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Humble request to revisit warp speeds for BS / BC's

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#181 - 2014-10-24 11:38:26 UTC
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
No matter how much protestors squawk anecdotally that it's viable, the statistics of Battleship usage are evidence to the contrary, for reasons already mentioned in this thread.

Feel free to post these statistics that show battleships have at any point been anything but rare in small gang roaming in the past decade.
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#182 - 2014-10-24 11:51:39 UTC
If you are reading and understanding, you know I am referencing the analytics that only CSM and CCP have access to pertaining to Battleship usage in Low-Sec that I am encouraging them to look over for an informed balance pass, and not just what Battleship pilots like myself, or you, might suggest.

You have your anecdotes and ideas, and I have mine, only you want to shut down any discussion to having Devs revisit Battleship Warp speed, and I want them to revisit and not ignore this situation.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#183 - 2014-10-24 16:15:59 UTC
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
If you are reading and understanding, you know I am referencing the analytics that only CSM and CCP have access to pertaining to Battleship usage in Low-Sec that I am encouraging them to look over for an informed balance pass, and not just what Battleship pilots like myself, or you, might suggest.

You have your anecdotes and ideas, and I have mine, only you want to shut down any discussion to having Devs revisit Battleship Warp speed, and I want them to revisit and not ignore this situation.

I shoot down bad ideas. Bumping up battleship warp speeds to ship classes below them invalidates the entire reason for the changes.
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#184 - 2014-10-24 19:23:36 UTC
We know CCP tracks gate jumps, we know they track of which ships and in which space, and we know CSM has access to this info. Stats like this have been mentioned by CCP Rise, and CCP Leeloo has helped the CSM make better informed arguments by giving them access to this data.

This is what I want them to look at to make an informed balance pass because I hold that the Battleship base warp speed is too slow and discourages their use in Low-Sec for reasons already given in this thread. I mention these stats and analytics often because I don't want this situation ignored and drowned out by those who've already made their points.

You spam the thread not wanting the changes to be revisited, even though legitimate points have been argued. It would not invalidate any changes. They would still move much slower than pre-Rubicon and a change back to 3.0au/s is not wanted.

What is wanted and suggested is a more reasonable starting point of base warp speed for sub-capital roaming that can from then be augmented with implants or hyperspatials similarly to now. You have argued with your anecdotal experience in null that its fine, and I with mine in Low-Sec that the use of Battleships in favor of a meta for smaller subcaps is not.

And that a buff to the warp-speed would encourage these ships usage, and to have a more diverse and fun Low-Sec where players can be encouraged to use this class of ship more often without unreasonable sacrifices to their fittings and time spent in warp that compounds over the length of a roam.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#185 - 2014-10-24 19:34:45 UTC
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan wrote:
We know CCP tracks gate jumps, we know they track of which ships and in which space, and we know CSM has access to this info. Stats like this have been mentioned by CCP Rise, and CCP Leeloo has helped the CSM make better informed arguments by giving them access to this data.

This is what I want them to look at to make an informed balance pass because I hold that the Battleship base warp speed is too slow and discourages their use in Low-Sec for reasons already given in this thread. I mention these stats and analytics often because I don't want this situation ignored and drowned out by those who've already made their points.

You spam the thread not wanting the changes to be revisited, even though legitimate points have been argued. It would not invalidate any changes. They would still move much slower than pre-Rubicon and a change back to 3.0au/s is not wanted.

What is wanted and suggested is a more reasonable starting point of base warp speed for sub-capital roaming that can from then be augmented with implants or hyperspatials similarly to now. You have argued with your anecdotal experience in null that its fine, and I with mine in Low-Sec that the use of Battleships in favor of a meta for smaller subcaps is not.

And that a buff to the warp-speed would encourage these ships usage, and to have a more diverse and fun Low-Sec where players can be encouraged to use this class of ship more often without unreasonable sacrifices to their fittings and time spent in warp that compounds over the length of a roam.

It wont happen.

There are just as many battleships being used now as before the changes to warp speed. In the 4 years I have been flying more or less exclusively battleships people have been throwing around the exact same threads about how nobody uses battleships in small gangs.
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#186 - 2014-10-24 20:04:02 UTC
Maybe you're right, and it won't happen. But I don't think it's wrong for the Battleship warp speed to have another look. Though suggestions have been made for specific numbers, I won't presume to know what the exact change should be.

Having flown exclusively as often as I could Battleships (specific to me the Gallente line, with the Megathron being a personal favorite) in Low-Sec fleets for PvP, and roamed around Low-Sec before and after Rubicon. I very much do think there's been a marked decrease in usage of an already rare ship class in small gangs since the warp-speed changes, and that it's hurting not because it's necessarily bad, but because everything else has been made so good in comparison to the fitting and implant choices that need to be made.

