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[Rhea] Introducing the Bowhead

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1541 - 2014-11-21 06:28:02 UTC
Yume Ookami wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

ok with my skills:
charon: 303k ehp
obi: 367k ehp
prov: 347k ehp
fen: 282k ehp

ok it has more ehp with the devs fit at around 420kehp but that is going with a split tank and not a strain hull tank

It doesnt matter if its split what matters is the total buffer. You can get 700k ehp with the bowhead for just 300 mil isk.


By using all of the tools CCP have given us.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1542 - 2014-11-21 06:36:46 UTC
Meyr wrote:
Yume Ookami wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

ok with my skills:
charon: 303k ehp
obi: 367k ehp
prov: 347k ehp
fen: 282k ehp

ok it has more ehp with the devs fit at around 420kehp but that is going with a split tank and not a strain hull tank

It doesnt matter if its split what matters is the total buffer. You can get 700k ehp with the bowhead for just 300 mil isk.


I'm going to guess all-V fleet bonuses and maximum-bonus implants?

You can hit half a million using a fairly cheap tank and t2 rigs.
Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1543 - 2014-11-21 10:57:43 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

In this very thread. CCP asked if the tank was enough for transporting 3 t2 fitted battleships.

Fair enough, that leaves us (or them) with having to explain how that is useful in high.

Apart of 3 t2 fitted t1 (which was just implied) battleships easily being 550m each.
Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1544 - 2014-11-21 10:59:36 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

You can hit half a million using a fairly cheap tank and t2 rigs.

Isnt it supposed to use capital rigs, or was that changed also?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1545 - 2014-11-21 11:09:30 UTC
Barton Breau wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

You can hit half a million using a fairly cheap tank and t2 rigs.

Isnt it supposed to use capital rigs, or was that changed also?

Capital as far as I know.
Petra Hakaari
Stalking Wolfpack
#1546 - 2014-11-21 16:19:54 UTC
Will it have refitting service?

Because tities .

Yume Ookami
Cognitive Disonance
#1547 - 2014-11-21 16:47:35 UTC
Petra Hakaari wrote:
Will it have refitting service?

from what i can see in this thread and on sisi there is not going to be any refitting service on this ship.

but i would sure love to have it if they change it.
Antarian Anderson
BTK Mercenary Group
Lucky Starbase Syndicate
#1548 - 2014-11-21 16:48:09 UTC
It's may be already asked, sorry but i'm confused !

Is that Bowhead a Jump Freighter or just a freighter ?

If it's a simple freighter, what his role bonus "90% reduction in jump fatigue generation" is for ?

Yume Ookami
Cognitive Disonance
#1549 - 2014-11-21 16:50:59 UTC
Antarian Anderson wrote:
It's may be already asked, sorry but i'm confused !

Is that Bowhead a Jump Freighter or just a freighter ?

If it's a simple freighter, what his role bonus "90% reduction in jump fatigue generation" is for ?

it is just a freighter.

the 90% reduction is for jump bridges and such.

also it gets that bonus due to being a industrial hauler.

sorry no jump drive.
Petra Hakaari
Stalking Wolfpack
#1550 - 2014-11-21 17:06:06 UTC
Yume Ookami wrote:
Petra Hakaari wrote:
Will it have refitting service?

from what i can see in this thread and on sisi there is not going to be any refitting service on this ship.

but i would sure love to have it if they change it.


If the orca has it which is the small sista, and even the nestor has it... i dont see why it should not Ugh

Because tities .

Arsine Mayhem
#1551 - 2014-11-21 18:15:18 UTC
I Love Boobies wrote:
Interesting. Will probably become a favorite of gankers, and I don't mean in a good way.

