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Can we have an option to hide the Compass?

First post
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#81 - 2014-11-11 08:54:04 UTC
Adrie Atticus wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Jur Tissant wrote:
CCP introduces feature A, includes toggle A.

CCP introduces feature B, includes toggle B.


CCP introduces feature X, includes toggle X.

and so forth. The UI and config menus are already tricky enough to work out, thorough customization controls would just make it more of a clustered nuisance. I bet if you turn off all the markers you won't even notice the compass given a week or two.
This is indeed the crux of the matter. We want to offer the ability to customize features and sometimes when appropriate hide them but that is not always the best approach. Always including the option to wholesale turn off features makes it difficult for us to maintain a consistent experience.

What if the experience is something which is not embraced by users due to the design being flawed (see Windows 8)?
To be fair, a lot of people don't care about the removal of the start button (then subsequent replacement with a button that does pretty much nothing) in Windows 8. Most people complaining were people incapable of dealing with change rather than people that actually found a tile based menu difficult to use. I imagine this is the case here. It's not that the new compass is actually affecting gameplay at all, it's purely a "THAT'S DIFFERENT NOW! MAKE IT OLD AGAIN!" reaction.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
#82 - 2014-11-11 10:43:32 UTC
Ferni Ka'Nviiou wrote:
Surely I'm not the only one who finds the Space Compass rather annoying?
I want to use my sensor overlay, but I don't want the HUD to be surrounded by coloured dashes.

Obviously, the EVE interface is already highly customisable.

We can:
-Hide the sensor overlay
-Minimise each individual 'window'
-Hide the HUD buttons, and modules
-Turn off the new notifications feature
-Hide the Neocom
-And we can remove any annoying Brackets from our UI

But we can't obscure the Compass Indicators without also hiding the sensor overlay.

I realise that the Compass is integrated with the sensor overlay options, but can't we have some sort of option to hide the markers separately?

Best way to hide the attention to what's going on in front of your ship and stop looking at it. It'll be like it's not even there in no time. Lol

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#83 - 2014-11-11 16:15:40 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Ferni Ka'Nviiou wrote:
Surely I'm not the only one who finds the Space Compass rather annoying?
I want to use my sensor overlay, but I don't want the HUD to be surrounded by coloured dashes.

Obviously, the EVE interface is already highly customisable.

We can:
-Hide the sensor overlay
-Minimise each individual 'window'
-Hide the HUD buttons, and modules
-Turn off the new notifications feature
-Hide the Neocom
-And we can remove any annoying Brackets from our UI

But we can't obscure the Compass Indicators without also hiding the sensor overlay.

I realise that the Compass is integrated with the sensor overlay options, but can't we have some sort of option to hide the markers separately?

Best way to hide the attention to what's going on in front of your ship and stop looking at it. It'll be like it's not even there in no time. Lol

Just turn it all off. Unfortunately you still get the screen real estate eaten up by hovering over it when you're moving the mouse to the HUD. It's the fact that CCP spends their time on bad changes that people can't customize, revert, etc, that bothers me.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

#84 - 2014-11-14 02:04:32 UTC
i can't believe no one has noticed this .. and someone on page one or two challenged someone to point out where it makes it easier to find anything ..

Look at the compass. Now look back at me. Now look at the compass again (Big smile) Notice the ring that runs around the inside of the compass area ? That is the zero galactic plane. A dot above the line will indicate that the object is above the zero plane. A dot below .. thats right .. below the galactic plane.

Find something in space .. I don't care, point at it and pitch the nose of your ship fully up and then fully down while watching the dot. Notice how it moves vertically ? There is your "Z" indicator. There is how to find something quickly w/o having to spin in circles pointed down, then neutral, then up just to find something visually in space.

And to all the "its annoying", "I don't want it", or "its not useful". Don't look at it. Don't use it then. Ignore it .. holy crap.
Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2014-11-14 02:52:23 UTC
Ferni Ka'Nviiou wrote:
Surely I'm not the only one who finds the Space Compass rather annoying?

No..... you totally are the only one.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#86 - 2014-11-14 04:14:48 UTC

Since the Space Compass is annoying people, may I request that a toggle to turn it off is never implemented?


I support my own request.

Call me Joe.

Ferni Ka'Nviiou
#87 - 2014-11-14 04:50:57 UTC
Hallvardr wrote:
i can't believe no one has noticed this .. and someone on page one or two challenged someone to point out where it makes it easier to find anything ..

Look at the compass. Now look back at me. Now look at the compass again (Big smile) Notice the ring that runs around the inside of the compass area ? That is the zero galactic plane. A dot above the line will indicate that the object is above the zero plane. A dot below .. thats right .. below the galactic plane.

Find something in space .. I don't care, point at it and pitch the nose of your ship fully up and then fully down while watching the dot. Notice how it moves vertically ? There is your "Z" indicator. There is how to find something quickly w/o having to spin in circles pointed down, then neutral, then up just to find something visually in space.

