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Ideas From a Fed Up Person

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Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#1 - 2014-10-24 05:40:09 UTC
I gave this game a year and a half. My subscription ends on November 1st, before the trolls come no you cant have my stuff nor am I "rage quitting". I just want to give my feedback and ideas to CCP about how they could retain more people because this game has some very serious problems. A lot of them revolve around the concept of you should never be dependent on others for your happiness. Unfortunately, this game tries to force for to be dependent on others to give you YOUR happiness.

First, video games are supposed to be "entertainment" and not supposed to make you so frustrated to the point of ripping your hair out of your bleeding scalp. The constant 40+ on 1 or 5 fights literally suck the fun right out of the PvP. I don't care how "balanced" the ships are because it just doesn't matter if you get blobbed.

Second, more risk does not equal more reward in this game. In fact it probably means you get less reward for your heightened risk. I love ratting, I fit up a brand new Kronos and it died literally within 20 minutes in a 2 second fight to a hot drop kitchen sink fleet. These people dropped on me from 7 jumps away and they weren't all even in "black ops" ships. The ability to make in this game is dreadful if your a soloist. Now before any of you attack me saying "find a group". Why should I HAVE to find other people to enjoy the game that I pay for. Now I am not saying this is what CCP is doing but sometimes it can feel this way but I feel that they make it overly hard to make ISK as an individual so you have to buy PLEX and pay more money for a game that we already pay for. That's all I got to say about that.

Thirdly, many of us play games to get away from the tyranny of real life. Why would we want to pay to be put in with the very thing we are trying to get away from? I of course am referring to the Massive "mega coalitions" that own all of 0.0 space. They are no fun to be apart of. They are the reason most people stay in HI sec because LOW sec space is more dangerous than 0.0 space and we have no control there. All of the alliances and corporations in NULL space have been around for 10 years. That should tell us about what is broken with this game. If you haven't played since the beginning you don't stand a chance of becoming one of the big dogs. CCP doesn't give new players or small groups a chance of holding SOV.

Forth, Why is it literally impossible to solo in this game? All I want is somewhere secure to make my good ISK and go PvP when I want. The risk of making ISK is not worth the reward because people almost always just look for people to pad their kill board off of. When these people come gank me they arn't risking much. I get very little reward for my risk. Why is it 100 million ISK can come blow up 1.2 billion ISK in 2 seconds flat? Oh that's right they can hit me 7 jumps away with a "titan bridge" and drop 40 ships on my head. This game is so out of wack with risk vs. reward its not even funny.

Finally,I told you about my struggles ratting. Those people killed me not for the strategic value, no reward but to just to pad their kill board. Kill boards are the Silliest things I think I have seen in my life. People act like they define who they are. Dropping 40 ships on 1 ship doing 1.5% damage a piece just to "pad your board". Silly. They probably spent more on fuel and ammo than what I dropped. The morality of this game is silly. Those who try to make a living the honest way get burned the hardest.
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-10-24 06:16:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Gigan Amilupar
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
I gave this game a year and a half. My subscription ends on November 1st, before the trolls come no you cant have my stuff nor am I "rage quitting". I just want to give my feedback and ideas to CCP about how they could retain more people because this game has some very serious problems. A lot of them revolve around the concept of you should never be dependent on others for your happiness. Unfortunately, this game tries to force for to be dependent on others to give you YOUR happiness. First, video games are supposed to be "entertainment" and not supposed to make you so frustrated to the point of ripping your hair out of your bleeding scalp. The constant 40+ on 1 or 5 fights literally suck the fun right out of the PvP. I don't care how "balanced" the ships are because it just doesn't matter if you get blobbed.

Eve is a highly complex social game. It's designed to be that way. Honestly, it's less of a game and more of a space-based anarchic society simulator. It's not impossible to find "happiness" in game without others, but it is impossible to cut yourself off from everyone else and should remain so. Yes blobs suck. Yes 40 on 1 is far from a gudfight, but the 40 have the right to find entertainment in it. Also, yes, EvE is supposed to be frustrating at times.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Second, more risk does not equal more reward in this game. In fact it probably means you get less reward for your heightened risk. I love ratting, I fit up a brand new Kronos and it died literally within 20 minutes in a 2 second fight to a hot drop kitchen sink fleet. These people dropped on me from 7 jumps away and they weren't all even in "black ops" ships. The ability to make in this game is dreadful if your a soloist. Now before any of you attack me saying "find a group". Why should I HAVE to find other people to enjoy the game that I pay for. Now I am not saying this is what CCP is doing but sometimes it can feel this way but I feel that they make it overly hard to make ISK as an individual so you have to buy PLEX and pay more money for a game that we already pay for. That's all I got to say about that.

