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EVE Online: Crucible Feedback thread

First post
Helen Grapes
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#141 - 2011-11-30 06:20:12 UTC
Leoresdectena wrote:

Repair tool downloads, pops up a "waiting" mouse icon for a couple seconds, then exits out having done NOTHING.
Trying to run the repair tool again does NOTHING.
Why do you even include this "repair tool" when it has NEVER EVER FIXED ANYTHING in all the times I've had to try to use it?

Then you do it wrong. Worked fine for me.
Ali Virgo
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#142 - 2011-11-30 06:20:49 UTC
Good job towards alot of things ccp how ever there is one issue i woudl liek to bring to your attention.
Drone Hordes are further nerfed . The loot is reduced and the whole thing has become a long grinding process. There is no advantage of one having multiple accounts and tring to do one horde anymore.
A carrier can do them as fast as battle ship now that hrdes coem in waves. I wish ccp woul had added more danger to the hordes not make them even more boring.
Hordes dont provide standing, bounty and any form of mods / Faction mods. To where bounty sapce can prove 200 Mil plus worth of mods in some single loot. a Single horde provide 35 mil only in salaveg and refinable compunds.Whish is now further reduced.
Hordes were a good soucre of minerals in past now its at the point it not even worth doing. I can go in bounty space and with less effort make fast isk.
I have access to both types of regions drone sec and bounty. I am just pointing out the un-balance.
I would not like to think that ccp is supporting a certain group of people/region over teh others. there are eve players that just kill mind less rats and make instant isk to buy plex. and then there are people that take time to salavge and refine and build. the ones that actually seed the market. But it seems that way point click making fast isk to meet plex is in favor then people who are builders,
More loot has been added to none drone sec regions while dronesec loot is nerfed (average 700 glossy per horde has be reduced to around 80) . This is unfair. This hints favor over one group of peopel/ region over then the other.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#143 - 2011-11-30 06:42:25 UTC
Its aliveeee :-)
JetRed Secundus
Sect Six
#144 - 2011-11-30 06:57:20 UTC  |  Edited by: JetRed Secundus

Thanks for removing the nebula in the scan window. Clearer for sure.

Though I now can't see my bookmarks when they're not inside a scan sphere.
(They were always hard to see.. but now near-invisible).

Also.. when I delete a bookmark (because the SIG's gone) the pushpin doesn't disappear (making it harder to determine what's left to scan) whereas it used to disappear (pre-crucible). Have to close the map window and reopen it to refresh it.
Esker Sheep
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2011-11-30 06:59:10 UTC
The UI scaling needs more options. Even set to 90% everything is larger than it was and using more valuable screen real-estate. If we could have 70% and 80% options that would probably help those of us that don't have larger screens.

That said it looks great when I play on the TV.
Max Thunderbird
Thunderbird Kredit Corp
#146 - 2011-11-30 07:09:02 UTC
Big smile So far no crashes and smoother/faster jumps and docks. Terrible on my computer pre-Crucible.

Big smile Neocom click on, click off icons.

Smile Deployment only took 1 hour longer than estimate!

Ugh Font.

Big smile Warp to + jump
Rook Batista
Sect Six
#147 - 2011-11-30 08:09:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Rook Batista
Yep... I can't scan down my system either.

Sigs are disappearing.

Trapped in WH space with dwindling fuel supplies.
Tristan Gale
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2011-11-30 08:13:50 UTC
Rook Batista wrote:
Yep... I can't scan down my system either.

Sigs are disappearing.

Trapped in WH space with dwindling fuel supplies.

It's your fitter setting, either use "show all" or check all the different types of sigs and make a new "sig"-filter. Otherwise the sigs will disappear when you get them >25%.
Nevryn Takis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2011-11-30 08:14:16 UTC
The PI tax nerf is a joke .. they've just double the price of P1 items 100K Ionic solutions now costs 100K to export and 100K to import .. it's base market price is only 2K .ie it only costs 200K to buy that amount but why bother any longer with the hike on "Import" duty
If this feeds all the way up the chain running a POS will now be unecomomic .. robotics are expensive enough to buy and produce as it is ...

And they broke the Orca .. can't stack ore in the corp holds even if you're in the same corp and could previously...
Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#150 - 2011-11-30 08:45:20 UTC
I don't like that the tier 3 BC has a world called Traits and then the ship bonuses are listed before word Description with the description. These are the only ships like this. Every other ship has the description followed by bonuses. And, there are no words breaking up the text. Can we get some uniformity?Question
Rook Batista
Sect Six
#151 - 2011-11-30 08:59:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Rook Batista
Tristan Gale wrote:
Rook Batista wrote:
Yep... I can't scan down my system either.

Sigs are disappearing.

Trapped in WH space with dwindling fuel supplies.

It's your fitter setting, either use "show all" or check all the different types of sigs and make a new "sig"-filter. Otherwise the sigs will disappear when you get them >25%.

