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Launching a warp disrupt probe will give you aggression and prevent you from docking or jumping.

Sinnbad Mayhem
#161 - 2011-12-07 02:26:00 UTC
Yeah I was one of those gay dictor pilots. Yes the change sucks balls.

You can anchor a large bubble and then doc up but can't drop a bubble and jump.

C'mon Tuxford, this change makes no sense. CCP learn how to PVP already. Shesh.

pew pew

Krios Ahzek
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#162 - 2011-12-07 02:27:26 UTC
DelBoy Trades wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
So...... when YOU launch a dictor bubble you have no hostile intent.

Hostile intent does not equal aggression. Should putting on a sensor booster give you aggression?

You can use sensor boosters to rat

Bubbles are strictly PVP

 Though All Men Do Despise Us

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#163 - 2011-12-07 02:28:40 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
Dani Lizardov wrote:
If i do ECM Burst... AND IT HITS ANOTHER SHIP this is Act of aggresion and I am shown on the killmails as agressor
If I do smart bomb... AND IT HITS ANOTHER SHIP this is Act of aggression and I am shown on the killmails as the agressor
Dictor bubles give aggression only to ME the dictor?
There for ... they are Broken !
CCP shoud fix them.

If you do a change, do it right.

Fixed that part for you.

The difference is that ECM Burst and Smart Bombs can not have an effect on any ship outside of their area of effect. Warp bubbles do.

Now it has been stated that perhaps (because warp bubbles can affect ships all the way across the system that happen to be warping to the same grid as the bubble) a Dic pilot should not get aggression unless a pilot initiates a warp that would be affected by the bubble.

While an interesting point it would most likely be impractical to code, and from the Dic pilots point of view it would make knowing if he had an aggression timer a lot more unpredictable. Probably best to know exactly when that time would start and stop then take the chance that some mook is going to decide to warp to your location a second before you need to jump.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Gallente Federation
#164 - 2011-12-07 02:37:07 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
Please... Revert this change.

This change is wrong on so many levels.

Please explain the reasoning on this.

Major Trant wrote:
There is a lot of emotion running in this thread. My post is an attempt to assess the impacts logically.

First - I'd like to say that comparing interdiction spheres with Smart Bombs or ECM bursts is just stupid and is fudging the arguments in this thread. Sure they are AOE wpns, but they are instant use, bubbles stay up after deployment. Completely different mindset and tactics for using.

Secondly - I've lived in null sec just over a month now and in that time have been on 89 Killmails, 3 of them were dictors and this is probably a higher ratio than I've met them. It doesn't strike me that dictors had a get out of jail free card before this change. They are extremely easy to kill and what is more, if you take one down it is common to pod the pilot too, because he is caught in his own bubble. I know this that there is real difficulty finding pilots that are prepared to fly dictors, because they are very expensive, die easy and the kill boards don't recognise their efforts most times.

Third - HIC bubbles should be classed identically to dictor bubbles, this change if it is valid should have been applied to them too, it doesn't appear to have been, that is just wrong. I'm also confused as to whether this change has replaced the old mechanic or added to it. ie does the aggression counter still keep getting refreshed by ppl trying to warp out? As for Mobile Warp bubbles giving aggression, that is just silly and the fact that anybody can deploy them coupled with the deployment delay perfectly 'balances' them IMHO.

So can we keep this thread to the merits of the changes to interdictor bubbles please.

I am not an experienced dictor pilot but that 'was' about to change (brought 3 Sabres just last week). There are 3 distinct tactics that this change affects and I'd like to understand them or confirm my current understanding better.

1. Dropping a bubble and jumping through a gate while fleeing a chasing enemy fleet.

This tactics seems great at first glance, but I don't really see how it really is that useful. My understanding is that bubbles do not affect ships that have already entered warp at the time the bubble was posted. That means the enemy fleet has to be at least a full warp (system) away. What is the danger that you are tying to guard against? If you are in a pipe and really expect to be caught eventually, you can warp to a safe and cloak or log. I don't understand why so many pro dictor pilots are complaining about this loss.

2. Letting someone aggress the dictor on the undock. Dictor posts the bubble and docks, friendly fleet undocks and kill the aggressor, who can't dock and can't warp off.

I don't see why this is considered a problem. The aggressor has to be stupid to get caught like this and there are so many other way an idiot on the undock can be caught. A far more common and irritating tactic is the use of the alt in a Carrier repping someone without getting aggression. I don't understand why anti - dictor pilots are saying this is a major problem.

Frankly, and I'm not trying to be a troll here, but the two points above just seem to be more fudge that people are sprouting to strengthen their point of view.

3. So that leaves the double bubble tactic. For those that don't know what that means - There is a base 2 minute RoF timer on the launcher, reduced to 1 minute with Level V Interdictor skill. So the Interdictor pilot fits two launchers sits on one side of the gate, post bubble when an enemy lands on one side, then immediately jumps through and posts bubble on the other side. Thus it no longer matters which side the enemy aggesses on or tries to jump through to escape. This tactic is most effective when you have a small gang that is large enough to be split into two groups without the worry that you are too thin on the ground to prevent warps outs.

