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Humble request to revisit warp speeds for BS / BC's

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James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#161 - 2014-10-23 23:37:08 UTC

So I have to fit a high grade set and a low slot mod to go at 3.0 or a T2 rig with CPU draw back and the low slot to STILL GET LEFT BEHIND. .

Full HG set has you leaving the cruisers behind in warp. HG set with one 6% equivalent hardwiring makes you keep up with the cruisers. Midgrade with HG omega ditto. Do you not even read the stuff I post?


How the heck can anyone argue that it is OP to return these ships to 3.0 where they were sat for the last 10 fecking years.

OMG seriously do you even like batteships? Or do you just want them kept out of the meta except for titan bridged rail megas.

Return these Hulls to 3.0 now. If you want to argue against it say why, with rationale and evidence, tell me of the swarms of BS in the low sec area you live in so we can move there and brawl instead of having to deal with a bunch of risk adverse kiting cunts.

Let me know who actually LIKES to fly these ships around as they currently are witout some shortbus occupant along on the ride to keep them from falling asleep during the warp across system by screaming GGrgggfffeeek on comms.

I almost exclusively fly battleships. My main activity in eve is battleship centric. I have, killboard verified, lost at least 1 pod with the highgrade ascendancies you refuse to fit (that I was in a rifter to start that fight proves I have more isk than sense, but hey). I get more performance out of my implants, and the fleets I fly in all run with ascendancies. I have adapted. I routinely move across eve, in a shiny battleship, and while I dislike having to make 50+ jumps, I can do it easily enough. Travel fit, I move almost as fast as A FRIGATE once in warp.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

The Executioners
#162 - 2014-10-23 23:54:12 UTC
James Baboli wrote:

So I have to fit a high grade set and a low slot mod to go at 3.0 or a T2 rig with CPU draw back and the low slot to STILL GET LEFT BEHIND. .

Full HG set has you leaving the cruisers behind in warp. HG set with one 6% equivalent hardwiring makes you keep up with the cruisers. Midgrade with HG omega ditto. Do you not even read the stuff I post?


How the heck can anyone argue that it is OP to return these ships to 3.0 where they were sat for the last 10 fecking years.

OMG seriously do you even like batteships? Or do you just want them kept out of the meta except for titan bridged rail megas.

Return these Hulls to 3.0 now. If you want to argue against it say why, with rationale and evidence, tell me of the swarms of BS in the low sec area you live in so we can move there and brawl instead of having to deal with a bunch of risk adverse kiting cunts.

Let me know who actually LIKES to fly these ships around as they currently are witout some shortbus occupant along on the ride to keep them from falling asleep during the warp across system by screaming GGrgggfffeeek on comms.

I almost exclusively fly battleships. My main activity in eve is battleship centric. I have, killboard verified, lost at least 1 pod with the highgrade ascendancies you refuse to fit (that I was in a rifter to start that fight proves I have more isk than sense, but hey). I get more performance out of my implants, and the fleets I fly in all run with ascendancies. I have adapted. I routinely move across eve, in a shiny battleship, and while I dislike having to make 50+ jumps, I can do it easily enough. Travel fit, I move almost as fast as A FRIGATE once in warp.

Are you reading my previous posts. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU CAN FIT YOUR BS TO MAKE THEM WARP QUICK. I get it.

The problem is the profund compromise to their ability to tank and put out DPS to enable this. To get them to warp at the speed they went for the last 10 fecking years requires too much to an already lacklustre ship type that has been ignored and left for dead with the buffs to t2 hulls.

I have to use an ascendancy clone, a rig and a low slot module to make them warp at 3.0 or so.

This is not acceptable, and has been one of the reason for the rarity in this ship type. Stop telling me to fit **** to make them warp faster, I am asking for a buff to the base AU speed for a reason.

This is not about adapt or HTFU this is about the near complete abscence of this storied ships from low sec. And the only routine use tends to involve a titan bridge or undocking from your station.