a) You were ratting in a highly valuable ship. People aren't going to look the other way on that. I certainly wouldn't if I thought I could take the fight, regardless of how many people I had to help me. You inflated your own risk by ratting in something you could probably do in another ship for 1/3 of the price (like an Ishtar)

b) You're not obligated to seek the help of other people, but you are obligated to be responsible for your own safety. If you died doing something people with large support networks usually do, then you can't say that you deserve to be as safe as a group of people who put in the combined effort to be.

c) CCP has recently unveiled plans to massively nerf force projection. This also has the additional benefits of reducing the amount of space coalitions are using. Just the other day the CFC released a statement that they are essentially abandoning 3 regions in preparation for the changes coming in a few weeks.

d) You probably wouldn't have to buy PLEX if you didn't rat in a Kronos.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Thirdly, many of us play games to get away from the tyranny of real life. Why would we want to pay to be put in with the very thing we are trying to get away from? I of course am referring to the Massive "mega coalitions" that own all of 0.0 space. They are no fun to be apart of. They are the reason most people stay in HI sec because LOW sec space is more dangerous than 0.0 space and we have no control there. All of the alliances and corporations in NULL space have been around for 10 years. That should tell us about what is broken with this game. If you haven't played since the beginning you don't stand a chance of becoming one of the big dogs. CCP doesn't give new players or small groups a chance of holding SOV.

See point c) above.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Fourth, Why is it literally impossible to solo in this game? All I want is somewhere secure to make my good ISK and go PvP when I want. The risk of making ISK is not worth the reward because people almost always just look for people to pad their kill board off of. When these people come gank me they arn't risking much. I get very little reward for my risk. Why is it 100 million ISK can come blow up 1.2 billion ISK in 2 seconds flat? Oh that's right they can hit me 7 jumps away with a "titan bridge" and drop 40 ships on my head. This game is so out of wack with risk vs. reward its not even funny.

I fly solo in low sec all the time, and usually come away at a profit (I'm a faction warfare pilot). It may not be that solo is impossible, but rather what you are trying to do is difficult to do solo. Thus the fault would lie in your playstyle, not necessarily game design. Although I've heard that many people rat in null just fine by themselves, so it's probably your choice of ship/location. Also, see point c) above.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Finally,I told you about my struggles ratting. Those people killed me not for the strategic value, no reward but to just to pad their kill board. Kill boards are the Silliest things I think I have seen in my life. People act like they define who they are. Dropping 40 ships on 1 ship doing 1.5% damage a piece just to "pad your board". Silly. They probably spent more on fuel and ammo than what I dropped. The morality of this game is silly. Those who try to make a living the honest way get burned the hardest.

Killboards and the ability to pad them is stupid! But killboards are created by the community, not by CCP.

Edit: Almost forgot, what would be your presented feature or idea to improve the game in your opinion?
Nano Sito
#3 - 2014-10-24 06:22:44 UTC
My account ends on Nov. 4th and after playing for over a year I won't renew it for the exact same reasons than OP.
The overall warp speed nerf for BC and above also made the game super boring. I can only play for 2 hours a day at most, and it's not fun when most of that time is spent watching the warp animation.

Eve became a boring, expensive game and the only ones wanting to keep the status quo are isboxers.
Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#4 - 2014-10-24 06:24:54 UTC
Nano Sito wrote:
My account ends on Nov. 4th and after playing for over a year I won't renew it for the exact same reasons than OP.
The overall warp speed nerf for BC and above also made the game super boring. I can only play for 2 hours a day at most, and it's not fun when most of that time is spent watching the warp animation.

Eve became a boring, expensive game and the only ones wanting to keep the status quo are isboxers.

I am glad to see I am not alone for once.
stup idity
#5 - 2014-10-24 06:25:31 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

Second, more risk does not equal more reward in this game.

