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Keyboard Flight Controls

First post
Soden Rah
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2014-11-20 22:12:46 UTC
Ok. While we are looking at the whole issue of flight control in EvE...


1) If I use the key bindings to change the speed of my ship, I have no idea what speed I have set until the ship stabilises out at it's new speed.
I would like an indicator of both current speed AND desired speed in the HUD.
That way I can use the key bindings to change what speed I want and know both that my commands have been accepted AND to know what it is that I have actually commanded. Big smile


2) As it stands, when you try to turn, the ship slows down. This makes sense, while we are using the 'auto pilot' as slowing down tightens the turning circle, and increases the rate of change of direction... But what if I don't want to slow down?

If I am in 'manual pilot mode' I can manually set the speed to whatever I want. could we not have it so that if we instruct a turn we turn the tightest possible while maintaining [say at least 95%] of our current velocity. And if we want to turn tighter we manually reduce speed, rather than have the 'auto-pilot' decide for us?
This could be an 'optional behaviour thing' for the manual flight mode...


3) Speaking of which [manual flight mode]... It might be a good idea to have a button on the HUD that toggles [and also has a key binding option] "Manual Flight Mode" [MFM] on and off. [With the corollary of Automatic Flight Mode {AFM}]

This way the ship can have two different modes of behaviour.
The fist, AFM, being like it is now, optimised for navigation by mouse click and via the overview/r-click menu.
The second, MFM, Being customisably optimised for manual flight via key bindings.

That way we avoid needing a one-size-fits all approach with all the inherent problems that has, and instead allow control optimisation and customisability for both manual and automatic pilots.


4) having key bindings only work when space is selected is a nightmare. First there is nothing visibly alerting you to the effect that your commands are not going to have any effect. And second, its all to common and frustrating to need to click on windows between manoeuvres and forget to click back. And overshoot where you wanted to turn because your commands didn't do anything.


5) We need clear, but pretty, visual indication of where currently invisible collision barriers are, and ideally they need to be made smaller. and more form hugging.


6) The controls need to be more like joystick commands.
At the moment pressing the key assigned to "up" is not telling my ship [in it's frame of reference] to pull up.
It's telling the ship to turn towards the arbitrarily defined up direction.
Ditto down.

This makes those commands different from the 'left and right' commands which DO act on the ship according to it's current reference frame... As you have no defined LEFT or RIGHT in eve in the same way that you have defined UP and DOWN.

This difference is unnecessary and confusing and unhelpful. In 3d space there is no difference between Up and Down and Left and Right. Our controls should reflect that.

This will allow us to do loops, and any other manoeuvres we want to, and in no way hurts the game or makes it a dogfighter.


7) We need a follow-cam-view.


Key-bindings at the moment are "A Nice Idea" but are not currently implemented in a way that really allows us to make use of them to their full potential... Or even, really, make them useful at all.

This could be a great feature, long awaited. Please take and allocate the time needed to make them so. Big smile
Soden Rah
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2014-11-20 22:23:25 UTC
I am not quite sure what category of thing this goes in but it's a problem I have a lot with this feature so I'm posting about it here.

When flying about in Manual Flight Mode [MFM] I have to constantly adjust the viewing angle with my mouse.

Now while a follow cam setting will alleviate this it does highlight a problem with clicking in space that has existed for a long time.

It is way way way to easy to accidentally initiate the circular menu's for actions on items while trying to move the view around, or change direction.
Particularly in crowded space environments which MFM is made for....

I would like the option to disable left click menu's on objects in space. [ideally I would like them on right-click, so if I right-click and hold on an item I get it's radial menu.

That way I can click in space to change direction and spin the view around without constantly worrying about, and accidentally doing commands on bits of random space scenery.
Ardias Hamilton
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#123 - 2014-11-21 16:57:39 UTC
Newbie thoughts here:

If I was indeed a little surprised by the controls of EVE at the very beginning, it was not a reason for me to not continue playing. So I don't think it will have a big impact on newcomers.

On the other hand, it is true that I'd really like to be able to fly manually cause I often take time to explore an area once it is clear of all threats and flying around bases and asteroids would be easier that way.

I've got another space game called Starpoint Gemini 2 who can be compared to EVE regarding to turrets locking on targets and "skill-bar" in the hud which implement keyboard/mouse control for the flight and it works really well because of one detail:

Turrets mounts have a maximum angle for the line of sight and you have to place your ship out of it to minimize damages taken but it's not the case in EVE (as I've seen yet) and so it reduces greatly the need of manual flight control.

I use a joystick for this game (x55 rhino) and it works only because I've got bazillion buttons on it XD.

So yeah, for me a great optional feature but I completely understand the apprehensions of some of us.

