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War on Gankers

First post
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#241 - 2015-01-06 15:38:11 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Super Perforator wrote:
No not just bots. Bot aspirants.

If you ever read the Code you will find out it is more about those aspiring to be like bots, than the bots themselves.
A bot, you can only destroy... a bot aspirant you can save.
Bot aspirants do not exist. Nobody aspires to be a bot. You call people bot aspirant to give yourself an excuse to grief them. Realistically they are just players like anyone else who want to play the game. You need to assert your dominance by blowing them up and you do so.

It's a story, that's all. There's nothing spectacular about ganking noobs even if you make up stories to go along with it.

La Nariz wrote:
You're never going to be as entertaining as dinsdale no matter how much tinfoil you wrap around your head. I suppose this won't stop you so please remember to leave breath holes.
See! I knew you'd be in with the "tinfoil!" again. It's a fact that every non-bot miner you kill is going to have a positive impact on botters. That's just how the economy works. Less miners = more wealth for the remaining miners. So whatever way you look at it, code is beneficial to botters.

Let me guess I'm also a grandmaster puppet master who controls the nullsec cartels that control the tinfoil supply that you buy to wrap around your head to protect from evil mind control rays generated by the code people for nefarious pro-botting purposes?

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#242 - 2015-01-06 15:39:53 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
You call people bot aspirant to give yourself an excuse to grief them.
Griefing is bad and against the EULA. Stop making baseless accusations - if you actually see griefing file a support ticket.
Griefing comes in many forms. If you intend to cause someone grief, it's griefing. Just because CCP allow certain activities which are clearly designed to upset other players doesn't mean it's not griefing.

If you don't like CCP's definition of griefing, go play something else.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#243 - 2015-01-06 15:43:32 UTC
It's actually no longer just CCP's definition. Wikipedia took up the torch and added an addendum to their definition to 'griefing' to make it clear that griefplay in EVE is different from other games. So, yes, there are things that happen in EVE that are considered griefing in most other games, but are not considered such here.
This is a hurdle that many vertically challenged simply cannot make it over. We need to implement steps!

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#244 - 2015-01-06 15:45:31 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
It's actually no longer just CCP's definition. Wikipedia took up the torch and added an addendum to their definition to 'griefing' to make it clear that griefplay in EVE is different from other games. So, yes, there are things that happen in EVE that are considered griefing in most other games, but are not considered such here.
This is a hurdle that many vertically challenged simply cannot make it over. We need to implement steps!

We need to fund public schools better is more like it.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#245 - 2015-01-06 15:49:47 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
We need to fund public schools better is more like it.

No need - if it's on wikipedia people will be quoting it as the gospel truth.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#246 - 2015-01-06 15:53:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
It's actually no longer just CCP's definition. Wikipedia took up the torch and added an addendum to their definition to 'griefing' to make it clear that griefplay in EVE is different from other games. So, yes, there are things that happen in EVE that are considered griefing in most other games, but are not considered such here.
This is a hurdle that many vertically challenged simply cannot make it over. We need to implement steps!
Oh Really? Wikipedia says it? That place that any idiot can edit states a new definition of what griefing - the act of causing grief - is? Thank god you told me! There was me using the actual definition.

EDIT: While we're talking wikis by the way, take a look at the EVE Online entry for griefing which lists ganking as Suicidegank griefing.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Concord Guy's Cousin
#247 - 2015-01-06 15:59:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Concord Guy's Cousin
Lucas Kell wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
It's actually no longer just CCP's definition. Wikipedia took up the torch and added an addendum to their definition to 'griefing' to make it clear that griefplay in EVE is different from other games. So, yes, there are things that happen in EVE that are considered griefing in most other games, but are not considered such here.
This is a hurdle that many vertically challenged simply cannot make it over. We need to implement steps!
Oh Really? Wikipedia says it? That place that any idiot can edit states a new definition of what griefing - the act of causing grief - is? Thank god you told me! There was me using the actual definition.
Here's the only definition that counts in Eve, CCP's

Pay particular attention to the following:

Evelopedia wrote:
"In EVE, "griefing" refers to various activities, some of which can be argued not to be "griefing" in the classic sense, but parts of valid gameplay."
(emphasis mine)

