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Uedama yesterday and last night
TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] " CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP
A True Champion of High Security Space
The Artist Formerly Known As AC.
The terminal end of the digestive system.
The Best CSM Candidate
Agent of the New Order If you do not have a current Mining Permit, please contact me for issuance.
Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet
"NUTS!!!" - general McAuliffe
No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff
Would you like to know more?
In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.
New Player FAQ
Feyd's Survival Pack
This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.