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Popping Incursions, making a point or greifing.

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Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#1 - 2014-09-14 10:20:44 UTC
For the record I have not been online in over a month. But I can tell from the forum activity that this is heating up to a respectable level so here is a great place to post your comments, rants, insults, psychic premonitions or even just a good idea.

So I don't have to keep looking at drama plugging up the Community information thread.


Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

#2 - 2014-09-14 11:26:17 UTC  |  Edited by: n2cthe1
Carebear space drama ....

TVP claim all other communities support their drive against ISN.... doesn't seem like it from the forums. Ugh

TVP claim they run 23/7....they can't when all the incursions are killed Ugh

TVP claim the moral high ground (to deny ISN HQ sites)...just making themselves into the bad guys Ugh

TVP claim ISN are dying....hmmmm...doesn't seem like it Ugh

Overall, then, is their policy working?....doesn't seem like it (currently anyway) Ugh

TVP policy has pushed them into a corner, with no escape. If they stop then they will lose cred, if they continue then they risk alienating every other incursion runner in Eve.

It is all about making ISK and as the less-wealthy players approach their PLEX time, they will become desperate for ISK. Whether they should or should not have an alt income stream, lack of ISK will be a turning point.

CCP must be rubbing their hands with glee, incursions....working as intended...with added content Big smile
Jill Antaris
Jill's Open Incursion Corp
#3 - 2014-09-14 15:52:19 UTC
In my opinion it is good PR stunt from TVP, selling them self as the white knights of Incursions, while what Noble Ranger did would be probably not classified as good behaviour between Inc channels, it is by no means outrageous or not replaceable by the channels or individual pilots on short notice. I guess it will last for a couple more weeks, I am actually not mad about it, because it gives me a bit more spare time for other stuff instead of FCing on grid the hole day.

Also doing Islands with IIC and Helix and a few others this week was fairly refreshing and a welcome change of pace for me again plus the opportunity to finally put my dual DST setup that I did acquire for tasks like this to good use.

It will not last forever, I give it another 3 to 4 weeks till the numbers for HQ fleets in TVP and ISN drop to level where they can't do it everyday in the current fashion and people will probably settle down.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#4 - 2014-09-14 23:54:20 UTC
Playing the game within the rules is never and can never be griefing.

I'm quite happy to see this going on, popping the MOM should be the goal of an incursion, not something to be put off as long as possible so people can farm more. Popping the MOM quickly returns the constellation to normal, allowing the local miners, mission runners and explorers to go back to their activities instead of being enslaved by the greed of Incursion Farmers
Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2014-09-15 00:10:20 UTC
Except that TVP never held any type of high ground. On comms, anyone who dissented with their decisions was promptly removed from the server permanently. Eventually, there's no dissent, and so they can now claim everyone supports them. And yes, I was present for the pow-wow and the actions were watched by over a dozen of us.

Helix Incursions does not, and has not, supported TVP's actions, as it runs counter to the morale and welfare of the community (both ours and others). We are interested in making ISK in order to lose that ISK in PvP, Quafe, hookers, and the occassional fedo smuggling ring.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Steppa Musana
#6 - 2014-09-15 00:13:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Steppa Musana
Popping the MOM as a form of griefing is the kind of griefing I support. CCP's stance against griefing is absolutely ridiculous, considering just how many forms of gameplay are just that. Committing acts in game for the purpose of annoying others is half the reason people do anything in this game. Burn Jita is an obvious example, which CCP promotes themselves.

As long as you are griefing through gameplay mechanics, without exploiting and without bad social conduct, I see no issue. And so I support endlessly popping the MOM. It is EVE at it's purest form.

Hey guys.

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2014-09-15 00:29:46 UTC
Anya Klibor wrote:
Helix Incursions does not, and has not, supported TVP's actions, as it runs counter to the morale and welfare of the community (both ours and others). We are interested in making ISK in order to lose that ISK in PvP, Quafe, hookers, and the occassional fedo smuggling ring.

Ditto WTM.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-09-15 00:52:52 UTC
could have sworm Noble tried this about 1 year ago.

