later and got quite a few tips and suggestions on coital relations from corpmates.

Wow, utterly epic. That would have been hilarious being on coms during that. I wonder, did none of them ever try to yell out at oyu anything, or were they all just laughing their asses off?
Wolf Brothers INC
United Neopian Federation
#127 - 2015-01-08 16:50:06 UTC
I still can't fire T2 guns.

I've been playing 7years..
Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#128 - 2015-01-08 19:46:37 UTC
I gave my cellphone number out to a couple eve players. Turns out that might not have been the best idea I ever had.
Legetus Shmoof Metallii
The Initiative.
#129 - 2015-01-08 20:02:39 UTC
Once I tried to make a good profit flipping Myrmidons because there was a 10 or so millions isk difference between them. To my dismay, people kept putting up Myrmidons for the lower, closer to Jita, price. I wound up with 10 or so Myrms I'd have to sell for a loss :(

Happy ending. Our CEO was leaving the game for a while, so he was running special versions of his signature Black Tie Affair (BTA) fleets that he's been running for 6 years (Handsome Millionaire Playboys is/was the corp). For this one, we ran nano curses and Myrmidons, courtesy of myself. You may not think it, but our fleet composition of Curses and Myrmidons was so good nobody wanted to actually engage us and they all ran away...

O tempora o mores!

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#130 - 2015-01-08 21:44:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Dersen Lowery
So many fails...

I had never played an MMO before EVE, so I knew nothing. Nobody explicitly told me that you had to look at your standings to see what kind of missions you could run, and the Agent Finder didn't exist at the time, so I ran level 1 missions for two months.

I used blaster Catalysts for everything, before either blasters or Catalysts were buffed, because I liked the hull and the fact that you had to dogfight to do anything. Never mind that I was terrible at it. I even used cargo-expanded Catalysts as haulers.

During that time, I also managed to screw up this character for a long time afterward by training everything to 3. And I mean everything. Dersen's terrible at things he's never even tried to do, like industry. Fortunately, he's pretty good at what he does do by now.

We lived in Devoid for a while, when I'd been in the game for about 3 months. I thought sec status was much more important than it actually is, so I dreaded taking my little shopping Catalyst through the big, dark, scary 0.2 system. I much preferred the 0.4 system, which was brighter and made me feel safe because, hey, it's almost high sec! I wondered why comms got silent when I cheerfully explained my reasoning. The 0.4 system was Amamake.

We joined a nullsec coalition which was about 100 different kinds of fail, but I wasn't helping. I flew armor and hybrids. They ordered me into a Drake. I frantically trained the skills until I was a crappy Drake pilot. Then they ordered me into a Megathron. I had never flown a battleship. By the time my ship lumbered clumsily toward our lowsec staging system, I had Gallente Battleship 2 and Large Hybrid Turret 3. I had no business flying that thing. The FC ordered short range BS's. I derped and grabbed my long range BS. Then he changed his mind at the last minute and ordered long range, and I was good to go--which was good, because otherwise it would have been another 8 jumps to get the other one. We roamed around losing ships to gate rats for a while. I started to fall behind because my navigation skills were trained to 3, but I always managed to catch up. We ended up pathetically failing to threaten one single service belonging to an enemy station... in long range battleships, before getting badly trolled by a Thanatos.

Anyway, I get shy around large groups, and I was a high sec carebear, so when I logged in one day and got a fleet invite, I accepted it blindly. You know the rest of the story: Suddenly I'm in warp. Suddenly I'm surrounded by reds. There was nothing to do but say 'Hi!' in Local and then log off, figuring that there was no way I'd survive anyway. I didn't sleep well that night. The next morning, I was quite surprised to find myself back where I was, in my pod, but I didn't want to talk to anyone because oh god that kill mail.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Epic Ganking Time
#131 - 2015-01-08 21:51:00 UTC

I have an HQ station in lowsec where I keep most of my assets. I broke out a scanning ship to test out a new fit and found a wormhole in my home system. Go in, and see a ton of T3 manufacturing arrays on a large POS. I made bookmarks, and researched the corp that owned it. I found most of the members of that corp on killboards, and added them all as contacts (they were all variations of the same name). I figured this whole thing was being run by one dude, and he'd be slow to react. Maybe I could catch a mining fleet out or something? Anyway, after hours of meta stalking and bookmark making, I was about to wrap it all when they all logged in at once. I put my scanning ship off the POS and saw my target taking out hoarder after hoarder. He had found the lowsec wormhole which would put him one jump from empire. He was doing a loot/supply run. I got into my Onyx and killed a bunch on both sides of the WH when they tried to make their run. I got another trying to come back in with POS parts. I made billions on that hit. I even had a great convo with the guy operating those accounts. (He was rich enough that it was 'cost of doing business' and didn't care too much... apparently...) It was all the time I put into the hunt that made the payoff so sweet. It was a unique EvE experience for me.


