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CSM Campaigns

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Mike Azariah ---> CSMX

First post
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2014-12-11 20:10:16 UTC
Feyd, Oh how I would love to hear you and Dinsdale debate. Each of you tyaking the side that Highsec is being nerfed into the gorund but from opposite viewpoints.

you just look at each new additional nerf proposed by CCP and nod sagely saying 'that sounds balanced', in a vacuum...

and nobody hears things said in a vacuum. I love your blog about nerfing highsec though. Don't agree with parts of it but it was fun to read.

If Ripard and I have joined forces to nerf hisec non-consensual content in hisec into the groud then all ganking has stopped . . op success?

Um, nope. I looked and it is still going on. People are still shooting people, Niarja is still a place you move through quickly and carefully. Maybe loophole kills are lower, tricking people into being easy targets due to convoluted rules. I think that is a good thing, you are allowed to disagree.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#62 - 2014-12-11 21:16:55 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Feyd, Oh how I would love to hear you and Dinsdale debate. Each of you tyaking the side that Highsec is being nerfed into the gorund but from opposite viewpoints.

you just look at each new additional nerf proposed by CCP and nod sagely saying 'that sounds balanced', in a vacuum...

and nobody hears things said in a vacuum. I love your blog about nerfing highsec though. Don't agree with parts of it but it was fun to read.

If Ripard and I have joined forces to nerf hisec non-consensual content in hisec into the groud then all ganking has stopped . . op success?

Um, nope. I looked and it is still going on. People are still shooting people, Niarja is still a place you move through quickly and carefully. Maybe loophole kills are lower, tricking people into being easy targets due to convoluted rules. I think that is a good thing, you are allowed to disagree.


Its the dismal tide Mike, Its not the one thing.

We see in macro, micro and yes EvE's virtual world that freedom is lost in small paper cuts over time, as soon as people stop actively defending it and equivocating or rationalizing to find 'middle ground'. I would quote Edmund Burke here, but what's the point.

It's not the one thing.

I will close with this. If CCP wants to make hisec a second-shard 100% disneyland at the sacrifice of player freedoms, they should just be upfront and honest about it, as should you.

You can't do it over small increments like Ripard Teg and others before you, and hope people don't notice, feigning ignorance along the way on all the preceding nerfs, while proclaiming 'a balanced approach'. Again, at this point true balance would be restoring some buffs to hisec aggression, to take us back from that -10 nerf condition to HTFU zero.

You won't, because you are a bear, and there is no real 'balance', its just that I am calling BS on. You have every right to try and turn hisec into WoW and Disneyland with small continual paper-cut nerfs, but you do NOT get to do it while proclaiming ignorance you are doing it.

Jon Illat
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#63 - 2014-12-12 01:53:18 UTC
+1 vote from me. Your blogs have certainly helped me to keep track of what's happening when I haven't had the time to follow the news as closely as I would like.
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#64 - 2014-12-12 21:34:36 UTC
I endorse this product and/or candidate.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Multiplex Gaming
Tactical Narcotics Team
#65 - 2014-12-14 18:46:48 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Mike Azariah wrote:
Feyd, Oh how I would love to hear you and Dinsdale debate. Each of you tyaking the side that Highsec is being nerfed into the gorund but from opposite viewpoints.

you just look at each new additional nerf proposed by CCP and nod sagely saying 'that sounds balanced', in a vacuum...

and nobody hears things said in a vacuum. I love your blog about nerfing highsec though. Don't agree with parts of it but it was fun to read.

If Ripard and I have joined forces to nerf hisec non-consensual content in hisec into the groud then all ganking has stopped . . op success?

Um, nope. I looked and it is still going on. People are still shooting people, Niarja is still a place you move through quickly and carefully. Maybe loophole kills are lower, tricking people into being easy targets due to convoluted rules. I think that is a good thing, you are allowed to disagree.


Its the dismal tide Mike, Its not the one thing.