We will see which community can stand in the long run. Personally Noble has a good setup but he loses all credibility with me with his actions. Its a game i have other things to worry about than my isk per hour.
Jill Antaris
Jill's Open Incursion Corp
#9 - 2014-09-15 09:06:23 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
I'm quite happy to see this going on, popping the MOM should be the goal of an incursion, not something to be put off as long as possible so people can farm more. Popping the MOM quickly returns the constellation to normal, allowing the local miners, mission runners and explorers to go back to their activities instead of being enslaved by the greed of Incursion Farmers

Well exploration does work and since the bounty's are not the main thing in Exploration it is no issue, a lot of our channel actually do some exploration before form up or after the fleet. Mining is also possible, the mining spawns do hardly any DPS and you only need a active tanked BS/BC(we normally use the standard RR fleet fitting) to kill them and properly tank the barges. We cleared out 2 mining sites with ventures this week(yes even the frigs can easily survive them with a bit RR) with 2 BS to shoot the spawns and 2 RR on my paladin that I simply put on a frig if it got agro. As for missions it is less bounty, however bounty is just a small part of the rewards and once the bar is at 100% the resists are the same again and moving a single BS to another agent is rather low effort compared to what some people have to move around to run Incs(well over 20 ships for me sometimes). Another option is simply to join a active fleet(that is how I did my first Inc when it spawns in my mission constellation) since most mission BS can be refitted and re rigged in the focus without much issues(OIC has multiple people that regular fly here that xed up in her mission domi the first time and flown her first Inc in the same ship that they used for L4s).

Besides this approach is not really useful for people that run Incursions, because it is actually a lot of movement with the hulls, time spend on forming and organizing fleets and while some pilots do complain, the FCs and channel leaders actually have to do even more work by updating MOTDs and moving the hole channels around on a constant basis and moving more hulls than most other people do.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#10 - 2014-09-15 12:46:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Jill Antaris wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
I'm quite happy to see this going on, popping the MOM should be the goal of an incursion, not something to be put off as long as possible so people can farm more. Popping the MOM quickly returns the constellation to normal, allowing the local miners, mission runners and explorers to go back to their activities instead of being enslaved by the greed of Incursion Farmers

Well exploration does work and since the bounty's are not the main thing in Exploration it is no issue, a lot of our channel actually do some exploration before form up or after the fleet. Mining is also possible, the mining spawns do hardly any DPS and you only need a active tanked BS/BC(we normally use the standard RR fleet fitting) to kill them and properly tank the barges. We cleared out 2 mining sites with ventures this week(yes even the frigs can easily survive them with a bit RR) with 2 BS to shoot the spawns and 2 RR on my paladin that I simply put on a frig if it got agro. As for missions it is less bounty, however bounty is just a small part of the rewards and once the bar is at 100% the resists are the same again and moving a single BS to another agent is rather low effort compared to what some people have to move around to run Incs(well over 20 ships for me sometimes). Another option is simply to join a active fleet(that is how I did my first Inc when it spawns in my mission constellation) since most mission BS can be refitted and re rigged in the focus without much issues(OIC has multiple people that regular fly here that xed up in her mission domi the first time and flown her first Inc in the same ship that they used for L4s).

Besides this approach is not really useful for people that run Incursions, because it is actually a lot of movement with the hulls, time spend on forming and organizing fleets and while some pilots do complain, the FCs and channel leaders actually have to do even more work by updating MOTDs and moving the hole channels around on a constant basis and moving more hulls than most other people do.

Sure, people can adapt to certain situations. My point here is that they really shouldn't have to. Incursions shouldn't be farmable bore fests, they should be mobile, group oriented, brief PVE events that encourage people to come together to beat back a common menace and then move on.

As it (the incursion system) is, it's sprung up greedy, needlessly shiny, self interested communities of farmers who don't give a flip about helping rid a constellation of an infestation so as to be a service to their fellow PVE players (who have had their lives disrupted), but who actually PROLONG that infestation for personal profit.

