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The Federation and its oppressed nations

Gallente Federation
#21 - 2014-10-27 19:52:14 UTC
Interesting, you say the Federation needs to be destroyed but as of yet this has yet to happen, and while I know in other communications you have stated the dominance and superiority in your personal point of view of the state and how weak and decadently soft the Federation is.
Lets take this and dissect this logically from an out side none biased view point shall we.
The Caldari attacks Gallente this would be done with just fleet and military forces alone and then there is the matter of possible interference by the Minmatar who have alliances and treaties with the Federatio.
If this happens then it is most likely the Amarr would wade in to even if the state tries to refuse their help .
BUT more likely what will happen is Minmatar and Amarr will do nothing since they both have their own hands full and will just condone the fighting or use it as political ammunition against each other.

So taking this in to consideration as well as the fact that it is unlikely many of the Capsule pilots would take a direct hand in this especially in high security space where it would end up in Capsule pilot vs Capsule pilot which in turn would lead to Concord taking an interest in the matters.
I personally as my own view point have to conclude that it would be to costly in life and resources for the Sate to attempt to wipe Federation out and Vice Versa.
Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#22 - 2014-10-27 21:25:12 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

That was a lot of words, Kim.

I didn't read any of it.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Liam Antolliere
#23 - 2014-10-27 22:02:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Antolliere
(( Disregard, posting error due to response timeout ))

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Liam Antolliere
#24 - 2014-10-27 22:03:03 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:

1. There had long been bad feeling caused by the Federations tendency to 'redistribute' wealth created by Caldari thrift and economy to shore up the economies of worlds comprised of Gallentean citizens - who require a higher standard of living for less economic output than their Caldari counterparts.

I am not stating outright that this is false, simply that I am unable to find a historical reference to it. Would your provide where you have drawn this assertion that the Federation actively and habitually redistributed wealth away from the Caldari?

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:

2. The Colonies were an attempt to create an economic zone of endeavour wherein Caldari Corporations could pursue exclusively Caldari economic and social models. The big mistake was in letting the Megacorporations spend the resources they gained in the expansion zone within the Federation economic zone - where they could be tracked.

The Caldari established hidden colonies for the sole benefit of themselves, to the exclusion of all other ethnicities and peoples of the Federation. The big mistake was doing so in the first place, it was a violation of trust and trade. Furthermore, they were discovered by a Gallente scout vessel.

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
3. The Federation response upon discovering the Caldari free-economic zone was, as always, a demand to take the assets away from the Caldari. No doubt the dangerous and uncomfortable job of homesteading this undeveloped space would be allowed to remain Caldari, but the resources themselves? These would have to be 'shared' with the Federation - a process that usually involved exchanging useless Federal 'oversight' and 'management' for valuable resources that could then be spent on Gallentean populations who had done nothing to earn them.

The Federation response was to insist that these colonies be placed under the same authority and regulation as all other businesses and colonies in the Federation. A Federation that, at this point, the Caldari were a part of and, despite growing disparity between our two peoples, had helped form and benefited from.

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
4. When the Caldari Megacorporations refused to participate in this sham economic 'redistribution' there were consequences. These consequences included a blockade of Caldari Prime - a blockade that was designed to use the harsh conditions of the world to force the Caldari back to the negotiating table. In essence, the wonderful Federation attempted to resolve the situation by starving Caldari citizens.

When the Caldari Megacorporations refused to participate, they immediately seceded from the Federation and blockaded the stargates leading to their hidden colonies because, as history confirms, it was where the majority of their military infrastructure was located. (Which creates a lot of questions about the purpose for their existence to begin with, but we'll leave speculation out of it). This action effectively created a militarized border between the Federation and the Caldari military assets, what would eventually become the State. Now dealing with a hostile military force in the same system and hidden military assets, the Federation blockaded Caldari Prime to avoid further relocation of resources and assets to feed a potentially aggressive military force. In all of this, the Federation sought to bring the Caldari back to negotiations rather than have an outbreak of war.

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
5. The Federation blockade didn't manage to cause mass starvation but it did manage to cause a breakdown of civic relations along a cultural faultline that existed between Gallentean immigrants and the native Caldari. Caldari law enforcement was ill-prepared and trained to deal with mass civil unrest and was unable to protect the Gallentean settlers as, perhaps, they should have been. Additionally the very police who were supposed to protect the Gallenteans were the ones whose children were being threatened with starvation by the Gallentean blockade. I'm sure some of them didn't do their jobs with quite the efficiency we would expect.