We see in macro, micro and yes EvE's virtual world that freedom is lost in small paper cuts over time, as soon as people stop actively defending it and equivocating or rationalizing to find 'middle ground'. I would quote Edmund Burke here, but what's the point.

It's not the one thing.

I will close with this. If CCP wants to make hisec a second-shard 100% disneyland at the sacrifice of player freedoms, they should just be upfront and honest about it, as should you.

You can't do it over small increments like Ripard Teg and others before you, and hope people don't notice, feigning ignorance along the way on all the preceding nerfs, while proclaiming 'a balanced approach'. Again, at this point true balance would be restoring some buffs to hisec aggression, to take us back from that -10 nerf condition to HTFU zero.

You won't, because you are a bear, and there is no real 'balance', its just that I am calling BS on. You have every right to try and turn hisec into WoW and Disneyland with small continual paper-cut nerfs, but you do NOT get to do it while proclaiming ignorance you are doing it.


It's funny to watch you chest-beat and whine about sandbox game-play when you seem to forget the fact the sandbox sword cuts both ways. Targets have just as much right to use any and all available mechanics to evade your intentions as you do to try to imbalance any encounters (neutral RR, Non-War Target Boosts, etc.) They don't pay a sub to amuse you.
Scope Works
#66 - 2014-12-15 16:57:53 UTC
Bump because **** yeah Mike Azariah.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

The Whispering
#67 - 2014-12-16 15:24:06 UTC
I will be voting for you Mike
Alekseyev Karrde
Shadow Cartel
#68 - 2014-12-16 17:37:07 UTC
Mike's done a fantastic job on the CSM, and not just for his constituency. I'll be putting him on my ballot for sure.

Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#69 - 2014-12-18 20:13:18 UTC
OK, so my last question went nowhere. Let's try this one:

What do you think of the direction that CCP Rise and his team are investigating for the all-new NPE? What can the CSM do to support their effort?

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2014-12-18 20:37:39 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
OK, so my last question went nowhere. Let's try this one:

What do you think of the direction that CCP Rise and his team are investigating for the all-new NPE? What can the CSM do to support their effort?

I have encouraged CCP to look at other games and perhaps do some major shifting of how the NPE is approached. Sugar and myself and others are 100% behind improvements both in interest of having better player retention and just making the game learning curve a bit less of a cliff.

This is partially why I started Operation Magic School Bus. I am trying to get new players ready for fleets and low/null trips. We need more of this sort of thing, some encouragement for players to, once again, step up and be the content. This means the biggest thing we need to drum into new players is communication skills. How to read, research, use comms and mail and mailing lists.

Look, the current NPE trains the players to mine, to shift a bit of freight, to run missions. Is that how YOU describe Eve to people in real life? The disconnect needs to be addressed.

I'll toss it back to you, though. Which game has the 'best' NPE/tutorial, in you opinion? For me it is Portal.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#71 - 2014-12-18 20:43:23 UTC
Do you happen to have a link to something about operation magic school bus?

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#72 - 2014-12-18 21:39:48 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Look, the current NPE trains the players to mine, to shift a bit of freight, to run missions. Is that how YOU describe Eve to people in real life? The disconnect needs to be addressed.

Yes, it is.


OK, no, not really. But you don't have to convince me that the current NPE is absolutely terrible.

Mike Azariah wrote:
I'll toss it back to you, though. Which game has the 'best' NPE/tutorial, in you opinion? For me it is Portal.

I'm not much of a gamer, and EVE strikes me as different enough that I'm not sure how much EVE can learn. I mean, sure, TESO has a decent tutorial, including the fact that you can skip the little baby part if you're rolling an alt, but what you have to learn for a mostly themepark game vs. the urgent problem in EVE, which is giving new players the ability to reach other people and plug into whatever the meta is.