CCP bears a big part of the responsibility here. High Sec Incursions should not require (or in most cases even allow) battleships (with rewards adjusted upwards to that they pay out the same, say something like 50 mil per hq site plus). Cruiser based incursions would be better because it then wouldn't be such a massive pain in the backside to move to a new focus. Of course any structures in incursions would have to have their EHP dropped to accommodate the lower dps of cruisers/battlecruisers.

In addition, I'd advocate a system where killing the MOM would spawn several high sec to high sec wormholes in the constellation the incursion just left that would take capsuleers to within a few jumps of any new focus (1st come 1st served of course, when those WHs pop you have to walk). Making incursions smaller ship based and spawning travel wormholes would reduce the pain of moving focus and thus remove one of the big reasons people farm incursions in the 1st place.

In such a system , CCP could then put a timer on the MOM that would prevent farming AND the kind of drama you see between groups like tvp and isn. People SHOULD always be in a race to pop the MOM, not in a pissing match to not pop the MOM lol.
Jill Antaris
Jill's Open Incursion Corp
#11 - 2014-09-15 14:30:59 UTC
Well I guess the idea was that people locally fight back the Incursion. I remember myself often doing fleets out of the local Inc chat, a few years ago, when no other FC was around, mostly having people in mission BS with just a extra resist mod, extender or plate on it on grid that never done a Incursions site before.

However a lot has changed over the years and I don't really see that much people locally looking for a fleet. I don't know if it was the Incursion changes 3 years ago that changed the relationships between channels from mostly positive to in some cases even hostile or that it is the public Image of Incursion runners that did lead to this(to be fair it went downwards a lot after the changes because many good people did leave and others started new channels enforcing much stricter fitting and play style that did lead to it). When I pick up new players they are actually surprised that stuff like faction cruisers, T1 logis or BCs can be used(with a proper fitting ofc) and you can do them without Logi 5 and pirate BS as well without any elitism attached to it, since this is not really what they did hear or did read about Incursions before.

As for Incursions just with medium ships, I don't think that would be to different(we did run something like this on the Islands before with ABC and T3 fleets). I still have to move 1-2 Orcas and lots of ships just to be flexible with what I fly on my chars, to refit hulls or to switch between armor and shield fleets(while the dps hulls are refit able you need extra logis for that). Also the more the FCs have to move and the more often they have to rebuild fleets, the more time it takes them to do so. People that are on her way to a old focus and not really there would have to change her path more often and if local people want to join, given quick closure of Incs it wouldn't be worthwhile for them to refit ships or getting a logi or something else from the closest market hub first. Even if they join, they would most likely stay there when the others move on what means you have to look for new people again at your destination for the new spawn. A quite similar situation would arise for people that can't go to all 4 empires by her standings.

I don't think it would change to much about the attitude, even worse probably reducing the player base to people that are extreme mobile and have the ships and chars at hand to relocate and reform fleets quick, what would increase the entry barrier even more and a lot of FCs would probably stop her work under such conditions, what again kills variety and reduces the active fleets around.

While the point of view on Incursions like putting a x into a channel and shooting some tags on the overview is pretty common and valid I guess people mostly ignore that on the other side you have a few people that have to update mailing lists, MOTDs, collect fleets, deal with issues on and off grid at the same time, sort out issues between pilots, have to sort out/reimburse losses and much more stuff to move and much more questions to answer about where the fleet is, what it currently does and when people arrive to replace others or when they will be on grid etc. This people would have to carry the biggest burden with this kind changes, while they already have to do a lot more than others. While I liked that people did organise her own Inc fleets back in the days, you don't really see that any more and by putting more pressure on the people that try it doesn't really encourage them to give it a go.

