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Update regarding Multiboxing and input automation

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ashley Eoner
#3781 - 2015-03-19 17:55:50 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Archibald Thistlewaite III wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:

Your operating system can be used to cheat.. Christ almighty smarter trolls please.

Yes and guess what. CCP don't ban people for using their operating system and they don't ban people for using Isboxer(or other multi-boxing software).

They do ban people for using Isboxer to cheat(as in break the EULA/TOS) and I would expect them also to ban people if they use any other means to cheat.

ashley Eoner wrote:
Isboxer doesn't automated input without severe high level coding type modifications. You'd be better off using one of the readily available bot programs if you wanted to do that.

CCP didn't ban anything outside of being "too good" at the game..

Once again, I only came here to post my support for CCP banning the cheats and to state I think Eve is better without them. If you disagree with that, then that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

Being ok with playing the game with cheats, does not give you the right to start name calling.

Except they are banning people if you're too efficient at using isboxer. Anything that gives "similar" results as a repeater is bannable now as per some of the GM responses. So if you're too quick with isboxer you're banned. At this point you might even get banned for being too quick in windowed mode.

So you've created this wonderful strawman to bat down but you haven't even responded to a thing I typed out.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Additionally, even by a strict interpretation of the EULA, rollovers and round robin aren't in violation of the EULA, yet we keep getting banned for it.

Then stop doing it already. Clearly CCP disagrees with your self deluded interpretation of the EULA, and theirs is the only opinion that matters.

Why are you lot so stubbornly dead set on cheating?

My issue is that GMs have straight said that if you're being too efficient it's bannable regardless of what you're using to multibox (windowed mode, isboxer, whatever).
Trigger Happy Capsuleers
#3782 - 2015-03-19 20:21:32 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3783 - 2015-03-19 23:04:00 UTC
Charadrass wrote:

We are using Isboxer without input broadcasting and / or multiplexing.

You claim.

And personally, every single time I've asked for any proof of this supposed innocence, Nolak has spun so fast that he enters a different time zone.

Besides, if you're actually telling the truth and people are still getting banned... why haven't you knocked it off yet? Why are you so dead set on this?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3784 - 2015-03-19 23:30:19 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Charadrass wrote:

We are using Isboxer without input broadcasting and / or multiplexing.

You claim.
And personally, every single time I've asked for any proof of this supposed innocence, Nolak has spun so fast that he enters a different time zone.
Besides, if you're actually telling the truth and people are still getting banned... why haven't you knocked it off yet? Why are you so dead set on this?

Create an account on the dual-boxing forum, and ask there. There's a few in the giant banned thread there who have posted proof. If anyone's spinning, it's you. You still haven't given us a solid reason why ISBoxer's broadcasting or roundrobin functions should be banned yet besides appeal to authority fallacies.

I'm sure that the British told the Indians and Ghandi "Why don't you knock it off?" before they finally left India.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3785 - 2015-03-19 23:50:28 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:

Create an account on the dual-boxing forum, and ask there.


If they have posted "proof" there, it's just as easy to post it here. If you literally have pictures of some guy streaming himself NOT using anything bannable, then nothing stops you posting them here. (although, the last video I saw linked in this thread showed a guy who was justifiably banned for macroing, by the way)

You still haven't given us a solid reason why ISBoxer's broadcasting or roundrobin functions should be banned yet besides appeal to authority fallacies.

Because it's cheating. It provides an unfair advantage for the player using it. CCP finally accepted that for themselves, despite years of being entrenched otherwise.

You can't just say "Nuh uh!" to CCP's decree on the matter. That's not how this works, and it's hardly a fallacy by the way, it's merely a fact that happens to be rather inconvenient for you.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

JGar Rooflestein
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3786 - 2015-03-20 00:01:21 UTC
Re read everything. CCP actually has been quite clear on this matter I have learned. I mean some is still in the dark. ISBoxer hasn't been banned. No one has been banned for VideoFX usage. ONLY round robin and Input Broadcasting. Look Mogz he was banned yes. NOT for overlays. He was banned for the Round Robin use. The use of round robin to send a stored keystroke (not a stored keystroke from the client) to the clients. There views on Round Robin must be the same as Input Broadcasting.
Simple just dont use round robin. I mulit-box my accounts just fine without the use of Input broadcasting or Round Robin (never used this). Ive looked at past Twitch streams and videos and tons of people who run 2 accounts for pvp or incursions will use the overlay just so they can see the other account.