Big smile You're totally right. Thanks for that.

The filter must've reset when the UI was updated.
Raimus Vardan
Magic Hamsters
#152 - 2011-11-30 09:10:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Raimus Vardan
Crucible bug report; some issues which I have been having since the launch.

i) Everytime I open my ingame notepad, I recieve the following message:

The text of the note you entered is too long.
It currently contains 5861 chars.
The maximum length is about 3900 chars.

Click Yes to continue editing the note, otherwise click No and the changes will not be saved.

This message will persist on appearing even when the notpad is closed.

ii) Whilst in space; although I have all ships, stargates, collidable structures etc enabled on my overview (they are all visible in the overview column) I am not able to see these items in space (they are not identfiable with their relative tags). The only things which I can see in space are mission npc's.
Note: This only happens on one of my accounts.
Boa Innovations
Brothers of Tangra
#153 - 2011-11-30 09:14:04 UTC
Ingvar Angst wrote:
Completely screwed up PI with the excessive taxes. Way to blow it. Instead of doing it right you half-ass rush it into place based on a calendar.

Used to cost a couple K isk to export a load of P2 items... now? 617K to export 5000 precious metals.

What the hell are you all thinking? Setting the tax rate to 5% on a PCO won't be the same as it was before... just on this one product I'm seeing over 200x the cost.

Wow, you failed this big time and are really screwing the market. There needs to be some serious adjustments to taxes for PI.

Couldn't agree more - WTF is going on here - over 8mill to export P3 products !!!

If you keep things as they are - PI is dead for sure

I want my skill points refunded + compensation for all the time and ISK spent setting up and balancing PI in low sec.

What next - No NPC stations in Low Sec ???

Giant Fail - and way to go if you want more players unsubscribing .
Tore Vest
#154 - 2011-11-30 09:30:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tore Vest
First: Thanks for fixing the Oneiros
Its realy nice now Big smile
Edit: Looove the red metalpaint on it Big smile


No troll.

Caldari State
#155 - 2011-11-30 09:37:12 UTC
Apreciate new tier3 BC and game mechs balances.

Also like the new nebulae and warp effect.

Dislike the trails and the font. Desactivated the trails... the font, well i hope improvement.

And about V3 models... well, most of them are "ok" (not good, just ok, kind of "meh") and i'm quite disapointed with the removing of military color shemes... I mean the harpy and all "golden" T2 calda are fugly now... But the new CNR, with the digicam, just rocks.
Alex Pier
Celestial Argonauts
#156 - 2011-11-30 09:43:48 UTC
The game looks even better than before!!!!

Had no performance issues. A bit annoyed that I cannot lock the windows in place, but that is details!!!

One criticism:

WTF is going on with the fond choice? I mean you could have used Comic SANS if you really wanted to **** people off!

Generally GREAT WORK!!! THANKS CCP guys!

PS. I love the paint-job of the Navy Raven!
Caldari State
#157 - 2011-11-30 09:45:47 UTC
V3 of Amarr and Minmatar is perhaps the most exiting stuff I'm looking forward to

When you see what they did to T2 Calda ships, i'm not sure i will like it on Matar/Amar...
Floydd Heywood
#158 - 2011-11-30 09:48:22 UTC
I especially like the improved resposiveness of the client. After a jump it used to take several seconds before I could issue a command to the client, like warping to the next gate. Now the client becomes responsive again almost immediately.

I had already noticed this on sisi but thought it was due to lower server load on the test server or something. Nice surprise to see that it's the same now on TQ Smile
Justin Ackaris
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#159 - 2011-11-30 10:01:21 UTC
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - allow me to make the station owner Corp insignia smaller in the station services section!!!! I'm mostly playing on a laptop and it's taking up WAY TOO MUCH ROOM.

Apart from that (and I qualify that with I haven't done much yet since getting off work and getting the patch sorted)- all looks OK so far and the reports I've read are encouraging. New font is...... different but I'm sure we'll get used to it.

Not so impressed with the PI tax changes since I was preparing to get into it PI..........
United Armed Forces Core
#160 - 2011-11-30 10:08:46 UTC
I think the patch was great except I EXTREMELY dislike the changes to Drone space Anoms. There used to be a point to having a carrier until it was nerfed. Now I try running them and my drones keep getting aggrod even when all the aggro is already on my carrier, so all my drones get killed off.

That alone is enough to make me want to stop playing altogether. I just got the ability to fly a carrier on two characters, and right when I do they become pointless in running hordes.

I think it was a bad idea. I think instead of nerfing the drone regions all the time, maybe someone should look at the bounty regions. People make massive amounts of money running sanctums but they don't get nerfed. Why always the drone regions? It doesn't make sense to me.

All I can say is I tried playing tonight after the new expansion and I had to stop. It just wasn't worth doing anymore. Yes, it's just a game but I was looking forward to being able to use my carriers on Hordes. Now there's nothing to look forward to.