As for the farming aspect, people that are into the social interaction in fleets will leave first(it is always like this) because they are much more casual and will not spend to much effort moving longer ways when the mom will go down on short notice. What you will be left with are people that try to do her ISK with Incursions and that will enforce similar standards as they are now. In the end all the people that complain her on the forums or ingame are from the 2. player type pool, they want to make isk, however they lack the will or ability to do that elsewhere(I for example did SOE L4 last year when the same situation was in Incs and didn't care about it for the most part) and lack the experience and patience with Incs to know that it all comes in waves, is hardly the first time and complaining about it will do nothing. The social dudes will simply do something else, often together with other Incursion runners with a similar mindset(that can be mining, L4s, exploration or pvp), for the simile reason that they are not so much into the ISK but to have somebody to play with and talk to and they don't really need Incs to do that.
Slappy Andven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2014-09-17 13:17:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Slappy Andven
Jenn aSide wrote:
CCP bears a big part of the responsibility here. High Sec Incursions should not require (or in most cases even allow) battleships (with rewards adjusted upwards to that they pay out the same, say something like 50 mil per hq site plus). Cruiser based incursions would be better because it then wouldn't be such a massive pain in the backside to move to a new focus. Of course any structures in incursions would have to have their EHP dropped to accommodate the lower dps of cruisers/battlecruisers.

Gevlon, is that you? I suspect so because this is the dumbest thing I have read all year.


Slappy Andven

CEO Natural Born Killas

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#13 - 2014-09-17 13:30:38 UTC
Slappy Andven wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
CCP bears a big part of the responsibility here. High Sec Incursions should not require (or in most cases even allow) battleships (with rewards adjusted upwards to that they pay out the same, say something like 50 mil per hq site plus). Cruiser based incursions would be better because it then wouldn't be such a massive pain in the backside to move to a new focus. Of course any structures in incursions would have to have their EHP dropped to accommodate the lower dps of cruisers/battlecruisers.

Gevlon, is that you? I suspect so because this is the dumbest thing I have read all year.

I get it, you like your Vindicators and your farming. Incursions as currently constituted are still dumb (as evidenced by how mind numbingly boring they because after 2 weeks when people figured them out).
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2014-09-17 13:51:40 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Slappy Andven wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
CCP bears a big part of the responsibility here. High Sec Incursions should not require (or in most cases even allow) battleships (with rewards adjusted upwards to that they pay out the same, say something like 50 mil per hq site plus). Cruiser based incursions would be better because it then wouldn't be such a massive pain in the backside to move to a new focus. Of course any structures in incursions would have to have their EHP dropped to accommodate the lower dps of cruisers/battlecruisers.

Gevlon, is that you? I suspect so because this is the dumbest thing I have read all year.

I get it, you like your Vindicators and your farming. Incursions as currently constituted are still dumb (as evidenced by how mind numbingly boring they because after 2 weeks when people figured them out).

If you're attempting to say that there shouldn't be battleships in incursions then you'd have to turn the difficulty of the incursions way down because as I see it, the HQ's VG's and Assaults require battleships or you get blap blaped saved for logistic support
#15 - 2014-09-17 15:00:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarpedo
I am very disappointed with TVP popping moms to discipline ISN today. Because it should have been done ~18 months ago, if not earlier. There was no point to wait so long to demonstrate - who's useful (and thus strong) and who is useless (and is just temporary nuisance) for whole incursion community?

As for ~30-40 people gathering HQ fleet with ~0 isk/day income during few weeks - this is the saddest thing I've ever seen in EVE. Reminds me this episode of Futurama.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#16 - 2014-09-17 15:25:15 UTC
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Slappy Andven wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
CCP bears a big part of the responsibility here. High Sec Incursions should not require (or in most cases even allow) battleships (with rewards adjusted upwards to that they pay out the same, say something like 50 mil per hq site plus). Cruiser based incursions would be better because it then wouldn't be such a massive pain in the backside to move to a new focus. Of course any structures in incursions would have to have their EHP dropped to accommodate the lower dps of cruisers/battlecruisers.

Gevlon, is that you? I suspect so because this is the dumbest thing I have read all year.

I get it, you like your Vindicators and your farming. Incursions as currently constituted are still dumb (as evidenced by how mind numbingly boring they because after 2 weeks when people figured them out).

If you're attempting to say that there shouldn't be battleships in incursions then you'd have to turn the difficulty of the incursions way down because as I see it, the HQ's VG's and Assaults require battleships or you get blap blaped saved for logistic support

That would be the general idea. less EHP on structures, WAY fewer Sansha Battleships, sansha npcs orbit closer (to compensate for smaller ships shorter ranges compared to battleships). Basically incursions would be much more like VG sites and less like current HQs. Battleship-centric incursions means you use battleships and those things are a pain in the arse to move to a new focus, which is another incentive (along with isk/LP) to prolong incursions for as long as possible.

