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Make battleships and battlecruisers worth the warp! 2.0

First post
Cynosural Samurai
#461 - 2015-03-31 06:55:17 UTC
I did forward this thread to corbexx and via him to CCP... But i guess when cruisers deal 47%(ish) of all PVP damage in eve "battleships are in a good place right now" so its all cool...

God i loved that reddit thread where they took that graph CCP posted and fiddled with it until i showed what's ACTUALLY going on...
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#462 - 2015-03-31 13:12:59 UTC
FireFrenzy wrote:
I did forward this thread to corbexx and via him to CCP... But i guess when cruisers deal 47%(ish) of all PVP damage in eve "battleships are in a good place right now" so its all cool...

God i loved that reddit thread where they took that graph CCP posted and fiddled with it until i showed what's ACTUALLY going on...

I missed that one, link?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#463 - 2015-03-31 13:46:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Shaklu
In my opinion Battleship tank and damage should be doubled, or made to be closer to 15-20% of a Dreadnaught. They seem to have been changed very little over the years, while many new powerful ships have been added and since eclipsed the role of BS in fights.

You can fit a T2 Cruiser to have more tank and equal dps as a Battleship, with a tiny sig radius and high agility and speed, effectively making them better than Battleships in every single way. Heck, the Ishtar even uses Battleship weapons and is literally a Dominix with high speed, agility, and a tiny signature. So buff up the BS!

T1 Battleship fleets should be pretty darn impressive, and T2 should be threatening to capital fleets, more-so than cruisers. I'd like to see T2 fit BSs with 200k EHP and 2k DPS. They are also generally much more expensive than Cruisers, without a huge benefit. T2 Cruisers cost about 2/3 of a T1 battleship, which makes sense - IF the Battleship was stronger. They still can't hit smaller ships very well because of gun tracking, but they would be great for straight brawls with other BS and Capitals. Plus they would be much harder to kill, which makes sense.

Yeah, you could overwhelm a Battleship fleet with Cruisers, but realistically the good counter to a Battleship fleet should be.. another Battleship fleet or a Capital fleet to squish it, which would then be countered with another Capital fleet. Cruisers would have trouble breaking the tank of the Battleship, where Battleships would have trouble tracking the smaller, faster cruisers.

Obviously it would be a pretty huge undertaking, as PVE would need to be re-hauled if Battleships are suddenly 2x stronger than they were, but I think that a BS buff would be a great bonus to EVE, especially if it closed the gap some between sub-Capitals and Capitals. A fully fitted T2 Battleship with all the bells and whistles costs 600-800k ISK, A T2 fit Carrier costs about 2-3x that, but they are 10x stronger.

Battlecruisers could simply have their stats adjusted to be what battleships are now, but keep the lower sig and such that the BC hulls have. This would create an even progression of relative ship size and power from frig-dread, or at least a more even one than exists now.

tl/dr: Greatly buff Battleships' EHP/DPS in order to make them stronger than Cruisers, and close the gap between sub-Capitals and Capitals.
Black Jack 0-1
#464 - 2015-03-31 16:25:57 UTC
Just give them all 500k + ehp, battleship level dps and all the other bonuses you get from t3s. Of course there would be tears from the people who want tech 3 to be only as good as tech 2, but you can't please everybody.
Cynosural Samurai
#465 - 2015-03-31 16:57:51 UTC
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#466 - 2015-03-31 18:07:40 UTC
Shaklu wrote:

Obviously it would be a pretty huge undertaking, as PVE would need to be re-hauled if Battleships are suddenly 2x stronger than they were, but I think that a BS buff would be a great bonus to EVE, especially if it closed the gap some between sub-Capitals and Capitals. A fully fitted T2 Battleship with all the bells and whistles costs 600-800k ISK, A T2 fit Carrier costs about 2-3x that, but they are 10x stronger.

