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5 advices every new guy should follow.

First post
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#21 - 2014-09-27 20:45:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagrat Skalski
Don't lose your ship
If you lost your ship, get another
if you cant get another ship, beg for ISK
If it doesn't work, scam them
If the scam doesnt work, get your capsule, fly to nullsec and join goonswarm.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#22 - 2014-09-27 21:39:33 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

8. Use of profanity is prohibited.

The use of profanity is prohibited on the EVE Online forums. This includes the partial masking of letters using numbers or alternate symbols, and any attempts at bypassing the profanity filter.

27. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued to the off-topic poster.

Oh an people: Please don't feed the trolls....

Rain6637 wrote:
but Ezwal that was only 3 advices
Advice 4. Do not break The Rules
Advice 5. Refrain from posting snarky remarks at the expense of forum moderators....;-)

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2014-09-27 21:45:09 UTC
Solecist Project
#24 - 2014-09-27 21:46:53 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
but Ezwal that was only 3 advices

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#25 - 2014-09-27 21:47:47 UTC
1. If you are thinking about checking Eve out stop immediately and go watch pinktube.
2. If you already have trial going let it lapse.
3. If you already subbed let it lapse, snort some coke if you need to get over loss of money.
4. If you are coked up and feel like you really want to play just sniff something off of toilet seat in nearest club.
5. If during point 3 or 4 you got robbed, molested and/or ended up in jail keep in mind that at least you didn't make really terrible mistake of playing Eve.

Believe me, I used to be addicted to online casinos. I wish I stuck with them...

Invalid signature format

Goonswarm Federation
#26 - 2014-09-27 22:08:47 UTC
Technically not proof that CCP plays their own game, but I'll take it
Ice Fire Warriors
#27 - 2014-09-27 23:00:00 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
1. If you are thinking about checking Eve out stop immediately and go watch pinktube.
2. If you already have trial going let it lapse.
3. If you already subbed let it lapse, snort some coke if you need to get over loss of money.
4. If you are coked up and feel like you really want to play just sniff something off of toilet seat in nearest club.
5. If during point 3 or 4 you got robbed, molested and/or ended up in jail keep in mind that at least you didn't make really terrible mistake of playing Eve.

Believe me, I used to be addicted to online casinos. I wish I stuck with them...


What if you do all of the above and STILL log in at the end of the night to play EVE?
Goonswarm Federation
#28 - 2014-09-27 23:42:44 UTC
I feel like this bleeds through to something I posted in another thread, about rocks, sand, and water. Basically, my advice is don't let EVE become the rocks, otherwise you'll find yourself making threads about client drops, and that screams "I care too much about a game."

but being here is ok. so is attending fanfest, that's not weird.
Hiply Rustic
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2014-09-27 23:44:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Hiply Rustic
One one piece of advice:

The only time you're doing it wrong is if you're not enjoying it.

It's a game, have fun.

Ok, that's two pieces of advice.

Ralph King-Griffin wrote: "Eve deliberately excludes the stupid and the weak willied." EvE: Only the strong-willied need apply.

Khalm Hasal
#30 - 2014-09-27 23:51:55 UTC
Don't take it too seriously.
Don't take it too seriously.
Don't take it too seriously.
Don't take it too seriously.
Take every decision seriously.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#31 - 2014-09-27 23:52:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
1) Get out of that ****y npc Corp immediately.
2) Attitude will get you father than sp or isk .
3) Objectivity is key .
4) if in doubt do (or right click)
5) if you can't tell what eve's content is... You're it.

Bonus advice : the magic happens about |<------this------->| far out of your comfort zone.
Khalm Hasal
#32 - 2014-09-27 23:57:42 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
1) Get out of that ****y npc Corp immediately.

Bah, I wish I had thought of this one. +1
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2014-09-27 23:59:44 UTC
unless you're a warfare booster alt. in that case definitely be in Ministry of War, cuz that's just cool.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#34 - 2014-09-27 23:59:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
Bonus advice : the magic happens about |<------this------->| far out of your comfort zone the forums derp out pretty hard, fairly regularly.
Goonswarm Federation
#35 - 2014-09-28 00:37:36 UTC
Ursula Thrace
Dreamland Augmented Consortium
#36 - 2014-09-28 01:49:53 UTC
Silky Cyno wrote:
Buy a battle bucket to pee in, when your in fleet fights.

now that's really funny. Lol
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#37 - 2014-09-28 02:01:11 UTC
For noobs?

1. as soon as you log in everyone in the galaxy is out to get you.
2. Join eve university. They will teach you the game
3. if you want to pvp join red vs blue.
4. make sure you have more brains than the other guy.
5. Shiney ship doesnt always mean best ship.
6. Also you can have a giant empire but lose it all in a day. nothing is forever in eve it's always changing.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Claud Tiberius
#38 - 2014-09-28 03:37:38 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

If you get mad over space pixels, you are the one who has issues, not the person that caused you to get mad.

So if I take your space pixels, its your fault? Neat! I hope we can do this soon.

Once upon a time the Golem had a Raven hull and it looked good. Then it transformed into a plataduck. The end.

Jace Sarice
#39 - 2014-09-28 03:47:55 UTC
Make ISK. You can fail at anything else, afterwards.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#40 - 2014-09-28 05:13:25 UTC
Claud Tiberius wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

If you get mad over space pixels, you are the one who has issues, not the person that caused you to get mad.
So if I take your space pixels, its your fault? Neat! I hope we can do this soon.
That's not what he said, but this is also true.

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