In this quite unreflected statement is at least some truth.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

In fact it probably means you get less reward for your heightened risk. I love ratting, I fit up a brand new Kronos and it died literally within 20 minutes in a 2 second fight to a hot drop kitchen sink fleet.

the primary reason it died is: YOU did not pay attention. Potential hostile in local -> gtfo

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

Now I am not saying this is what CCP is doing but sometimes it can feel this way but I feel that they make it overly hard to make ISK as an individual so you have to buy PLEX and pay more money for a game that we already pay for.

It isn't. You are just doing it wrong, probably be aiming to high and being too bold/arrogant/unaware of your surroundings.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

I of course am referring to the Massive "mega coalitions" that own all of 0.0 space. They are no fun to be apart of.

Then don't. There is NPC null, WH-space, low and high.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

All of the alliances and corporations in NULL space have been around for 10 years. That should tell us about what is broken with this game. If you haven't played since the beginning you don't stand a chance of becoming one of the big dogs. CCP doesn't give new players or small groups a chance of holding SOV.

Not true, example: Brave Newbies.
And: SOV is not for new players or small groups. There is different stuff for them.

I am the Herald of all beings that are me.

stup idity
#6 - 2014-10-24 06:26:23 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

Forth, Why is it literally impossible to solo in this game? All I want is somewhere secure to make my good ISK and go PvP when I want.

I heard the games from the X series offer a nice solo experience. In EVE you are never! solo, nowhere! There is always at least indirect competition with other players and once you left station you are nowhere unreachable.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

Oh that's right they can hit me 7 jumps away with a "titan bridge" and drop 40 ships on my head. This game is so out of wack with risk vs. reward its not even funny.

If you hadn't ignored the potential cyno (in other words: paid attention to local), your ship would still be intact.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

People act like they define who they are. Dropping 40 ships on 1 ship doing 1.5% damage a piece just to "pad your board".

In many cases they define part of what you are. In your case: clueless, careless and a victim of your own ignorance.

By the way: I am missing you "ideas", you know, the things this part of the forums is about. Whining and ranting is somewhere else.

I am the Herald of all beings that are me.

Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#7 - 2014-10-24 06:31:34 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

In fact it probably means you get less reward for your heightened risk. I love ratting, I fit up a brand new Kronos and it died literally within 20 minutes in a 2 second fight to a hot drop kitchen sink fleet.

the primary reason it died is: YOU did not pay attention. Potential hostile in local -> gtfo

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

Now I am not saying this is what CCP is doing but sometimes it can feel this way but I feel that they make it overly hard to make ISK as an individual so you have to buy PLEX and pay more money for a game that we already pay for.

It isn't. You are just doing it wrong, probably be aiming to high and being too bold/arrogant/unaware of your surroundings.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

I of course am referring to the Massive "mega coalitions" that own all of 0.0 space. They are no fun to be apart of.

Then don't. There is NPC null, WH-space, low and high.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

All of the alliances and corporations in NULL space have been around for 10 years. That should tell us about what is broken with this game. If you haven't played since the beginning you don't stand a chance of becoming one of the big dogs. CCP doesn't give new players or small groups a chance of holding SOV.

Not true, example: Brave Newbies.
And: SOV is not for new players or small groups. There is different stuff for them.

Another fine example of why this game is not worth the agony. The hostile community that comes with it too. It is always the person pointing out issues fault because everybody else is amazingly stupid with an IQ of 5
Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#8 - 2014-10-24 06:35:12 UTC
Not true, example: Brave Newbies.
And: SOV is not for new players or small groups. There is different stuff for them.

My problem is CCP advertises it as such. So CCP falsely advertises the game?
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#9 - 2014-10-24 06:46:34 UTC
its a highly competitive full-time PvP game.

Its not CCP that set the standard of play, its the fact that other players are willing to work harder, work smarter and adapt better than you that pushes your rewards down.

You dont 'have' to play with others if you dont want, but you will be more successful if you do. This is the game your playing, and it is in fact the very reason many of us play.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#10 - 2014-10-24 06:56:50 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
its a highly competitive full-time PvP game.

Its not CCP that set the standard of play, its the fact that other players are willing to work harder, work smarter and adapt better than you that pushes your rewards down.

You dont 'have' to play with others if you dont want, but you will be more successful if you do. This is the game your playing, and it is in fact the very reason many of us play.

How is a full time job considered a game?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-10-24 07:02:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Luwc
"Kronos and it died literally within 20 minutes in a 2 second fight to a hot drop kitchen sink fleet. These people dropped on me from 7 jumps away and they weren't all even in "black ops" ships."


