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My first time in lowsec

Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#41 - 2014-11-27 17:05:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Warde Guildencrantz
When my crap high sec corp deployed to null in 2011, we stopped for a bit to chill in low sec with people camping kinakka. I liked the area, lots of targets and small gang stuff, so I decided to dicth my corp and team up with the locals who (apparently) liked my style.

After around 2 years working with that low sec corp (and becoming a director) we were assimilated into TunDraGon, and now I'm a director in TDG as well.

Been in lowsec since 2011, then.

Oh but a few times before that I had gone into lowsec for that one battleground salvaging mission that sent you like 12 jumps into low. Never had a problem with that mission or gotten camped. Also think I lost a ferox to an ishtar in a low sec mission. That was when I said "K the ferox sucks even though it looks nice, time to buy the ugly drake" (which was super true back in 2010)

--But I did die going through tama recently, server tick away from warping in a hawk :(

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Swamp Panthers
#42 - 2014-11-27 17:20:35 UTC
I was only a few days old and I decided I wanted to see the edge of the galaxy. I hopped in my trusty slasher and flew all the way to fountain, only seeing 1 ship on the way. After finding a station out there and not being able to dock (and not knowing why) I decided to fly back to high sec. After many jumps, I hit warp to the last gate before highsec, and upon landing, appeared in a new clone in station. I later learned that I was killed by a smartbomb, and I wanted to try out these modules for myself.
Adela Talvanen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#43 - 2014-11-27 18:04:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Adela Talvanen
I wanted to have a look at the Titan graveyard in B-R5RB so I jumped into my trusty Cormorant set the course engaged autopilot and off I went on a 30 something gate trip, got 3 systems into low sec before I went into a warp bubble and then was podded and pod killed.
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#44 - 2014-11-27 22:46:20 UTC
I honestly can't remember. I do remember staying in hisec for most of the first two months because it was more suitable to learn basic mechanics on your own. Might have welped a few frigates just to see what it was like. I remember doing a courier contract for the guy that got me into the game as a practice run on day three. Lol Went pretty well actually, it took me jumping into a bubbled gate as I got the hang of bouncing around pretty quick. Not much lost on a few days old character.

I decided I wanted to go the PVP route so I chose exploration/missions as early ISK makers. I'm a webdeveloper so hacking appealed to me, and I figured doing PVE combat would at least push me towards combat oriented ships. A wise choice in retrospect, as covops let you explore lowsec with near impunity and combat skills let you run the harder sites.

I couldn't find a proper corp for me so I started my own way to early. Still got through all the bad weather though. But also joined another corp just to see what lowsec was really like. Gave me some insight and a more clear idea what I wanted to do in the future. After that alliance fell apart I rebooted UICON, planted a flag in lowsec, and gathered an excellent crew of guys to fly with.

Tried nullsec, didn't appeal to me, tried wspace, had lots of fun, but decided lowsec is my preferred combat environment and went back. Planted another flag and been a happy capsuleer ever since! Lol
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#45 - 2014-11-27 23:51:11 UTC
I don't remember if my first time in lowsec was mining in a retriever or ratting in a drake. Both times ended with a trip to the clone bay, though.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Sequester Risalo
German Corps of Engineers 17
Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.
#46 - 2014-11-28 12:23:33 UTC
Keras Authion wrote:
I accidentally bought a skillbook in a lowsec station when I was a day or few old. Of course it was a good portion of my isk at the time so I picked up a condor that the tutorials left me so I would have a fighting chance if nasty pirates would harass me (lol). I undocked and set a course for the station. Nothing happened and I headed back home. Nothing happened that time either.

Same here. I bought plenty of skilklbooks in low-sec without ever being chased by the locals.

Critically Preposterous
#47 - 2014-11-28 12:33:28 UTC
can't remember, so i'll just say EXPLOSIONS
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#48 - 2014-11-28 20:11:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
Back in my day, when we would kill dinosaurs in 3' of snow during downtime (you see the ice age was just starting), going into lowsec as a noob did not mean instant and certain death.

In fact if you didn't have anything worth popping or taking, real pirates didn't bother. They didn't want noobs getting angry and quitting. They wanted the noobs to stay in the game and come back later with something more valuable to take away or ransom (and honor said ransom). By this time they were no longer noobs anyway and knew better.

And this was BEFORE warp-to-zero. Several times through Amamake in a capsule, no death even.

And now... well the kind of players that inhabit lowsec have managed to defeat the game. They have won. They should be congratulated on their epic leetness by leaving it all to them and not bothering to trespass in it while they play something else and waiting to be batphoned to gank that one occasional noob who was not previously made aware of all that leetness but probably won't stick around anyway.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

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