And unlike some suggestions in this thread to buff the Battleships directly to make them worth the burden of slow warp speed, or worth the sacrifices to mitigate that warp speed. I think they are more or less balanced with regards to the rest of their specs. And that a buff in the direction of 3.0au/s ( though DEFINITELY NOT all the way back to that ) would be a positive change for this class of ships use in Low-Sec, and not leaving them this much out of favor in comparison to the other subcapitals.
ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#187 - 2014-10-24 23:18:25 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Decoy
During a good scrub of this thread, I've removed numerous replies which violated a few of our rules:

2. Be respectful toward others at all times.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to be courteous when disagreeing with others.

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5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive, and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

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23. Post constructively.

Negative feedback can be very useful to further improve EVE Online provided that it is presented in a civil and factual manner. All users are encouraged to honestly express their feelings regarding EVE Online and how it can be improved. Posts that are non-constructive, insulting or in breach of the rules will be deleted regardless of how valid the ideas behind them may be. Users are also reminded that posting with a lack of content also constitutes non-constructive posting.

Please use some tact and common sense when replying, especially in the F&I board. Please review our rules before continuing to reply. Let's keep this thread on topic.


ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Sugar Kyle
Middle Ground
#188 - 2014-10-24 23:35:16 UTC
I've brought up battleship warp speed and how it effects the usage of these ships in low sec as well as it bring a topic brought forward several times during the round tables at Eve Vegas this last weekend. CCP Fozzie stated at the round tables that he wants battleship and battlecruiser warp speed to have a large variance from cruisers and frigates. However, that does not mean that looking at it, especially as Phoebe's changes hit the game, is out of the question.

I don't feel that it is where it needs to be for low sec. I also understand that one cannot only look at the usage of battleships in low sec. Still, the usage of battleships and their warp speed is something that I've discussed with CCP and will continue to be so. Upcoming changes only highlight that need.

Member of CSM9 and CSM10.

The Executioners
#189 - 2014-10-25 00:12:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
Sugar Kyle wrote:
I've brought up battleship warp speed and how it effects the usage of these ships in low sec as well as it bring a topic brought forward several times during the round tables at Eve Vegas this last weekend. CCP Fozzie stated at the round tables that he wants battleship and battlecruiser warp speed to have a large variance from cruisers and frigates. However, that does not mean that looking at it, especially as Phoebe's changes hit the game, is out of the question.

I don't feel that it is where it needs to be for low sec. I also understand that one cannot only look at the usage of battleships in low sec. Still, the usage of battleships and their warp speed is something that I've discussed with CCP and will continue to be so. Upcoming changes only highlight that need.

Thank you very much for looking at it.

I love the battleships but they are not in a good place for all parties in the game.

They tend to be the only ship type that needs to fit warp speed adjusting modules rather than would like to if they want to roam any sort of distance at all.

I wish all the best for folks that want to push the envelope to get their dreds or whatever warping around at speed, I like that this as an option for them even if they have to compromise on other aspect of the ship by doing so.

The BS however is a sub cap that has so many enemies these days that they are becoming a rare sight, they need to fly in mixed fleets but the AU sacrifice is so great that they just get left in the hanger.

I have also yet I think to kill any of them with AU modifying modules on them which suggests that the compromise for BS is so significant with the loss of a rig, a low slot, the use of the clone and the CPU draw back on the rigs to get them to 3.0 where they have been for the last 10 years that it's just not being done.

Please raise it to at least the same as the BC.

Solaris Vex
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#190 - 2014-10-25 03:30:50 UTC
Speed is a good way to differentiate ship classes, and the BS/BC speeds fit into the larger ship hierarchy quite well. Battleships definitely need as buff, but their speed reflects their size and tank and so shouldn't be changed.
The Executioners
#191 - 2014-10-25 06:20:22 UTC
Solaris Vex wrote:
Speed is a good way to differentiate ship classes, and the BS/BC speeds fit into the larger ship hierarchy quite well. Battleships definitely need as buff, but their speed reflects their size and tank and so shouldn't be changed.

They went at 3.0 for 10 years. I realise stuff changes but they are best suited in mixed gangs and are completely unable to do that role atm without unacceptable fitting choices that no other warship in the game has to make.

I agree very much they need a total re-look but speed first please, at least then they can come out. I still completely fail to see how going at 3.0 makes them OP.

They will still likely be the last to land and warp

cheers though
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#192 - 2014-10-25 08:11:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
Maraner wrote:
Solaris Vex wrote:
Speed is a good way to differentiate ship classes, and the BS/BC speeds fit into the larger ship hierarchy quite well. Battleships definitely need as buff, but their speed reflects their size and tank and so shouldn't be changed.