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#163 - 2014-10-24 00:00:13 UTC
So, you refuse to fly without a slave set. Got it. That is all you need to give up. Really. Just your pirate implant set. It puts you "only" on par with shield battleships.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#164 - 2014-10-24 00:09:23 UTC
Posters keep vying for specific fittings and implants, and it's still taking from everywhere to this specific ship class that no other class suffers. It takes the most expensive set to even get close, still not accounting for the much slower align times Battleships also have. And this is ignoring the elephant in the room of these high grades not being just expensive but among THE MOST expensive in the game and out of the reach of many, still hurting this class as viable in low-sec.

There's still the mix of low-slots, or rigs, or other implants superfluous to the set. This directly stabs viable fittings to these already difficult to justify over the buffed smaller hulls. I don't know where the posters are getting the idea that the warp speed is fine b/c of the align time compared to capitals, and I never said it was the same, I said comparable.

Which it is, these ships still align very slowly, and get into warp slowly too, they are by far more comparable to the capitals than subcaps, in spite of them being SUBCAP and being a fraction the size of a dread or carrier.The chore of slugging around like capitals is insane for a subcapital warship.

Battleships are balanced, and only just, with all their fitting slots intact. Having to hack and slash and sledgehammer it to a viable roaming ship with these rigs and modules, again, ON TOP OF THE ASCENDENCY SET. Mid Grades as well as goodness forbid the billions of ISK for a High Grade set- leaves them in the situation Low-Sec finds itself in.

For all the arguing against a pass by CCP to Battleship warp-speed. no one can deny that these are underutilized and hurting, and their warp-speed is a huge factor to that.

Posters against CCP looking over and buffing (however slightly or heavily) can justify it however they wish. Numbers won't lie and they should be encouraging CSM and CCP to look over analytics and make the buff. I'm not even arguing for it to be base back to what it was at 3.0au/s.

Just something closer to make the Implant sacrifice of Slaves or Talismans or Genolutions OR WHATEVER in favor of Ascendencys worth the ISK and risk. Battleships were uncommon and situational before their warp nerf. Now they are rare and completely in the shadow of the smaller subcaps in Low-Sec, when with this much needed buff, they could find their place much better in the meta.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#165 - 2014-10-24 00:10:12 UTC
Maraner wrote:
James Baboli wrote:

So I have to fit a high grade set and a low slot mod to go at 3.0 or a T2 rig with CPU draw back and the low slot to STILL GET LEFT BEHIND. .

Full HG set has you leaving the cruisers behind in warp. HG set with one 6% equivalent hardwiring makes you keep up with the cruisers. Midgrade with HG omega ditto. Do you not even read the stuff I post?


How the heck can anyone argue that it is OP to return these ships to 3.0 where they were sat for the last 10 fecking years.

OMG seriously do you even like batteships? Or do you just want them kept out of the meta except for titan bridged rail megas.

Return these Hulls to 3.0 now. If you want to argue against it say why, with rationale and evidence, tell me of the swarms of BS in the low sec area you live in so we can move there and brawl instead of having to deal with a bunch of risk adverse kiting cunts.

Let me know who actually LIKES to fly these ships around as they currently are witout some shortbus occupant along on the ride to keep them from falling asleep during the warp across system by screaming GGrgggfffeeek on comms.

I almost exclusively fly battleships. My main activity in eve is battleship centric. I have, killboard verified, lost at least 1 pod with the highgrade ascendancies you refuse to fit (that I was in a rifter to start that fight proves I have more isk than sense, but hey). I get more performance out of my implants, and the fleets I fly in all run with ascendancies. I have adapted. I routinely move across eve, in a shiny battleship, and while I dislike having to make 50+ jumps, I can do it easily enough. Travel fit, I move almost as fast as A FRIGATE once in warp.

Oh and BTW is this your main that your commenting with? If it's not use that one to post with it because your 15 kills to 40 losses does not really fill me with the concept that your opinion is even worth replying to.

I especailly enjoyed your mach fit with the salvager

is this why you dont want any other BS buffed to warp quicker? or was it the fact you got rolled by a mega with t1 guns. **** man I'd go hide somewhere and cry a bit if I was you.