CCP is not Banning people for VideoFX. I did say that they are probably not banning people for sending commands to fast but i guess they are like in mogz case.

If you are running mulitple accounts and CCP is watching you or w/e they do. If they see a command to multiple accounts faster than someone can alt+tab then Ctrl+F1 or w/e you have your keybinds set to then yes they probably will look in to that. Like hey that guy just targeted and shot that guy with 4 accounts and he did all really fast. Round Robin does this. Mogz stated he was using it which is probably why ccp banned (this is not fact just what i think).

I will say CCP needs to state what they will allow from ISBoxer if anything at all.

I'm really sorry if this is hard to read. Tad tipsy.

I am a huge supporter of multiboxing and love it. But most people being banned are honestly probably using the Input Broadcasting every so often or abusing it still. OR even running round robin. Video FX I'd say you are safe (dont trust me on this personal opinion).

For proof of how i multibox ill look into getting some recording software and make a quick video never dont it before but will look into it. I run video fx and thats it no ticks or anything just standard alt tab. Video fx is there so i can see how long my cycles are and whos targeting what. I was running the clients in windowed mode but switched back to this as i feel like im safe. If CCP bans me they ban me.

-JGar "Great man once said nothing."

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3787 - 2015-03-20 00:08:43 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:

Create an account on the dual-boxing forum, and ask there.

No. If they have posted "proof" there, it's just as easy to post it here. If you literally have pictures of some guy streaming himself NOT using anything bannable, then nothing stops you posting them here. (although, the last video I saw linked in this thread showed a guy who was justifiably banned for macroing, by the way)

You mean besides CCP's ban on such information being shared on these forums? Then yes, I agree it's just as easy to post here.

Because it's cheating. It provides an unfair advantage for the player using it. CCP finally accepted that for themselves, despite years of being entrenched otherwise.

FINALLY we're getting somewhere. What sort of unfair advantage do you believe it gives to a player? Please be specific.

You can't just say "Nuh uh!" to CCP's decree on the matter. That's not how this works, and it's hardly a fallacy by the way, it's merely a fact that happens to be rather inconvenient for you.

Except I haven't been saying "nuh uh", you have been. I've written an essay on the topic and have tried to get a solid reason from anyone on this forum or in this thread as to why it should be banned without using a fallacy or an insult.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3788 - 2015-03-20 00:14:18 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:

You mean besides CCP's ban on such information being shared on these forums?

Untrue, spin harder.


FINALLY we're getting somewhere. What sort of unfair advantage do you believe it gives to a player? Please be specific.

It permits a player to control far, far more clients with a degree of accuracy that would be functionally impossible for a player that does not use a third party program.

It's level of efficiency approaches that of outright botting, what's worse.

There are no circumstances where it being permitted is a good thing for the general health of the game. The sole justification to keeping this particular method of cheating is the claim that they pay for subs. Well, so do bots, and they get banned just the same. Flimsy reasoning at best, pathetic apologist tripe at worst.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

JGar Rooflestein
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3789 - 2015-03-20 00:16:33 UTC
Input Broadcasting's Unfair Advantage:
Normal Fleet 20 people- FC" primary is 123 everyone target 123 primary 123." 20 people have to find 123 and target then point and attack. roughly 5 seconds maybe less or more for all 20 to target him.

Multi box fleet- Turn on input broadcast all target 123. All do this with in milliseconds from each other.

Huge gain in this as you can see you dont have to rely on others to target as you know that 90% of the time all 20 will target that guy.

Round Robin:
Round robin does send 1 command to 1 client but at will send that command as fast as you can click or activate that shortcut. So you can send 1 command to 20 accounts seperetly yes but with in milliseconds.

Huge gain as a normal fleet will some times take 1 to 5 seconds yet again to activate the modules.

Honestly if you used the Input Broadcasting and Round Robin features there should be no argument on why they banned it. The argument is for them to be more open about whats now allowed.

-JGar "Great man once said nothing."