They went at 3.0 for 10 years. I realise stuff changes but they are best suited in mixed gangs and are completely unable to do that role atm without unacceptable fitting choices that no other warship in the game has to make.

I agree very much they need a total re-look but speed first please, at least then they can come out. I still completely fail to see how going at 3.0 makes them OP.

They will still likely be the last to land and warp

cheers though

No theyshould not get speed back. That would just remove the flavor and qualaize them to the other ships.

Battleships shoudl continue to take time to arrive. But they should PAY OFF Whenthey arrive.

When we are in a small gang (for us small menas 2-4 people) and durign a fight a battleship appear.. t1, not pirate, ) except the armageddon, there is a lot of noise in TS.. why? People screaming to TACKLE the FREE KILL! VBBEcause that is what a battleships represents when it arrives, a free kill.

If we have 4 Cruiser sized hull and enemy arrivbes in 2 battleships and 2 cruisers we simply consider that we are a t2:1 advantage.. because the battleships are Almsot irrlevant).

Battleships should have superior staying power to ANY cruiser sized hull. The battleships capability of applying damage is so REDUCED that their effective DPS on most close range fights (that is what most small fights become) is not even half of a cruiser sized hull.

Workign on battleships guns you can start to sovle that. MAke tier 1 BS guns reach same range as current tier 3, but give them a resolution of 300. MAke current Tier 2 guns into EXACLTY what the tier 3 are now. MAke the tier 3 guns have a resolution of 800, but 25% more dps (so they are VER powerful against capitals, marauders, and structures, but bad agasint support).

That and all battleships need some bit more ehp, and buff a tad the BATTLESHIP sized repairers.

Ooo and I just got thisidea.. why not give it a 4th rig slot? That would represent well their DEDICATED and focused large ships thing, and for the ones desperate for warp speed, would help.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

The Executioners
#193 - 2014-10-25 09:08:10 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Maraner wrote:
Solaris Vex wrote:
Speed is a good way to differentiate ship classes, and the BS/BC speeds fit into the larger ship hierarchy quite well. Battleships definitely need as buff, but their speed reflects their size and tank and so shouldn't be changed.

They went at 3.0 for 10 years. I realise stuff changes but they are best suited in mixed gangs and are completely unable to do that role atm without unacceptable fitting choices that no other warship in the game has to make.

I agree very much they need a total re-look but speed first please, at least then they can come out. I still completely fail to see how going at 3.0 makes them OP.

They will still likely be the last to land and warp

cheers though

No theyshould not get speed back. That would just remove the flavor and qualaize them to the other ships.

Battleships shoudl continue to take time to arrive. But they should PAY OFF Whenthey arrive.

When we are in a small gang (for us small menas 2-4 people) and durign a fight a battleship appear.. t1, not pirate, ) except the armageddon, there is a lot of noise in TS.. why? People screaming to TACKLE the FREE KILL! VBBEcause that is what a battleships represents when it arrives, a free kill.

If we have 4 Cruiser sized hull and enemy arrivbes in 2 battleships and 2 cruisers we simply consider that we are a t2:1 advantage.. because the battleships are Almsot irrlevant).

Battleships should have superior staying power to ANY cruiser sized hull. The battleships capability of applying damage is so REDUCED that their effective DPS on most close range fights (that is what most small fights become) is not even half of a cruiser sized hull.

Workign on battleships guns you can start to sovle that. MAke tier 1 BS guns reach same range as current tier 3, but give them a resolution of 300. MAke current Tier 2 guns into EXACLTY what the tier 3 are now. MAke the tier 3 guns have a resolution of 800, but 25% more dps (so they are VER powerful against capitals, marauders, and structures, but bad agasint support).

That and all battleships need some bit more ehp, and buff a tad the BATTLESHIP sized repairers.

Ooo and I just got thisidea.. why not give it a 4th rig slot? That would represent well their DEDICATED and focused large ships thing, and for the ones desperate for warp speed, would help.

Thanks for the input.

I agree that as a class they need another look. A good long look, but even if they are buffed in some other way, if they cannot reasonably keep up with other ship types without unacceptable nerf to trimarks or low slots that no other ship type in the game has to make they will remain grossly underused.

Except for being bridged around the place Armor BS gangs are an unusual sight in space. they are no longer used for smacking stuff up in low sec - everyone uses Isthars etc etc.

Raise the speed to 2.5 AT LEAST and then address the other failings.

The mega and geddon plus the domi and other ships are iconic images in eve, shame that in low sec it's just images in hangers.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#194 - 2014-10-25 10:38:29 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Sugar Kyle wrote:
I've brought up battleship warp speed and how it effects the usage of these ships in low sec as well as it bring a topic brought forward several times during the round tables at Eve Vegas this last weekend. CCP Fozzie stated at the round tables that he wants battleship and battlecruiser warp speed to have a large variance from cruisers and frigates. However, that does not mean that looking at it, especially as Phoebe's changes hit the game, is out of the question.