Perhaps when you learn to fit your own ships you can come back and comment on what people who at least have a clue are suggesting.

Oh, man. Dude. My main is my carebear toon, and my "lets get drunker than hell toon". And yeah, my incursion mach has a tractor beam on it. It is used for a site, which cannot be run almost any way which does not require tractor beams and jetcans. I forgot I turned off duel reject and hit enter on a popup while drunker than hell.

If you cannot recognize a bit of user error (faction BS fighting in Amarr, with a PVE fit on) then I'm not sure you have what it takes to recognize anything else.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#166 - 2014-10-24 00:13:07 UTC
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
Posters keep vying for specific fittings and implants, and it's still taking from everywhere to this specific ship class that no other class suffers. It takes the most expensive set to even get close, still not accounting for the much slower align times Battleships also have. And this is ignoring the elephant in the room of these high grades not being just expensive but among THE MOST expensive in the game and out of the reach of many, still hurting this class as viable in low-sec.

There's still the mix of low-slots, or rigs, or other implants superfluous to the set. This directly stabs viable fittings to these already difficult to justify over the buffed smaller hulls. I don't know where the posters are getting the idea that the warp speed is fine b/c of the align time compared to capitals, and I never said it was the same, I said comparable.

Which it is, these ships still align very slowly, and get into warp slowly too, they are by far more comparable to the capitals than subcaps, in spite of them being SUBCAP and being a fraction the size of a dread or carrier.The chore of slugging around like capitals is insane for a subcapital warship.

Battleships are balanced, and only just, with all their fitting slots intact. Having to hack and slash and sledgehammer it to a viable roaming ship with these rigs and modules, again, ON TOP OF THE ASCENDENCY SET. Mid Grades as well as goodness forbid the billions of ISK for a High Grade set- leaves them in the situation Low-Sec finds itself in.

For all the arguing against a pass by CCP to Battleship warp-speed. no one can deny that these are underutilized and hurting, and their warp-speed is a huge factor to that.

Posters against CCP looking over and buffing (however slightly or heavily) can justify it however they wish. Numbers won't lie and they should be encouraging CSM and CCP to look over analytics and make the buff. I'm not even arguing for it to be base back to what it was at 3.0au/s.

Just something closer to make the Implant sacrifice of Slaves or Talismans or Genolutions OR WHATEVER in favor of Ascendencys worth the ISK and risk. Battleships were uncommon and situational before their warp nerf. Now they are rare and completely in the shadow of the smaller subcaps in Low-Sec, when with this much needed buff, they could find their place much better in the meta.

You don't need anything but the set to exceed 3.0. I will say it again, and continue to say it for as long as reading comprehension 1 takes you to train. A set of ascendancies will put a battleship above 3.0 . All you ever need to give up is the implants. Now, you want to put out a thread to buff battleship hulls in other ways, I'll happily respond to that on its merits.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

The Executioners
#167 - 2014-10-24 00:20:27 UTC
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
Posters keep vying for specific fittings and implants, and it's still taking from everywhere to this specific ship class that no other class suffers. It takes the most expensive set to even get close, still not accounting for the much slower align times Battleships also have. And this is ignoring the elephant in the room of these high grades not being just expensive but among THE MOST expensive in the game and out of the reach of many, still hurting this class as viable in low-sec.

There's still the mix of low-slots, or rigs, or other implants superfluous to the set. This directly stabs viable fittings to these already difficult to justify over the buffed smaller hulls. I don't know where the posters are getting the idea that the warp speed is fine b/c of the align time compared to capitals, and I never said it was the same, I said comparable.

Which it is, these ships still align very slowly, and get into warp slowly too, they are by far more comparable to the capitals than subcaps, in spite of them being SUBCAP and being a fraction the size of a dread or carrier.The chore of slugging around like capitals is insane for a subcapital warship.

Battleships are balanced, and only just, with all their fitting slots intact. Having to hack and slash and sledgehammer it to a viable roaming ship with these rigs and modules, again, ON TOP OF THE ASCENDENCY SET. Mid Grades as well as goodness forbid the billions of ISK for a High Grade set- leaves them in the situation Low-Sec finds itself in.

