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[ISHTI] Condemnation of Pornography – Legal Statement

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#101 - 2012-01-12 19:26:21 UTC
Well, hot damn.
Caellach Marellus
#102 - 2012-01-12 19:54:28 UTC
This thread makes me glad for the existence of strong alcohol. It scrubs away the mental imagery..

On a side note, as a resident of Heimatar (mostly) I'll pass.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#103 - 2012-01-12 22:12:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Boys, boys, don't get overexcited by the project. This is serious business and we have to plan it thoroughly.

We have for every billion citizen on the plants colonies an average of about 70 years of lifetime. The Minmatar population is growing which means that around every two seconds a new baby is born. About halve of those babies are male, so we get a new born aspirant for Odelyas task every four seconds for every billion citizen or a bit more.

This is not a task we can face without some serious planning. The male capabilities to copulate is way too inefficient to give her a chance to get up with the birthrate. As a capsuleer she's living more or less forever and we have a couple of copies of her bodies. I hope she's having at least five workable clones for the project.

Without any doubt the engineers under my audience will confirm that this task can only be achieved in time when we replace the usual male biological form of copulation with a more efficient method, rationalized and mechanized. My idea is to use an assembly line robotic construction.

Every clone can serve around three clients to be "in" her at a time. If the bodies are fed to the system by robots we can safely bring every step of "in" in around 0.1 seconds without damaging male reproduction organs, while I would strongly recommend well working lubrication systems because it's well known to a modern girl that there are huge quality differences in the size and reliability of these organs which have to be considered, especially in the full mechanized environment where they are supposed to work, without the factor if the guys find Odelya attractive or not.

So with three clients serving her every 0.1 seconds we can have with a maximum of six available clones about 180 penetrations per second, which would compensate the birthrate of about 720 billion Minmatar. I don't know how many Minmatar are at the moment living in Heimatar if it's a lot more we will have to push up the speed to less then 0.1 seconds per "in" step. It might be that steps of up to 50 Hz could be possible which would make the body sing in a deep humming tone. We have to check out if there are resonance issues with the tissue of cause and I think going beyond the 0.1 seconds will stress the safety of our male population in a dangerous way. Suggestions to efficient belt feeding systems are welcome.

We are lucky that Odelya is a capsuleer and will live forever, failing clones can be replaced on the fly with very few loss in efficiency. While of cause we have to test how many clients a body can serve before it is wasted. And also lucky for us Odelya will live almost forever. I have a staff assigned to calculate the needed mechanical parts and robotics for this project and the manual workers that have to strap the clients to the machine and maintain the whole thing.

The average male population of a planet -8 billion without considering the growth factor- could be served in about a year I guess. How many colonies do we have in the systems of Heimatar? How many personal on stations and ships? I say it's doable but serious work, boys. If we do not have more than 720 billion living Minmatar in Heimatar. Let's spit in our hands and slam the thing!

And I go confirm with Odelya that her project will indeed be a piece of art and I'm excited about her sacrifice for international understanding for peace, art and culture and I already have a tune in mind which I will call "Odelya Humming for Peace".


Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#104 - 2012-01-13 03:28:35 UTC
Alica Wildfire wrote:

... Let's spit in our hands and slam the thing! ...

I hate to snip out so much that obviously had a good deal of thought put into it, but this one line stood right out.

Well done Miss Wildfire, well done.
Veto Corp
#105 - 2012-01-13 05:07:48 UTC
Alica Wildfire wrote:
Boys, boys, don't get overexcited by the project. This is serious business and we have to plan it thoroughly.

We have for every billion citizen on the plants colonies an average of about 70 years of lifetime. The Minmatar population is growing which means that around every two seconds a new baby is born. About halve of those babies are male, so we get a new born aspirant for Odelyas task every four seconds for every billion citizen or a bit more.

This is not a task we can face without some serious planning. The male capabilities to copulate is way too inefficient to give her a chance to get up with the birthrate. As a capsuleer she's living more or less forever and we have a couple of copies of her bodies. I hope she's having at least five workable clones for the project.

Without any doubt the engineers under my audience will confirm that this task can only be achieved in time when we replace the usual male biological form of copulation with a more efficient method, rationalized and mechanized. My idea is to use an assembly line robotic construction.

Every clone can serve around three clients to be "in" her at a time. If the bodies are fed to the system by robots we can safely bring every step of "in" in around 0.1 seconds without damaging male reproduction organs, while I would strongly recommend well working lubrication systems because it's well known to a modern girl that there are huge quality differences in the size and reliability of these organs which have to be considered, especially in the full mechanized environment where they are supposed to work, without the factor if the guys find Odelya attractive or not.

