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[Rhea] Introducing the Bowhead

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Chandra Labs
#941 - 2014-11-13 14:51:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertucio
Sort of sad that CCP has gone from HTFU to censoring a thread that was mildly (IMO) acerbic. Times have changed.

But what hasn't changed is gankers blaming their victims- and Goons managing to put up such a stink about how cheap dessies blowing up multi-billion+ freighters in Uedama is RISK vs REWARD equivalent - when we all know it isn't.

The Bowhead will likely just be released with not much of a fix at all. Oh well - so much for trying to make Eve a better game for all - not just Goons. Too bad I don't have easy access to CCP devs.
Valterra Craven
#942 - 2014-11-13 14:54:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Mike Azariah wrote:

Back to the ship. So far I have seen some good ideas and a fair number of bad ideas. No, it does not need a jump drive. Yes I think it could stand a BIT more tank.

Why do you think it could stand a bit more tank? Not that I wouldn't love it to have more HP myself, but do you have specific reasons and data to back this opinion up? My primary problem with this line of argument is that (god help me) I actually agree with fozzie and rise, balancing a ships EHP against this scenario is not the way to do it. I know there was a lot of up roar in the command ship thread when none of the other command ships got a damnation like bonus to raw HP. They didn't cave to anyone there, so why should this ship be any different? If ganking is the reason that you want more HP, then there are better ways to address the profitability of ganking than just throwing raw HP around.

Mike Azariah wrote:

For the eft folks looking for the max ehp could you also run the numbers with it having full boosting? IF incursion folks did an armada then that would be a possibility.

Again, why is this relevant? This is not a combat ship, and transport ships are not really designed around fleet/gang warfare, nor should they be.

Mike Azariah wrote:

Drone bay, yeah I could see that but like the lack of weapons . . . this is not made to fight directly. So I understand the commitment to the concept.

The ship in no way shape or form needs a drone bay, its not like freighters get a drone bay. This is one of those bad ideas that needs to die in a fire.

Mike Azariah wrote:

For the gankers I am curious . . . when Taloses are used is it alpha or a dependence on the 05 or 0.6 slow response of concord to get a couple of volleys in?

I think gankers themselves are being a bit disingenuous with their answer to this question. I think a good bit of the reason they use taloses over dessies in this case is that it takes far few people to gank a freighter with taloses than it does with dessies. That's just my two cents.

Now what could this ship use?

A sensical skill tree. The devs really need to look at how the cap indy ships skills are geared vs other cap ships. The prereqs are in all the wrong places.

More warp speed. Why should this ship be slower than every other cap indy ship? (Especially one that does have fighting capability like the roq)

It needs to have a very small ammo bay. Especially if this ship is geared toward incursion runners. (3-5k range) It needs just enough to be able to resupply the ships it just dropped off but not enough that they can run without resupply for months. Think about how remote most incursions are and how expensive ammo can get that remotely vs how many long jumps it would take to get ammo. Now keep in mind when I move ships I pack their hold full of all the mods they would need to refit to and everything else being ammo. Even 500m3s of ammo isn't all that much in an incursion and that's assuming you can even hold that much.

Now for the interesting bit of fix: It needs to not be scanable. On the flip side to this it needs to always drop the ships. This would make it a true "pinata". You break it but you never know what you are going to get. Could be empty, could have a bunch of frigates etc. My reasoning for this is that assembled ships are a completely different ball game than packed ones. Think about it. I would assume that packed ships have been in some state disassembled (think a raven with the wings taken off so it fits in a nice box). Assembled ships on the other hand are fully combat ready. Meaning that even if a ship around them was destroyed they'd still have hull and armor to protect them from that explosion. I think this would be a far better way to address the ganking than anything thus far provided here.
Warr Akini
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#943 - 2014-11-13 15:01:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Warr Akini
Valterra Craven wrote:
Mike Azariah wrote:

For the gankers I am curious . . . when Taloses are used is it alpha or a dependence on the 05 or 0.6 slow response of concord to get a couple of volleys in?

I think gankers themselves are being a bit disingenuous with their answer to this question. I think a good bit of the reason they use taloses over dessies in this case is that it takes far few people to gank a freighter with taloses than it does with dessies. Thats just my two cents.