Yea, probably just be a loot pinata. Be interesting to see if anyone actually uses it.
Yume Ookami
Cognitive Disonance
#1552 - 2014-11-21 19:23:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Yume Ookami
currently with the fit i was able to come up with for the current stats on the bowhead i have come up with:
EHP 490k (eve: 460k)
this is T2 fit
3 t2 trans bulkhead rigs
2 t2 rein builkheads
2 ada invuln field 2s
and large shield extender 2

will try some other fits to give more feedback

using gist a-types it raises to 534k EHP (eve: 491k) (not recommended)
using pith a-types it raises to 548k EHP (eve: 501k) (not recommended)
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1553 - 2014-11-21 19:36:14 UTC
Yume Ookami wrote:
currently with the fit i was able to come up with for the current stats on the bowhead i have come up with:
EHP 490k (eve: 460k)
this is T2 fit
3 t2 trans bulkhead rigs
2 t2 rein builkheads
2 ada invuln field 2s
and large shield extender 2

will try some other fits to give more feedback

using gist a-types it raises to 534k EHP (eve: 491k) (not recommended)
using pith a-types it raises to 548k EHP (eve: 501k) (not recommended)

Yume Ookami
Cognitive Disonance
#1554 - 2014-11-21 19:48:25 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Yume Ookami wrote:
currently with the fit i was able to come up with for the current stats on the bowhead i have come up with:
EHP 490k (eve: 460k)
this is T2 fit
3 t2 trans bulkhead rigs
2 t2 rein builkheads
2 ada invuln field 2s
and large shield extender 2

will try some other fits to give more feedback

using gist a-types it raises to 534k EHP (eve: 491k) (not recommended)
using pith a-types it raises to 548k EHP (eve: 501k) (not recommended)


Zainou gnome shield management sm-706
inherent implants noble mechanic mc-806
inherent implants noble hull upgrades hg-1008
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1555 - 2014-11-21 20:14:03 UTC
Slave set is also a good option.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1556 - 2014-11-21 21:05:02 UTC
Arsine Mayhem wrote:
I Love Boobies wrote:
Interesting. Will probably become a favorite of gankers, and I don't mean in a good way.

Yea, probably just be a loot pinata. Be interesting to see if anyone actually uses it.

It will be used. Maybe not how it was first envisioned by people but there will definitely be use case.
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1557 - 2014-11-21 21:15:23 UTC
It'll be used about as much as the Rorqlol, maybe even less.

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#1558 - 2014-11-21 21:40:01 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Slave set is also a good option.

Not really. That's 2b of implants for another 12k ehp or so.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#1559 - 2014-11-21 23:14:05 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Seriously, that is the best you can do?

You said large CFC deployment wont happen again. We deployed the CFC the very same day you made that comment. Big, organised powerblocks are not going away, hence why CCP are rebuilding nullsec with large groups in mind.


No you did not deploy the "CFC", many alliances in the CFC did not (and will not) deploy.

It was at best a partial deployment, of those who wanted to go and were close enough to do so.

If your going to make up stories make sure they can't be so easily seen as fantasy..

Wrong again, nerfs to travel (the only change so far) is the 1st nail in the head of large coalitions. Sov changes if done right will be the second. Time vs distance and who holds sov in between will see the end of "workable"coalitions.

Might be time for a rethink, Instead of trying to use false and misleading propaganda

I think we have found this wars Iraqi information minister.

Sad Baltec1, at least when you stuck to spouting off about stuff you knew little about in such an authoritative way, you were like many others, good for a laugh. Then you go make a personal attack and lose what little credibility you ever had.

Goon propaganda 101;
When the propaganda machine has no answer (or in this case is so easily proven wrong), use personal insults and innuendo.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Yume Ookami
Cognitive Disonance
#1560 - 2014-11-22 00:16:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Yume Ookami
Masao Kurata wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Slave set is also a good option.

Not really. That's 2b of implants for another 12k ehp or so.

sure lets go with a slave set and those implants i mentioned...(3-4b in implants)

woohoo (dripping sarcasm) 599kEHP (eve: 545kehp)

oh wait i installed 2 estimal invulns for that one