Now personally, I'd have rather seen incursions be "planet/moon" based rather that base on sites with gates and beacons like they are now.

Meaning that "incursion sites" would be battles above planets with the sansha seeking 'space superiority" in other to then bring in a mobile station and drop ships that would land on the planet and start capturing people to enslave. The incursions runners job would be to deny the sansha forces space superiority by killing the support fleet then the mobile station,.

Or failing to do that, to kill the drop ships before they land (wack-a-mole style lol), or failing to do that, killing the drop ships as they lift off from the planet and try to dock with the mobile station (mercy killing the poor enslaved souls aboard lol). If the incursion runners didn't stop enough transport dropships in time and prevent the mobile station from warping away/jumping out, no pay out (or reduced pay out).

As they exist now, Incursions are the most boring pve content I've ever encountered. I'd rather save that crackhead Damsel for the 9 millionth time (and i do, i've gone back to mission running with friends) than shoot at another A, B, of c tagged Yulai with my Mach's Artillery again.
JAF Anders
Adenosine Inhibition
#17 - 2014-09-17 16:20:34 UTC
It's about as much as high-sec groups could do to each other. On the surface, it seems childish: you do what we tell you or we'll ruin everyone's fun.

Thinking about it, if this was only about Noble, TVP could gank him every time he undocked, no matter what he was in, until they'd destroyed enough ISK to cover what they believe he wrongly acquired. This would seem a reasonable response.

Instead, we see one sub-group bullying the rest of the community in a gamble to coerce a single other sub-group and in the process establish primitive authority over the rest.

It's 2014 and still people resort to acting like cavemen. And cavewomen. Cavepeople.

The pursuit of excellence and stabbed plexing alts.

Doc J
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#18 - 2014-09-17 17:44:16 UTC
JAF Anders wrote:
It's about as much as high-sec groups could do to each other. On the surface, it seems childish: you do what we tell you or we'll ruin everyone's fun.

Thinking about it, if this was only about Noble, TVP could gank him every time he undocked, no matter what he was in, until they'd destroyed enough ISK to cover what they believe he wrongly acquired. This would seem a reasonable response.

Instead, we see one sub-group bullying the rest of the community in a gamble to coerce a single other sub-group and in the process establish primitive authority over the rest.

It's 2014 and still people resort to acting like cavemen. And cavewomen. Cavepeople.

I have a feeling this is more to do with TVP having enough of Noble acting like a spoilt child.

It's a game, the only community I have ever seen be aggressive in it's desire to "own" incursions has been Noble and his sheep. Referring back to contesting and following TVP fleets around incursion focuses. This has been the story for the last 24 months. It's funny how I remember having a conversation with Noble and told him that if he continued to contest TVP he would turn incursions into a toxic river. Karma mate, it's all within the game mechanics, funny how that was your answer to TVP when you deliberately targeted them so that you could make ISK quicker. TVP adapted, can ISN?
Jill Antaris
Jill's Open Incursion Corp
#19 - 2014-09-17 20:01:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jill Antaris
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:

If you're attempting to say that there shouldn't be battleships in incursions then you'd have to turn the difficulty of the incursions way down because as I see it, the HQ's VG's and Assaults require battleships or you get blap blaped saved for logistic support

While I don't think excluding BS from Incrusion sites it a good idea, I had Cruisers(even T1, like T1 logi cruisers, Thorax, Omen, Vexor etc.) on grind in VGs without any issues, HACs or faction cruisers are easy to tank up and BCs can do the sites absolutely fine. A modern ABC setup can 3 slot tank AS(1600mm, EANM, DCU, even 2 slot tank is possible with slaves) sites in armor and 3 slot tank them in shield(DCU+Invu+LSE) and is used in that kind of fashion by channels for the NCN site.
Ginger Barbarella
#20 - 2014-09-17 21:28:32 UTC
I prefer the childish drama in CAOD to the childish drama of Incursion threads.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

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