WTB battleships for less than 1M, and carriers for less than 10M.
But this cuts to one of the hearts of the issue. It wasn't nearly as bad a step pre-teiracide, so you could in theory tailor your preferred ship to the tier of BS or BC that you wanted, and battleship hulls were starting at about 2x battlecruiser hulls, for about 1.3x the base performance and more fitting options. With tieracide pushing all battleships to the materials cost of the previously tier 3 battleships, this stepping stone of performance vs cost went away, and thus removed cheaper battleship doctrines.

To CCP: It isn't any one changes that broke them, it is the cumulative series of changes.

This, combined with the major buff to t1 cruisers and frigates, meant that they were for tactical and low level strategic force projection. A way to get the most out of a fleet without committing capitals, with the weeks of build time associated with the possible replacement of heavy losses, even for carriers and dreads. Then comes the warp speed change, and they become bridged trailer queens, fired from a titan into a fight on a cyno. Broke the cheap and available way of using them for force projection, so then it required titans on call which required sovereignty to build, making the bar to entry that much higher.

Now comes jump fatigue and shorter bridging and jump limits. It mostly removes the issues of the main force projection methods requiring a titan, as force projection with battleships is now negligible. Skilled and wealthy alliances use t3s, less so have HACs. Battleships are relegated to trying to kill small capital fleets and defending objectives. They just aren't worth hauling about most of the time unless you can guarantee a fight, as they are much slower over long distances even than battlecruisers, which suffer from many of the same problems but to a lesser extent.

So please, CCP, review at least one of these aspects in more detail.
I'm not trying to ask for a whole lot. I'd just like to see
1: Bringing the ships up to where they would be curve fit to performance vs price for t1 ships (frigate through carrier/dread)
2: A moderate mineral cost reduction
3 More nifty battleship only options that are useful, like the MJD was before the deployable and medium versions happened.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#467 - 2015-03-31 18:49:40 UTC

The root suck with BC's and BS's is the slow warp speed itself.

Here's the thing. CCP you are staring down the barrel of competition with more twitch-based flight models like Star Citizen and Elite:Dangerous, and while I am zipping around in ships in those games with my hair on fire, you are telling me when I log into EVE my BC's and BS's have to troddle through gates like they are lumbering freighters?

There is no reason why their speeds (and corresponding faster classes) can't have their warp speeds re-buffed, provided a delta remains with fast tackle. BC's and BS's become 'fun to fly again', and you still have tackle that greatly outpaces them. Done.

Any conversations around EHP or DAM are secondary to this much needed speed fix IMHO, because if a sub-capital ship simply doesn't meet the 'fun to fly' smell test, you are done already...I'm leaving it in my hangar.


Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#468 - 2015-03-31 18:56:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Shaklu wrote:
In my opinion Battleship tank and damage should be doubled, or made to be closer to 15-20% of a Dreadnaught.

This. This. This. This. This.

There is a too big of a gap between Battleship and Carrier/unsieged Dread damage.

The gap between cruiser-battleship damage is far too narrow, plus attack battlecruisers do the same damage as Battleships, but with bette mobility and survivability at 1/3 the cost, making Battleships irrelevant.

Up the damage to 1400-1800 DPS levels for a standard 3x damage mod fit with short range weapon systems. Doubling the damage bonuses on battleship hulls is all that's needed without touching anything else.

Until then, enjoy Cruisers / Dreads Online. Roll

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:

The root suck with BC's and BS's is the slow warp speed itself.