And to all the "its annoying", "I don't want it", or "its not useful". Don't look at it. Don't use it then. Ignore it .. holy crap.

*Sigh. It's not about a lack of understanding of the feature. It's about the sensor overlay visibility being linked to the compass.
It's asking for BiS without also making your HUD a jumble of incomprehensible white marks. You can turn off the compass marks, sure. But that doesn't solve the issue.

I'm hoping you're the last person who misses the point. Because this thread is not about removing the feature.
Plug in Baby
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2014-11-14 06:04:28 UTC
There is like a 100 page threadnaught on toggling the jump animation and nothing has been done about that I think so probably not.

This is not a forum alt, this is a forum main.

Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#89 - 2014-11-14 15:18:57 UTC
13kr1d1 wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Ferni Ka'Nviiou wrote:
Surely I'm not the only one who finds the Space Compass rather annoying?
I want to use my sensor overlay, but I don't want the HUD to be surrounded by coloured dashes.

Obviously, the EVE interface is already highly customisable.

We can:
-Hide the sensor overlay
-Minimise each individual 'window'
-Hide the HUD buttons, and modules
-Turn off the new notifications feature
-Hide the Neocom
-And we can remove any annoying Brackets from our UI

But we can't obscure the Compass Indicators without also hiding the sensor overlay.

I realise that the Compass is integrated with the sensor overlay options, but can't we have some sort of option to hide the markers separately?

Best way to hide the attention to what's going on in front of your ship and stop looking at it. It'll be like it's not even there in no time. Lol

Just turn it all off. Unfortunately you still get the screen real estate eaten up by hovering over it when you're moving the mouse to the HUD. It's the fact that CCP spends their time on bad changes that people can't customize, revert, etc, that bothers me.

Bad is a subjective statement. You find it bad, others don't.
McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#90 - 2014-11-15 00:43:40 UTC  |  Edited by: McChicken Combo HalfMayo
There's nothing wrong with having an option to turn it off. The more customization for the UI the better. Lots of armchair developers in here claiming to know how much of a burden it may/may not be to provide such a feature Blink.

On the flip side, it's not a big deal. I asked for a similar feature on day 1 of Phoebe but have since forgotten that it's even there until this thread.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Moonlit Raid
#91 - 2014-11-15 06:19:29 UTC
I just don't get the point of it at all. I really don't.

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

Alia Ravenswing
#92 - 2014-11-15 23:35:42 UTC
I have always wanted a compass, but it's annoying in it's current form. I need a compass to reference for other players.


Toon1: The enemy ship just cloaked. He is heading at 117° with a 40° climb.

Toon2: I'm cloaked at your si o'clock position. and positioning to drop a bomb on the cloaked ship.

EXAMPLE 2 (In deadspace - No Warping)

Toon1: Enemy is in a fast moving ship at 20°, about 1200 Km away and moving at 3000 m/s.

Toon2: Roger that, I am in pursuit at 20° at 5300 m/s. I should catch him in a few minutes. I can hold him at that point, or engage.

Zircron Industries
#93 - 2014-11-16 23:20:12 UTC
i like the **** in space but the compass suck because it show every thing which just make it useless
i can disable stuff on the compass ye but that will then also remove the stuff in space so fix the compass in some way because the way it is now it suck
here you go 50 lines pointing some where

some thing like
i want only my book mark shown on the compass you cant do that with out disable every thing else but i will like to keep every thing else in space why is compass and the space thing not a separated thing or at lest an option for it ?
Ferni Ka'Nviiou
#94 - 2014-11-16 23:46:04 UTC
shimiku wrote:
i like the **** in space but the compass suck because it show every thing which just make it useless
i can disable stuff on the compass ye but that will then also remove the stuff in space so fix the compass in some way because the way it is now it suck
here you go 50 lines pointing some where

some thing like
i want only my book mark shown on the compass you cant do that with out disable every thing else but i will like to keep every thing else in space why is compass and the space thing not a separated thing or at lest an option for it ?

That's what the original post is about.
I doubt it'll be fixed, though. It seems to always be the way:

'Here, have a new feature!'
'That feature could do with some improvement'
'But then we'd have to develop it more! What are you, insane?'
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#95 - 2014-11-17 10:48:08 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Not to put too fine a point on it, but this comes down to those that use their bookmarks for combat purposes and those that don't. Simply put, if you don't use them for tactical jumps in a combat situation the compass isn't as useful to you.

Combine that with a general lack of understanding about how to use the compass in the first place (indicators of what is above/below your current plane render 2d/3d arguments moot) and ignorance of the fact that most of EVE is laid out on a generally flat plane (as most solar systems are) and the end result is this thread.

Frankly, if the compass had been in EVE since day 1 you would simply accept it as a normal and necessary part of the UI and be outraged if it was removed... and if you think about it really hard you would realize there are a dozen other features of the EVE UI you see every day but rarely (if ever) make use of in your chosen profession.