Aru Kacbis Danvill
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3790 - 2015-03-20 02:41:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Aru Kacbis Danvill
Enough. Ccp doesn't want to communicate. Saturday is supposed to be some bullshit an I may be home to attend; irregardless I doubt it will involve any communication with us isboxers. I hope oodle keeps füçkïng you in the ass. As for me I will be lawyer hunting for the future; you cannot break laws ccp. Entrapment is one of them. All those banned please contact me or a few other isboxers; it'll get to me. I'll need signatures an witnesses. And I'm dead serious ccp; I've been sitting on this to see how you would communicate. And was even gracious enough to point out where you did such. Ask your legal team. See you in court. Hope you're ready to return money. Ps; I am not obligated to explain to the peon order nor nullsec bïtch boys. The ones affected will know. Peace.


Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#3791 - 2015-03-20 02:47:27 UTC
JGar Rooflestein wrote:
Input Broadcasting's Unfair Advantage:
Normal Fleet 20 people- FC" primary is 123 everyone target 123 primary 123." 20 people have to find 123 and target then point and attack. roughly 5 seconds maybe less or more for all 20 to target him.

Multi box fleet- Turn on input broadcast all target 123. All do this with in milliseconds from each other.

Huge gain in this as you can see you dont have to rely on others to target as you know that 90% of the time all 20 will target that guy.

Round Robin:
Round robin does send 1 command to 1 client but at will send that command as fast as you can click or activate that shortcut. So you can send 1 command to 20 accounts seperetly yes but with in milliseconds.

Huge gain as a normal fleet will some times take 1 to 5 seconds yet again to activate the modules.

Honestly if you used the Input Broadcasting and Round Robin features there should be no argument on why they banned it. The argument is for them to be more open about whats now allowed.

You forgot the other side of the scenario that goes with your little justification.

Normal fleet, of 20 identifies FC of multibox fleet 5 seconds for the 20 to lock the opposing FC and shoot.
Multibox fleet is now stranded on grid with 20 individuals (controlled by an FC calling targets) shooting at multibox fleet which has no controlling FC and are essentially sitting ducks.

Yes input broadcasting = bad but there are 2 sides to your scenario and the other side does not favor the multiboxer.
Scenario 2; Gang of 10 Ishtars lands on grid vs a 20 man multibox fleet - Drones assigned, small gang FC primaries Multibox FC, ALL 10 Ishtars fire at once = End of multibox fleet (with no chance of them firing on any of the Ishtars). A 20 man Ishtar fleet is going to destroy the multiboxer even faster as 2 from that fleet can alpha strike separate targets.

Yes input broadcasting is bad but is only presented as doom and gloom because players only complain when they lose and never mention the amount of times the multiboxer loses.

Round Robin, when used without 3rd party software, is no less a legitimate play style than 10 players assigning drones to a squad commander. In fact those using assigned drones have a far greater advantage than the multiboxer using round robin.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3792 - 2015-03-20 04:49:03 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:

You mean besides CCP's ban on such information being shared on these forums?

Untrue, spin harder.

18: You may not publish private communications from CCP, their agents or representatives or EVE Online volunteers without authorization.

It permits a player to control far, far more clients with a degree of accuracy that would be functionally impossible for a player that does not use a third party program.

So anyone who runs multiple accounts is cheating? I used to dual-box a Basi and a Vindicator in incursion HQs with zero loss in efficiency before I found ISBoxer. Should I be banned for that? How about my friend who boxes 2x Ravens in separate L5 missions?

It's level of efficiency approaches that of outright botting, what's worse.

How does it's efficiency level approach botting?

JGar Rooflestein wrote:
Input Broadcasting's Unfair Advantage:
Normal Fleet 20 people- FC" primary is 123 everyone target 123 primary 123." 20 people have to find 123 and target then point and attack. roughly 5 seconds maybe less or more for all 20 to target him.
Multi box fleet- Turn on input broadcast all target 123. All do this with in milliseconds from each other.

Except that people in a brawl that size who aren't BRAVE will sort by ship type, and they'll know where the person is on the list. They can lock him and apply DPS at the same time. The ISBoxer does the same thing, but he has to wait for each client to "update" his mouse position so he can click on the same person in each window. You're comparing people who aren't expecting targets to be called vs an ISBoxer who knows what he's doing, which is a fallacy of equivalencies. Additionally, if the ISBoxer derps and clicks the wrong person, or doesn't wait for his mouse to settle, he's got 50% targeting Person X and 50% targeting Person Y, which doesn't do him much good. Not to mention that ISBoxer has a built-in delay of anywhere up to 1 server second for each client after Client 1, so he can lose time himself with his targeting.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3793 - 2015-03-20 05:09:52 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:

18: You may not publish private communications from CCP, their agents or representatives or EVE Online volunteers without authorization.