ISD LackOfFaith ~ "Your Catalyst was a hamster, and your Retriever smelt of elderberries"

NPC Forum Alt, because reasons.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#248 - 2015-01-06 16:00:11 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
It's actually no longer just CCP's definition. Wikipedia took up the torch and added an addendum to their definition to 'griefing' to make it clear that griefplay in EVE is different from other games. So, yes, there are things that happen in EVE that are considered griefing in most other games, but are not considered such here.
This is a hurdle that many vertically challenged simply cannot make it over. We need to implement steps!
Oh Really? Wikipedia says it? That place that any idiot can edit states a new definition of what griefing - the act of causing grief - is? Thank god you told me! There was me using the actual definition.

They probably want to make sure you can find/understand it since coating yourself in that much tinfoil can restrict learning and critical thinking skills.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#249 - 2015-01-06 16:01:43 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
They probably want to make sure you can find/understand it since coating yourself in that much tinfoil can restrict learning and critical thinking skills.
Clever. Really. 10/10.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#250 - 2015-01-06 16:32:30 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
You call people bot aspirant to give yourself an excuse to grief them.
Griefing is bad and against the EULA. Stop making baseless accusations - if you actually see griefing file a support ticket.
Griefing comes in many forms. If you intend to cause someone grief, it's griefing. Just because CCP allow certain activities which are clearly designed to upset other players doesn't mean it's not griefing.

Any activity can become greifing as long as one player dislikes it and feels violated by it, while the other intends to deliberately affect their gameplay and irritate them. I can mine next to you, faster, and take all the best ores from you, and that can be considered greifing. I mean, the whole point of large scale mining operations is to get as much ore and to empty out the ore belt before anyone else comes.

And also, i dont get it. Code doesnt know beforehand which target is going to shed tears and which doesnt, making your argument invalid.

Botters can also shed tears, too, btw, since theres a human being behind the bot. If a human being comes back to his desk after 10 hours of botting, and finds out that his ship was ganked 8 hours ago, he can still write a 10 page tear message aimed against Code. This also makes your argument invalid.

The only people who are benefitting from Code, are the people who are actually smart, and fly and fit tanky ships. Those can be botters, those can be non-botters, it doesnt matter. Botters who use retreivers are gonna get ganked just as much as normal people who use retreivers.
Super Perforator
New Order Logistics
#251 - 2015-01-06 16:50:55 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Bot aspirants do not exist.

Yes they do.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Nobody aspires to be a bot.

Yes they do. I have seen them.

Lucas Kell wrote:
You call people bot aspirant to give yourself an excuse to grief them.

No, we call them that because that is what they are.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Realistically they are just players like anyone else who want to play the game.

No they are not.

Lucas Kell wrote:
You need to assert your dominance by blowing them up and you do so.

No I do not need to.
There is nothing "dominant" about blowing up non-compliant ventures.
I am just doing the good work of the New Order.

Praise James!

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#252 - 2015-01-06 17:47:17 UTC
Solonius Rex wrote:
Any activity can become greifing as long as one player dislikes it and feels violated by it, while the other intends to deliberately affect their gameplay and irritate them. I can mine next to you, faster, and take all the best ores from you, and that can be considered greifing. I mean, the whole point of large scale mining operations is to get as much ore and to empty out the ore belt before anyone else comes.
Well no, it's really about intent. In the general sense of the term, when you perform an action to upset another player, that's griefing. You intend to cause a player grief. EVE simply doesn't ban people for some types of grief. Scamming, ganking, bumping, these are all ways to grief a player. Sure, you may want something out of it as well, but for the most part players do this for the tears. This is just the way EVE is, and always has been.

Solonius Rex wrote:
And also, i dont get it. Code doesnt know beforehand which target is going to shed tears and which doesnt, making your argument invalid.
Of course they do. They pick areas where vast numbers of newer or risk averse players are so they know there will be plenty of ripe targets. They then gank the ones they can easily gank posting their usual insults and trolls in local, and look out for any reaction. They then see who reacts and further troll them, often posting the results on their blogs or this forum.