I'll have to ask you to retract that claim of disingenuity (not a word)? I see three responses to Mike, mine being one of them, and although the answer you were looking for (Talos = more DPS = less need for manpower) was not directly stated to him, it is both obvious and I'm fairly certain I mentioned the painstaking nature of gathering craploads of manpower in Catalysts to gank something big earlier in this thread. Don't go throwing mud, please.

Your idea of 100% drop rate is for sure interesting, though.
Marcus Tedric
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#944 - 2014-11-13 15:02:43 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:

It needs to have a very small ammo bay. Especially if this ship is geared toward incursion runners. ............

It has a cargo bay of about that size. I t can also carry haulers just chock full of ammo.Smile

Valterra Craven wrote:
.......................... On the flip side to this it needs to always drop the ships. This would make it a true "pinata". ...................

If it is indeed a Ship Maint Array - then it should drop just like POS SMAs do. TBC by CCP.Big smile

The thing about carriage of ships that seems to be missing (by at least p23....) is that Freighters can already carry fitted and rigged Frigates and Cruisers (even a couple of battleships) - lots of them!

Me, I'd go for the new skills affecting SMA size by 20% per level - and the SMA starting at 1.0m m3.

Don't soil your panties, you guys made a good point, we'll look at the numbers again. - CCP Ytterbium

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#945 - 2014-11-13 15:03:29 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
Maybe what really needs to happen here is a rebalance of reinforced bulkheads. for reference.

Tech II 25% is a big jump from the 15-19% of meta 1-4, considering these aren't stacking penalized. That could be cut back a bit.

Maybe the penalty should also be reduced warp speed too.

IMO bulkheads are already over penalized. Think of it this way, what if you actually had to make trade offs when you fit tank on your PVP ship (aka the mods had a dps reduction added). This is basically what bulk heads do for freighters, they give you more tank at a penalty of your primary stat: cargo hold.

Fair point - they do hit freighters pretty hard there, but not other ships that can benefit from the boost in structure - like the Bowhead or combat ships. Maybe that penalty should be to warp speed instead of cargo capacity.

Personally I have yet to fit a freighter of any kind for tank... if you're having to tank damage, you've done it wrong already with a non-combat ship.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Valterra Craven
#946 - 2014-11-13 15:07:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Marcus Tedric wrote:

It has a cargo bay of about that size. I t can also carry haulers just chock full of ammo.Smile

Fair enough, my mistake for not looking at the stats closely enough. Though I don't think people moving ships around are going to have enough room to fit a hauler full of ammo, I do think a 4k cargo bay is perfect.

Marcus Tedric wrote:

The thing about carriage of ships that seems to be missing (by at least p23....) is that Freighters can already carry fitted and rigged Frigates and Cruisers (even a couple of battleships) - lots of them!

I'm not sure this is true. I haven't tried recently but I remember trying some time this year and getting a weird error about ships not being able to go in cargo that are assembled..
Chandra Labs
#947 - 2014-11-13 15:11:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertucio
War Kitten wrote:
Xindi Kraid wrote:
You people talk about suicide ganking like ever freighter gets blown up the first time it undocks.

I know, right?

I've flown a freighter into lowsec and all over hisec.
I've flown a JF in several areas of null.
I've never lost either, despite jumping through Uedama and Niarja with both on several occasions.

I plan to own a bowhead too - especially if it gets stupid-high EHP.

It's not hard folks, nor is it common that ganks happen to pilots that are flying smartly.*

* - except during Burn Jita - then all bets are off :)

I've been flying through Uedama the last few months almost regularly every day - usually in a Viator, which by the way, is pretty impervious to the gankfest going on (so apparently Eve isn't all about just making every ship gankable).

It's been like a wreck junkyard in there (especially on the weekends) - of mostly destroyer hulls and single freighter hulls. You say it isn't hard "folks". Well tell that to the folks who've had their freighters ganked these last few months by a bunch of cheap dessies - that cost about 20% - 25% of what their freighter cost. You tell me who is taking the big risks here - in an area of the game that is SUPPOSE to be relatively safe for moving goods around.

If the intent of hi-sec is not suppose to be safe - then why is there a hi-sec at all? Why not make the game all nul-sec where as you claim everyone can fly in their freighters and be perfectly safe like you can?
Valterra Craven
#948 - 2014-11-13 15:11:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Warr Akini wrote:

I'll have to ask you to retract that claim of disingenuity (not a word)? I see three responses to Mike, mine being one of them, and although the answer you were looking for (Talos = more DPS = less need for manpower) was not directly stated to him, it is both obvious and I'm fairly certain I mentioned the painstaking nature of gathering craploads of manpower in Catalysts to gank something big earlier in this thread. Don't go throwing mud, please.