No. Roll

Carriers with fighters introduced - battleships ☑ REKT

Dreadnaughts introduced, making battleship damage levels irrelevant - ☑ REKT

Attack Battlecruisers introduced, able to use same weapons systems as battleships with the same bonuses - ☑ REKT

Drone damage modules introduced - Battleships ☑ REKT even more due to carriers

Logistic cruisers are "discovered", coupled with the new meta in cruiser sig, speed tanking makes just one t1 logi able to nullify multiple battleship damage - ☑ REKT

Stealth bombers with long range Torp spam and AoE bombs designed to kill 400m signature radius hulls - ☑ REKT

Ishtars with sentries doing the same damage at the same ranges as Tachyon/425mm railgun battleships - ☑ REKT by a cruiser hull /balanced game

T3 cruisers introduced, able to reach battleship EHP and damage levels - ☑ REKT

Battleship tiericide, bringing building cost of the BS formerly in the tier 1 and tier 2 to tier 3 levels, or roughly 180-200 mln ISK - ☑ REKT

BS ship mass is 8 times on avg larger than a HAC/T3 = barrier to "entry" into w-space PVP - ☑ REKT

Proliferation of OGB (Off Grid Boosting), chiefly Skirmish links: Untrackable cruiser sigs with unreachable speeds - ☑ REKT

Marauders are introduced. Do what a battleship is supposed to do, albeit with the same pitiful damage. Cost 1b. Enough said - ☑ REKT

Warp speed changes - Final nail in the ☑ REKT coffin

CCP, fix your game.
Zansha Expansion
#469 - 2015-03-31 21:04:18 UTC
Shaklu wrote:
In my opinion Battleship tank and damage should be doubled, or made to be closer to 15-20% of a Dreadnaught. They seem to have been changed very little over the years, while many new powerful ships have been added and since eclipsed the role of BS in fights.

You can fit a T2 Cruiser to have more tank and equal dps as a Battleship, with a tiny sig radius and high agility and speed, effectively making them better than Battleships in every single way. Heck, the Ishtar even uses Battleship weapons and is literally a Dominix with high speed, agility, and a tiny signature. So buff up the BS...

While I agree that battleships need something to compensate for the current shortcomings, a simple damage and or ehp buff won't do.

You just contradicted yourself and already answered the right question.

Here is the thing, you can triple or make battleships damage even tenfold - it just won't do you any good.

Take an Apocalyse and let's say mega-pulses do 3000dps on that Apocalyse. Then take a linked tengu or whatnot and try to hit it - nada.
You can have all the damage you want on your fitting screen but if your gun doesn't hit for any shot you just end up doing zero damage or for the slow - 0 dps.

From the other site of that fight any cruiser will do 100% to that Apocalypse of what the fitting screen is telling you it will.

Even at 1100m/s with an mwd on that Apocalypse will not be able to mitigate any damage since she will have the signature radius of the milky way galaxy at that speed.

And as I said earlier last week, the concept of 'fast attack' battleships went out the window before the tiericide approach at the concept phase.

When those mjd's were introduced they could have been a thing that battleships would have going for them but three minutes is just too long - your 250m battleship will be a yellow triangle in space by then anyways.

There are things that need to be looked at but the paper damage isn't on the list - their application is.

Long range battleship gun would need a hefty tracking increase, the signature resolution on all battleships hulls need a generous buff and short range battleship guns would need a need a milder tracking increase.

Now I have to brake a promise to James here and I hope he won't be too mad at me for it.

By battleship guns I mean all battleship wepaon system - yes CCP Fozzie that mean missile too.

You can make your jokes in front of a camera and believe I won't listen but you are clearly mistaken - information has always found a way to reach me - without even asking for it.

You may not realize it yet but my thread about missiles from four months ago does was sincere, maybe a little early for the meta to catch up but here we go.

At least some of you know that I will have adapted to metas before they even hit TQ.

That paired with a mild back-roling on the warpspeed and the pre-tiericide mineral requirement to build them will bring battleships back on the field and fun to fly and loose and do it all over again.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#470 - 2015-04-01 11:15:01 UTC
FireFrenzy wrote:


Good link, good graph, good post.

Heroic & Glorious Cruiser Combat vOv
State War Academy
Caldari State
#471 - 2015-04-01 11:19:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Shaklu
elitatwo wrote:
While I agree that battleships need something to compensate for the current shortcomings, a simple damage and or ehp buff won't do.

You just contradicted yourself and already answered the right question.