The 'basic controls in the game' part is easy, although the current tutorial manages to do even that wrong.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

gabrial trinady
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2014-12-18 23:32:15 UTC
i to will be voting for you again mike, you are by far one of the most publicly active members of the CSM next to Xander.

~~~~question time~~~~

I know some and maybe all of this may fall under the NDA so don't feel bad if you have to give "general" answers.

Ive heard the guys on the podside podcast mention this to you several times but I absolutely love the idea of station services in NPC null to be attackable. This happens to us in sov null from time to time and if I recall correctly you your self mentioned ( I cant recall your exact words) that you saw NPC null as a way to get used to the mechanics of sov null and the tactics used there. As it stands now NPC dwellers don't have to deal with the defensive side of sov warfare. Now im NOT saying we should be able to flip stations just incapacitate there station services the same way its done to us. With the difference being the NPC station services will eventually repair them selves just at a slow rate or they can form a rep op the fix there services faster. What is your though on something like this.

Agents....why cant we have some in sov null? There everywhere else but sov null and w space, why cant we have some sort of station upgrade for agents. It would be very helpful for the newer players that move straight to null to have access to mission agents. Another station question the different station upgrades that can be installed and as far as I know can not be removed unlike ihubs. Ihubs can have the different upgrades removed they are just destroyed like ship rigs. I think the station upgrades should be able to be FULLY customizable not a one time deal.

Im fairly sure this is in the pipe line but ill ask it anyway, the current balance or unbalance as it is of the low end ores in null sec is an issue. If CCP wants sov null to be eventually be self sufficient, as is my tin foil hatery from phoebe with the introduction of space aids, the minerals need to be rebalanced. im just curious as to how you stand on this as a high sec indy guy since right now we still, myself included, do the MAJORITY of our shopping in Jita 4-4.

Let me know your thoughts and ideas
Also where do we sign to get you a permanent seat on the CSM Smile

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2014-12-19 05:55:07 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
Do you happen to have a link to something about operation magic school bus?


Post in my blog

and the thread in GD

I have spent the past couple of weeks in Rookie Help chat then in ther career systems trying to hand out ships to new players. Biggest problem? New players don't watch local, don't even know how to talk or listen to other players. They are playing the game as a single player experience.

THIS needs to be addressed in the NPE


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2014-12-19 06:24:36 UTC
gabrial trinady wrote:

Ive heard the guys on the podside podcast mention this to you several times but I absolutely love the idea of station services in NPC null to be attackable. This happens to us in sov null from time to time and if I recall correctly you your self mentioned ( I cant recall your exact words) that you saw NPC null as a way to get used to the mechanics of sov null and the tactics used there. As it stands now NPC dwellers don't have to deal with the defensive side of sov warfare. Now im NOT saying we should be able to flip stations just incapacitate there station services the same way its done to us. With the difference being the NPC station services will eventually repair them selves just at a slow rate or they can form a rep op the fix there services faster. What is your though on something like this.

Okay this one first, It IS a cool idea but the sov free areas are used by a lot of sov folks because of the safety. A place where you can put your stuff that will still be there tomorrow. You know that the null entities would enjoy making life hell for their less committed brethren in npc stations.

So is there a balance? Maybe not kill the services but hinder them or make them scale up in expense. A price of battle and failure to consider where you are, your home.

gabrial trinady wrote:

Agents....why cant we have some in sov null? There everywhere else but sov null and w space, why cant we have some sort of station upgrade for agents. It would be very helpful for the newer players that move straight to null to have access to mission agents. Another station question the different station upgrades that can be installed and as far as I know can not be removed unlike ihubs. Ihubs can have the different upgrades removed they are just destroyed like ship rigs. I think the station upgrades should be able to be FULLY customizable not a one time deal.

Moon mining, why can't we have that in highsec? Some things are the difference between one space and another. There are supposed to be differences between parts of space to give us a reason to make choices and not all of the choices should point to null being the end game where everything evrybody else has can be found there, as well.

