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Drone Horde's... what were you thinking?

Max Essen
Bison Industrial Inc
Cat Scratch Fevers
#81 - 2011-11-30 14:44:18 UTC
I would gladly return to the drone region I was in a few years back just to mine, build and generally do industry stuff.

That said, i am not about to pay high rent for a B.S. system or constellation. Oh well ... maybe some day we miners will be needed again
Deathwing Reborn
#82 - 2011-11-30 14:53:05 UTC
Tanya Powers wrote:
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
I'd do even more about mining.

I'd take away the ability to use station reprocess unless you have refining V and Scrap Metal 4
This would not fundamentally change the game for players but would give another little boost to people investing time training for skills about mining, would also increase players interaction or at least make you train dedicated skills for this purpose.

You do realize that we have to have people with these skills anyway to refine in Drone 0.0 right? If we didn't our sites would worth even less.

Yes I fully understand this and the impact for you if those drones don't drop minerals any more, but you know there's always some but in the butter, where is the region having the most Mercoxit around ? oups, drones land Lol

So your skills are not wasted, and mining will finally mean something for your miners. Overall you should be happy if those changes hit TQ.
First you'd get new salvage/loot/bpc's for new items and so be privileged by already living there and have the most important capacity of supply of all regions, then you'd keep your already very rich belts, the bad news is that now you guys need to mine them but I'm sure a lot of players would join you for this activity once they're sure their favourite activity gives them back for their bucks.

I personally am not arguing the fact that drones dropping minerals is either bad or needs to be changed. I agree. I would rather have BOUNTIES and meta loot. It would make things 100% easier than they are now for drone space. The thing I am ticked off about is that they did nothing to change the way we get money, they just made it so we make 50% less. If they were to make horde sites full bounty right now I would not mind one bit. At least then my income would be stable and instant.

As it stands right now it takes me over a week to get isk for horde sites due to having to transport and refine. Not to mention all of the RISK of having to transport massive amounts of alloys that could be blown up by reds.

Roll back the changes just made to the horde site and wait until you make fundemental changes to how we get paid before you start screwing with horde sites.
Sub Prime
Caldari State
#83 - 2011-11-30 14:56:35 UTC
Sheesh, will you miners ever listen. CCP maee drone alloys the only source of PVE income (excluding salvage and borked mag/rad sites) in the Drone Regions. People HAVE to make a living there, hence they're a bit peeved that the anomolies and drop amount have been nerfed. Considering the extra effort that players in the drone regions have to exert to realise the ISK, this has made them quite angry.

Now, back to you miners, if you want your mineral fix, fine, just come up with some suggestiong about alternatives for making ISK in these regions instead of just whining about how minerals should just be for miners.
Tanya Powers
#84 - 2011-11-30 15:04:31 UTC
Killer Gandry wrote:
The main source for minerals should be mining.
This however got completely borked up due to the reprocessing of loot in general.

Specially the drone regions became a point of concern due to the large influx of alloys that got gathered.

The mineral gathering is slowly returning towards the miners, but CCP is still a long way from balancing the game.
Not only drone regions should be looked at but everything in general. Droprates of mods should decrease even more to lower the influx of loot minerals even more.
Increase the bounties or whatever to compensate a bit, but lower the loot drops.

Or make the minerals of reprocessing modules/ships of lower quality and only usefull if mixed with a certain percentage of pure minerals gathered from mining.

Also make mining a bit more work intensive then it is now. Not warp into belt, target and zing zing zing, drag and drop, zing zing zing etc.
Why not unmarked roids which need to be scanned first to see which ores they yield.

Well you need to think twice about this little thing.

Removing or decreasing modules loot will not help that much miners but sure it's another little plus. Now what you are doing right there is decrease missioners income by a large margin, why?

Bounty are not that important has isk income on his own, you need to add lp's and then the poor minerals reprocess you've got to build some stuff/sell it. In fact has a hole mission profession is not badly balanced since your global income is related to several activities.
In null sec you can find full belts/sites of wrecks no one loots or salvage, first because of danger factor and second because it seems they don't need minerals, look at all those empty belts in null...

I'm ok to get rid of all loot from wrecks and get only meta 4 instead, go ahead I wouldn't be bothered but in change bounty or lp's in high sec would need a big boost to compensate this loss.

Elite War Squad
#85 - 2011-11-30 15:10:37 UTC
Hmmm I totally understand that drones minerals will increase in price cause of the inflation caused by the corporations insurance liability of the market economy itself, but saying that minerals areas amount of quantity is equal to drones hitpoints that is a little bit off track imo.

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2011-11-30 15:27:26 UTC
'Mineral' Supply drops from bugged drone anoms being fixed, market supply drops, price rises, more people actually start to mine again, supply increases, prices stabilize.