Right, like I said:

Shaklu wrote:
Yeah, you could overwhelm a Battleship fleet with Cruisers, but realistically the good counter to a Battleship fleet should be.. another Battleship fleet or a Capital fleet to squish it, which would then be countered with another Capital fleet. Cruisers would have trouble breaking the tank of the Battleship, where Battleships would have trouble tracking the smaller, faster cruisers.

The point is that a cruiser gang could apply 100% dps all day and not break the tank of a BS fleet, or at least not before logistics can land reps. If the BS fleet is outnumbered enough, then it will go down, but BS guns DO do damage against cruisers, not 0%. So the cruisers wouldn't be able to kill any, and battleships would have trouble hitting them, but the damage buff would make it possible for them to hit for enough to be threatening. That plus just having some webs and target painters and the cruiser gang would want to re-think their "keep at range, follow the leader, F1" blob.

Edit: Clarification
Let's put it another way.
Frigates can hit cruisers 100% of the time, cruisers have trouble hitting frigates. 1 frigate, however, isn't too much of a threat to a cruiser, because they are much stronger in general.
You can, however, bring a couple buddies, then that cruiser is in trouble.
On the other hand, that cruiser can have a couple webs and a target painter, or just use smaller guns and then that frigate is in trouble

That's the basis of situational fitting.

Right now Cruisers are equal to BSs in DPS/HP.

Using the above example, it would be as if frigates had the same EHP and DPS as a cruiser, but they were itsy bitsy and moved 5x faster, meaning the cruiser wouldn't be able to hit the frigate, but the frigate could melt the cruiser.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#472 - 2015-04-01 11:25:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Innate damage increase would also enable fitting of tracking enhancers, instead of 3 damage mods.

Current situation is:

Fit damage mods -> Hit nothing;
Fit TEs -> 1 logi cruiser shuts down your damage.

But even if you do manage to overcome their logi, why fly a battleship with TEs in the current meta? Just get a cruiser, which has the same or even better DPS, perfect damage application, warps faster, locks faster, great nanufaget platform, and with EHP probably equal to a battleship if you account for sig tanking.

Heroic cruiser combat. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Exotic Dancers Union
#473 - 2015-04-01 12:44:34 UTC
Why not just give Battleships a Role bonus?

Something like "Heavy Reactor" - All bonuses for overloading modules get doubled.

That would give these slow ships some more flexibility in "Mexican standoff" situations. You could tank more, be faster or deal more damage (still for a limited amount of time) according to the situation you are in.

Battlecruisers on the other side suffer most from the Offgrid-Booster mechanic. If that could get fixed, they would be in a fine place because for their ability to field links in cheap and expendable ships for the fleet.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#474 - 2015-04-01 12:48:07 UTC
Rovinia wrote:
Why not just give Battleships a Role bonus?

Something like "Heavy Reactor" - All bonuses for overloading modules get doubled.

That would give these slow ships some more flexibility in "Mexican standoff" situations. You could tank more, be faster or deal more damage (still for a limited amount of time) according to the situation you are in.

Battlecruisers on the other side suffer most from the Offgrid-Booster mechanic. If that could get fixed, they would be in a fine place because for their ability to field links in cheap and expendable ships for the fleet.

Giving them a card like that to play only really potentially fix anything in short engagement unless you plan on repairing your mods then heating them back over and over.
Exotic Dancers Union
#475 - 2015-04-01 12:58:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Rovinia
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Rovinia wrote:
Why not just give Battleships a Role bonus?

Something like "Heavy Reactor" - All bonuses for overloading modules get doubled.

That would give these slow ships some more flexibility in "Mexican standoff" situations. You could tank more, be faster or deal more damage (still for a limited amount of time) according to the situation you are in.

Battlecruisers on the other side suffer most from the Offgrid-Booster mechanic. If that could get fixed, they would be in a fine place because for their ability to field links in cheap and expendable ships for the fleet.