I don't feel that it is where it needs to be for low sec. I also understand that one cannot only look at the usage of battleships in low sec. Still, the usage of battleships and their warp speed is something that I've discussed with CCP and will continue to be so. Upcoming changes only highlight that need.

Are they happy with where they are right now as a whole?

People keep mentioning speed but really I think that is a just one of many ways something could be done to get them a little help. There are a few outliers but in the main there are almost no good reasons to use one. That is to say I don't have issue with the speed per-se, more that what they bring doesn't merit the trade off. Perhaps that's just my meta though - we don't roll in fleets that cause TiDi.

I suppose the question is, what is their role envisaged to be by CCP?
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#195 - 2014-10-25 11:08:41 UTC
Maraner wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Maraner wrote:
Solaris Vex wrote:
Speed is a good way to differentiate ship classes, and the BS/BC speeds fit into the larger ship hierarchy quite well. Battleships definitely need as buff, but their speed reflects their size and tank and so shouldn't be changed.

They went at 3.0 for 10 years. I realise stuff changes but they are best suited in mixed gangs and are completely unable to do that role atm without unacceptable fitting choices that no other warship in the game has to make.

I agree very much they need a total re-look but speed first please, at least then they can come out. I still completely fail to see how going at 3.0 makes them OP.

They will still likely be the last to land and warp

cheers though

No theyshould not get speed back. That would just remove the flavor and qualaize them to the other ships.

Battleships shoudl continue to take time to arrive. But they should PAY OFF Whenthey arrive.

When we are in a small gang (for us small menas 2-4 people) and durign a fight a battleship appear.. t1, not pirate, ) except the armageddon, there is a lot of noise in TS.. why? People screaming to TACKLE the FREE KILL! VBBEcause that is what a battleships represents when it arrives, a free kill.

If we have 4 Cruiser sized hull and enemy arrivbes in 2 battleships and 2 cruisers we simply consider that we are a t2:1 advantage.. because the battleships are Almsot irrlevant).

Battleships should have superior staying power to ANY cruiser sized hull. The battleships capability of applying damage is so REDUCED that their effective DPS on most close range fights (that is what most small fights become) is not even half of a cruiser sized hull.

Workign on battleships guns you can start to sovle that. MAke tier 1 BS guns reach same range as current tier 3, but give them a resolution of 300. MAke current Tier 2 guns into EXACLTY what the tier 3 are now. MAke the tier 3 guns have a resolution of 800, but 25% more dps (so they are VER powerful against capitals, marauders, and structures, but bad agasint support).

That and all battleships need some bit more ehp, and buff a tad the BATTLESHIP sized repairers.

Ooo and I just got thisidea.. why not give it a 4th rig slot? That would represent well their DEDICATED and focused large ships thing, and for the ones desperate for warp speed, would help.

Thanks for the input.

I agree that as a class they need another look. A good long look, but even if they are buffed in some other way, if they cannot reasonably keep up with other ship types without unacceptable nerf to trimarks or low slots that no other ship type in the game has to make they will remain grossly underused.

Except for being bridged around the place Armor BS gangs are an unusual sight in space. they are no longer used for smacking stuff up in low sec - everyone uses Isthars etc etc.

Raise the speed to 2.5 AT LEAST and then address the other failings.

The mega and geddon plus the domi and other ships are iconic images in eve, shame that in low sec it's just images in hangers.


Adding a 4th rig slot would " solve that"They would be able to keep with with BC OR increase their power. But they also need all a tad more CPU to use that. In fact ccp need to revisit fittigns for several of them. Simple example is tempest that hey claim can be a shield tanker. It is not a shield tanker when it lack s CPU such that you need 2 fittign mods or rigs for CPU to make it a shield tanker.

Battleship of all classes should be the ones with least FITTINGS concerns.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Jim Elliot
Divorce Attorneys
#196 - 2014-12-12 02:47:27 UTC
I still want to see mixed gangs of BS and BC roaming around - yes you need to bring fast tough tackle these days, the problem is the sheer amount of time in roaming with these ship these days without gimping the fit by using the warp speed mods / rigs.

Everyone but CCP's accounting team wants BS to be relavent again.

The warp speed nerf was a nerf skillpoints and to the price/performance coefficient that the battleship represented in low sec pvp.

Don't let the shills here get you down. Your argument is justified and diversity in eve has always been a positive thing. Your one mistake is not realizing that eve has fallen into that trap that all MMOs do. They nerf and buff just like a F2P game to drive players to purchase new ships and to train new skills to make up for what has become irrelevant.
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