I don't see anything wrong with that picture, unless you were one of those smartbomb bs / carrier idiots exploiting this bugged anomaly for a few years.
Aquila Draco
#87 - 2011-11-30 15:31:05 UTC
Max Essen wrote:
I would gladly return to the drone region I was in a few years back just to mine, build and generally do industry stuff.

That said, i am not about to pay high rent for a B.S. system or constellation. Oh well ... maybe some day we miners will be needed again

Give miners their profession back!!!

There is no logic that drones are ore, and hunters miners.
Sirius Cassiopeiae
Caldari State
#88 - 2011-11-30 16:26:13 UTC
Severian Carnifex wrote:
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
but both kills the horde site and its not really even worth doing.

You see that last sentence... that drone regions did with mining, and worse!!!!!!
You now have a clue how we, miners, feel and we have tens of millions of skill SP only in that!!!!
And you with you skills can do some other things, we can not!!!

^^ Base point of the problem.

Minerals to miners!!!
Deathwing Reborn
#89 - 2011-11-30 17:05:11 UTC
Sirius Cassiopeiae wrote:
Severian Carnifex wrote:
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
but both kills the horde site and its not really even worth doing.

You see that last sentence... that drone regions did with mining, and worse!!!!!!
You now have a clue how we, miners, feel and we have tens of millions of skill SP only in that!!!!
And you with you skills can do some other things, we can not!!!

^^ Base point of the problem.

Minerals to miners!!!

Ok so have CCP change our alloys into bounties and modules, don't reduce our ability to make isk just because CCP made drone space drop alloys.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#90 - 2011-11-30 17:07:39 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Ingvar Angst wrote:
Wasn't there mention of a simple bounty-type system if I recall?
Some such. I would personally like to see something more industry-oriented (let drones drop new materials for new fancy stuff), but then you'd have the problem of one region being pretty much the sole source of that industry, and that's… less than optimal.

I'm being guilty of responding to this before reading the entire thread (limited time).

I agree, and personally I'd like to see Rogue Drones provide specialized components for creating T2 Drones of all types, Drone Rigs, and possibly any type of T2 item/rig that augments command and control functions for multiple ships. It makes good sense, to me at least.

I personally don't have an issue with one region supplying the bulk of these materials, as that promotes ninja harvesting and eventually fuels aggression if marketing games are being played. Also, drone complexes in other area's would supply the occasional supplement to the supplies coming out of drone space.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#91 - 2011-11-30 18:06:49 UTC
Crucis Cassiopeiae wrote:
Do you ppl understand how many peoples have all mining skills and must forget about them because drones???
There would not be shortage if anything!
Peoples would just blow the dust from their hulks and start mining!
And that's so many ppl!!!

And on other side that miners would stop doing other things, so they would not pump ISK, or LP, or other things in the economy so other ppl work would earn more. So all would balance itself!!!

There was no shortage of minerals before drone regions, and there would not be after drone regions!
Miners will take care of it!!!

You sir would be greatly mistaken. I have invested the skill points in mining, used them early in the game, and yes i live in drone regions and i can tell you this there is absolutely no reason what so ever for me to dust off a hulk and mine even if they switch drones to bounty.

It is an economy of scale thing, one account just can not be profitable mining get over it as it is true. In order for someone to mine profitably you need multiple accounts so you can form your own mining fleet, haul your own ore, and provide your own boosts, etc. I know here comes the argument join a corp work with them it isnt a solo game and your right, but even in doing that isk/hour per person it still isnt worth it for an individual to mine.
ssgt slaughter
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#92 - 2011-11-30 18:44:52 UTC
Again CCP has shown it has learned little from its recent mistakes.
Not making official advanced statements about another Nerf and taking feedback from those it effects or giving them time to make appropriate changes.
CCP has once again show they have little regard for their CUSTOMERS.
Let me make this clear if many of you already haven't noticed.
This game is a very small pond i would estimate easily 50% of this game is alt accounts or inactive players.
The norm is to see 600+ member alliances with little actual active members, and CCP is pissing in a small pond of active players with little regard for their opinions on these changes.
If CCP wants to continue losing subscriptions they are on the right track recent new game releases have given the paying customer other options and that is evident in recent actual player activity in eve.

Lets look at this Nerf Objectively.

- yet another drone lands Nerf guys its getting old (stop listening to those who do not live here they are only bitching its human nature)

- ratting in other regions gives instant isk awesome and then you can collect the loot and salvage and if that not enough you get faction loot that is actually worth something. isk isk isk i say.

-in the drone lands the materials we collect we have to then convert via industry to a marketable object or we have to cover the cost of logistics to get the minerals to market which with ccps new kill everything that moves pvp direction is becoming hard and extremely expensive to do.

-the faction loot in drone lands is worthless, faction drones have never been big sellers on markets and was a fail concept by CCP which has not been rectified not to mention its so rare there is little if no isk made off of faction drops.