Solonius Rex wrote:
Botters can also shed tears, too, btw, since theres a human being behind the bot. If a human being comes back to his desk after 10 hours of botting, and finds out that his ship was ganked 8 hours ago, he can still write a 10 page tear message aimed against Code. This also makes your argument invalid.
Most botters that aren't just Joe Blogs the rookie about to get banned for his badly configured bot, they won't engage with you at all. They are there to farm isk for income and the loss of a ship or two is irrelevant. When a player was ganked 8 hours ago then cries about it, they were more than likely just AFK.

Solonius Rex wrote:
The only people who are benefitting from Code, are the people who are actually smart, and fly and fit tanky ships. Those can be botters, those can be non-botters, it doesnt matter. Botters who use retreivers are gonna get ganked just as much as normal people who use retreivers.
Well no, be cause like we've covered above, botters won't be in the general target group for code, and they certainly won't be in the group that quits for being ganked and trolled. The reason there's always people crying about code is because they aren't hitting the botters. They are hitting actual players who don;t know any better. Established botters would already have either set up their ships to not get ganked or written code off as an operational cost.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#253 - 2015-01-06 17:53:11 UTC
Super Perforator wrote:
Yes they do.

Yes they do. I have seen them.

No, we call them that because that is what they are.

No they are not.

No I do not need to.
There is nothing "dominant" about blowing up non-compliant ventures.
I am just doing the good work of the New Order.
Quite honestly, there's so much stupid in that post it's, well, it's ludicrous. All you're doing here is echoing what the code states. That doesn't suddenly mean there are players who aspire to be bots. Nobody needs to aspire to be a bot, and they certainly wouldn't do so by practicing looking AFK.

And sure, you may feel you are doing the good work of the new order (though I doubt it, I'm betting you aim to make people cry then sit there fapping), but the reality is your actions increase profits for botters. Like it or not, that's what the impact of code really is. Well done code.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Concord Guy's Cousin
#254 - 2015-01-06 18:06:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Concord Guy's Cousin
Lucas Kell wrote:
Quite honestly, there's so much stupid in that post it's, well, it's ludicrous.
Well you're the expert on ludicrously stupid posts, so you'd know.

All you're doing here is echoing what the code states. That doesn't suddenly mean there are players who aspire to be bots. Nobody needs to aspire to be a bot, and they certainly wouldn't do so by practicing looking AFK.
A knight of the new order preaches the code, big surprise.

And sure, you may feel you are doing the good work of the new order (though I doubt it, I'm betting you aim to make people cry then sit there fapping), but the reality is your actions increase profits for botters. Like it or not, that's what the impact of code really is. Well done code.
That's your opinion, opinions are like backsides, everyone has one, and the contents often stink.

ISD LackOfFaith ~ "Your Catalyst was a hamster, and your Retriever smelt of elderberries"

NPC Forum Alt, because reasons.

Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#255 - 2015-01-06 19:04:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Solonius Rex
Lucas Kell wrote:
Well no, it's really about intent. In the general sense of the term, when you perform an action to upset another player, that's griefing. You intend to cause a player grief. EVE simply doesn't ban people for some types of grief. Scamming, ganking, bumping, these are all ways to grief a player. Sure, you may want something out of it as well, but for the most part players do this for the tears. This is just the way EVE is, and always has been.

Yes, i believe i used the words "intends".

But doing something with full knowledge of what the outcome would bring, is intention. If you shoot someone in the head, and then say "But i didnt intend for them to die", the question to ask is "Well, what did you think would happen if you shot someone in the head!!?" People who empty out entire ore belts with fleet mining, know full well that they are going to irritate and upset other players who come to mine. The intention is there.

Lucas Kell wrote:

Of course they do. They pick areas where vast numbers of newer or risk averse players are so they know there will be plenty of ripe targets. They then gank the ones they can easily gank posting their usual insults and trolls in local, and look out for any reaction. They then see who reacts and further troll them, often posting the results on their blogs or this forum.

No, what you say is utter nonsense. The majority of ganks happen in .5, .6 security space where concord reaction speeds are the lowest, which necessarily defines the miners within those systems as opposite to risk-averse. One of the most miner-ganked systems by Code, is Osmon, a .6 system.

Furthermore, most of the miners that are ganked are flying retreivers or covetors. The ratio of Retreiver/mackinaw/covetor/hulk to Skiff/procurers being killed, is like 100 to 1. If these players were actually risk-aversed, they would be flying fully tanked procurers, not untanked maximum-yeild retreivers.

