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total isk in high sec belts

Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#21 - 2014-12-28 19:11:33 UTC
Zemfadel wrote:

good to know, I will try to find time to log on to TQ immediately after down time and scan then (4AM for me Sad ).

Ouch. No need to do that. There are a large number of systems in EVE. Just find an out-of-the-way area and you won't have to worry too much about being on right after down-time. Just getting away from the trade hubs will have much greater belt health, as well.

Check out and switch back and forth between the number of jumps and the number of NPC's killed over the last 24 hours. Having lower numbers on both will generally mean that the belts will be healthier (not always, but it's a good first indicator). Locate a dozen or so systems that have a few belts in them, then take a shuttle or travel-fit frig to check them out.

Just note that, right now, with the holidays, things are going to be a bit skewed with a lot of people off school and work, so you may want to wait until January to do your searching.
Bethan Le Troix
Krusual Investigation Agency
#22 - 2014-12-30 17:13:14 UTC
Just thought I'd point out that purposefully clearing whole asteroid belts will draw a lot of attention towards your operation. In addition it will not ingratiate you with other local mining communities. In short it's not a wise tactic.
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2015-01-05 11:19:53 UTC
Valheria wrote:
Hmm seems to be all over the place.. The place i've found is empty nearly all the time anyways so i guess i could rack in 200-400 mil in total.. That once a day should be good but who knows

Thanks alot guys and if anyone else has more info then please post as i will be checking this thread still : )

no, the responder is correct who pointed out that you will not get 200mill from one high sec standard belt... especially in a well mined area.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


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