Wait and see...
Leonard Nimoy II
#124 - 2014-11-21 22:36:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Leonard Nimoy II
This will definitely have an impact on new players coming in :) one of the best updates I've seen on EVE since I joined.

I agree with what others have said in that align time of ships should correspond to maneuverability - for example I tested this on a nano fitted dramiel and it felt very slow/sluggish. The same maneuverability on larger ships feels too fast though. However I am not sure that is a possibility. Either way, it's a huge improvement. Thanks CCP :D
A Big Enough Lever
#125 - 2014-11-22 14:23:45 UTC
you can actually do a roll -
you just have to be pointing straight up or straight down atm, and then try to turn left/right.....

Turn left/right needs to become 'yaw left/right' -
in function as well as name.

I fully support the option for roll, and to allow flips,
(I'm always amazed that there is no crossover at 0 and 180 degrees of camera AND movement - it's horribly artificial)

this will help MASSIVELY with setting up insta-undocks for those pesky up/down stations!
though I'd also like the option to 'align N,E,S,W,Up, Down' - but these could be menu sup-options

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

A Big Enough Lever
#126 - 2014-11-22 14:36:07 UTC
Leonard Nimoy II wrote:
This will definitely have an impact on new players coming in :) one of the best updates I've seen on EVE since I joined.

I agree with what others have said in that align time of ships should correspond to maneuverability - for example I tested this on a nano fitted dramiel and it felt very slow/sluggish. The same maneuverability on larger ships feels too fast though. However I am not sure that is a possibility. Either way, it's a huge improvement. Thanks CCP :D

were you using inert-stabs/nanos? and were you trying to do this all at top speed? if so - try an I-15 compared to a spit-fire on War Thunder - speed is what makes you 'stick'

also - align-time =/= agility
align time = agility mixed with acceleration, and is generally measured from stationary, as opposed to going the other way

I would suggest, that greater bleeding might be needed,
as it is - it takes a lot of effort to bleed off 25% of your speed
in my 'cane - I bleed off 5-10% of my speed making a tight turn (~right angle) - this should be closer to 20-40%

I would also suggest that the keys stop having an effect once you stop pressing them, rather than keep you turning/pitching/rolling/slowing/speeding (I include rolling because it is possible!)

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Sgt Soulless
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2014-11-23 18:37:09 UTC
Having messed around with manual flight for a while, there are only two things I think it needs to really be useful.

  1. There needs to be a proper 3rd person flight camera. CCP doesn't need to reinvent the wheel here. There are tons of examples of how to do this from existing flight sims. Without this, manual control is very clumsy and will just frustrate new players by once again not matching their expectations for how flight control should work.

  2. The throttle control needs to work differently. It should work like this: while the player holds down the accelerate button, the ship accelerates up to its maximum speed as per the ship stats, but when the player releases the accelerate button the ship should stop accelerating and maintain its current speed. Likewise, the decelerate button should only decelerate while the button is held down, then maintain speed after the button is released. There can be other bindings for "accelerate to maximum speed" and "stop ship" (which I think already exist actually).

Those are really the only things I think the system needs to be something players may actually choose over the current double-click based controls.

I would also recommend that rolling the ship just be eliminated, as it's unnecessarily disorienting. You're in space, in a ship bristling with weapons on all sides, in a capsule where g-force is obviously not an issue. Rolling the ship serves no navigational purpose. It's not a fighter jet in an atmosphere. Pitch, yaw, accelerate, and decelerate are the only movements you actually need. Which happens to be a simpler movement model that fits perfectly in a WASD scheme using shift and spacebar for the throttle.
Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#128 - 2014-11-24 02:02:51 UTC
I agree 100% on the camera Big smile however I think the current controls are perfect. Very intuitive - takes two seconds to set WASD as the defaults, and it takes no time at all to pick up the mechanics of movement. Looks and feels very realistic, I wouldn't change a thing about the current movement mechanics or accelertion (except for maybe the bit about being able to turn large ships so quickly)
Soden Rah
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#129 - 2014-11-24 15:08:59 UTC
It's been 5 days since the last dev response... could we have any word on whether this feature is locked, or still being developed?
Adrie Atticus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#130 - 2014-11-25 10:29:04 UTC
Soden Rah wrote:
It's been 5 days since the last dev response... could we have any word on whether this feature is locked, or still being developed?

I think they got drafted to fix the UI (e.g. add in the features which were shot in the back of the head and tossed in the river) and this non-feature is on the back burner.
CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#131 - 2014-11-25 11:26:05 UTC
Sure I can give an update.

We did a mass test last week to test the technical viability of this and we still have a green light for launching with Rhea on December 9.