I can only believe that it is this final tactic that is the cause of this change and at first glance it seemed to me to be a justifiable one. However, thinking about it deeper I'm not so sure. First, fitting a double bubble set up is difficult, you don't just lose another high slot, but you gimp your CPU and have to use 2 Co-Processors in the lows assuming you fit a cloak as well. Really all you can do after that is drop bubbles, you have no DPS to speak of and only a very limited tank. Secondly, with a bubble on either side of the gate, you can't escape and your victims are going to try and take the dictor with them, because his tank is so paper thin.


TLDR - This is a poorly thought out knee jerk change to prevent the double bubble tactic. However, there are already sever penalties to employing a double bubble setup and given the expensive of the ship and it's limited survivability, there is already a problem finding pilots willing to fly dictors. If CCP don't want dictors in the game they should remove them, not gimp them to the point that nobody will fly them. Finding willing dictor pilots was already a problem.

If people want to argue over the merits of that, go ahead, but please stop wading in with bullshit to fudge the real issue.

You mad bro?
Halcyon Ingenium
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#165 - 2011-12-07 02:49:11 UTC
All those "pvp"ers, demanding CCP focus on FiS. Well, here you go, a definite improvement. A loop hole in mechanics tied up. How you guys liking it? I personally love it.

By the way, since we're already talking, do you want to buy a rifter? I've got the cheapest rifters in Metropolis. If you can find a cheaper rifter, buy it!

Bo Bojangles
Interstellar Renegades
#166 - 2011-12-07 03:08:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Bo Bojangles
If I drop a bubble in the middle of the night at the center of a dark forest with noone around,... Is it still an agressive act? Roll

Bubbling and jumping was a tactic meant to save those expensive tin cans called dictors and really helped people man the silly things since they've been coffins ever since the nano nerf. Much later the tactic was corrupted and dubble bubble was applied to all dictor builds which I suppose someone on high decided to curtail. They should've just simply limited one bubble launcher per dictor.

I don't think they beefed up dictors as they did destroyers did they? I think destroyers had more gross HP than dictors in the first place, just not the T2 resists.
Critical Mass Inc
#167 - 2011-12-07 03:34:38 UTC
As the song goes:

A wreckless discharge of a gun
Thats what the officers are claimin'
Bubba hollared out, "Wreckless Hell!
I hit just where I was aimin'."

Bubba Shot the Jukebox - Mark Chesnutt

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Polaris Syndicate
#168 - 2011-12-07 05:15:38 UTC
Dear Zagdul:

More QQ please, i almost have enough stock piled to last through nuclear winter.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#169 - 2011-12-07 10:17:41 UTC
Ascendic wrote:
Dear Zagdul:

More QQ please, i almost have enough stock piled to last through nuclear winter.

Your posting quality is a good indication of how awesome -A- is.

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Hemmo Paskiainen
#170 - 2011-12-07 12:06:12 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
This from someone who claims that his dictor can't have any guns or tank.

solo: yes, 1 launcher
small fleet: prolly yes and 1 launcher
medium fleet: yes or no depends on pilo, could have 1 or 2 bubbles
big fleet, 2 bubbles no guns
CTA fleet: bubbles

every type stated requers a different flying tactic

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Hemmo Paskiainen
#171 - 2011-12-07 12:14:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Hemmo Paskiainen
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:


And this is why nobody wants to go out there. Yes, 0.0 is sitting at bubble camps all day killing everything that moves. Meanwhile, the alliance lords that you are paying rent to are carebearing it up bigtime way deep into the 0.0 that you are denying by your maintaining the Great Wall of Carebear (bears on BOTH sides, by the way).

This "problem" would not exist if bubbles didn't exist either.

Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

look mommy, im a big carebear, im posting here because bubbles make my bearing more difficult. This is why i post useless comments about stuff i dont understand. CCP pls boost framing income to 500 mil per hour, risk free!!

fixed for u

Atleast alliance ppl fight day in and out and lose many ships to maintain, get space or defend their space (that is the camping u talk about) all renters do is rent and cancel rent if they cant bear and move to another landlord. Do u find it strange renters are on the bottum of any list....

Greed is the mother off all evil, ask the dfr & pet (wn & ra) ruskies about that...

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Hemmo Paskiainen
#172 - 2011-12-07 12:30:50 UTC
Krios Ahzek wrote:
DelBoy Trades wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
So...... when YOU launch a dictor bubble you have no hostile intent.

Hostile intent does not equal aggression. Should putting on a sensor booster give you aggression?

You can use sensor boosters to rat

Bubbles are strictly PVP

i can use bubbles to prevent rats form warping out a belt

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Marian Devers
Rage and Terror
Against ALL Authorities
#173 - 2011-12-13 04:35:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Marian Devers
Don't be silly, rats are unaffected by bubbles. Least they were.