This is golden.

Don't blame the game for your stupidity and inability to learn.

Edit : Go quickscope 12years old on COD. I think that would suite you better.

Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#12 - 2014-10-24 07:08:36 UTC
Luwc wrote:
"Kronos and it died literally within 20 minutes in a 2 second fight to a hot drop kitchen sink fleet. These people dropped on me from 7 jumps away and they weren't all even in "black ops" ships."


This is golden.

Don't blame the game for your stupidity and inability to learn.

Edit : Go quickscope 12years old on COD. I think that would suite you better.

How does this make me stupid?
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#13 - 2014-10-24 07:16:24 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

How is a full time job considered a game?

Because many of us enjoy a challenge and reaping the fruits of hard work.

this is why people tell you eve is a different game, its why it attracts a completely different kind of player.

in this game more than any other you are rewarded for being; smart, patient, dedicated, hard working, innovative, studious, ruthless, attentive, creative, resourceful, sociable, manipulative and all the other such characteristics.

where as you are punished for being: stupid, stubborn, impatient, lazy, complacent, oblivious and/or otherwise looking for an easy ride.

I love how difficult eve is, because it separates me from the next guy and i can succeed in this game where the village idiot can not.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#14 - 2014-10-24 07:20:39 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

How is a full time job considered a game?

Because many of us enjoy a challenge and reaping the fruits of hard work.

this is why people tell you eve is a different game, its why it attracts a completely different kind of player.

in this game more than any other you are rewarded for being; smart, patient, dedicated, hard working, innovative, studious, ruthless, attentive, creative, resourceful, sociable, manipulative and all the other such characteristics.

where as you are punished for being: stupid, stubborn, impatient, lazy, complacent, oblivious and/or otherwise looking for an easy ride.

I love how difficult eve is, because it separates me from the next guy and i can succeed in this game where the village idiot can not.

Go play an Asian grinder? This game will die.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#15 - 2014-10-24 07:22:21 UTC
why would i play an asian grinder? everything i want is right here.

rather than change this game, why dont you go play another?

this games been 'dying' for ten years mate lol.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#16 - 2014-10-24 07:27:52 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
why would i play an asian grinder? everything i want is right here.

rather than change this game, why dont you go play another?

this games been 'dying' for ten years mate lol.

There isn't much out there right now.
Captain Cean
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-10-24 07:31:05 UTC
cause of the request of the TO
can i have your stuff ?
stup idity
#18 - 2014-10-24 07:32:52 UTC  |  Edited by: stup idity
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

Not true, example: Brave Newbies.
And: SOV is not for new players or small groups. There is different stuff for them.

My problem is CCP advertises it as such. So CCP falsely advertises the game?

From here: [url][/url]


»Be part of something bigger with sovereign alliances
»Help to build or destroy alliance domains in deep space

There is no advertisement that you can participate in SOV in a small group, be it with or without extensive experience in the game, on your own. However, there is advertised that you can be a part of a group which does those things. Which, by the way, is true from the moment on you log in for the first time, if you find a null corp that lets you join and they help you get to their space.

Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

Another fine example of why this game is not worth the agony. The hostile community that comes with it too. It is always the person pointing out issues fault because everybody else is amazingly stupid with an IQ of 5

The problem is, you did not point out issues. You complained about things that are primarily your own fault:
wrong ship for the job, wrong location and you did not pay attention.

This doesn't mean that there aren't any issues or that those things you complain about couldn't be solved any better. Your loss just has nothing to do with it, because you should have known better. Somehow, it feels for me like you were losing your Kronos on purpose just to prove the point that you have no chance on your own.

And by the way, I am not a hostile poster. If you wanted to see hostility you should have posted in General Discussion.

I am the Herald of all beings that are me.

Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#19 - 2014-10-24 07:35:01 UTC
Captain Cean wrote:
cause of the request of the TO
can i have your stuff ?

Did you read the post?
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#20 - 2014-10-24 07:37:14 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:
why would i play an asian grinder? everything i want is right here.

rather than change this game, why dont you go play another?

this games been 'dying' for ten years mate lol.

There isn't much out there right now.

so its so far ahead of its competition even players like yourself who arent very good at it and dislike its core principals are willing to keep paying to play it.

yeah, this game is dying

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

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