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My first time in lowsec

The Greatest Corp in the Universe
#1 - 2014-11-09 00:20:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyndrogen
When I started playing eve online I didn't really understand lowsec mechanics or nullsec etc.

I remember I was only a month old toon, I flew to TAMA to deliver robotics to a very high buy order. There is a reason the buy order was so high. I jumped into system, was almost insta locked, webbed, scrammed and after two volleys my ship suddenly upgraded to a pod! Cool! Immediately after I saw a bright flash of light and was kindly teleported back to highsec. Snigwaffe, never heard of them before venturing to Tama. That was 5 years ago, since then I have lived in lowsec, ran mission, ratted and even managed a POS for a period of time.

I went into a rage over losing a hauler ship, a badger. LOL. The people in Jita felt bad and gave me a little ISK to cover my loss. So funny to think about it now.

What was your trip to lowsec like the first time you ventured into the wild?

Every day in every way I improve my skills and get better.

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#2 - 2014-11-09 00:27:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Day 6 in the game I was blown up in a duel in my rookie system having no clue what I was doing. Loved it instantly and decided to move to lowsec.

So I moved to Siseide when it was regularly camped. Was smashed for a couple of weeks before thinking that maybe GalCal space would be better.

Still knowing nothing, I moved to Old Man Star.

At least I was good food for Soul Takers.

Seems to have worked out ok though. I still love it just as much as I did that first pvp experience and have met some of the nicest people I've ever met, through random encounters and fights.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#3 - 2014-11-09 00:35:41 UTC
Wayy back when, I was told that Lowsec was a good place to find fights in a frigate.

It took a good 20 jumps before I found someone who would politely relieve me of my hull.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Some Rando
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-11-09 00:37:24 UTC
I hauled some stuff through Amamake as a total newb back in the day, actually turned out to be a good shortcut the first time through. When I came back through the second time I got caught in a camp. I wasn't so much mad as perplexed. We got blown up in that area ratting a little later and that was when I learned my lesson. I spent some time figuring out how to move around "bad" space and practicing after that. Lived in a wormhole for a while, did a bunch of PvP in low-sec (I'm a terrible pirate), used to rat in Syndicate and Great Wildlands... Now I day-trip wormholes from low-sec because it's fun and fairly lucrative for my limited play time.

CCP has no sense of humour.

Vardaugas Family
#5 - 2014-11-09 00:37:27 UTC
First time I went into low-sec I was invited to a corp in Minmatar space and had to go to there from Amarr. autopilot default setting lead me through low-sec. So I loaded my trusty tormentor with all my stuff to move down there to the corp and first jump into low-sec, I got popped and podded before I even knew what was happening.

I was a bit shocked at what just happened, but my new CEO helped me out with replacing implants and telling me where to set up a saver route.

Another time I intentionally went into low-sec to mine Jaspet in a cloaking Exequror just to learn how to interpret directional scan results and try to survive. I survived, strange enough and had some fun watching people rat in the belts unaware that I was mining there, sitting cloaked in between the rocks, just far enough away for the cloak to work. Only close call was a raven that dropped right on top of me, just as I entered warp after I got startled by a noob-ship catching me visible in the belt.

It's all a matter of what you plan to do and where you go. At worst it's a learning experience, at best it's fun. Just don't take your survival for granted.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2014-11-09 00:55:46 UTC
I used to jump in drunk in a stealth bomber looking for people up black rise way. Never did find anyone.

Spent a lot of time in there repairing sec status (no tag option at that time), it was in that period I realised just how quiet the place really is once you get 2+ jumps from high sec.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#7 - 2014-11-09 01:28:24 UTC
I first went into near Hek on a different character. I remember being intensely nervous but can't remember why I went there. Probably a market order. I remember my first visit on this character for PvP - I podded someone!

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#8 - 2014-11-09 02:03:23 UTC
I was picked up pretty early by what seemd to be a laid back highsec indy alliance. About two months later, they started to organize lowsec roams. Right from the start I was asked to bring a battlecruiser. Back then, this was still a pretty big deal. Due to my very restricted playtime I wasn't exactly drowning in isk. When we finally formed the fleet in the first lowsec system, I found myself surrounded by -10s and I was the only one with a sec status above -5 Lol.

Over time I took that Harbinger on half a dozen lowsec roams and a couple of wormhole evictions with those guys and it is still sitting in my hangar. During our adventures I only got podded once. The members of this laid back highsec indy alliance turned out to live all over the place in lowsec, nullsec and whs.