Bad change. Now all roaming fleets will need a MINIMUM of two (2) interdictors.
Hemmo Paskiainen
#174 - 2011-12-13 10:17:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Hemmo Paskiainen
Marian Devers wrote:
Don't be silly, rats are unaffected by bubbles. Least they were.

Bad change. Now all roaming fleets will need a MINIMUM of two (2) interdictors.

Yes and one dies most of the tiem so u need atleast a spare dictor so that 3 dictors....

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Vyl Vit
#175 - 2011-12-13 13:27:00 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
You don't launch a bubble because it looks pretty sitting there in space. You do it to catch someone.

It's an act of aggression and should be flagged as such.

Mr Epeen Cool

If someone lands in the bubble, sure give me agression, I can deal with that.

Knucklehead. You're just being obstinate at this point

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#176 - 2011-12-13 14:06:40 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
I mean... you just removed so many tactics from the game from this simple change I can't even count.

If you wanna make a change to it, make it so that anyone engaging warp in a dicter bubble, no matter where that bubble is refreshes the dicters aggression.

But on launch... that's dumb!

evolve or ...

Launching a bubble like that is the most aggressive thing you can do in a fight, why wouldn't it count as aggression.

Unless you view these bubbles as harmless fun?

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Pandemic Legion
#177 - 2011-12-13 14:34:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Typherian
Guys Guys lets be reasonable here. Gotta stop bashin on zagdul he is just trying to help his pilots run away if they aren't 100% sure of a win. I think that is a completely honoUrable thing to do and we should all follow his glorious lead on this. OK sarcasm hat off continue the nullbear bashing. I'll start by saying I love flyin the sabre. I always thought it was a bit odd that I could bubble and jump as the action directly affected other players in a way that can easily be seen as hostile. However I think dropping the bubble itself should not be the hostile act but dropping the bubble if anyone is in it should be. That would lead to the issue of dropping a bubble and jumping before ships landed at a interdictor bubble laid out to be a "drag" bubble. Eh forget I said anything I actually like this change. Forces a dictor to commit to a fight it starts by dropping that bubble.
Xorth Adimus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#178 - 2012-01-08 20:18:15 UTC
I don't understand the need for this Nerf. Yes I said nerf.

Dictors are allot of fun to fly and key in any fleet but are also very weak (large target for small tank) and generally primaried allot. burning to gate and bubbling then jumping was one way they could take part in a larger gate fight without a WTF BBQ but it was still not for the faint hearted or unskilled.

Making dictors aggress when they deploy a bubble is pretty much a nerf on an expensive regularly lost but crucial T2 combat ship essential to 0.0 combat (and the war on supers).

The logic may be they cause aggression when people warp in them but this was already the case, who do you agress if noone else was there when it is deployed and noone is warping in it?

Do deployed bubbles aggress the person who anchors them, no? So why would a probe that does the same (however instantly deployed) cause this issue?

The only other option now is to bubble and cloak, which makes bubbling the other side of the gate with hostile's on it a likely death sentence, even for a skilled pilot this is was always a difficult but essential task to actually getting a fight to start.

So if you want dictors to be used as full on combat ships fine so be it, but they need a sig radius reduction T2 resists and or decent fitting grid/CPU.. And no.. heavy dictors being slow moving coffins does not make them fill this role at all.

Either that or revoke this nerf that removes a good feature, reduces fun and gameplay tactics and makes 0.0 combat less likely.
Section 8.
#179 - 2012-01-08 20:30:23 UTC
I think it was a good change. We've adapted, how about you?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#180 - 2012-01-08 20:31:04 UTC
Xorth Adimus wrote:
I don't understand the need for this Nerf. Yes I said nerf.

Dictors are allot of fun to fly and key in any fleet but are also very weak (large target for small tank) and generally primaried allot. burning to gate and bubbling then jumping was one way they could take part in a larger gate fight without a WTF BBQ but it was still not for the faint hearted or unskilled.

Making dictors aggress when they deploy a bubble is pretty much a nerf on an expensive regularly lost but crucial T2 combat ship essential to 0.0 combat (and the war on supers).

The logic may be they cause aggression when people warp in them but this was already the case, who do you agress if noone else was there when it is deployed and noone is warping in it?

Do deployed bubbles aggress the person who anchors them, no? So why would a probe that does the same (however instantly deployed) cause this issue?

The only other option now is to bubble and cloak, which makes bubbling the other side of the gate with hostile's on it a likely death sentence, even for a skilled pilot this is was always a difficult but essential task to actually getting a fight to start.

So if you want dictors to be used as full on combat ships fine so be it, but they need a sig radius reduction T2 resists and or decent fitting grid/CPU.. And no.. heavy dictors being slow moving coffins does not make them fill this role at all.

Either that or revoke this nerf that removes a good feature, reduces fun and gameplay tactics and makes 0.0 combat less likely.

I don't think I can agree with your stance that losing the ability for a fleeing fleet to drop a string of bubbles behind them reduces the likelihood of of combat. It DOES force a fleet that wishes to employ hit and run tactics to actually use ships and fittings appropriate for that tactic.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.