So with three clients serving her every 0.1 seconds we can have with a maximum of six available clones about 180 penetrations per second, which would compensate the birthrate of about 720 billion Minmatar. I don't know how many Minmatar are at the moment living in Heimatar if it's a lot more we will have to push up the speed to less then 0.1 seconds per "in" step. It might be that steps of up to 50 Hz could be possible which would make the body sing in a deep humming tone. We have to check out if there are resonance issues with the tissue of cause and I think going beyond the 0.1 seconds will stress the safety of our male population in a dangerous way. Suggestions to efficient belt feeding systems are welcome.

We are lucky that Odelya is a capsuleer and will live forever, failing clones can be replaced on the fly with very few loss in efficiency. While of cause we have to test how many clients a body can serve before it is wasted. And also lucky for us Odelya will live almost forever. I have a staff assigned to calculate the needed mechanical parts and robotics for this project and the manual workers that have to strap the clients to the machine and maintain the whole thing.

The average male population of a planet -8 billion without considering the growth factor- could be served in about a year I guess. How many colonies do we have in the systems of Heimatar? How many personal on stations and ships? I say it's doable but serious work, boys. If we do not have more than 720 billion living Minmatar in Heimatar. Let's spit in our hands and slam the thing!

And I go confirm with Odelya that her project will indeed be a piece of art and I'm excited about her sacrifice for international understanding for peace, art and culture and I already have a tune in mind which I will call "Odelya Humming for Peace".

Mother of god...

Verone CEO & Executor Veto Corp WWW.VETO-CORP.COM

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#106 - 2012-01-13 05:17:11 UTC
This thread is going places...

Not good places.
Jev North
#107 - 2012-01-13 09:03:23 UTC
I woke up with a two-day gap in my memory and a note taped to the clone tube saying "do NOT read the [ISHTI] thread," and.. well, damn. Curse curiosity.

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

Caellach Marellus
#108 - 2012-01-13 10:30:44 UTC
There is now not enough alcohol in the galaxy to comprehend this...

I'd bash the memories out with a brick if it meant I'd be without risk to return here, as noted by Captain North sadly, this isn't guaranteed.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#109 - 2012-01-13 19:16:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Details, details, details. I have been contacted that the project will fail, because most of the male citizens will die from aging during this endeavor. No. Of cause the whole thing starts with the male population that is near death, means about the age of 80 or so. And then, slowly as we work our Odelya through the years and against the birthrate of Heimatar, we will be able to climb the ladder down until we reach the 18 year old males, those males that are at the moment not born at all. To be precise even their parents are still not born.

But I don't see any other way to achieve the goal that every Heimatar citizen will at one time of his life in Odelya. Of cause we will stop the project with the age of adulthood of the clients. My calculation says it will need something around 70 years to get it done. There is a lot of inaccuracy in this calculation, because I still have no exact numbers of Minmatar/Heimatar population and I have no idea in which way the population growth of our Republic will develop.

And an other thing is how we fund this operation. I guess we can sell tickets to those who like to be first ones on a fresh clone or get earlier than scheduled into the queue or for extra rounds for example. Maybe we can even start a kind of Minmatar/Amarrian cultural event from this?

The Odelya Day maybe. Or being Odelyaed something. And we could invent a certain title of achievement, a sign for the rite of passage for this. Maybe a new kind of Tatt? A flower and a cogwheel or so, I think would be appropriate, no? What ya think?

Alica has a blooming freshness of exploding activity in her appearance when she enthusiastically closes the com.


Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#110 - 2012-01-14 05:25:02 UTC
You propose five workable clones?

I will just say this: there have been very able Matari men able to take on a 1v5 and still endure, despite being outnumbered.

You should re-check your numbers.
Caellach Marellus
#111 - 2012-01-14 05:27:00 UTC
Rek Jaiga wrote:
You propose five workable clones?

I will just say this: there have been very able Matari men able to take on a 1v5 and still endure, despite being outnumbered.

You should re-check your numbers.

I think you've missed the concept... though it's probably for the best to not have it explained.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#112 - 2012-01-14 09:43:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Caellach Marellus wrote:
I think you've missed the concept... though it's probably for the best to not have it explained.

It's relative easy to picture it if you ever have seen a sewing machine. It's just the other way round, that the needle is transported not the cloth. In fact most of you know that infamous Matari painting that you can see in the Pator Republic Art Gallery "Sebiestor Sewing Girl", no? It was at it's time one of the most controversial paintings and nearly didn't survive burning by the Amarrian inquisition, because many see it as one of the most sexy paintings ever.

Odelya will be the new Sewing Girl. It will be a living installation about sex, about industrialization, about rationalism and self-sacrifice for the great cause and the relationship between Amarr and Matari society. It will be great!

P.S.: there have been questions about if I may link the image of the picture but I have referred to Minmatar culture in the past and many of those links have been removed by Concord. So I'm only linking my own cultural contributions, but I leave it up to you to do it.