You have asserted, without factual base, that the blockade was intended to starve the Caldari. The blockade was established to prevent the relocation and establishment of a hostile military presence from the now Caldari-Gallente border to the doorstep of the Federation using Caldari Prime as a staging ground.

[Continued below]

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#25 - 2014-10-27 22:05:55 UTC
3ll3 wrote:
Interesting, you say the Federation needs to be destroyed but as of yet this has yet to happen, and while I know in other communications you have stated the dominance and superiority in your personal point of view of the state and how weak and decadently soft the Federation is.
Lets take this and dissect this logically from an out side none biased view point shall we.
The Caldari attacks Gallente this would be done with just fleet and military forces alone and then there is the matter of possible interference by the Minmatar who have alliances and treaties with the Federatio.
If this happens then it is most likely the Amarr would wade in to even if the state tries to refuse their help .
BUT more likely what will happen is Minmatar and Amarr will do nothing since they both have their own hands full and will just condone the fighting or use it as political ammunition against each other.

So taking this in to consideration as well as the fact that it is unlikely many of the Capsule pilots would take a direct hand in this especially in high security space where it would end up in Capsule pilot vs Capsule pilot which in turn would lead to Concord taking an interest in the matters.
I personally as my own view point have to conclude that it would be to costly in life and resources for the Sate to attempt to wipe Federation out and Vice Versa.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Elle,

But I do not agree that it has to be very costly in both life and resources. The Federation is like a snake, and if you cut the head of this snake, it will die. The head of this snake is the President and the Senate.
With these entities destroyed, the headquarters must follow, as well as communication lines.

With that, all we will have, are separated Federation Navy groups, that will be either forced to surrender, or destroyed with organized Caldari Navy fleets, when they will be unable to call for assistance. Having this task completed, we will need to demolish all orbital structures over gallentean planets, and consider the war is won. We don't even need any treaties from them, as it will be won de facto.

Then we can simply depart all gallenteans from space stations and not-gallentean worlds back into gallentean worlds or destroy them if they will show resistance. Parts of Federation will create their new governments and submit them to CONCORD for ratification. Former Gallente space, as there will be no Caldari stations or Caldari interests except maintaining security, can be transferred to CONCORD as CONCORD-owned territories, where gallentean planet orbits would be patrolled by Caldari Navy to prevent them from sending bad things, ideas and genome outside.

The wiping indeed might take too many lives and cost, but as you see, the wiping is not needed, and I don't call for it. I am not telling that the Federation must be wiped, I am telling that
the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Liam Antolliere
#26 - 2014-10-27 22:24:06 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
6. When terrorists (whose ideology and actions were specifically disavowed by the Caldari government and people) committed an atrocity, the Federation responded with collective punishment and escalated the blockade with the bombardment of the civilian population. Let's pause here for a moment to let THAT sink in, shall we? The legally voted in government of the Federation ordered the Federal Navy to fire from orbit on cities full of helpless civilians that they had previously been attempting to starve and freeze to death.

First lets put everything in proper perspective. At the time, the claim that the bombing of an entire city and the deaths of nearly half a million Gallente civilians was merely the act of a terrorist group could not be verified. What could be verified was that in a very short period of time (a matter of days, to be precise) the Caldari went from a chartered member of the Federation, to being discovered as having built hidden infrastructure and assets outside of Federation purview, to an immediate withdrawal from the Federation upon their discovery, to a military blockade of these once-hidden assets, to the bombing of half-a-million civilians.

Do I think bombarding the planet was the best response? No, but hindsight gives us perspective we did not have. It was an understandable response given the situation at the time.

Now what we can let sink in is that the situation escalated due to the actions of both peoples, not just one and that no matter how you wish to paint history, the first casualties were Gallente and this was prior to any formal declaration of war or intent.

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
7. When the Caldari Navy, using customs patrol ships and converted freighters as warships, managed to outwit the Federal Navy sufficient to throw them into disarray the Caldari were forced into exile from their own Homeworld. During this exodus, units of the Federal Navy continued to attempt to blockade, continued to bombard civilians and even fired on escaping freighters packed with refugees.