I know, I was incredibly lucky back then.

Remove standings and insurance.

Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#9 - 2014-11-09 09:35:52 UTC
i wanted to serve my country but i wasn't a good industrialist and only have my body to sacrifice therefore i joined the "war"in the frontlines.

i joined one of the best newb-friendly FW corps in the universe. all the things a newb needs we provide, from fitted doctrine ships, compilation of knowledge (from our own wiki), hauling service and most esp. content.

1st day in FW, 1st operation -deplex our home system. 1st lesson learned, "don't warp to accel gate at 0", got podded also was a blast since then! Lol

Just Add Water

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#10 - 2014-11-09 09:51:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Baneken
Some Rando wrote:
I hauled some stuff through Amamake as a total newb back in the day, actually turned out to be a good shortcut the first time through. When I came back through the second time I got caught in a camp. I wasn't so much mad as perplexed. We got blown up in that area ratting a little later and that was when I learned my lesson. I spent some time figuring out how to move around "bad" space and practicing after that. Lived in a wormhole for a while, did a bunch of PvP in low-sec (I'm a terrible pirate), used to rat in Syndicate and Great Wildlands... Now I day-trip wormholes from low-sec because it's fun and fairly lucrative for my limited play time.

Well your story sounds a lot like some newbs from old corp, evem the ratting part in GW. :)

Anyway we had told some newbs a million times about not using the autopilot when we joined FW and even had it in corp mail and in MOTD with huge letters saying avoid Kamela and what do you know the next day kill board had someone's 'hooker, booze & junk badger' worth all of his EVE possessions blown up and a sad newb bawling for his lost 'fortune' on the corp chat.

Migth add that back in the day you had to manually check if there was low sec system in between, none of this 'see immediately red on route' mollycoddling we have today.
Josef Djugashvilis
#11 - 2014-11-09 11:05:30 UTC
Friend of mine used to prefer mining in lo-sec, so I used to 'guard' him with my T1 Atron.

It only went well if no one else came into the system.

This is not a signature.

Hal Morsh
#12 - 2014-11-09 11:28:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Hal Morsh
I remember when I found some dark ochre and gneiss in lowsec. I forget how or why I was even there, but 2~3 of us got in our ventures and starting mining.

It was semi okay, but I eventually just tried killing a rat with an incursus (it killed a venture or two), which I couldn't. Someone also lost a ship to some warpin. We didn't know about d-scan but to warp if anyone came in the site.

The medal of honor comment was because I occupied the rat for half an hour or so. But look at that fit X_x

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-11-09 12:57:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Tipa Riot
My first time in Low was on March 1st this year when first I felt ready for nonconsensual PvP and was seeking for fights in my new Hawk .... eventually I was killed by an Enyo in seconds ... today I know why ;). I was able to compensate that shortly after with killing a Comet with my Triple-Neut "Doomsday" Tristan. Before that I brought a ceptor into structure with a battle Heron before I was killed by his buddy in a wormhole ...because I ejected the wrong drones.

I never touched my lvl4 Raven again since then. Big smile

I'm my own NPC alt.

Grauth Thorner
Vicious Trading Company
#14 - 2014-11-09 13:21:23 UTC
Cyndrogen wrote:
When I started playing eve online I didn't really understand lowsec mechanics or nullsec etc.

I remember I was only a month old toon, I flew to TAMA to deliver robotics to a very high buy order. There is a reason the buy order was so high. I jumped into system, was almost insta locked, webbed, scrammed and after two volleys my ship suddenly upgraded to a pod! Cool! Immediately after I saw a bright flash of light and was kindly teleported back to highsec. Snigwaffe, never heard of them before venturing to Tama. That was 5 years ago, since then I have lived in lowsec, ran mission, ratted and even managed a POS for a period of time.

I went into a rage over losing a hauler ship, a badger. LOL. The people in Jita felt bad and gave me a little ISK to cover my loss. So funny to think about it now.

What was your trip to lowsec like the first time you ventured into the wild?

My first time was with a hauler as well, but with some crappy fit I used for mining. I had just invented AFK-mining (at least, it felt like I invented it), flying in a Bestower with a T1 miner during moments I would be AFK for at least an hour. I thought to myself: Lower security means more expensive and more ores, let's see how low I can go! At that point I had no idea there was something called high-sec, low-sec or even null-sec and I had no idea what the consequences were so I went for it. Before I knew it I was being chased by some pirates. Smart as I was I just thought to myself: ruuuuuun!