You are clearly wrong on this point.
Lucas Kell wrote:

Most botters that aren't just Joe Blogs the rookie about to get banned for his badly configured bot, they won't engage with you at all. They are there to farm isk for income and the loss of a ship or two is irrelevant. When a player was ganked 8 hours ago then cries about it, they were more than likely just AFK.

Except that theyre also not idiots. Theyre not gonna run their program every day for 24 hours. But youre right, theyre there to farm isk, meaning that they want to, as all players, maximize the amount of isk they mine within the 8-10 hours they use their bot program for. And I think this is true for almost everyone who mines. No one is mining out the goodness of their hearts, so that they may donate the isk made to charities. Most, infact id say its safe to assume that all people who mine in hisec are doing it to farm isk.

Add to that, the fact that we already know of 3, 4 year old players who get ganked, and where a ship loss or two is utterly irrelevant. I have an extremely hard time believing that a 3 year old player, with plenty of ship kills and losses on Zkillboard that prove they were active during those years, will be utterly devastated and bankrupt because of a 30 million isk ship loss. And yet, they frequently complain and cry about it, all the time.

So clearly, people who are there to farm isk for income and the loss of a ship or two is irrelevant to them, can, and do, complain and cry all the time. So your argument here, is invalid.

Lucas Kell wrote:

Well no, be cause like we've covered above, botters won't be in the general target group for code, and they certainly won't be in the group that quits for being ganked and trolled. The reason there's always people crying about code is because they aren't hitting the botters. They are hitting actual players who don;t know any better. Established botters would already have either set up their ships to not get ganked or written code off as an operational cost.

Sure. Most people who die and cry, arent gonna be botters. Code isnt saying "We only target botters". But your claim that this somehow helps botters, is utterly nonsensical and wrong.

But ive read your comments above, and nowhere does it explain how botters wont be in the general target group for code. Botters, like everyone, want to maximize profit and income. Some will bot for 8 hours a day, every day, but try and go it safe by botting in .8-.9 systems. Others, will only bot once or twice a week to try and stay under the radar, but bot in .5-.6 systems. They act just like regular miners, who get killed by code every day.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#256 - 2015-01-06 19:22:04 UTC
Concord Guy's Cousin wrote:
Well you're the expert on ludicrously stupid posts, so you'd know.
Oooh, burn! I must have struck a nerve to provoke such a witty retort.

Concord Guy's Cousin wrote:
A knight of the new order preaches the code, big surprise.
Indeed, and it means precisely nothing when used as an argument for why he thinks code isn't beneficial to botters.

Concord Guy's Cousin wrote:
That's your opinion, opinions are like backsides, everyone has one, and the contents often stink.
Wrong, it's a fact. Every non-bot miner killed benefits botters by increasing the value of their mined materials. Code kills primarily non-botters, thus code benefit botters.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Concord Guy's Cousin
#257 - 2015-01-06 19:28:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Concord Guy's Cousin
Lucas Kell wrote:
Oooh, burn! I must have struck a nerve to provoke such a witty retort.
Given your posting history, what did you expect?.

Indeed, and it means precisely nothing when used as an argument for why he thinks code isn't beneficial to botters.

Wrong, it's a fact. Every non-bot miner killed benefits botters by increasing the value of their mined materials. Code kills primarily non-botters, thus code benefit botters.
Wrong, that's your opinion.

You're getting as bad as Veers when it comes to presenting opinion as fact.

Fact : a thing that is known or proved to be true.
Opinion : a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Know the difference.

ISD LackOfFaith ~ "Your Catalyst was a hamster, and your Retriever smelt of elderberries"

NPC Forum Alt, because reasons.