-awesome many say hey lets make changes to level the drone lands seems the whole community sees the need for changes but CCP instead of coming up with viable changes for the drone lands just keeps giving it the Nerf hammer.

i fear for the future of this game because of CCP's shortsightedness and their complete disregard for the actual active and paying members of this gaming community.

After many years as a active member of this gaming community i have seen many fail cascades and CCP and eve is in the middle of a fail slide Question to us all is can they stop the slide and further more do they really care?
Aquila Draco
#93 - 2011-11-30 18:49:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Aquila Draco
Mograthi wrote:
Crucis Cassiopeiae wrote:
Do you ppl understand how many peoples have all mining skills and must forget about them because drones???
There would not be shortage if anything!
Peoples would just blow the dust from their hulks and start mining!
And that's so many ppl!!!

And on other side that miners would stop doing other things, so they would not pump ISK, or LP, or other things in the economy so other ppl work would earn more. So all would balance itself!!!

There was no shortage of minerals before drone regions, and there would not be after drone regions!
Miners will take care of it!!!

You sir would be greatly mistaken. I have invested the skill points in mining, used them early in the game, and yes i live in drone regions and i can tell you this there is absolutely no reason what so ever for me to dust off a hulk and mine even if they switch drones to bounty.

It is an economy of scale thing, one account just can not be profitable mining get over it as it is true. In order for someone to mine profitably you need multiple accounts so you can form your own mining fleet, haul your own ore, and provide your own boosts, etc. I know here comes the argument join a corp work with them it isnt a solo game and your right, but even in doing that isk/hour per person it still isnt worth it for an individual to mine.

Comment is not directed to me, but i must ask:

And, you are...???
And, you are talking in the name of all miners because...???

Ppl will mine, but not under this prices and with this many minerals on market.

And i don't know whats with some ppl here.
Want to argue against the point of majority of ppl here and then with last sentence confirm our cause/point/standings.
isk/hour per person it still isnt worth it for an individual to mine.

That's the whole problem and that we want to fix!!!
Because of drone mineral drops "isk/hour per person it still isnt worth it for an individual to mine."

Thnx for supporting our cause.
Mining to miners!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2011-11-30 19:00:10 UTC
Zagam wrote:
Uh... so now drones are like the rest of eve? *gasp*

Stop complaining about your bot being broken.

you obviously dont know how drone npcs work.

Do you have to loot all the wrecks and sell poop to make money in ur space?
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#95 - 2011-11-30 19:02:51 UTC
I think the only alliance that is suffering from any changes to drone anomalies is the one that couldn't pull off an invasion of another region if their enemies had their hand tied behind their backs and could only fly newbie ships.

Looking at you IRC.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Deathwing Reborn
#96 - 2011-11-30 19:06:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Deathwing Reborn
Lykouleon wrote:
I think the only alliance that is suffering from any changes to drone anomalies is the one that couldn't pull off an invasion of another region if their enemies had their hand tied behind their backs and could only fly newbie ships.

Looking at you IRC.

says the goon that is going to be attacking drone space but not trying to hold on to sov because you wouldnt be able to support yourself in drone space like we can.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2011-11-30 19:11:46 UTC
Wish we could get one dev to post on one of these issues about the drone regions...

Maybe explaining some justification of this BIG nerf?
Elanor Vega
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2011-11-30 19:17:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Elanor Vega
WuMaTih wrote:
Wish we could get one dev to post on one of these issues about the drone regions...

Maybe explaining some justification of this BIG nerf?

Sorry but as things are now...
That nerf to drone regions is drop of water for thirsty miners in the desert.
And miners must support it and love it.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#99 - 2011-11-30 19:18:36 UTC
ssgt slaughter wrote:
Lets look at this Nerf Objectively.

The Drone Regions have over time become the largest provider of minerals in the game, effectively killing off an entire profession (mining) and rendering the ships related to this profession increasingly pointless. Objectively, this is bad.

It is no secret that they are looking at fixing this problem by drastically altering or completely removing alloys to. They are taking the long view on this and are trying to satisfy its customers by offering a wide variety of activities across a wide variety of space. The current set-up of the drone regions hinders both of those and thus needs to change.

Whether the occupants of the drone regions like such a change is, objectively, almost irrelevant.
Casius Omega
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#100 - 2011-11-30 19:18:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Casius Omega
Lykouleon wrote:
I think the only alliance that is suffering from any changes to drone anomalies is the one that couldn't pull off an invasion of another region if their enemies had their hand tied behind their backs and could only fly newbie ships.

Looking at you IRC.

Yea the new incarnation of Goons have a real good track record of invading... but not actually changing anything..
Didn't someone give you there space?
What was the last thing you invaded and took over sov? BoB? oh wait you clicked a button and won. Oh then what happen.
The fact is you guys havnt done anything to talk about mentioning except mabye increasing the price of gas by 500isk per/unit in the last year+.