And you once more demonstrate your dedication to being obtuse.

You can post your "proof" on these forums, if you have what you've repeatedly claimed you have. Otherwise, you have nothing to begin with and you're just bitching about GM tickets telling you that, yes, you were breaking the rules.

Which everyone here already knew.


So anyone who runs multiple accounts is cheating?

No, nor did I claim that in any way, shape or form. Blowing it up into an absurdity is not a good argument tactic, and it's patently obvious besides.

Alt tabbing is fine, as has been demonstrated numerous times in this thread. I alt tab all the time.

Cry more.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Angry Germans
#3794 - 2015-03-20 07:10:34 UTC
Pilots banned cannot post here.
they have to use third Party Forums.
posting logs or communication between ccp employees and the Pilot results in a ban. seen with somerset mahm for example.

so what do you want from us? beeing stupid and posting here?
or rely on the guys who suddenly dont Show up here anymore cause they are getting banned for not violating the eula but beeing efficient?

round Robin was or is allowed cause i cant find Any posting telling otherwise from ccp. do you?
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3795 - 2015-03-20 08:33:30 UTC
Charadrass wrote:

or rely on the guys who suddenly dont Show up here anymore cause they are getting banned for not violating the eula but beeing efficient?

There it is, that's the part I absolutely do not believe. I've seen people claim that a few times since the year began, and all were using macros or other such.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Angry Germans
#3796 - 2015-03-20 10:48:40 UTC
I set up a few xml files to multibox in eve without using broadcast or multiplex.
and i gave them to a few pilots plus ccp so they can see how we multibox.
one pilot of those got banned using this setup.
the others dont got a ban.

now tell me on what basis is ccp banning?

note: the xml files save the setup isboxer uses. so you can copy that setup from one to another pc.
there are no macros or else.
Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#3797 - 2015-03-20 12:17:03 UTC
I know I said I was leaving, but I like you Charadrass and I can see you really want to help the multi-box community to not break the EULA/TOS and not get banned.

So I'm going to explain why people are still getting caught and you are not going to agree, but I promise you this is the reason.

Its the 'Dashboard' type set ups. The ones where different parts of a clients UI are moved around so they can all be seen on the same screen at the same time. It doesn't matter how people do this it could be part of your operating system, it could be Isboxer, it could be a video editing program.

EULA 6-2 wrote:
You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment or change how the Game is played.

Link and emphasis is mine.

CCP Falcon wrote:
Examples of allowed Input Broadcasting and Input Multiplexing are actions taken that do not have an impact on the EVE universe and are carried out for convenience:

• EVE Online client settings
• Window positions and arrangements (of the EVE Online client in your operating system’s desktop environment)
• The login process

emphasis mine again.

You notice CCP Falcon clarifies the second bullet point. He says 'EVE Online client' not parts of the client or windows position within the Eve Online client. He refers to the client in your desktop environment, the whole client.

How can CCP tell if people are doing this. Well they can monitor your computer for programs which allow these modifications but almost every computer will have some sort of program that can do it.

Some people foolishly post videos of there setup and if CCP see it they have their proof.

There is also the matter of people claiming they are being banned for being to efficient or good. What better way for CCP to detect 'dashboard' set ups. In a video of a multi-boxer I saw him activate the guns on 8 (may be 10) clients and the Remote Reps on his 2 logis all in the space of approx 3-4 secs. That is not possible unless you have a 'dashboard' set up. This would be fairly simple for CCP to monitor.

Now I know lots of people will disagree, I know Nolak Ataru will dissect every last word and try to create an argument.

You have to understand that CCP saying its ok to use program X, does not mean its ok to use program X to break the EULA/TOS.
You have to understand that CCP can choose not to enforce the EULA. They did this a few years ago when the head of CCPs security came on the forums and said cache scrapping broke the EULA/TOS.

So if they catch someone with a 'dashboard' set up they can ban them. If they then come across someone using the exact same program to obscure parts of the UI on their live stream, CCP can choose not to ban them.