Steppa Musana
#258 - 2015-01-06 19:28:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Steppa Musana
Solonius Rex wrote:
But doing something with full knowledge of what the outcome would bring, is intention. If you shoot someone in the head, and then say "But i didnt intend for them to die", the question to ask is "Well, what did you think would happen if you shot someone in the head!!?" People who empty out entire ore belts with fleet mining, know full well that they are going to irritate and upset other players who come to mine. The intention is there.
Uhhhhh I think you need to look up the definition of intend. Intention does not mean commiting an action while under recognitiion of its repercussion. It means engaging in the action for the purpose of creating that repercussion. Miners do not intend to irritate the other players who come to mine.... most of us fleet miners would happily hit a respawn button when we are done. If you dont believe me go search for fleet miners in a barge and ask if you can join for boosts.
Gankers do intend to grief, and Im not talking about blowing up ships here. The only motivation for the rude convos and the insults in local is to **** the player off for an amusing reaction. It's griefing plain and simple


No, what you say is utter nonsense. The majority of ganks happen in .5, .6 security space where concord reaction speeds are the lowest, which necessarily defines the miners within those systems as opposite to risk-averse. One of the most miner-ganked systems by Code, is Osmon, a .6 system.

Furthermore, most of the miners that are ganked are flying retreivers or covetors. The ratio of Retreiver/mackinaw/covetor/hulk to Skiff/procurers being killed, is like 100 to 1. If these players were actually risk-aversed, they would be flying fully tanked procurers, not untanked maximum-yeild retreivers.

I wont fault you on the logic but youre wrong. They fly like this because they are ignorant and/or stupid. Risk aversion isnt usually a factor in the equation


Except that theyre also not idiots. Theyre not gonna run their program every day for 24 hours. But youre right, theyre there to farm isk, meaning that they want to, as all players, maximize the amount of isk they mine within the 8-10 hours they use their bot program for. And I think this is true for almost everyone who mines. No one is mining out the goodness of their hearts, so that they may donate the isk made to charities. Most, infact id say its safe to assume that all people who mine in hisec are doing it to farm isk.

Add to that, the fact that we already know of 3, 4 year old players who get ganked, and where a ship loss or two is utterly irrelevant. I have an extremely hard time believing that a 3 year old player, with plenty of ship kills and losses on Zkillboard that prove they were active during those years, will be utterly devastated and bankrupt because of a 30 million isk ship loss. And yet, they frequently complain and cry about it, all the time.

So clearly, people who are there to farm isk for income and the loss of a ship or two is irrelevant to them, can, and do, complain and cry all the time. So your argument here, is invalid.

Why dont you go and mess with a botter and see for yourself. They dont "cry", they dont say anything at all. They have a different mentality than a player who is farming without botting, thats what you are missing. I dont like botters but they are usually players that "get" EVE, they arent going to rant at someone for costing them what will amount to 0.5% of profit on the year. If you want to get a reaction out of them, tell them you reported them for botting. Thats the only thing they might care about.


Sure. Most people who die and cry, arent gonna be botters. Code isnt saying "We only target botters". But your claim that this somehow helps botters, is utterly nonsensical and wrong.

But ive read your comments above, and nowhere does it explain how botters wont be in the general target group for code. Botters, like everyone, want to maximize profit and income. Some will bot for 8 hours a day, every day, but try and go it safe by botting in .8-.9 systems. Others, will only bot once or twice a week to try and stay under the radar, but bot in .5-.6 systems. They act just like regular miners, who get killed by code every day.

CODE helps the botters because the botters dont stop mining when someone ganks them. The new players in their Retrievers do, and many quit the game entirely after some sociopath gets them enraged in an hour in a private convo. You arent getting the mentality of the botter. They set themselves up so they are harder to mess with, that is the whole point of the botter. The players they compere with are a lot of times dumb or new and are more susceptible to not only being shot, but being griefed out of mining and/or the game. That is why it helps the botters, and that is why non-botters are the more ripe targets for CODE. No tears and more game knowledge makes the botters worse targets.
Lady Areola Fappington
#259 - 2015-01-06 19:43:21 UTC
Griefing is actually pretty simple to define, and I think my definition is the same as CCPs.

Griefing is when you perform actions with the intent of screwing with the person behind the keyboard.
Valid gameplay mechanics are actions that screw with your character in-game.

CCP tends to lean quite heavily towards the "valid gameplay mechanics" side of the line. As an adult, they expect you to comprehend that the vast majority of in-game activities and behaviors are just that, in-game. CCP also takes a pretty broad view of what "in-game" actually entails, and considers stuff like TMC, Minerbumping, and such in-game.

Camping you in a station because I want to is a totally valid gameplay mechanic.
Camping you in a station because you're black and I'm a huge racist (BTW I'm not a racist), that's griefing.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#260 - 2015-01-06 19:47:02 UTC
Solonius Rex wrote:
Yes, i believe i used the words "intends".