The issue of the Sewing Girl is an important one in Minmatar culture. As the sewing is a very feminine work, mostly done by the women at home, that do the homework, raise the kids, while men work on the fields. The sewing girl is a poor girl. Sewing is producing very low income and was one of the first, together with weaving, that were victims of the industrial revolution.

The cloth the girls are working on is often not cloth they are allowed to wear or can afford to wear. So the body of the sewing girl is often left almost naked on those pictures, while the only cloth covering their skin is the cloth they are working on, giving them by their masters. They are poor, they are on the bottom of the hierarchy of society. They are young, they are skilled, they are deftly and their fingers, their bodies are fairly-like slender, even a bit unreal and ghostly with their white skin.

The thick and rich Amarrian cloth is in huge contrast to their fragile bodies. Heavy with frills and gold embroidery, rich in every aspect, the girl poor. On some of the pictures the girl is touched on her shoulder by her master. Which of cause is a nice way to say that she's abused by him and suffers. But also a picture of his dark desires to her innocence. The sewing girl is vulnerable and the fact that she has no clothing of her own means that she is literally left with nothing but her body to the cruelty and arbitrariness of the world around her. She is not only the picture of the young in the world of the old. Not just the picture of the exploited skilled through the aged and rich, it is also the picture of life against death. And of seduction but also of commitment to the simple task, the simple way of life. On some pictures you see threads that are winding around her naked legs, touching her, like spiders that walk up their way on the silken white skin underneath the cloth on her lap. It's playing with the senses and your imagination where this thread will end.

The theme of the thread is also a hidden cultural reference to the goddess of weaving, Frigg or Freya, the goddess of fate, mistress over death and birth, the mother of the Valkyries that collect the best of the warrior to her table. Is the hidden warrior-girl behind the fragile sewing girl. The warrior girl that wants to come out and fight against her oppression. So one of my most favorite drawings of this theme is showing the explosion of the Reclamation in the mirror. It's a very modern interpretation of this old theme, the sewing girl is wearing good clothings. It's symbolizing the future of our kind after the rebellion. I dare to link to the picture here. If it's removed, let it go. But also you see the fairy-like aspect of the Sewing Girl in her appearance and rich symbolized surroundings.

It's a picture of fertility and future against senility and decay.

The theme of the Sewing Girl was painted by several of our artists, so you might find different ways the artists are approaching aspects of this theme. Some concentrate on the sex and romantic aspect, some of the class-fight, some on the critic aspect of the industrial revolution and so on. Some even concentrate on the aspect of fairytale and set it in a picturesque fantasy of a fantastic dream. Which means it concentrates on the unearthly symbol of the sewing woman, the idealized picture of the girl - the Sebiestor fairy so to say. It will vanish when you try to touch her.

The moment you'll break her concentration her body will be gone to mist and illusion, like you can not hold youth. If you try, it will be gone.

You may contribute your own favorite painting and explain why it's your favorite, motto: "Art I'd steal" And maybe somebody is understanding why Odelya will be the new Sewing Girl.


Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#113 - 2012-01-14 12:47:03 UTC
I am shocked. Really.

That everyone here would take such low shots in public at or about Odelya d'Hanguest is shameful. While many in the first few pages of this thread have simply stated their disapproval (or approval) of whatever actions she is accused of taking; this thread has now devolved into the disturbing.

At any rate, I'm sure most of you socially inept Capsuleers find this sort of thing hilarious. However, those of you with any sense of decency would do well to remember that this isn't appropriate.

In short;

Grow up, people. You're acting like virgin adolescents.

Katrina Oniseki

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#114 - 2012-01-14 13:06:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
I am shocked. Really.
That everyone here would take such low shots in public at or about Odelya d'Hanguest is shameful.

First of all it was her idea. Second of all you ever heard of the concept of irony? The whole idea of this "project" is so hilarious that I can't really imagine anyone will take it literally or serious or see it as an insult to Odelya. What we're working on is a way to visualize the madness of the concept of pornography versus art. And with this the madness of the assault of her family on her integrity. It's even not about her, it's about violence forced by society on the individuum. That a majority every time can sacrifice a minority for the greater good even by democratic vote. The idea of pornography is such an assault. It's a weapon of establishment against the individual rights of a person, that destroys them. Nothing else.

Even the most perverted idea of art can still be placed into culture. And this is not about Odelya as a person, which is a well respected capsuleer, this is indeed about the madness of the idea of pornography, which I am showing very much where it leads. It's leading nowhere.

But any path you chose leads to culture and art, if you dare to violate borders, insert new ideas and start to refer to culture there is. If you start connecting and building a context, the minds are opening. Art is not selling itself like the girls that sell their bodies for a cent of an isk at the next station, art may slamming you into the face. It is in itself subversive and aggressive. It's saying things that can't be said by other means. It's inventing new context, new state of minds and new point of views, finding a new path between the trenches of Yes and No.