Request denied. I was referring to this post:

baltec1 wrote:

for ganking you never try to alpha something this big. Talos use DPS to take down targets before concord can respond just like cats. As far as tank goes you can hit 600k ehp without boosts.

I don't think it did a good enough job of stating the full picture clearly. Therefore I added what I thought was important.
Marcus Tedric
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#949 - 2014-11-13 15:11:56 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:

I'm not sure this is true. I haven't tried recently but I remember trying some time this year and getting a weird error about ships not being able to go in cargo that are assembled..

Simply use contracts. I 'moved' when returning to EVE recently - all my smaller ships went by contract, whether I moved them myself (freighter-loads), or got others to help.

Don't soil your panties, you guys made a good point, we'll look at the numbers again. - CCP Ytterbium

Valterra Craven
#950 - 2014-11-13 15:17:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
Marcus Tedric wrote:

Simply use contracts. I 'moved' when returning to EVE recently - all my smaller ships went by contract, whether I moved them myself (freighter-loads), or got others to help.

AH! That's good to know. Guess you really can teach a vet new tricks. Still I wish work arounds like this weren't needed and that you could just drop an assembled ship into a cargo hold.
Marcus Tedric
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#951 - 2014-11-13 15:21:54 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:

AH! That's good to know. Guess you really can teach a vet new tricks. .......................

Said the lady just a little 'younger' than me.Big smile

I think you've been a lot 'busier' than me, mind you.Cool

Don't soil your panties, you guys made a good point, we'll look at the numbers again. - CCP Ytterbium

Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#952 - 2014-11-13 15:30:31 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:

I'm glad you can admit that you don't actually know what you're talking about. Each talos gets 7 volleys in a fully prepared 0.5 system, 5 volleys in an unprepared 0.5 system, 5 in a prepared 0.6 system or 4 in an unprepared 0.6 system.

I try to learn and to do that I have to be willing to admit where I do and do not know things. Only time I was in a gank fleet it was to NOT shoot in hopes their calculations would be off enough that they would all die without target destruction.

700k+ eh? wow


requires a minimum of 2 ships so not that crazy. Also not solo, gankers are always saying work in a group so you don't get ganked this would be that group work.
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#953 - 2014-11-13 15:32:47 UTC
Bertucio wrote:

I've been flying through Uedama the last few months almost regularly every day - usually in a Viator, which by the way, is pretty impervious to the gankfest going on (so apparently Eve isn't all about just making every ship gankable).

It's been like a wreck junkyard in there (especially on the weekends) - of mostly destroyer hulls and single freighter hulls. You say it isn't hard "folks". Well tell that to the folks who've had their freighters ganked these last few months by a bunch of cheap dessies - that cost about 20% - 25% of what their freighter cost. You tell me who is taking the big risks here - in an area of the game that is SUPPOSE to be relatively safe for moving goods around.

If the intent of hi-sec is not suppose to be safe - then why is there a hi-sec at all? Why not make the game all nul-sec where as you claim everyone can fly in their freighters and be perfectly safe like you can?

My alt is a freighter pilot. A free lancer pilot in fact. I also fly through there all the time. I never get ganked. A few attempts only. The trick is to not be AFK.

Fitting tank to a freighter. now that you can, is great. If i have more than 1B i fit bulkheads, and go easy on anything that hurts my tank. Sure your not bullet proof, but you make it expensive for the gankers. They try easier, stupider targets instead.

As for this new ship... Well i can't really see that any tank will be enough to stop ganking. But lets not get stupid with tank....

Of course this whole discussion is moot if carriers are going to be allowed in highsec as has been suggested. Why move anything with anything less than a carrier? I mean really... gank that!

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#954 - 2014-11-13 15:35:00 UTC  |  Edited by: War Kitten
Valterra Craven wrote:
Warr Akini wrote:

I'll have to ask you to retract that claim of disingenuity (not a word)? I see three responses to Mike, mine being one of them, and although the answer you were looking for (Talos = more DPS = less need for manpower) was not directly stated to him, it is both obvious and I'm fairly certain I mentioned the painstaking nature of gathering craploads of manpower in Catalysts to gank something big earlier in this thread. Don't go throwing mud, please.

