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Strange Object.

Starlight Moly
#161 - 2014-12-29 16:19:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Eojek
Quattras Peione wrote:

I'm beginning to fear that the rogue drones may have evolved. Stay frosty.

In the Devil's Dig site, the rogues have already incorporated Talocan technology into themselves and can be as unpleasant as a Sleeper drone. In the Gallante system, at the Contested Comet site, you can find drones on par with some sleepers.

Regarding the Caldarii Talocan site itself, I do not seem to be able to recover anything new that the locals do not already know.
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#162 - 2014-12-29 18:22:12 UTC
I'm just gonna drop my .02 ISK here:

I think these structures are natural, and that they are not so much cloaked, but appear to be at the center of some kind of spatial distortion. The form of the structures appear natural, and I think the movement of the surrounding clouds suggest that the cloak is a spatial distortion.
Perhaps something useful can be learned from the patterns of the cloud's movement. I lack the skill and equipment to analyze that kind of stuff properly.

Also, those seekers: It looked a bit like they tried to activate that central sphere, but failed for some reason. I mean, it is exposed, but does not appear to do anything. But that's just a hunch, for all I know, it's working as intended.
Luna Hanaya
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#163 - 2014-12-30 15:45:40 UTC
Why these structures have warp beacons near them?


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Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#164 - 2014-12-30 16:00:19 UTC
Automated drones seeded by the empire's. Anything that creates a large enough disturbance, the drone deploys a small automated beacon. I think, anyways. It has been a long time since that particular class from my academy days.
Miko Jin
#165 - 2014-12-31 11:30:34 UTC
Circadian seekers and an unidentified structure now in Balle Sing Liaison. Five seekers at a time scanning belts and the station.
#166 - 2015-01-02 07:57:30 UTC
Hello, well, this is my second attempt at trying to reveal some detail in the unidentified structures. Some helpful suggestions from another capsuleer allowed me to recalibrate my camera drones to ignore most of the clutter within a scene but it was still a fluffy kind of procedure and the results are limited I feel.

Below is a GalNet link to a set of three images of the unidentified structure currently in Mora, taken about 30 seconds apart, isolated again to a specific colour range and different filters applied to expose some detail and a final filter applied to trace outlines within the image. Included with the image set are versions with the various filters, some explanatory notes and I hope someone might find these images useful with their own studies.

Looking at all my other images from Mora (about 30 or so) this is as much as the structure's cloak or phasing appears to reveal of its design at the moment. While I don't feel threatened by these things, I can't help a peculiar feeling around them. Feelings can be odd things, at times. So can sympathies and so can signs. Together they form a puzzle to which people simply haven't found the right key.

Image Set
Gray's Anatomist
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#167 - 2015-01-03 03:24:10 UTC
My associate has shared some strange and interesting results of his circadian seekers investigation, which might prove useful for further research. Hereby, I relay his discoveries.

I was attempting to compile RF dissipation spectrum of one of those peculiar structures, the one in Ourapheh star system. For this, I deployed a set of Hornet EC-300 drones and engaged the structure.
After a few seconds, four Circadian Seekers warped in and approached me with keen interest. After a moment, one of them started scanning the structure, and one of the drones.
Trying to further its interest, I ordered the drones to engage the sleeper. And indeed, it got even more interested, scanning as many as four drones at the same time. Needless to say, ECM had no effect on the sleeper itself, except causing more interest, as two other sleepers joined it in scanning the drones, the structure, each other (!) and me.
After a while (over 5 minutes) I decided to check if other drones are as interesting to them, ordered one of ECM drones back to my ship and deployed a salvage drone. Immediately, the sleepers ceased scanning and warped out.

Upon hearing the story, I advised him to check nearby structures, especially planetary customs offices. Here is his report, even more perplexing:
After visiting (in vain) three of the planetary customs structures, I detected three of the sleepers while approaching Planet V's customs. Upon seeing me, they immediately warped out.
Not being sure about their motives, I engaged my cloak and followed them to the next planet's office. Indeed, they were near it, not scanning, but flying around. After watching them for a few seconds, I uncloaked. The sleepers looked surprised, and while I deployed ECM drones again, two of them aligned and warped out.
However, when my ECM drones engaged the last remaining drone, something peculiar happened. Being an electronics specialist, I can only describe it as system crash: the sleeper made some erratic movements, shut down its engine completely and was hanging there, at a bizarre angle to the ecliptic. It stayed that way even after I cloaked, uncloaked, picked up my drones. It was practically dead, with the exception of periodic automated movements of its hull (antennae extraction and retraction and forward sensory cluster swings. It didn't move even after I deployed my combat drones and slowly took it apart (it took a fair amount of time).

Not being sure if that was a fluke, I repeated the procedure two more times: warped cloaked on customs office, decloaked and deployed ECM drones. The sleepers that managed to align before ECM attack left, the ones witnessing the attack remained and shut down - even when they were not targeted. The experiment ended when all four sleepers resident in that system were destroyed.

Noting that ECM of its own didn't have this shocking effect on sleepers during my first encounter, I can conclude there are two possibilities:
1. sleepers are immune to this attack near the structure.
2. sleepers are not affected by ECM alone, but the combination of decloaking ship and ECM emissions from drones causes some logical error in their programming.

It was especially interesting, that during one of the encounters, 2 sleepers were disabled by ECM drone attacking just one of them.

This story happened just a few hours ago. As of now, there are no new sleepers in the Ourapheh area, nor are there any visible changes to the structure within. We will keep investigating this, and hope someone else will try to replicate my colleague's approach.

Covert Ops cloak
5xHornet EC-300