Giving them a card like that to play only really potentially fix anything in short engagement unless you plan on repairing your mods then heating them back over and over.

You're right, it would be a boost for a relatively short time. What makes it much easyer to balance.

I would also like to see a boost for battleships, but it have to be done very carefuly. Remote-repair battleship gangs for example would get insanely overpowered (allmost unbreakable in many situations) with some suggestions of this thread.

Perhaps "All bonuses for overloading modules get doubled and take 30% less heat damage" would be more appropriated.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#476 - 2015-04-01 13:34:37 UTC
Rovinia wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Rovinia wrote:
Why not just give Battleships a Role bonus?

Something like "Heavy Reactor" - All bonuses for overloading modules get doubled.

That would give these slow ships some more flexibility in "Mexican standoff" situations. You could tank more, be faster or deal more damage (still for a limited amount of time) according to the situation you are in.

Battlecruisers on the other side suffer most from the Offgrid-Booster mechanic. If that could get fixed, they would be in a fine place because for their ability to field links in cheap and expendable ships for the fleet.

Giving them a card like that to play only really potentially fix anything in short engagement unless you plan on repairing your mods then heating them back over and over.

You're right, it would be a boost for a relatively short time. What makes it much easyer to balance.

I would also like to see a boost for battleships, but it have to be done very carefuly. Remote-repair battleship gangs for example would get insanely overpowered (allmost unbreakable in many situations) with some suggestions of this thread.

Perhaps "All bonuses for overloading modules get doubled and take 30% less heat damage" would be more appropriated.

If a fix is actually needed, you would then be "fixed" for a few minutes top. Then it's all back to square one unless you have enough paste on board to repeat the cycle over and over. If battleship are supposed to be ship engaging in long drawn out battles as opposed to cruiser deployed more tactically in hit and run fashion, we can't "fix" battleship with short term fix.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#477 - 2015-04-01 14:56:32 UTC
Rovinia wrote:
Why not just give Battleships a Role bonus?

Something like "Heavy Reactor" - All bonuses for overloading modules get doubled.

That would give these slow ships some more flexibility in "Mexican standoff" situations. You could tank more, be faster or deal more damage (still for a limited amount of time) according to the situation you are in.

Battlecruisers on the other side suffer most from the Offgrid-Booster mechanic. If that could get fixed, they would be in a fine place because for their ability to field links in cheap and expendable ships for the fleet.

I dunno, I kinda feel like fixing the foundation is a better idea then putting a bandaid on the roof. I would love to see more battlecruisers though, they're cool.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#478 - 2015-04-01 15:06:08 UTC
I have the impression that the BS class needs to be more capital oriented.

The cruisers have become the dominant force in sub-caps, and this point seems reinforced with each new update.

Battleships don't necessarily need much more additional firepower, but I think they do need a big boost to their EHP.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#479 - 2015-04-01 15:22:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Shaklu wrote:
In my opinion Battleship tank and damage should be doubled, or made to be closer to 15-20% of a Dreadnaught.

This. This. This. This. This.

There is a too big of a gap between Battleship and Carrier/unsieged Dread damage.

I think the damage is okay because battleships are way easier to move around and are a lot cheaper than capitals. Maybe they could use a small buff to damage, definitely should out-DPS attack battlecruisers and strategic cruisers though! But I think they should shine with more HP. I'd go for a major increase to battleship HP, at minimum 50% more than current. That will give them an edge as a solid rock that can stick around in a heavy fight.

I would have given attack battlecruisers medium weapons. A full rack of 8 mediums with two weapon bonuses would make them plenty competent as an ambush ship. They don't need larges, that just makes them encroach upon battleship utility.

edit: didn't see what Nikk Narrel posted first, but there, see, I'm not the only one.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#480 - 2015-04-01 16:44:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
If you want to go non-raw way, the perfect thing for battleships already exists - it's called Bastion module.

A lesser version of it could be devised for tech 1 battleship use.