For all the arguing against a pass by CCP to Battleship warp-speed. no one can deny that these are underutilized and hurting, and their warp-speed is a huge factor to that.

Posters against CCP looking over and buffing (however slightly or heavily) can justify it however they wish. Numbers won't lie and they should be encouraging CSM and CCP to look over analytics and make the buff. I'm not even arguing for it to be base back to what it was at 3.0au/s.

Just something closer to make the Implant sacrifice of Slaves or Talismans or Genolutions OR WHATEVER in favor of Ascendencys worth the ISK and risk. Battleships were uncommon and situational before their warp nerf. Now they are rare and completely in the shadow of the smaller subcaps in Low-Sec, when with this much needed buff, they could find their place much better in the meta.

Thanks man, agree with everything you have said. I dont expect the 0.0 alliances to fit their 200 mega pilots with HG ascendancies because they bridge home when they're done (or they did.....). So I think those of us that dont bridge everywhere should be able to move at reasonable speeds in BS without having a catastrophic fit added to an expensive clone set to let us achieve what we already had for the last 10 years.

Thanks very much for your input.
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#168 - 2014-10-24 00:28:53 UTC
James you're just being stubborn, and fight as hard as you want for the status quo to remain so, even the slightly above 3.0au/s the High Grades get you (AGAIN: Ignoring the price point of this set in particular), with the current state of the smaller subcaps, and the slower align and into warp speed of Battleships, the results to Low-Sec are tangible. No amount of you arguing for it to stay the same will change this. Low-Sec Battleships are, tangibly, demonstrably, rarer than they have ever been.

I will not assume what you spend your time doing in-game, maybe what you do is just forum-warrioring for all I know. Or maybe you are a pilot the same as I and other Low-Seccers ITT and just lucky with all these Battleships fine roaming around that you personally run into. But speaking as someone who does live in Low-Sec, and with the experience of roaming around in Battleships and varied fleets, is why I argue the points that I do.

And instead of shouting down any discussion, clinging to the thought that everything is okay, I am encouraging CCP and CSM to look over the analytical tools we know that they have, to make the informed balance pass to make this class of ship not left hurting and all but unviable in this area of space many choose to live in.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#169 - 2014-10-24 00:40:17 UTC
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
James you're just being stubborn, and fight as hard as you want for the status quo to remain so, even the slightly above 3.0au/s the High Grades get you (AGAIN: Ignoring the price point of this set in particular), with the current state of the smaller subcaps, and the slower align and into warp speed of Battleships, the results to Low-Sec are tangible. No amount of you arguing for it to stay the same will change this. Low-Sec Battleships are, tangibly, demonstrably, rarer than they have ever been.

I will not assume what you spend your time doing in-game, maybe what you do is just forum-warrioring for all I know. Or maybe you are a pilot the same as I and other Low-Seccers ITT and just lucky with all these Battleships fine roaming around that you personally run into. But speaking as someone who does live in Low-Sec, and with the experience of roaming around in Battleships and varied fleets, is why I argue the points that I do.

And instead of shouting down any discussion, clinging to the thought that everything is okay, I am encouraging CCP and CSM to look over the analytical tools we know that they have, to make the informed balance pass to make this class of ship not left hurting and all but unviable in this area of space many choose to live in.

I am, primarily, one of those damned incursion runners. I argue about battleship warp speed being the "mechanism" to balance them in roaming PVP mostly because this hits so many other areas, and is primarily a cosmetic fix to avoid actually making important changes to them. I am for making them better, but this doesn't seem like a better to me.

Fixing the overly tight fitting attributes on many of the ships, while making it a struggle to fit a full rack of the Long range weapons in t2 with an MWD and armor buffer seems like a good way to go. Fixing the fact that they don't do enough more DPS than cruisers to justify their current problems with speed seems like a good way to go. Making them worth the slower speed, or about at current parity with rigs/lows eaten by warp speed seems a better way to go than a "simple" warp speed change.

