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Circadian seeker

Vindicator Corporation
#1 - 2014-12-10 13:35:59 UTC
i saw a few of these sleeper drones moving around. Some i think was scanning/repping my ship and POCO

any idea?
Mai Khumm
#2 - 2014-12-11 14:09:04 UTC
They're scanning...

Why? Who knows!
Wandering Shadows
#3 - 2015-01-13 19:09:45 UTC
As of todays patch those seekers are attacking. Will be interesting to see if they only attack combat ships or also industrials as they where on a poco when they started to attack.
Patrick Yaa
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-01-14 11:02:55 UTC
I tried it out, locked some with my interceptor. They neither scanned me nor payed me any attention at all.
Then I brought out my gunship and shot at the first one, then all of them agressed me.

I think they only shoot back when attacked now.
Also: after a few minutes a second squad of seekers showed up, I think that's also new, previously, wasn't there just one squad of three per system?
Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#5 - 2015-01-14 11:24:20 UTC
Patrick Yaa wrote:
I tried it out, locked some with my interceptor. They neither scanned me nor payed me any attention at all.
Then I brought out my gunship and shot at the first one, then all of them agressed me.

I think they only shoot back when attacked now.
Also: after a few minutes a second squad of seekers showed up, I think that's also new, previously, wasn't there just one squad of three per system?

Yea, alot changed with seekers since patch. Previously they were harmless unarmed targets that scanned everything (they flew in groups from 1 to 5)

But since patch they exhibit unique behaviour when you attack them:

-They defend themselves
-They pursue you in warp if you flee the battle, you have to leave the system or dock up tobe safe. returning too soon to the system or undocking too fast will cause Seekers to re-initiate their pursuit of you.
-They call a second group of 5 if their initial group is wiped out.
-They pod you (if you give them the time & don't warp out)
-They disrupt drone targeting, making it hard for your drones to stay on one target & rather switch targets regularly (behaviour not consistent)

Note: seekers don't initiate the attack, so far, all their attacks have been in response of people firing at them. Leave them alone, and they're just happy to scan you & leave you alone for the rest.

You can read about the Seeker changes in the article I wrote: Circadian Seekers retaliate!

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

Sanguine Legion
#6 - 2015-02-04 02:21:50 UTC
NPC's podding people, that's delightful :)

Source in this?
Admiral Ackboom
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-02-24 14:16:33 UTC
I'm kinda wondering if this isn't a "return of the Jovian" thing and we'll all be expected to defend K-space, whilst all those afk miners, who are actually at their desks in R.L., and play later, don't get ****** up!