To be fair though.... remember when eve had the sonar/compas blue thingy in the lower right corner? I feel like it was slightly more useful than the current compass around the HUD we have today.

I got a Feature Added!

Stop calling an Abaddon "abba-dawn".  It is "uh-bad-in"

Ling Noy
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#96 - 2014-11-17 11:30:30 UTC
Ferni Ka'Nviiou wrote:
Hallvardr wrote:
i can't believe no one has noticed this .. and someone on page one or two challenged someone to point out where it makes it easier to find anything ..

Look at the compass. Now look back at me. Now look at the compass again (Big smile) Notice the ring that runs around the inside of the compass area ? That is the zero galactic plane. A dot above the line will indicate that the object is above the zero plane. A dot below .. thats right .. below the galactic plane.

Find something in space .. I don't care, point at it and pitch the nose of your ship fully up and then fully down while watching the dot. Notice how it moves vertically ? There is your "Z" indicator. There is how to find something quickly w/o having to spin in circles pointed down, then neutral, then up just to find something visually in space.

And to all the "its annoying", "I don't want it", or "its not useful". Don't look at it. Don't use it then. Ignore it .. holy crap.

*Sigh. It's not about a lack of understanding of the feature. It's about the sensor overlay visibility being linked to the compass.
It's asking for BiS without also making your HUD a jumble of incomprehensible white marks. You can turn off the compass marks, sure. But that doesn't solve the issue.

I'm hoping you're the last person who misses the point. Because this thread is not about removing the feature.

Le sigh, my 2 Screens are too much distraction, can I please remove one of the Screens so I am not getting distracted too much?
Sorry, I couldn´t resist but the "compass" is nothing to be honest. Try out tactical overlays or even civilian in a plane and come back with "too much distraction". The compass is nothing.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2014-11-22 02:39:22 UTC  |  Edited by: 13kr1d1
Ling Noy wrote:
Ferni Ka'Nviiou wrote:
Hallvardr wrote:
i can't believe no one has noticed this .. and someone on page one or two challenged someone to point out where it makes it easier to find anything ..

Look at the compass. Now look back at me. Now look at the compass again (Big smile) Notice the ring that runs around the inside of the compass area ? That is the zero galactic plane. A dot above the line will indicate that the object is above the zero plane. A dot below .. thats right .. below the galactic plane.

Find something in space .. I don't care, point at it and pitch the nose of your ship fully up and then fully down while watching the dot. Notice how it moves vertically ? There is your "Z" indicator. There is how to find something quickly w/o having to spin in circles pointed down, then neutral, then up just to find something visually in space.

And to all the "its annoying", "I don't want it", or "its not useful". Don't look at it. Don't use it then. Ignore it .. holy crap.

*Sigh. It's not about a lack of understanding of the feature. It's about the sensor overlay visibility being linked to the compass.
It's asking for BiS without also making your HUD a jumble of incomprehensible white marks. You can turn off the compass marks, sure. But that doesn't solve the issue.

I'm hoping you're the last person who misses the point. Because this thread is not about removing the feature.

Le sigh, my 2 Screens are too much distraction, can I please remove one of the Screens so I am not getting distracted too much?
Sorry, I couldn´t resist but the "compass" is nothing to be honest. Try out tactical overlays or even civilian in a plane and come back with "too much distraction". The compass is nothing.

because necessary tools are exactly the same as superfluous bells and whistles that don't really do anything. you can come back when news tickers for stocks, the weather, and your daily horoscope are flashing across those tactical overlays.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Jenshae Chiroptera
#98 - 2014-11-22 03:18:22 UTC
I have no use for the compass and already ignore it. I had to think pretty hard to realise what the OP was talking about.

Main thing I do not like is various anoms like mining ones being easy to warp points. Should have to scan those down. They were a little safer than belts. X

More of CCP serving up victims and easy kills. So lame.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Princess Bride
#99 - 2014-11-22 04:08:53 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
... tactical jumps in a combat situation...

Tell us more about how the compass is useful for tactical jumping.

How many bookmarks do you make when leading a fleet Princess?

You know what PVP fleets really love? Fleetmates that mix up the word "warp" with "jump".

BMs are very useful in a "combat situation" WARP to. NOT to JUMP to. Roll

I have no choice but to conclude that people who call warping jumping like you did have more hours logged watching BSG than PVPing on Eve.

Mharius Skjem
Guardians of the Underworld
#100 - 2014-11-24 08:49:17 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
I have no use for the compass and already ignore it. I had to think pretty hard to realise what the OP was talking about.

Main thing I do not like is various anoms like mining ones being easy to warp points. Should have to scan those down. They were a little safer than belts. X

More of CCP serving up victims and easy kills. So lame.

I actually quite like the compass, but I agree with you about the amoms.

A recovering btter vet,  with a fresh toon and a determination to like everything that CCP does to Eve...

Don't take me too seriously though, I like to tease a bit on the forums, but that's only because I love you...