I agree, battleships aren't in a good place for PVP. I just don't think making them faster in warp fixes the fundamental issues with them being too squishy as far as native buffer and slightly too low on DPS. ABCs are in a much better place, but BS and CBCs need some real love.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#170 - 2014-10-24 00:54:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
If you do agree that they aren't in a good place for PvP, but can't that warp-speed is the fundamental issue, than can we agree that this may be a direction to improving their usage at least. So far it has only hurt them.

So many sacrifices to the wallets, to fittings, and to implant choices; or targets get away, or you get caught easiest, or over time roams that would've taken an hour taking even more than two as the time per systems crossed compounds- A Battleship becomes a burden to your faster fleetmates without those sacrifices. And that's terrible for one of the most iconic class of ships, terrible for players who already struggle for time to play, and above all terrible for a homogenizing meta across Low-Sec that could be so much more.

I won't pretend to guess at what could make them better for Incursions, because I do use them only for PvP, and that's why the warp speeds affect me and my Alliance mates as hard as they do. And why I implore the CSM and CCP who may read this thread to look over whatever data they must, and talk to whoever they have to, to help Battleships in Low-Sec.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#171 - 2014-10-24 01:03:41 UTC
While I don't support the battleship warp speed buff in toto, a smaller, more reasonable 10% buff (which compounds to ~19% quicker overall in 20 Au warps and 15% in 40 au warps) to the numbers I proposed earlier. Here were the numbers I came up with

So I proposed that someone crunch some numbers.
t1 CBCs move at 2.8
t1 ABCs move at 2.5
Command ships move at 3.0
any t2 hulls built off the ABCs move at 2.8
t1 BS move at 2.2
Blops move at 2.5
Marauders at 2.4
Mach keeps 3.0, and nestor keeps it's current speed, consider adding bhargest to the fast pirate hulls if it continues to be a hangar queen.

While it isn't what you were pushing for, it seems much more doable, and does give some consideration to the different capabilities of these ships.

What I would like to see is roughly 10% more native buffer for battleships and 7.5% more native buffer on most CBCs (drake excluded, in favor of a slight decrease in sig radius), along with a small buff to the fittings of some of the tigher ships, and finally a look at the application and range on large weapons, particularly ACs, torpedos and blasters.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

The Executioners
#172 - 2014-10-24 01:41:26 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
While I don't support the battleship warp speed buff in toto, a smaller, more reasonable 10% buff (which compounds to ~19% quicker overall in 20 Au warps and 15% in 40 au warps) to the numbers I proposed earlier. Here were the numbers I came up with

So I proposed that someone crunch some numbers.
t1 CBCs move at 2.8
t1 ABCs move at 2.5
Command ships move at 3.0
any t2 hulls built off the ABCs move at 2.8
t1 BS move at 2.2
Blops move at 2.5
Marauders at 2.4
Mach keeps 3.0, and nestor keeps it's current speed, consider adding bhargest to the fast pirate hulls if it continues to be a hangar queen.

While it isn't what you were pushing for, it seems much more doable, and does give some consideration to the different capabilities of these ships.

What I would like to see is roughly 10% more native buffer for battleships and 7.5% more native buffer on most CBCs (drake excluded, in favor of a slight decrease in sig radius), along with a small buff to the fittings of some of the tigher ships, and finally a look at the application and range on large weapons, particularly ACs, torpedos and blasters.

Fair points, please feel free to make a thread on it.

THIS thread is about an AU buff to BS and BC's

At the very very least BS should have 2.5 so they and BC's which are very simular in many ways can at move in mixed fleets with some ease.

However obviously I would like to see a great deal more.
CW Itovuo
The Executioners
#173 - 2014-10-24 04:01:58 UTC
Naoru Kozan wrote:

M8, BS don't need to warp if you never come off station!

