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Language Chat Channel Consolidation With Oceanus

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lolcorpholder alt
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2014-09-24 18:58:48 UTC
Marian Devers wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
Previously we've supported a total of 39 language channels in game, however over the course of the last 12 months or so we have had a rise in the number of complaints regarding politically motivated trolling and inappropriate content being displayed in them.

Will you also shut down Fozzie's twitter due to "politically motivated trolling"? You know, since you're being so worried about trolling in official CCP communication channels.

Fozzie being non-native english speaker, probably yes
Zak Matrix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#62 - 2014-09-24 19:23:37 UTC
So there's few/many political trolls on some language channels and the only option is to close all the channels? There's already solution ingame for those trolls, it's called 'blocking'. Or maybe put on similar report button like for isk spammers?

Please don't close the channels.
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#63 - 2014-09-24 19:24:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Chribba
This is very sad to see. I for one really enjoy the Swedish channel and I'm sure others feel the same way as I towards "their" language.

Feels a bit like you can't handle (or don't want to handle the complaints) the channels so make it easy and just remove them...? But hey, I'd be up for moderating the Swedish one - problem is that before you could actually find the language you wanted under the "Language" section of channels. Something that I now assume is just gone. So people still wouldn't find their way there without word-of-mouth.

I'd be happy to take it over anyway, unless it's already taken by some random pilot that left back in 2003...

But ultimately I think this is the wrong move to make.


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Indahmawar Fazmarai
#64 - 2014-09-24 19:46:43 UTC
Chribba wrote:
This is very sad to see. I for one really enjoy the Swedish channel and I'm sure others feel the same way as I towards "their" language.

Feels a bit like you can't handle (or don't want to handle the complaints) the channels so make it easy and just remove them...? But hey, I'd be up for moderating the Swedish one - problem is that before you could actually find the language you wanted under the "Language" section of channels. Something that I now assume is just gone. So people still wouldn't find their way there without word-of-mouth.

I'd be happy to take it over anyway, unless it's already taken by some random pilot that left back in 2003...

But ultimately I think this is the wrong move to make.


It would be less unfair to shut only the channels were trouble arises. If (insert nationality X) can't behave at their language channel, we Spanish speakers and the other 34 language speakers are not to blame.
lolcorpholder alt
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2014-09-24 20:24:34 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Chribba wrote:
This is very sad to see. I for one really enjoy the Swedish channel and I'm sure others feel the same way as I towards "their" language.

Feels a bit like you can't handle (or don't want to handle the complaints) the channels so make it easy and just remove them...? But hey, I'd be up for moderating the Swedish one - problem is that before you could actually find the language you wanted under the "Language" section of channels. Something that I now assume is just gone. So people still wouldn't find their way there without word-of-mouth.

I'd be happy to take it over anyway, unless it's already taken by some random pilot that left back in 2003...

But ultimately I think this is the wrong move to make.


It would be less unfair to shut only the channels were trouble arises. If (insert nationality X) can't behave at their language channel, we Spanish speakers and the other 34 language speakers are not to blame.

Or, heaven forbid, just let people block them. Have had a guy at Finnish channel for years who is blocked by 90 of the channels uses. Randomly someone unblocks for a while, usually still having a monology with his alts (also blocked). Don't think anyone has ever seen him undock
Akazukin Ataraxis
EDENCOM Section 7
#66 - 2014-09-24 20:36:15 UTC
Just a terrible idea
Hra Neuvosto
Party Cat Enterprises
#67 - 2014-09-24 20:37:36 UTC
Horrible change.
Elly May
Amarr Empire
#68 - 2014-09-24 20:56:37 UTC
Don't do it CCP.
Belia Baal
#69 - 2014-09-24 21:00:49 UTC
wow, another stupid decision by CCP Roll
Tarlake Inc.
#70 - 2014-09-24 21:16:09 UTC
Being a part of the Finnish channel community for almost 10 years i have seen it grow from a pure smack and wardec channel into a place for all Fins to hangout no matter what corporation or alliance they are part of.
Yes we sometimes argue about some random s***, but that is just a part of our nature.

Removing this channel from us would force us to moderated channels and separate us as a community.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#71 - 2014-09-24 21:46:45 UTC
I have removed a rule breaking post.

The Rules:
6. Racism and discrimination are prohibited.

Racism, gender stereotyping and hate speech are not permitted on the EVE Online Forums. Derogatory posting that includes race, religion or sexual preference based personal attacks and trolling can result in immediate suspension of forum posting privileges.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Taxisk Unlimited
#72 - 2014-09-24 21:50:13 UTC
CCP wants to remove language channels because inappropriate discussion in them. Player language channels are proposed replacements for them. This change means that language channel system becomes hidden in EVE. I have few proposals to deal this with style and minimize damage:

1. Official CCP language channels become player operated language channels. CCP needs to find operator for each language channel. Language channel section in chat channel menu is moved under player channel section. This change means that visibility of language channels remain and change is as small as possible.

