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EVE General Discussion

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General DIscussion Troll-nanigans

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2011-11-30 06:41:45 UTC
Steveir wrote:
My daughter (who is 30) has been in hospital most of the year. She has got so obese that fluid no longer drains out of her skull. We have been at hospital so much this year as they drilled holes in her skull, shot her full of drugs, tried to sort out her diabetes, stuff balloons in her stomach, and rammed needles in her spine.

My wife doesn't expect her to see the year out.

To anyone who has a weight issue, like my daughter, you can say you like being overwieght, it won't effect you, its a personal matter etc. But please, get help, loose weight, as neither you nor your family will like the suffering, pain, and distress that is coming your way.

Trust me on this, it has been a year of hell for her.

Cool can you get the names of the procedures besides the decompressive craniectomy, as a medical professional in training I'm curious.
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