Page 9.... you're slipping.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#174 - 2014-10-24 07:21:07 UTC
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
James you're just being stubborn, and fight as hard as you want for the status quo to remain so, even the slightly above 3.0au/s the High Grades get you (AGAIN: Ignoring the price point of this set in particular), with the current state of the smaller subcaps, and the slower align and into warp speed of Battleships, the results to Low-Sec are tangible. No amount of you arguing for it to stay the same will change this. Low-Sec Battleships are, tangibly, demonstrably, rarer than they have ever been.

I will not assume what you spend your time doing in-game, maybe what you do is just forum-warrioring for all I know. Or maybe you are a pilot the same as I and other Low-Seccers ITT and just lucky with all these Battleships fine roaming around that you personally run into. But speaking as someone who does live in Low-Sec, and with the experience of roaming around in Battleships and varied fleets, is why I argue the points that I do.

And instead of shouting down any discussion, clinging to the thought that everything is okay, I am encouraging CCP and CSM to look over the analytical tools we know that they have, to make the informed balance pass to make this class of ship not left hurting and all but unviable in this area of space many choose to live in.

They are not unviable though. You say they align too slow yet I am out running frigate fleets, you say its too expensive yet I spend less than a slave set that this guy seems unable to do without to get it to assault frigate speeds. Every time I point out a battleship that does well the only reply is that its an exception, so by now in theis thread half the battleships are "exceptional".

Simple fact here is the OP wants his battleship to act like a cruiser, the same as every other whine thread about solo/small gang battleships over the last 11 years.
The Executioners
#175 - 2014-10-24 07:44:49 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
James you're just being stubborn, and fight as hard as you want for the status quo to remain so, even the slightly above 3.0au/s the High Grades get you (AGAIN: Ignoring the price point of this set in particular), with the current state of the smaller subcaps, and the slower align and into warp speed of Battleships, the results to Low-Sec are tangible. No amount of you arguing for it to stay the same will change this. Low-Sec Battleships are, tangibly, demonstrably, rarer than they have ever been.

I will not assume what you spend your time doing in-game, maybe what you do is just forum-warrioring for all I know. Or maybe you are a pilot the same as I and other Low-Seccers ITT and just lucky with all these Battleships fine roaming around that you personally run into. But speaking as someone who does live in Low-Sec, and with the experience of roaming around in Battleships and varied fleets, is why I argue the points that I do.

And instead of shouting down any discussion, clinging to the thought that everything is okay, I am encouraging CCP and CSM to look over the analytical tools we know that they have, to make the informed balance pass to make this class of ship not left hurting and all but unviable in this area of space many choose to live in.

They are not unviable though. You say they align too slow yet I am out running frigate fleets, you say its too expensive yet I spend less than a slave set that this guy seems unable to do without to get it to assault frigate speeds. Every time I point out a battleship that does well the only reply is that its an exception, so by now in theis thread half the battleships are "exceptional".

Simple fact here is the OP wants his battleship to act like a cruiser, the same as every other whine thread about solo/small gang battleships over the last 11 years.

No OP does not want his BS to act like a cruiser. I want it to act like the BS it did for the first 9 years I played the game.

When you know there were actually BS in space

Not just sat on a bridge, at the moment to make them warp at 3.0 - NOTHING MORE takes a rig and a low slot module at least - the warp speed changes positively effected almost every other ship class in the game, even the freighters move faster now as they have low slots to take the warp faster mods and can use the clone sets.

Not the BS and the BC though. nerfed into the ground. Baltec1, why so against it, are you worried people will fly BS fleets into your last region?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#176 - 2014-10-24 08:07:54 UTC
Maraner wrote:

No OP does not want his BS to act like a cruiser. I want it to act like the BS it did for the first 9 years I played the game.

When you know there were actually BS in space

Not just sat on a bridge, at the moment to make them warp at 3.0 - NOTHING MORE takes a rig and a low slot module at least - the warp speed changes positively effected almost every other ship class in the game, even the freighters move faster now as they have low slots to take the warp faster mods and can use the clone sets.

Not the BS and the BC though. nerfed into the ground. Baltec1, why so against it, are you worried people will fly BS fleets into your last region?

So freighters got buffed because they can use mods to warp faster but battleships got nerfed because they can use rigs, mods and implants to move faster...