Charadrass wrote:
I set up a few xml files to multibox in eve without using broadcast or multiplex.
and i gave them to a few pilots plus ccp so they can see how we multibox.
one pilot of those got banned using this setup.
the others dont got a ban.

now tell me on what basis is ccp banning?

note: the xml files save the setup isboxer uses. so you can copy that setup from one to another pc.
there are no macros or else.

I see 2 possibilities straight away (I'm sure there are more)
1. They are getting round to banning the rest.
2. The one guy who got banned changed the set up or was also doing something else.

I'm more than happy to enter a discussion with anybody in an attempt to stop people being banned inadvertently but I have no interest in people who are only looking for an argument.

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

Angry Germans
#3798 - 2015-03-20 13:00:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Charadrass
Archibald Thistlewaite III wrote:

How can CCP tell if people are doing this. Well they can monitor your computer for programs which allow these modifications but almost every computer will have some sort of program that can do it.

They can't monitor my programs. or do they use some strange backdoor to give user started processes admin rights on windows?

Archibald Thistlewaite III wrote:

There is also the matter of people claiming they are being banned for being to efficient or good. What better way for CCP to detect 'dashboard' set ups. In a video of a multi-boxer I saw him activate the guns on 8 (may be 10) clients and the Remote Reps on his 2 logis all in the space of approx 3-4 secs. That is not possible unless you have a 'dashboard' set up. This would be fairly simple for CCP to monitor.

I have 10 boxes.
i have a 120 key keyboard. free programmable.
i have my first row setup to F1 each box individually.
For example. F1 is activating F1 on Box 1. F2 is activating F1 on Box 2. and so on.
this way i can fire within one second all boxes. without using broadcast. without using macros without automation. just using my ten fingers. tell me. do i violate the eula?

Edith says: all my boxes are visible. not in the background
and i am using videofx to display a few informations on my mainscreen.
Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3799 - 2015-03-20 14:04:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Nolak Ataru
EULA 6-2 wrote:
You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment or change how the Game is played.

ISBoxer does not touch the EVE client unless you want to interpret it in such a way as to ban Fraps and Twitch which will make many people unhappy.

There is also the matter of people claiming they are being banned for being to efficient or good. What better way for CCP to detect 'dashboard' set ups. In a video of a multi-boxer I saw him activate the guns on 8 (may be 10) clients and the Remote Reps on his 2 logis all in the space of approx 3-4 secs. That is not possible unless you have a 'dashboard' set up. This would be fairly simple for CCP to monitor.

Bzzzt, wrong. All you have to do is tile your windows, configure your OS to focus a window on mouse-over, and then slide your mouse across while spamming F1 or whatever your button is.

You have to understand that CCP saying its ok to use program X, does not mean its ok to use program X to break the EULA/TOS.
You have to understand that CCP can choose not to enforce the EULA. They did this a few years ago when the head of CCPs security came on the forums and said cache scrapping broke the EULA/TOS.

We understand that, and we have asked time and time again on twitter, in emails, and in tickets about aspects of ISBoxer directly, not to mention looking at that CCP Dev's gif, and we were informed that only Input Broadcasting / Multiplication was banned at the time. We were then banned for rollovers and Round Robin afterwards, and now any ticket we send in get's a copy/paste reply telling us to look at the thread, when CCP Falcon in the thread told us to submit a ticket.
I was there when they talked about cache scraping, and I remember CCP catching a lot of flak over it, and a lot of backpedaling on their part.

So if they catch someone with a 'dashboard' set up they can ban them. If they then come across someone using the exact same program to obscure parts of the UI on their live stream, CCP can choose not to ban them.

That's called "double standards", and it's the sort of thing that got CCP in trouble with Somer Blink and to a lesser degree T20.

I see 2 possibilities straight away (I'm sure there are more)
1. They are getting round to banning the rest.
2. The one guy who got banned changed the set up or was also doing something else.
I'm more than happy to enter a discussion with anybody in an attempt to stop people being banned inadvertently but I have no interest in people who are only looking for an argument.

3. CCP has admitted they have no method to detect input broadcasting from roundrobin and rollovers after repeated promises that they do, and are thus swinging the banhammer wildly.

Today I Learned: Asking someone to back up or support a statement they made is a Very Bad Thing. News at 11.
Aru Kacbis Danvill
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3800 - 2015-03-20 14:14:35 UTC
Confirming that they do copy pasta any pettion to come here. With no fûcking communciation at either contact point.