Request denied. I was referring to this post:

baltec1 wrote:

for ganking you never try to alpha something this big. Talos use DPS to take down targets before concord can respond just like cats. As far as tank goes you can hit 600k ehp without boosts.

I don't think it did a good enough job of stating the full picture clearly. Therefore I added what I thought was important.

The original question was directly about Taloses and alpha from Mike Azariah - there was nothing disingenuous about his reply about the Talos.

You're just being argumentative.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#955 - 2014-11-13 15:37:54 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
Warr Akini wrote:

I'll have to ask you to retract that claim of disingenuity (not a word)? I see three responses to Mike, mine being one of them, and although the answer you were looking for (Talos = more DPS = less need for manpower) was not directly stated to him, it is both obvious and I'm fairly certain I mentioned the painstaking nature of gathering craploads of manpower in Catalysts to gank something big earlier in this thread. Don't go throwing mud, please.

Request denied. I was referring to this post:

baltec1 wrote:

for ganking you never try to alpha something this big. Talos use DPS to take down targets before concord can respond just like cats. As far as tank goes you can hit 600k ehp without boosts.

I don't think it did a good enough job of stating the full picture clearly. Therefore I added what I thought was important.

Nothing I said was disingenous. He thought talos were use as alpha boats. Please dont try to start pointless arguments.
Anonymous Forumposter
State War Academy
Caldari State
#956 - 2014-11-13 15:40:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Anonymous Forumposter
Valterra Craven wrote:
I'm not sure this is true. I haven't tried recently but I remember trying some time this year and getting a weird error about ships not being able to go in cargo that are assembled..

He's referring to the horribly broken exploit of using courier contracts to package up fitted and rigged ships that can then be carried in a freighter. Now that we have a dedicated high sec ship mover + Plenty of options in low/null, this needs to be addressed.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#957 - 2014-11-13 15:41:15 UTC
Looks good so far i would mention that au speed is lacking would bump that up a bit if i could.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Valterra Craven
#958 - 2014-11-13 15:45:08 UTC
War Kitten wrote:

The original question was directly about Taloses and alpha from Mike Azariah - there was nothing disingenuous about his reply about the Talos.

You're just being argumentative.

Well its matter of phrasing really. He said "when taloses" are used. I read the question as why are you using taloses vs dessies. The "when" part implies there are more options available to do the same job and they are using taloses over something cheaper. In that case why aren't you using the cheaper method, and the likely answer is man power. I'm not being argumentative. I think that's an important part of ganking math because it means you can gank a ship with far fewer people thereby making it easier to get a group together to gank in the first place.
Marcus Tedric
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#959 - 2014-11-13 15:46:25 UTC
Anonymous Forumposter wrote:
He's referring to the horribly broken exploit of using courier contracts to package up fitted and rigged ships that cna then be carried in a freighter. Now that we have a dedicated high sec ship mover + Plenty of options in low/null, this needs to be addressed.

Goodness, I must note that this is not something I've regularly done....nor is this something to really pursue here.....

But why on earth do you refer to this as either "horribly broken" or even as an "exploit"? What difference is an EVE Freighter to any cargo carrying ship on planet earth, even it's fitted to carry containers?

Don't soil your panties, you guys made a good point, we'll look at the numbers again. - CCP Ytterbium

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#960 - 2014-11-13 16:05:07 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
War Kitten wrote:

The original question was directly about Taloses and alpha from Mike Azariah - there was nothing disingenuous about his reply about the Talos.

You're just being argumentative.

Well its matter of phrasing really. He said "when taloses" are used. I read the question as why are you using taloses vs dessies. The "when" part implies there are more options available to do the same job and they are using taloses over something cheaper. In that case why aren't you using the cheaper method, and the likely answer is man power. I'm not being argumentative. I think that's an important part of ganking math because it means you can gank a ship with far fewer people thereby making it easier to get a group together to gank in the first place.

You're still being argumentative - the question was about using taloses, not why. Your nitpick about catalysts is obvious - of course you use the cheapest alternative if you have the manpower. If you don't, you scale up. No one has tried to hide that or played dumb about it, which is more or less what you need to be doing to be disingenuous.

Or to quote Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means."

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.