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Allies of the state win the research race.

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#41 - 2014-10-21 18:14:24 UTC
Vizage wrote:
For example our Soltour-Class(?) Titan (not the one disseminated for capsuleer use) to this day remains shrouded in mystery.

Considering the Soltueur is a Gallentean vessel, why the State would have one of them six would be quite the mystery, now wouldn't it?

You are thinking of the first generation of Titans, the Iapetans. The second generation of titans, the ones with which most of us are familiar, are collectively known as Prometheans.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Capital Allied Industrial Distribution
#42 - 2014-10-21 18:34:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Vizage
Morwen Lagann wrote:
Vizage wrote:
For example our Soltour-Class(?) Titan (not the one disseminated for capsuleer use) to this day remains shrouded in mystery.

Considering the Soltueur is a Gallentean vessel, why the State would have one of them six would be quite the mystery, now wouldn't it?

You are thinking of the first generation of Titans, the Iapetans. The second generation of titans, the ones with which most of us are familiar, are collectively known as Prometheans.

Thank you for the correction Ms. Lagann I did indeed insert that (?) as a means to hint at my inability to remember the exact name (or spelling for that matter) of the proper classification. Thank you.
Quin Mansa
#43 - 2014-10-21 18:56:47 UTC
Gwen Ikiryo wrote:
Though predictable, it saddens me that what the Empires apparantly aimed to accomplish with all that technology from the Sleepers - A civilization who's highest achievements (virtual reality AI, etc) seem to based around attempting to give their people a truly excellent quality of life more then anything else - was building yet another weapon for their loyalists to murder eachother with.

The faithful yearn for greater understanding of Creation, pursuing knowledge of God's mysteries to better know Him through His Works. It has been so for innumerable generations. It is of no surprise that the Chosen eagerly forego great worldly wealth to bring this understanding to the faithful, and we are deeply humbled by their magnanimity.

Yet, in the devotion of the Chosen to the principal among His Works, the Reclaiming, the faithful do expose themselves to the calamitous opposition to His Will among the benighted of New Eden. So it follows that the same knowledge sought in yearning to know God must be turned to the defense of His faithful. Only at the Perfection of the Reclaiming will that duty be relinquished.

"Today, our future is in our hands, and His light shines down upon us." - Her Holiness Catiz I

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#44 - 2014-10-21 20:11:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Deacon Abox
Average Space Elf wrote:
Ground fine enough they can make for a rather interesting --if challenging-- tincture. I wouldn't recommend it to the faint of heart or stomach or general constitution or psyche.

Really it's probably best avoided altogether.

Potion Seller, I'm going into battle. I desire only your strongest potions.X

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#45 - 2014-10-22 07:48:04 UTC
Vizage wrote:

Thank you for the correction Ms. Lagann I did indeed insert that (?) as a means to hint at my inability to remember the exact name (or spelling for that matter) of the proper classification. Thank you.

The Caldari Iapetan Titan is called the 'Omnya'. Of all the Empire Titans it is indeed the one with least known data. Concerning mixup of names, don't feel bad about it, they're so rarely mentioned and the secrecy surrounding them makes it all the harder.

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

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