But doing something with full knowledge of what the outcome would bring, is intention. If you shoot someone in the head, and then say "But i didnt intend for them to die", the question to ask is "Well, what did you think would happen if you shot someone in the head!!?" People who empty out entire ore belts with fleet mining, know full well that they are going to irritate and upset other players who come to mine. The intention is there.
Sure, but when your intention is to upset someone, that is grief. When your intention is to play the game and compete, and a side effect of that is the player losing out and getting upset, that's just the game. In EVE, certain activities which are performed specifically to upset people and harvest "the tears" are allowed, but that doesn't stop them being griefing. Trying to pretend like that means anything in the game is griefing is just being deliberately obtuse. You clearly know the difference, and I'm done arguing with an obvious troll.

Solonius Rex wrote:
No, what you say is utter nonsense. The majority of ganks happen in .5, .6 security space where concord reaction speeds are the lowest, which necessarily defines the miners within those systems as opposite to risk-averse. One of the most miner-ganked systems by Code, is Osmon, a .6 system.

Furthermore, most of the miners that are ganked are flying retreivers or covetors. The ratio of Retreiver/mackinaw/covetor/hulk to Skiff/procurers being killed, is like 100 to 1. If these players were actually risk-aversed, they would be flying fully tanked procurers, not untanked maximum-yeild retreivers.

You are clearly wrong on this point.
Bull. they gank in 0.5 and 0.6 systems because it gives them the widest array of targets. If they didn;t want risk averse players, they'd go out into lowsec or nullsec and harvest the miners there. But they know that people floating around in highsec are more likely to be upset by being ganked. I mean seriously man, you're arguing that code - a group know for tear harvesting - does not target people for tears.

I also note that you neglected to comment on the fact that they also troll the players they are ganking, again pushing for a negative reaction.

Solonius Rex wrote:
Except that theyre also not idiots. Theyre not gonna run their program every day for 24 hours. But youre right, theyre there to farm isk, meaning that they want to, as all players, maximize the amount of isk they mine within the 8-10 hours they use their bot program for. And I think this is true for almost everyone who mines. No one is mining out the goodness of their hearts, so that they may donate the isk made to charities. Most, infact id say its safe to assume that all people who mine in hisec are doing it to farm isk.

Add to that, the fact that we already know of 3, 4 year old players who get ganked, and where a ship loss or two is utterly irrelevant. I have an extremely hard time believing that a 3 year old player, with plenty of ship kills and losses on Zkillboard that prove they were active during those years, will be utterly devastated and bankrupt because of a 30 million isk ship loss. And yet, they frequently complain and cry about it, all the time.

So clearly, people who are there to farm isk for income and the loss of a ship or two is irrelevant to them, can, and do, complain and cry all the time. So your argument here, is invalid.
Botters that don't get banned will generally cycle alts. They may not leave alts on 24/7, but they have different alts on at varying times. And you're comparing career botters with players who have been sat in highsec for several years, as if a vet in highsec crying *must* mean that botters will cry. And note, when I say botters farm for income, I mean actual real life income, not like a vet in highsec who wants to hit a trillion.

Solonius Rex wrote:
Sure. Most people who die and cry, arent gonna be botters. Code isnt saying "We only target botters". But your claim that this somehow helps botters, is utterly nonsensical and wrong.
How is it wrong? If the players code are hitting are miner who do not bot, then by removing the players who are competing with for the mineral sales (the normal miners who are getting ganked) the amount made by botters is being kept up. It's basic supply and demand.

Solonius Rex wrote:
But ive read your comments above, and nowhere does it explain how botters wont be in the general target group for code. Botters, like everyone, want to maximize profit and income. Some will bot for 8 hours a day, every day, but try and go it safe by botting in .8-.9 systems. Others, will only bot once or twice a week to try and stay under the radar, but bot in .5-.6 systems. They act just like regular miners, who get killed by code every day.
They aren't in the target group because a competent botter knows how to tank and won't respond to baiting and trolling. At no point have I said that code intentionally avoid killing botters, but their reason for ganking (the real one, not the rubbish the spin) and their method of selecting targets has that effect. Most code players won't even realise that botters benefit from their actions.

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