The Caldari chose to evacuate their home world when it became apparent that despite the advantages they had built for themselves and the disarray in the Federation, they would still lose a war. The strategic thing to do was withdraw from their greatest point of weakness, Caldari Prime, and relocate to their fortified position behind their militarized border.

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
8. Only when the criminal actions of their own Navy and Government finally caused retaliation on the same scale, by Admiral Yakiya Tovil-Toba, did the Federal citizens themselves tire of what was being done in their names. What followed was a couple of centuries of reasonably conventional war (except for the destruction of Malkalen station and the assassination of Otro Gariushi under a flag of peace) and the fragile but hopefully improving state of detente we find ourselves in now.

"Criminal" is a very subjective word in this kind of discussion. While the Federation's response may not have been the best response at the time, we could go back and forth for days about which side engaged in criminal activities that escalated the situation and neither of us would come to an agreement.

To stick to the more objective facts, the Gallente population was divided over the response long before the actions of Admiral Tovil-Toba. In fact, the entire government underwent restructuring not once, but twice, during these events due to civil unrest and divided opinions.

Lastly, if you're going to use the Malkalen Disaster as a jab in your conclusion, which the Federation has stated repeatedly was the act of a single man (and which eventually led to a renewed conflict between our people and the Empyrean Wars), then you would have to acknowledge that the bombing of Nouvelle Rouvenoir was an understandable escalation to the original conflict and stop using it as a shield to hide behind or a finger to point. The difference between Malkalen and Nouvelle is that both sides suffered casualties in Malkalen and both sides were involved in relief efforts, the same cannot be said of Nouvelle.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-10-27 22:24:49 UTC
Havohej wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

That was a lot of words, Kim.

I didn't read any of it.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Havohej.

Let me tell you an old joke. A kakku* from the Federation comes to NOH publishing service and brings a poem, that he wishes to be published. The editor takes the manuscript and reads the text, written in butchered Napanii:
"Today I has meal. I enjoys not meal. It bad meal. It Caldari meal. Gallente meal yummier"
The editor adjusts his classes, lowers head and stares at the kakku, asking:
- Have you read Maurasi?
- No.
- Have you read Waira?
- No.
- Ylandoki?...
- No.
- Anything from Caldari classic?..
- No.
- You must read something before trying to write...
- Gallente not reader! Gallente writer!

((* kakku = Napanii for hedonist, derogatory for gallente))

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Alvarez Akachi
CSR Star Command
Citizen's Star Republic
#28 - 2014-10-28 01:07:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvarez Akachi
The Federation is is a thief. It attempted to force Caldari into subjugation and steal their culture away into oblivion as if it had never been.
The Caldari, took steps centuries before the Federation was ever born to ensure this would not occur, the Leadership then, the Isuuaya's saw the Gallente for what they truly are and would become.

Though I am a capsuler now, no more deserving of a parentage than a labartory can provide, MY original birth mother was Achuran. Our homeworld is Saisio. When the Caldari were forced to seceede from the Federation we accepted them.

The Fact that the Caldari are self sufficient and better in most cases than the Gallente whom rely on others for their wealth and luxuries is the root cause of irrational Gallentean fear.

I do not agree with Ms Kim that outright genocide (seems what she preaches) is the way to go. Yet I do agree their Goverment must be eradicated.....even if that means Ethnic Gallente be forced from space.

I am Achuran, I am a member of the Caldari State, I say veerily unto you Mr. Antolliere that you and your ilk can not have what we have, not even in taxes. Further attempts will always be met at the end of a muzzle.
Since the Gallente will not relent, then it is up to the State and those loyal to her to be proactive and ensure the security of our freedom and way of Life is made possible by the destruction of the Federation, the Federation not its people.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2014-10-28 01:25:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Diana Kim wrote:
Havohej wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

That was a lot of words, Kim.

I didn't read any of it.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Havohej.

Let me tell you an old joke. A kakku* from the Federation comes to NOH publishing service and brings a poem, that he wishes to be published. The editor takes the manuscript and reads the text, written in butchered Napanii:
"Today I has meal. I enjoys not meal. It bad meal. It Caldari meal. Gallente meal yummier"
The editor adjusts his classes, lowers head and stares at the kakku, asking:
- Have you read Maurasi?
- No.
- Have you read Waira?
- No.
- Ylandoki?...
- No.
- Anything from Caldari classic?..
- No.
- You must read something before trying to write...
- Gallente not reader! Gallente writer!

((* kakku = Napanii for hedonist, derogatory for gallente))

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

What sort of idiot uses a racist joke to prove a point?

Are you already running out of argument points?

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Gwen Ikiryo
Alexylva Paradox
#30 - 2014-10-28 01:59:33 UTC
Alvarez Akachi wrote:
The Federation is is a thief. It attempted to force Caldari into subjugation and steal their culture away into oblivion as if it had never been.
The Caldari, took steps centuries before the Federation was ever born to ensure this would not occur, the Leadership then, the Isuuaya's saw the Gallente for what they truly are and would become.

Though I am a capsuler now, no more deserving of a parentage than a labartory can provide, MY original birth mother was Achuran. Our homeworld is Saisio. When the Caldari were forced to seceede from the Federation we accepted them.

Sir, with respect, I find it a little ironic for you to be calling the Federation thieves, and having attempted to "force the Caldari into subjugation" (though I won't argue the specifics about that again, considering I already did so in the other thread to little end), when you yourself are an Achur.

When Sukuuvestaa came to our homeworld, they showed far more disrespect for our culture and way of life then ever displayed by the Federation to the Caldari on theirs. They wasted no time in deposing our imperial leadership and designating us "corporate subjects", demolishing our priceless major trade and cultural cities to make way for their own hyper-efficient designs, and declaring our home system as their new corporate capital. We were never even aware of the Federations existance until after it long would have mattered, with Saisio near the core of their space.

We "accepted" them, and became a "client state", so much as a bride in an arranged marriage might accept her husband - Because she has no choice but to do so. The Caldari have done much for us since those unpleasant early days, but I would suggest you hesitate in painting them with such a kindly brush. Much of the States arguement against the early Gallenteans, though still valid, is rife with hypocrisy, and this should not be forgotten.
Alvarez Akachi
CSR Star Command
Citizen's Star Republic
#31 - 2014-10-28 02:59:21 UTC
Gwen Ikiryo wrote:

When Sukuuvestaa came to our homeworld, they showed far more disrespect for our culture and way of life then ever displayed by the Federation to the Caldari on theirs. They wasted no time in deposing our imperial leadership and designating us "corporate subjects", demolishing our priceless major trade and cultural cities to make way for their own hyper-efficient designs, and declaring our home system as their new corporate capital. We were never even aware of the Federations existance until after it long would have mattered, with Saisio near the core of their space.

We "accepted" them, and became a "client state", so much as a bride in an arranged marriage might accept her husband - Because she has no choice but to do so. The Caldari have done much for us since those unpleasant early days, but I would suggest you hesitate in painting them with such a kindly brush. Much of the States arguement against the early Gallenteans, though still valid, is rife with hypocrisy, and this should not be forgotten.

Yes the Suvee came to us as wayward children as was taught to them by the Gallente going their world.
We choose to become Corporate Subjets though....because for hundreds of years we had no care or desire for venturing inton space.
We accepted the Caldari not because we had no choice. But because we had no desire to be where they were.
I do not paint them in a kindly light, but they have learned to shuck away all that is not Caldari as we tended to them in so much a true parent would with a destitute and angry orphan.

As to the Gallente these days, whom would see not only the Caldari, but the Achuran Culture completely and irrevocably destroyed if they could not own or put a price upon it and sell it like a whore.....would it not be in our best interests to remain strongly loyal to the State, offer succor to its allies, and defend against and also persecute its enemies as if they were our very own? Because I see now that the Gallentean Federation is most definitely an enemy of the Achura and not just the Caldari.
Soren Tyrhanos
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#32 - 2014-10-28 03:10:18 UTC
As much as I can say I mislike the greater proportion of Ethnic Gallenteans I have had the misfortune to meet.....I certainly bear no ill will against the Intaki, a representative of whom has been a good friend to me and a member of the Classiarii.

God willing of all the unenlightened peoples of New Eden the Intaki suffer no more injustices.
Gwen Ikiryo
Alexylva Paradox
#33 - 2014-10-28 03:48:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Gwen Ikiryo
Alvarez Akachi wrote:
Yes the Suvee came to us as wayward children as was taught to them by the Gallente going their world.
We choose to become Corporate Subjets though....because for hundreds of years we had no care or desire for venturing inton space.
We accepted the Caldari not because we had no choice. But because we had no desire to be where they were.
I do not paint them in a kindly light, but they have learned to shuck away all that is not Caldari as we tended to them in so much a true parent would with a destitute and angry orphan.

As to the Gallente these days, whom would see not only the Caldari, but the Achuran Culture completely and irrevocably destroyed if they could not own or put a price upon it and sell it like a *****.....would it not be in our best interests to remain strongly loyal to the State, offer succor to its allies, and defend against and also persecute its enemies as if they were our very own? Because I see now that the Gallentean Federation is most definitely an enemy of the Achura and not just the Caldari.

You have an enviable optimism, I dare say, if you think the Caldari consider us the parent in the relationship. The State has gone to numerous and varying lengths to erode or assimilate Achuran culture in the years we have been part of it - Co-opting it and insisting the two are one and the same (disregarding the vast differences in fundental ideology), isolating it and making sure all new colonies with Achura present adhere exclusively to Caldari customs, attempting to re-educate Achura going through military and Capsuleer programs to maintain unity... I experienced as much myself, to a degree. You need only glance around the IGS to see what I mean. Almost all ethnic Achura have have Caldari names, follow Caldari customs, and talk about supplicating themselves before the "winds" rather then the Creator and the spirits.

And I've heard it said by many that we had "no desire" to leave our homeworld, but I've always found this an extremely dubious statement. How could we, when we had no knowledge of even the concept of space travel? When the spaceports that were made on our shores were restricted to use by corporate employees, and the only way to become a corporate employee was to half-abandon the Achuran cultural identity? If you keep a fish in a tank, it will believe, in it's lack of understanding, that it is the whole ocean. But that does not make it so. The States message seems often grimly clear: "There is a place for you, it is in this very tiny corner, and it is no where else."

You say the State is our shield, protecting our innocent and fragile ways from the ravages of influence of the outside world. But we are not children, and a doorless fortress meant to protect adults, where the inhabitants are still not truly free to make their own decisions, begins to sound rather like a prison. ...Or a zoo exhibit.

The Federation, for whatever it's worth, has never sought to cripple a cultural identity directly. In fact, there are many completely culturally Achuran (and Caldari, for that matter) colonies in it. Rather, they are content to simply dangle their much easier and more attractive option over peoples heads, and let them destroy themselves.

I would not consider this any better, per se - far from it - but it at the very least more polite.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#34 - 2014-10-28 05:47:30 UTC
I can't believe that you people are wasting your time to respond to a xenophobe, advocate of genocide and all around poor troll the likes of Kim. She's a bleating little bag of pseudo-intellectual babble who merely repeats the same drivel ad infinitum.

Seriously, don't waste your time feeding this troll.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#35 - 2014-10-28 05:52:25 UTC
With the greatest respect to you, Gwen, whilst many Caldari would do well to educate themselves regarding Achuran ways and the early history of the Achuran peoples relationship with the State, your own understanding of the struggles of the early Caldari is equally flawed.

We performed the racial equivalent of packing with one hand in the dark and leaving the house with whatever was in our pockets. Many of us didn't make it - and those that didn't are not culturally identical to those of us who did. Whatever Suvee did to your homeworld they did not bomb it, or force you from it. Those may be the only two abuses that they haven't committed - I would be the last to know, as I was born a Suvee citizen and I freely admit the picture painted in my creche education is very similar to the version you got from Akachi-haan.

As a former citizen of Suvee I apologise for what was done - and for the benefits I no doubt accrued from Achuran labour in my early life. I do feel that things are improving and I do feel that the increasing numbers of Achuran citizens joining the rest of us in space will ensure that Achuran culture will, one day, be as mainstream as that of Civire and Deteis.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Gwen Ikiryo
Alexylva Paradox
#36 - 2014-10-28 06:35:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Gwen Ikiryo
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
With the greatest respect to you, Gwen, whilst many Caldari would do well to educate themselves regarding Achuran ways and the early history of the Achuran peoples relationship with the State, your own understanding of the struggles of the early Caldari is equally flawed.

We performed the racial equivalent of packing with one hand in the dark and leaving the house with whatever was in our pockets. Many of us didn't make it - and those that didn't are not culturally identical to those of us who did. Whatever Suvee did to your homeworld they did not bomb it, or force you from it. Those may be the only two abuses that they haven't committed - I would be the last to know, as I was born a Suvee citizen and I freely admit the picture painted in my creche education is very similar to the version you got from Akachi-haan.

As a former citizen of Suvee I apologise for what was done - and for the benefits I no doubt accrued from Achuran labour in my early life. I do feel that things are improving and I do feel that the increasing numbers of Achuran citizens joining the rest of us in space will ensure that Achuran culture will, one day, be as mainstream as that of Civire and Deteis.


Forgive me if I appear to be downplaying or dismissing the Caldari's own struggles with the Federation during the early days of seperatism - If I do, it is only because those with far more investment in the topic have already gone over them in great detail, yourself included. When I spoke about the State showing "far more disrespect" to the us then the Gallente showed to the Caldari, I admit I was mostly talking about first contact and the years following; Despite the "cultural deliverance society" and the proto-Federation being rather aggressive in it's early dealings with the native nation-states on Caldari Prime, it never went as far as literally tearing down some of their most important cultural sites to build factories and skyscrapers, and informing their people they were now Gallenteans.

But you are right to point out that that this still does not compare to the absolutely horrific act of orbitally bombarding a planets civilian population. It was an act of senseless barbarity of which there likely no equal in the history of the clusters north.

However, as I commented to you yesterday, I'm sort of uncertain if I'd agree with you if things are certainly changing for the better. The important difference between the two circumstances is that in many senses, the Federation have admitted they were in error in how they handled the Caldari rebellion, and even mourned the events - Hells, they practically tore the government that did it to pieces not years after it happened. And they learned from their mistakes to an extent, as well, which can be seen in how they handled the Jin-Mei's integration into their society.

SuVee, on the other hand, has never expressed any such sentiment. While it does permit the existance of the provisional government, it's policy has always been to more or less ignore it, and native Achur culture, and hope both are just eventually forgotten. And, as you and mister Akachi have illustrated, they are dangerously close to achieving just that end, because they use many means to enforce that forgetfulness, even today.

They've also never given back the cities they occupied on the homeworld, because after all, the Achur living there today are corporate citizens, and it would make no sense to return them. Reminds you of something, doesn't it?
Alvarez Akachi
CSR Star Command
Citizen's Star Republic
#37 - 2014-10-28 06:38:02 UTC
My dear Gwen,

It is unfortunate that you bear so much hatred towards a group/race even such especially to those that are not our benefactors but our allies. They do not impede our progress, and have not held us back from exploring space. We as a people simply had to reason to, and verrily it is the few that become Capsuleers even today compared to the man of others in the Caldari State. Deteis and Civire primarily more or less have been in space far longer than we i will admit. Our culture in of itself is mostly intact though in regards to them for they are still wallowing in the misery and chaos of findign them selves as they reconnet to their selves and their homeworld.

Being a corporate employee, it is a choice no one had forced upon them that did so. Even I have finally become one through the Institute of Science & Trade. But that is my personal choice, and it has served me well as I study the relationships within the State and that of the Gallentean problem perplexing the State itself.
I say so what, the orphaned little waif has broken some dishes, eaten our food, been disrespetful in its younger years. But it is has also grown and become a powerfully built adult that albiet still has its varying degrees of post traumatic stress disorder as any one had from being beaten, raped, mauled, and forced into the wilderness by ones' own family.

Caldari State is a meritocracy, it always has been and always shall. The merits of the individual to better the group as a whole is to be rewarded, for the individual that is self-sufficient and better able to care for them self is the one better able to an asset to the group.
Ethnic Gallente, however wish to take those type and say that no matter what they own the sel-suffcient's fruits of labor for just because. They squander that labor in excessive spending, hedionistic revelling, and perverse habitual drug abuse. When one refuses to any longer be part of that system or refuse simply to pay the taxes to certain parts of culture, they are reviled, ridculed, and smited by the very ones that say 'we do not have to work because you already work for us' because of privelege.

The State still gives us a choice in its be meaningful, and the one that wishes to rise and grasp a higher ranked tier of service and reward is allowed to do so unlike the Gallente Federation where doing so is considered an act of treason. I shall put my faith into the State, and I shall continue to assist it against this enemy that simply wishes to swallow everything and everyone without regard to anyone but its own unjust desires.
Gwen Ikiryo
Alexylva Paradox
#38 - 2014-10-28 07:29:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Gwen Ikiryo
Alvarez Akachi wrote:
My dear Gwen,

It is unfortunate that you bear so much hatred towards a group/race even such especially to those that are not our benefactors but our allies. They do not impede our progress, and have not held us back from exploring space. We as a people simply had to reason to, and verrily it is the few that become Capsuleers even today compared to the man of others in the Caldari State. Deteis and Civire primarily more or less have been in space far longer than we i will admit. Our culture in of itself is mostly intact though in regards to them for they are still wallowing in the misery and chaos of findign them selves as they reconnet to their selves and their homeworld.

Being a corporate employee, it is a choice no one had forced upon them that did so. Even I have finally become one through the Institute of Science & Trade. But that is my personal choice, and it has served me well as I study the relationships within the State and that of the Gallentean problem perplexing the State itself.
I say so what, the orphaned little waif has broken some dishes, eaten our food, been disrespetful in its younger years. But it is has also grown and become a powerfully built adult that albiet still has its varying degrees of post traumatic stress disorder as any one had from being beaten, raped, mauled, and forced into the wilderness by ones' own family.

Caldari State is a meritocracy, it always has been and always shall. The merits of the individual to better the group as a whole is to be rewarded, for the individual that is self-sufficient and better able to care for them self is the one better able to an asset to the group.
Ethnic Gallente, however wish to take those type and say that no matter what they own the sel-suffcient's fruits of labor for just because. They squander that labor in excessive spending, hedionistic revelling, and perverse habitual drug abuse. When one refuses to any longer be part of that system or refuse simply to pay the taxes to certain parts of culture, they are reviled, ridculed, and smited by the very ones that say 'we do not have to work because you already work for us' because of privelege.

The State still gives us a choice in its be meaningful, and the one that wishes to rise and grasp a higher ranked tier of service and reward is allowed to do so unlike the Gallente Federation where doing so is considered an act of treason. I shall put my faith into the State, and I shall continue to assist it against this enemy that simply wishes to swallow everything and everyone without regard to anyone but its own unjust desires.

Mister Akachi,

I regret if I have given you the impression that I hate the State or the Caldari, because I most certainly do not. If I harbour any seperatist tendancies in me whatsoever, they are of the faintest possible flavour - Unless the status quo changed dramatically, I do not think such an end would be desireable, not to mention even possible.

As I mentioned already, the State, for all it's faults, has done a great deal for our people. It has brought us a greater quality of life then we could ever have dreamed of under the old empire. It has, at least recently, respected our cultural customs. It has given us a voice (if a quiet one) in the galactic community. Finally, and probably most importantly, it has defended us from the rich variety of pirates, looters and slavers that would likely love to have their way with a single-planet state with a mostly primitive agricultural economy, and even sent it's fleets against our enemies on multiple occasions, most recently during the fiasco with the Rod of the Creator.

This, however, does not erase it's past misdeeds, nor the fact that it openly considers our culture to be inferior to it's own, and forces our people to conform to it absolutely in order to have any place in it's wider society. In a sense it is as you say - A choice to either remain on the homeworld (well, or I suppose immigrate out of the state, but that's not always possible) or to join a megacorporation (which requires you to adopt the Caldari identity completely) is still a choice, it is just a very loaded and rather unfair one, for a society that forced us to become a part of it in all but name.

If the State is ever to claim full moral authority over the Federation (if it has any interest in doing so), this is something that, at some point, it must address. It makes me a little uncomfortable how quickly you are willing to dismiss that, and instead cast it as a complete victim - a "broken waif" as you put it - washing away it's own rather typically imperialist actions against our people in the process.

I won't comment on your remarks about the Gallente, as it is obvious we have very fundementally different perceptions of the Federation and it's people.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#39 - 2014-10-28 07:35:03 UTC
Alvarez Akachi wrote:

I do not agree with Ms Kim that outright genocide (seems what she preaches) is the way to go. Yet I do agree their Goverment must be eradicated.....even if that means Ethnic Gallente be forced from space.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Akachi,

And they are trying to make you believe that we, Caldari, want to genocide them.
I would like to remind you, that it was Gallenteans, who were screaming to "Exterminate all Caldari" back on the Caldari Prime, and this was a main reason to start this war.
But now gallenteans are trying to make it look like it is Caldari who want to "exterminate" them. Despite I THOUSAND times said I never wanted to exterminate them by racial attributes, these fools keep claiming I want to "genocide" them.

Mr. Akachi, if these fools ever again say you that crap about me, simply ask them to provide actual proofs, where I was "preaching" for genocide, that will put these damn gallenteans and their bootlickers into their place.

Their continous lies about us Caldari and me in particular wanting to "genocide" them is another reason why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2014-10-28 07:37:10 UTC
Gwen Ikiryo wrote:
Alvarez Akachi wrote:
My dear Gwen,

It is unfortunate that you bear so much hatred towards a group/race even such especially to those that are not our benefactors but our allies. They do not impede our progress, and have not held us back from exploring space. We as a people simply had to reason to, and verrily it is the few that become Capsuleers even today compared to the man of others in the Caldari State. Deteis and Civire primarily more or less have been in space far longer than we i will admit. Our culture in of itself is mostly intact though in regards to them for they are still wallowing in the misery and chaos of findign them selves as they reconnet to their selves and their homeworld.

Being a corporate employee, it is a choice no one had forced upon them that did so. Even I have finally become one through the Institute of Science & Trade. But that is my personal choice, and it has served me well as I study the relationships within the State and that of the Gallentean problem perplexing the State itself.
I say so what, the orphaned little waif has broken some dishes, eaten our food, been disrespetful in its younger years. But it is has also grown and become a powerfully built adult that albiet still has its varying degrees of post traumatic stress disorder as any one had from being beaten, raped, mauled, and forced into the wilderness by ones' own family.

Caldari State is a meritocracy, it always has been and always shall. The merits of the individual to better the group as a whole is to be rewarded, for the individual that is self-sufficient and better able to care for them self is the one better able to an asset to the group.
Ethnic Gallente, however wish to take those type and say that no matter what they own the sel-suffcient's fruits of labor for just because. They squander that labor in excessive spending, hedionistic revelling, and perverse habitual drug abuse. When one refuses to any longer be part of that system or refuse simply to pay the taxes to certain parts of culture, they are reviled, ridculed, and smited by the very ones that say 'we do not have to work because you already work for us' because of privelege.

The State still gives us a choice in its be meaningful, and the one that wishes to rise and grasp a higher ranked tier of service and reward is allowed to do so unlike the Gallente Federation where doing so is considered an act of treason. I shall put my faith into the State, and I shall continue to assist it against this enemy that simply wishes to swallow everything and everyone without regard to anyone but its own unjust desires.

Mister Akachi,

I regret if I have given you the impression that I hate the State or the Caldari, because I most certainly do not. If I harbour any seperatist tendancies in me whatsoever, they are of the faintest possible flavour - Unless the status quo changed dramatically, I do not think such an end would be desireable, not to mention even possible.

As I mentioned already, the State, for all it's faults, has done a great deal for our people. It has brought us a greater quality of life then we could ever have dreamed of under the old empire. It has, at least recently, respected our cultural customs. It has given us a voice (if a quiet one) in the galactic community. Finally, and probably most importantly, it has defended us from the rich variety of pirates, looters and slavers that would likely love to have their way with a single-planet state with a mostly primitive agricultural economy, and even sent it's fleets against our enemies on multiple occasions, most recently during the fiasco with the Rod of the Creator.

This, however, does not erase it's past misdeeds, nor the fact that it openly considers our culture to be inferior to it's own, and forces our people to conform to it absolutely in order to have any place in it's wider society. In a sense it is as you say - A choice to either remain on the homeworld (well, or I suppose immigrate out of the state, but that's not always possible) or to join a megacorporation (which requires you to adopt the Caldari identity completely) is still a choice, it is just a very loaded and rather unfair one, for a society that forced us to become a part of it in all but name.

If the State is ever to claim full moral authority over the Federation (if it has any interest in doing so), this is something that, at some point, it must address. It makes me a little uncomfortable how quickly you are willing to dismiss that, and instead cast it as a complete victim (a "broken waif" as you put it) washing away it's own rather typically imperialist actions against our people in the process.

I won't comment on your remarks about the Gallente, as it is obvious we have very fundementally different perceptions of the Federation and it's people.

This brings to mind something a freelancer told me. I do not remember the exact words, but what he told me was along the lines of working for those who holds the purse-strings being the same as playing a rigged game.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.