You are not going to get to warp as fast as ships two classes below you right out of the box, it breaks the balance btween the ship classes.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#177 - 2014-10-24 08:13:47 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
Maraner wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Maraner wrote:

We liked to use mixed ship type gangs, they used to roam large areas of low sec. These days BS just sit on a titan.

People have been saying exactly what you are for the last 11 years. If you refuse to adapt then just get a cruiser, CCP are not rolling back the speed changes.

They were right then, they are even more so now that teh BS more around so fecking slowly.

You dont seem to want to answer my other point.

What combination of AU modifying items is required to make a mega warp at 3.0 - which it moved at for like 10 years btw.

It is proably 1 rig, a clone set and a low set module.

So I have to give up a trimark, a slave set and a ******* mag stab to go the same slow assed speed that I went of the last decade and you are saying this is OP as you fit our your nano dred?

No other ships in the game have to **** away so much capability to move around at the same speed they did for a decade.

HG set with the cheaper WS 618, Midgrade set with HG omega, t2 rig + top tier low + 1 implant all get you there.


Overpriced much?

To get a BS to 3.0 you need 2x T1 rigs and a WS-610 implant. That's IT.
William Schroder
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#178 - 2014-10-24 10:04:50 UTC
Agree with OP, bring back the variety of low sec PVP options by increasing the warp speed of battleships and battlecruisers.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#179 - 2014-10-24 10:13:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
The arguments that dreads can keep up with cruisers is jsut an example of people that are too weak on rationalized arguments.

Dreads BRING the POWER.. even when you use the rigs for warp speed they bring more power to the field and MORE suvivability than the smaller ships.

If you make a battleship forego its rigs slots to warp reasonably fast, it will be LESS powerfult hatn several of the smaller ships. And barelystronger than the tohers (again with the exceptions of the neut and drone based ones).

If battleships were STRONGER, then the reduced speed diference would not be a huge issue.

ITs a fact, and no spinning can deny, battleships were massively nerfed on the warp speed changes. I am ok with that.. but they should have been buffed on other fronts to compensate.

Simple things can achieve that. How?

Buff a bit certain modules, like :. Reduce the MJD cooldown to 2 minutes. Increase the number of charges in anciliary large repairers to 10 cycles. Increase the thrust of 100MN AB (because the achieved speed is so slow that battleships need to go MWD or nothing).

Balance the tier of battleships guns. Make the first tier have a resolution of 300, and same range as the larger ones. THey become good agaisnt support. Make the second tier be EXACLTY what the 3rd tier are now. Make the 3rd tier to have some 20% more dps but a resolution of 800, so they are great agaisnt capital ships but horrible agaisnt support.

Make the damm tempest not be a LOW dps battleship when it uses 2 bonuses for damage. Give the scorpion the same jamming streght as the aflcon (The falcon already have the damm advantage of cloacking). Give a bit more EHP to all battleships..

FOR BC: give all BC a 20% increase in prop mod thrust, so that they can move a bit closer to Cruiser speed, but keep them less agile (so in straight line they can reach good speed, but they become hard to maneuver on thsoe speed).

Things like that would make those ships WORTH bringing. Specially the changes on the 3 tiers of guns.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#180 - 2014-10-24 10:15:38 UTC
No matter how much protestors squawk anecdotally that it's viable, the statistics of Battleship usage are evidence to the contrary, for reasons already mentioned in this thread.

A base warp speed buff, that I'm not even vying to be returned all the way to pre-Rubicon, is what I want to encourage CCP and CSM to look over with their data. To bring these ships back into the meta, with the quality of life in terms of time spent roaming that comes with roaming with subcaps. They'd still keep their size weakness with their align times and overall agility on the battlefield.

They are so close to balanced with all their fitting slots intact. Not nerfed with hyperspatials usually in combination with the implant choices, to the point of making almost any HAC, T3, T1 cruiser, or even the T1 BCs, a justifiably preferable option (Especially with other implants available then not spent on warp-speed) in Low-Sec, perpetuating the homogenizing meta that could be so much more diverse and fun.