2. Player operated language channels would have chance to become visible in player channel section in chat channel menu.

3. There could be text like "language channel section has been removed because inappropriate discussion in them. Player operated language channels may exist that replace official language channels". This text would be in language channel menu. Menu itself remains to show that CCP official language channels existed in the past. New players also know to search for player operated language channels based on this text.


Link library to EVE music songs.

Kazruw Drol
State War Academy
Caldari State
#73 - 2014-09-24 21:50:27 UTC
Don't do it.

Some in game channels are used for gathering intel (i.e. local), others are used for setting up and sharing fleet related things (invites, cap chains, fits etc.), but the only the language specific channels are used for actually chatting. Removing those channels for the reasons stated in the op makes about as much sense as amputating both of your legs just because your socks felt a bit uncomfortable.

I may or may not be impersonating one of my alts or vice versa.

Daniel Aryaliana
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2014-09-24 22:11:33 UTC
The Swedish channel haven't got any of these issues..
This is such a bad idea.
Legendary Umbrellas
#75 - 2014-09-24 22:17:28 UTC  |  Edited by: COMM4NDER
Chribba wrote:
This is very sad to see. I for one really enjoy the Swedish channel and I'm sure others feel the same way as I towards "their" language.

Feels a bit like you can't handle (or don't want to handle the complaints) the channels so make it easy and just remove them...? But hey, I'd be up for moderating the Swedish one - problem is that before you could actually find the language you wanted under the "Language" section of channels. Something that I now assume is just gone. So people still wouldn't find their way there without word-of-mouth.

I'd be happy to take it over anyway, unless it's already taken by some random pilot that left back in 2003...

But ultimately I think this is the wrong move to make.



This is bad really bad for new players looking for someone to speak to in their native language being that help or just normal chat.

Add moderation or just leave the channels alone, leave Svenska alone!

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Indahmawar Fazmarai
#76 - 2014-09-24 22:24:57 UTC
Daniel Aryaliana wrote:
The Swedish channel haven't got any of these issues..
This is such a bad idea.

Looks like we're the baby they're throwing with the rotten apples i.e. some channel(s) cause(s) ISD tickets because of trolling, so let's get rid of all of them. What could go wrong with pissing veterans and letting down newbies about something as sensitive as their language?

Scipio Primipilus
The Back Yard
#77 - 2014-09-24 22:29:56 UTC
This sounds like a really bad idea. The swedish channel is a great place for both vets and new players to just hang out and chat, never seen anything in need of moderation.

It was one of the first channels I joined when I started playing, learned a lot about the game and met some great people. Unlike the help channel which was (is?) just full of trolls.
Over the years Svenska has been a place where you can pop in after having been away from the game for a time, get updated and pointed in the right directions etc. On a boring op, there's always someone to chat with a bit, unrelated to what you are doing in EVE and so on.

This is a stupid idea, CCP and you know it.
uhnboy ghost
Corporation 98237776
#78 - 2014-09-24 22:56:33 UTC
this is stupid... no wait THIS IS REALLY STUPID!!!!!!

u are shooting yourself in the foot by removing the biggest social/help/corp finding channels in eve, make it easyer to ban stupid ppl instead of destroying the game for the rest of us.

just think of how many noobs in those channels we keep playing doto we helping them understand the game and helps them find corps etc, whit out those channels many noobs will just leave eve for good,

"well they can go to the real help channel"... NO they cant!! for many ppl eve is a really hard game to learn even if u can ask ppl questions in your language. whit out the swedish channel I would not have played eve today!!

and for us older ppl those channels is a good way to be social whit ppl from our country whit out taking sides in sov wars and other stuff

STOP the trolls, stop killing eve and stop beeing so ***** stupid!!!


//uhnboy 84K probe scans in 2014

Morihei Akachi
#79 - 2014-09-24 23:37:45 UTC
This seems like a bad idea. Essentially, you're arguing that because language channels are listed in the client in a visible place, they need the kind of moderation that the forums get, and since you can't provide that (for reasons that make plenty of sense; I've no issue with this), you're going to do away with that visible listing. I would say: this is a place for a policy change. Those 39 channels serve a useful purpose, as lots of people have pointed out, and their visibility is part of that. So I think you'd be better to bite the bullet and admit that you can't moderate them and aren't going to. Put it in big red letters in a MOTD. And remind people that there's a block function. Penalizing everyone, on the other hand, just in order to punish the few seems less than fair.

"Enduring", "restrained" and "ample" as designations for starship components are foreign to the genre of high-tech science fiction and don’t belong in Eve Online. (And as for “scoped” …)

JamesMoriarty Black
Caldari State
#80 - 2014-09-25 02:06:53 UTC
ISD Ezwal wrote:
I have removed a rule breaking post.

The Rules:
6. Racism and discrimination are prohibited.

Racism, gender stereotyping and hate speech are not permitted on the EVE Online Forums. Derogatory posting that includes race, religion or sexual preference based personal attacks and trolling can result in immediate suspension of forum posting privileges.

CCP is being racist about other lenguages