gabrial trinady wrote:

Im fairly sure this is in the pipe line but ill ask it anyway, the current balance or unbalance as it is of the low end ores in null sec is an issue. If CCP wants sov null to be eventually be self sufficient, as is my tin foil hatery from phoebe with the introduction of space aids, the minerals need to be rebalanced. im just curious as to how you stand on this as a high sec indy guy since right now we still, myself included, do the MAJORITY of our shopping in Jita 4-4.

I know some folks think each part of space should be self sufficient unto itself. I am sure if I looked hard enough I could find someone demanding that sleeper loot become atainable without all the hassle of wormhole life.

Out of curiosity, though. ARE all the belts in null mined out? Is it that you lack the minerals or people willing to mine them?


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Harrigan VonStudly
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#76 - 2014-12-20 20:56:49 UTC
Without hesitation Mike gets my #1 slot on my ballots. What does it for me as far as Mike is concerned is the fact that it doesn't matter the issue or the style of Eve-play a person has. Mike will represent, regardless, if he sees the need to take it up with CCP.

Go get 'em Mike
Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#77 - 2014-12-21 16:04:33 UTC
Mike is one of the smartest EvE players I have ever met. I hope you make it this time as well!

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Jayne Fillon
#78 - 2014-12-23 17:13:24 UTC
Hi Mike -

In response to Angrod Losshelin running for the CSM with a platform that includes "Multiboxer Representation" what do you feel about the current voting mechanics?

Should the voting mechanics be restricted to one vote per person? If owning another account is enough justification to earn an individual another vote towards the CSM, would you support allowing another vote to those who use multi-character training on a single account?

Thanks in advance.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2014-12-23 19:48:42 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Hi Mike -

In response to Angrod Losshelin running for the CSM with a platform that includes "Multiboxer Representation" what do you feel about the current voting mechanics?

Should the voting mechanics be restricted to one vote per person? If owning another account is enough justification to earn an individual another vote towards the CSM, would you support allowing another vote to those who use multi-character training on a single account?

Thanks in advance.

I understand where you are coming from on this one . . . it does feel like it is possible to 'buy the vote' but I would not push to change it.

Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time

This is representational democracy with the account (not the person) being the ones represented. Like stocks in a company, the more you put into it the more you have a small say in what happens. The sheer magnitude of the task to decide if two accts belong to one person would also not be something I would ask CCP to try. Brothers, wives, whatever, there are households that play (how they keep from stabbing each other at night is beyond me)

Do multiboxers have a slight advantage in the elections? Maybe, but then so do large voting blocks, groups of friends or even people who hotdrop podcasts. I think I can live with it and accept the competition as said multiboxers have the same right to representation as other players do.

A process has been banned, a style of play, not the players. They can adapt . . . or leave . . . or be asked to leave. But until the time that they are gone they have a right to the vote, one per account, just like the rest of us.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Multiplex Gaming
Tactical Narcotics Team
#80 - 2014-12-24 22:41:20 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:

I know some folks think each part of space should be self sufficient unto itself. I am sure if I looked hard enough I could find someone demanding that sleeper loot become atainable without all the hassle of wormhole life.

Out of curiosity, though. ARE all the belts in null mined out? Is it that you lack the minerals or people willing to mine them?


Nullsec could never truly be industry self-sufficient in its current state of being. A few examples.

Non-regional ices (not much helium up here in vale of the silent.)
regional moon materials (mitigated somewhat with alchemy)
datacores for invention. (local sites only produce certain types)
faction ammo/mods/ships (no way to get the lp or access a store for all that ESS LP [that no one has])

By merging gabrial's desire for mission based (as opposed to anom based) ratting and creation of a more comprehensive (and expensive) lp store the last two needs could be met. The first two could be mitigated by expansion and improvement to the alchemy system. Add in some more mexallon in the local ore sites and we'd be much closer to a far more self-sufficient nullsec, We'd still have to go back for skill books and BPO's but those can be hauled without the need to invoke the bane of our existence, Space AIDS.