A lot of the feedback centers around having additional features not specific to keyboard controls, but we are not committing development time to that just yet. However, it is really good to hear that our initial expectations of follow up work align quite closely with the suggestions made in this thread.

A big thanks to everyone who have been reporting defects on Singularity, we will continue tweaking the behavior of the controls this week and fixing up some of the bugs.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#132 - 2014-11-25 11:34:35 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
A lot of the feedback centers around having additional features not specific to keyboard controls, but we are not committing development time to that just yet.

Except the chase camera... right?
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#133 - 2014-11-25 19:23:22 UTC
Chase camera is pretty much compulsory after this feature addition.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Soden Rah
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2014-11-25 21:02:29 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Sure I can give an update.

We did a mass test last week to test the technical viability of this and we still have a green light for launching with Rhea on December 9.

A lot of the feedback centers around having additional features not specific to keyboard controls, but we are not committing development time to that just yet. However, it is really good to hear that our initial expectations of follow up work align quite closely with the suggestions made in this thread.

A big thanks to everyone who have been reporting defects on Singularity, we will continue tweaking the behavior of the controls this week and fixing up some of the bugs.

Thank you for the update Big smile

If you could let us know when any 'tweaks' you make hit SiSi and what those tweaks are then we will be able to
test them out for you.

Also, any feedback on what 'follow-up features' you are considering [and those you are not] would also be greatly appreciated.

It helps to know what your 'vision' is and the scope of what you can and/or are prepared to do when giving feedback.

Finally... while "a lot" of the feedback centres around additional features... some of it very much centres specifically on keyboard control... Can you tell us if there are any 'tweaks' coming now, or in the near future, that address these concerns/comments?

For example here is point 4 from my post at the top of this page...

4) having key bindings only work when space is selected is a nightmare. First there is nothing visibly alerting you to the effect that your commands are not going to have any effect. And second, its all to common and frustrating to need to click on windows between manoeuvres and forget to click back. And overshoot where you wanted to turn because your commands didn't do anything.

This is a point that is specifically about the way the new keyboard controls function, that has been made by several people.
Are you making any tweaks to this behaviour?
Synth Tech
#135 - 2014-12-03 02:24:13 UTC
logged into the test server just to try this, and im pretty stoked about getting some controls xD

My only criticism is the acceleration / deceleration.

I was hoping / expecting to do have a control scheme of throttle + steering.

I dont like how the directional controls make u accelerate, and im not quite sure how to describe it but the existing controls for accelerating and decelerating dont feel quite right if that makes sense. like they're not sensitive enough.
#136 - 2014-12-21 19:05:59 UTC
Question to devs:

What do You think about ship being lead by mouse control? I mean situation when You press left mouse button and (instead of camera control) You control ship flight direction by moving mouse.
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#137 - 2014-12-22 19:23:30 UTC
I submitted a bug report about these issues this past week because it really doesn't seem ideal:
- The steering controls completely ignore your throttle setting and force it to 100%, which means you can't, say, turn your ship while stationary, or make a turn at half speed. People don't always fly at full throttle!
- The steering controls ignore when other shortcuts are used that add modifier keys to the keystroke. So if I've set WASD to steer my ship, if I hit, say, Alt+S to broadcast for shields, my ship starts moving as if I'd hit S. This is bad.

It's a cute gimmick and I've used it a little bit, but those two issues are causing quite a few headaches. :(

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#138 - 2014-12-23 12:12:16 UTC
Morwen Lagann wrote:
The steering controls completely ignore your throttle setting and force it to 100%, which means you can't, say, turn your ship while stationary, or make a turn at half speed. People don't always fly at full throttle!

It will set your throttle to full speed if you are stopped but does not change your speed if you are already moving. We can't do turning on the spot because your ship only has forward velocity and no facing direction.

Morwen Lagann wrote:
The steering controls ignore when other shortcuts are used that add modifier keys to the keystroke. So if I've set WASD to steer my ship, if I hit, say, Alt+S to broadcast for shields, my ship starts moving as if I'd hit S. This is bad.

This is a bug, we will get it fixed.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Imperium Technologies
Sigma Grindset
#139 - 2014-12-23 12:57:29 UTC
Nullarbor, Would it not be possible to give the ship a really small forward vector so that it appears that your not moving but still allow turning ?
Vincent Athena
#140 - 2014-12-23 22:55:51 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Morwen Lagann wrote:
The steering controls completely ignore your throttle setting and force it to 100%, which means you can't, say, turn your ship while stationary, or make a turn at half speed. People don't always fly at full throttle!

It will set your throttle to full speed if you are stopped but does not change your speed if you are already moving. We can't do turning on the spot because your ship only has forward velocity and no facing direction.

You could have it just bump the ship up to a couple of meters per second, then let it coast back to zero.

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