So at a poorer time in my New Eden life, I decided to take some mods and stuff to our station in Esoteria. How much did I put into my Badger Mk. II (Tyra)? Everything I had, of course. About 1.4 billion rolling through nullsec in an uninsured T1 indy. Yup. Well I made it all the way to Esoteria w/o incident, but ran into some pirates 6 jumps from my destination. Whereas another might hit a planet at 70 and cloak / hide / wait, I got impatient and tried to outrun them. ...because stabs, right? I made it all the way to my destination system, and then lost the ship and pod on the gate. Ouch. It was crushing at the time... but I recovered. time.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Tonai Kion
Physics Says No
Brotherhood of Spacers
#132 - 2015-01-09 01:57:36 UTC
I was part of a HERO coalition fleet flying my shiny new Tengu. I had just spent the past 3 weeks getting the skills up for it and had just gotten enough ISK to purchase it.

However I made the mistake of going into fleet on my laptop instead of my desktop.

About 10 seconds into the battle I noticed I had issues locking and unlocking targets and my guns weren't firing, or they were firing at the wrong target.

Then after about 15 minutes, I notice the enemy fleet starts locking me up and I naturally broadcast for reps.

"Tonai Kion you are too far away from the Logi. Anchor up we can't lock you."

Panic mode starts I notice I'm careening into the enemy fleet with full afterburner. I start taking damage.

"Tonai Anchor back up now! you are going to die."

I'm clicking like a madman trying to get back into fleet.

"WTF is wrong with this guy."

"He's not getting any SRP for being stupid."

I predictably die soon after.

700 mil lost because I chose to use the wrong computer like a scrub.

Final jokes on them though, I don't qualify for Brave SRP anyway, and NAGA doesn't SRP Tengus.
Jooma Moloko
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2015-01-09 09:50:06 UTC
I saw my first Cyno appear. "oh nice" I thought - so I warped to zero to investigate. "This looks cool" i thought.... started to orbit the condor that put it there. Suddenly lots of ships appeared. Lots. Then i was yellow boxed by all these battleships. Then I sploded horribly in an instant kinda way.

I spammed warp on pod and got to an outgate to see in local -

"Hi - What have we learnt today?"

I was so full of chagrin I did not reply and made a note that Cyno's are bad m'mkay and went back with my tail between my legs.

This was at the start of my Null sec fun and games but I think I am still ******....
Cancel Align NOW
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#134 - 2015-01-09 10:13:30 UTC
Through out my eve time I have been a member of numerous trading channels/groups. Back in the days of insurance fraud I managed to talk a player who was getting into building T1 battlecruisers to knock out 100 hurricanes for me at Rens buy -5%. I then proceeded to undock and self destruct each one. Needless to say I was not very subtle and did this on the same alt that purchased them. Whilst I was busy doing this I failed to notice the seller log in. I did notice when Rens local filled up with profanity. From memory my profit from each one was approximately 2.1mil. Would do again.
A3aaN Shimaya
Amarr Empire
#135 - 2015-01-09 10:47:42 UTC
Just playing EVE for 2 months now and wondering why I haven't started earlier Straight
Enlightened Industries
Goonswarm Federation
#136 - 2015-01-09 11:37:21 UTC
lost a 5 bio isk fitted Nightmare to rats back in the days when they were expensive because I fell asleep due to eve music.
Crystalline Entity
Black Dragon PHP
#137 - 2015-01-09 11:46:12 UTC
Lost a carrier to a level 5 mission in Nandeza.... One of those ones with masses of frigate sized ships that damp you.

A friend came to save me in a Nyx but he said later because I was so calm on teamspeak he didn't think to bring his triage archon instead!

Was hilarious, still is.. was a couple of years ago now.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#138 - 2015-01-09 16:05:26 UTC
Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#139 - 2015-01-09 16:17:52 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:

Still seeing "Insurance fraud" ...

Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#140 - 2015-01-09 16:32:08 UTC
Best confession: I pushed Billy down the stairs

Worst confession: I think he's Joe Phoenix' long lost son. Making him my relation too.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann