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So what's this new expansion about

Tanya Powers
#21 - 2011-11-26 19:22:41 UTC
Zverofaust wrote:
Sorry I haven't been paying attention. I resubbed my account about a month before Incarna because I was expecting to be able to walk in stations. Except I couldn't. I hear I won't be able to this expansion either. So what exactly is the point of this expansion?

Take a look in SISI, you'll see you just did the right choice, come back Lol

Stuff is getting better, from little annoying stuff to big stuff, sure there's a lot of work to do and some incredible complex game has eve will never be perfect or achieved but the good bases have bean set these days, dev's are doing an incredible good job to please everyone from old jerks to newbs.

Just log and have fun doing stuff.
#22 - 2011-11-26 19:27:51 UTC
It's an all out effort to win the community back and show them that EVE has a new lease of life. The only real feature is the new gank ships - bug fixing, polish and updates are shaping up nicely.

It'll be interesting to see what CCP plan for Summer now they're back on track...Blink
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#23 - 2011-11-26 19:50:24 UTC
Or read the condensed version of what will be changing on Tuesday:

Winter SUMMARY ~redux~

Let Mr Widdershins be your guide to the upcoming patch.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-11-26 20:39:41 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:
Kilrayn wrote:
Zverofaust wrote:
Sorry I haven't been paying attention. I resubbed my account about a month before Incarna because I was expecting to be able to walk in stations. Except I couldn't. I hear I won't be able to this expansion either. So what exactly is the point of this expansion?

CCP realizing how bad WoD would fail and refocusing (rightfully so) back on EvE. This expansion is basically the 'We need our customers happy again' expansion.

You are so misinformed its disgusting.

1. WoD has nothing to do with Eve, other than CCP owns both. They had to cut something.
2. They had a great expansion planned but couldn't implement it so we are getting this expansion instead.

This expansion is basically the 'We need our customers happy again' expansion but we cant make that happen, so we pulled this one out of our ass.

Speaking of pulling stuff out of asses, what's this mystery expansion they were planning to do that only you seem to know anything about?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#25 - 2011-11-26 20:57:21 UTC
Takseen wrote:
Cipher Jones wrote:
Kilrayn wrote:
Zverofaust wrote:
Sorry I haven't been paying attention. I resubbed my account about a month before Incarna because I was expecting to be able to walk in stations. Except I couldn't. I hear I won't be able to this expansion either. So what exactly is the point of this expansion?

CCP realizing how bad WoD would fail and refocusing (rightfully so) back on EvE. This expansion is basically the 'We need our customers happy again' expansion.

You are so misinformed its disgusting.

1. WoD has nothing to do with Eve, other than CCP owns both. They had to cut something.
2. They had a great expansion planned but couldn't implement it so we are getting this expansion instead.

This expansion is basically the 'We need our customers happy again' expansion but we cant make that happen, so we pulled this one out of our ass.

Speaking of pulling stuff out of asses, what's this mystery expansion they were planning to do that only you seem to know anything about?

Well, I believe he is referring to (since the infamous 18 months is over) the general plan to release an expansion based on not only bug fixes and iteration on existing content, but also multi player establishments. They axed the latter to concentrate on the former. Not necessarily a bad thing considering the circumstances, as long as proper planning (a bit later than it should have been done) continues in the back ground.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2011-11-26 21:02:50 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

Well, I believe he is referring to (since the infamous 18 months is over) the general plan to release an expansion based on not only bug fixes and iteration on existing content, but also multi player establishments. They axed the latter to concentrate on the former. Not necessarily a bad thing considering the circumstances, as long as proper planning (a bit later than it should have been done) continues in the back ground.

Yeah but let's be honest, even if they didn't have a subscriber revolt, do you think they'd have had the multiplayer stuff ready in time? They didn't even have racial captain's quarter ready for the "proper" Incarna release over the summer.
Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#27 - 2011-11-26 21:08:43 UTC
Russell Casey wrote:
It's the patch we should have had 2 years ago.

Quoted for truth.

It is patch material, not expansion material. Look through the list of stuff and its mainly graphical updates, a reopening of the null ISK faucets and a bunch of long overdue common sense fixes .. some of the fixes have been listed as Soon™ for years like POS fuel pellets/blocks.

On the whole: Useless piece of crap. Hope summer 2012 has some meat on it.

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