And so I did, but ofcourse, after jumping to the next system called Sahda (still low-sec), they caught up on me, got a point and asked me to pay like 5 million ISK or else I would loose my ship. Tough as I was (I was flying a Besty after all, it doesn't get much tougher than that!) I rejected their 'offer' thinking I still had a chance to escape (we were still at the gate after all). Apparently they didn't take no for an answer and all of a sudden I saw some fireworks and my Besty was a goner. I somehow did manage to get my pod out though.

I also recently learned about hauling some stuff to make some easy money. So to cover my loss I thought to myself 'well why not make a couple of hauls with a new Besty, so I can get enough money to buy another Besty in case this one is also destroyed.'. And so I did, bought 5k Mechanical Parts and hauled them to a station not too far away from my location. I had to go through low-sec but I still had no idea that there was a difference between high, low and null-sec. So I went for it, and before I knew it I was in Naguton (which apparently lies next to Sahda) and guess who I found there... The exact same pirates that killed me only 39 minutes ago. This time they weren't going to give me an offer though. They destroyed my new Besty, and this time I couldn't get away in my pod either. That's when I rage-quit EVE for a loooong time.

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Keras Authion
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-11-09 13:22:47 UTC
I accidentally bought a skillbook in a lowsec station when I was a day or few old. Of course it was a good portion of my isk at the time so I picked up a condor that the tutorials left me so I would have a fighting chance if nasty pirates would harass me (lol). I undocked and set a course for the station. Nothing happened and I headed back home. Nothing happened that time either.

Some months later I was doing some exploration in my drake in a remote area of Amarr space. One of them escalated into lowsec a few jumps deep so I picked a quiet time of the day and headed in. I fit a small neut instead of the probe laucher for marginal protection if a frigate would appear (lol again) and got to the escalation safe.

I kept spamming d-scan and when the combat probes appeared I started aligning to the return gate, only to notice a scrambler rat had gotten close. Luckily the prober wasn't too good at the probes so I managed to get rid of the rat and slip away. At the high sec gate a tengu landed at the gate just at the time I was jumping to safety.

I guess I have been lucky.

This post was rated "C" for capsuleer.

Hogan's Heroes
#16 - 2014-11-09 13:35:32 UTC
Think i was a few weeks old had to go through a lowsec system can't remember why it was sooo long ago, it was aound march time 2004, jumped into an 0.4 system saw alot of people near the gate wondered what was happening next thing targeted and went boom. I died to a member of m00.
Steve Wingyip
#17 - 2014-11-09 14:26:48 UTC
This is my first time in low sec.

Cloaked escort and the most unlikely stargate spawn that gets me killed.

The stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they're watching over me.

Lfod Shi
Lfod's Ratting and Salvage
#18 - 2014-11-09 15:16:40 UTC
First time in Low I thought solo mining was a good idea. Boy did I make for a fat, clueless target! That was all it took, now I spend a great deal of time in Low playing my own version of Capture the Flag. i.e. Find goodies, secure goodies, get away with goodies. I'm still terrible at pvp, but I am excellent at wasting hostile player's time.

♪ They'll always be bloodclaws to me ♫

#19 - 2014-11-09 16:25:18 UTC
First ever time in lowsec was when I joined my first corp and needed to move my **** to corp staging system. Only problem was I was in a Caldari starter system and corp was located in Gallente Placid highsec.

This was a prime example where ignorance is bliss, since i selected "Prefer shorter" which took me through 8 jumps of Black Rise lowsec, entry lowsec system being Tama... I even made 3 trips back and forth and didn't get blown up hilariously. I was in my Mammoth. Bob must have been watching over me that day.

Then again it wouldn't be EVE unless you learn the hard way, which I did a month later when taking 2 jumps into quiet Placid lowsec to buy some PI stuff and getting blown up on my way back out.

This signature intentionally left blank

Karl Jerr
Herzack Unit
#20 - 2014-11-09 17:49:30 UTC
First time in Lowsec I did bookmarks and planetary surveys to replace the sucky PI of hisec, with full red cheeks by the adrenaline, I gone far until a EE fleet came in the system and one of them said in local "wazzup bitches" to the two neutrals we were, me and another guy.
I was in rofl and said to myself "welcome to Lowsec" Big smileBear
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