It's showing what is. Our world is perverted. Not a simple girl. This is the idea behind the Sewing Girl, isn't it? The whole context is just this. I couldn't imagine someone doesn't get the picture.


Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#115 - 2012-01-14 13:30:49 UTC
Alica Wildfire wrote:

First of all it was her idea. Second of all you ever heard of the concept of irony? The whole idea of this "project" is so hilarious that I can't really imagine anyone will take it literally or serious. What we're working on is a way to visualize the madness of the concept of pornography versus art.

Even the most perverted idea of art can still be placed into culture. And this is not about Odelya as a person, which is a well respected capsuleer, this is indeed about the madness of the idea of pornography, which I am showing very much where it leads. It's leading nowhere.

But any path you chose leads to culture and art, if you dare to violate borders, insert new ideas and start to refer to culture there is. If you start connecting and building a context, the minds are opening. Art is not selling itself like the girls that sell their bodies for a cent of an isk at the next station, art may slamming you into the face. It is in itself subversive and aggressive. It's saying things that can't be said by other means. It's inventing new context, new state of minds and new point of views, finding a new path between the trenches of Yes and No.

It's showing what is. Our world is perverted. Not a simple girl. This is the idea behind the Sewing Girl, isn't it? The whole context is just this. I couldn't imagine someone doesn't get the picture.

Oh, I see. While I did catch the obvious sarcasm and absurdity of your 'suggestion', I did not realize why you were making it. In that case, my apologies for misinterpreting what you wrote.

Katrina Oniseki

Kaleigh Doyle
#116 - 2012-01-14 21:00:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaleigh Doyle
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
I am shocked. Really.

That everyone here would take such low shots in public at or about Odelya d'Hanguest is shameful. While many in the first few pages of this thread have simply stated their disapproval (or approval) of whatever actions she is accused of taking; this thread has now devolved into the disturbing.

At any rate, I'm sure most of you socially inept Capsuleers find this sort of thing hilarious. However, those of you with any sense of decency would do well to remember that this isn't appropriate.

In short;

Grow up, people. You're acting like virgin adolescents.

Quite the contrary, I believe the entire announcement was intended to have this outcome.

Why risk having such an embarrassing political fiasco publicized when this could have just as easily been done in private behind closed doors? I believe their intent was to punish the girl by humiliating her in front of her peers (and superiors), and given Alicia's rather in-depth analysis of auto erotica I'd say it hit the mark. Whether Odelya's bloated ego even registers this as punishment is entirely another matter, but having experienced her arrogance first-hand I'd say it went cleanly in one ear and out the other.

Personally, I have no problem with her being a **** or a whore. I was a girl (immature...) once, and it's healthy to explore, but perhaps all of Heimatar might be a bit much. Blink

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#117 - 2012-01-15 00:08:36 UTC
Kaleigh Doyle wrote:

Quite the contrary, I believe the entire announcement was intended to have this outcome.

Why risk having such an embarrassing political fiasco publicized when this could have just as easily been done in private behind closed doors? I believe their intent was to punish the girl by humiliating her in front of her peers (and superiors), and given Alicia's rather in-depth analysis of auto erotica I'd say it hit the mark. Whether Odelya's bloated ego even registers this as punishment is entirely another matter, but having experienced her arrogance first-hand I'd say it went cleanly in one ear and out the other.

Personally, I have no problem with her being a **** or a *****. I was a girl (immature...) once, and it's healthy to explore, but perhaps all of Heimatar might be a bit much. Blink


Then I suppose this is a matter of culture conflict.

Katrina Oniseki

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#118 - 2012-01-15 00:54:09 UTC
What the ******* ****.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

N'maro Makari
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#119 - 2012-01-15 02:34:53 UTC
I just looked on here for the first time ever, what the hell?

**Vherokior **

Nicoletta Mithra
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#120 - 2012-01-16 02:49:48 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
Kaleigh Doyle wrote:

Quite the contrary, I believe the entire announcement was intended to have this outcome.

Why risk having such an embarrassing political fiasco publicized when this could have just as easily been done in private behind closed doors? I believe their intent was to punish the girl by humiliating her in front of her peers (and superiors), and given Alicia's rather in-depth analysis of auto erotica I'd say it hit the mark. Whether Odelya's bloated ego even registers this as punishment is entirely another matter, but having experienced her arrogance first-hand I'd say it went cleanly in one ear and out the other.

Personally, I have no problem with her being a **** or a *****. I was a girl (immature...) once, and it's healthy to explore, but perhaps all of Heimatar might be a bit much. Blink


Then I suppose this is a matter of culture conflict.

It's certainly not how we Amarr use to handle those problems. But then, there are also so many ways to get to a capsuleer.