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The costs of PVP is too much for new players

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#121 - 2014-08-28 16:32:21 UTC
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:

What other game have you ever played in your life that didn't come with a tutorial level or instructions to tell you how to play it?

Most video games I've played. As a teenager I would rent games from game and video stores, or just buy them outright. Many didn't even have the case let alone the instruction manual and many back then didn't have an in game tutorial. You learned to play a it and getting stomped..

Even when I'd buy new games, I'd often not read the instructions until I was totally stuck , if at all. That made the game more fun.

So when i was introduced to EVE, i was right at home. I did the crappy 2007 toutorial stuff but did'nt learn much, I learned what i needed to learn from my frined who invited me (and his corp buddies) and from blowing up in lvl 1-2-3 missions A LOT.


Eve is a *game*, not a second job. I don't think a lot of players understand that. It's supposed to be *entertainment*. It's supposed to be *fun* -- and fun for new players as well as existing ones.

Ther eis mindless entertainment for the masses then there is 'niche' entertainment that does not appeal to most people. EVE is the latter, and it's survived this long because it's the latter.


The players who stick around in Eve tend to be self-starters and self-learners, but that still doesn't speak well of CCP that they've neglected such an essential part of the game. (And they do make semi-annual oaths to improve the NPE, so it's clear that they know it sucks too.)

They've neglected nothing, they've simply come to understand what people in the know understand about Tutorials: They tend to stifle player creativity and that's a BAD thing for a game about creativity..

In other words, EVE has probably succeeded not in spite of it's bad tutorials, but BECAUSE OF it's bad Tutorials.


I'm all for making PVP a bigger part of Eve, but in order to do that you need to train new players how to do it. A lot of the risk-averse behavior you see in Eve stems from the fact that players are too scared to lose their pretty ships. (And by no means only new players or hisec players.) Losing should hurt a bit, granted; that's your incentive to learn and get better. But frigates, to a new player, should be as disposable as a tissue -- use it, get it blowed up, throw it out, get another one. Harden them to losing and give them a quick thrill at winning. Don't make losing too painful or winning too rewarding at first. It's got to be fast, easy, and cheap.

Risk aversion isn't born from playing a video game, it's something a person has before they pick up their 1st video game. A big culprit is how lots of sci fi is "ship-centric', players who come seeking sci-fi can't grasp the concept of getting the Enterprise or Galactica blown up for kicks every 15 minutes.

Whether winning or losing is painful or not isn't and shouldn't be up to the game, it's up to the players. You completely miss the point of a player driven game.


Red vs Blue has the right idea, I think, but that thunderdome is too far out of a noob's reach. They do their best to include newer players, but those guys are in it for the PVP themselves; they don't want to babysit noobs as a rule.

Nonsense, RvB is uber noob friendly with meta-gun frigs on contract. I've been in RvB as well as referred 5 new players and ALL 5 are still playing, 2 are still in RvB after a year and have made alt accounts to do other things.
Felicity Love
#122 - 2014-08-28 16:33:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Felicity Love
Otuk Andven wrote:
One of the big issues that I feel put players off PVP is the cost. This is especially true for new players.

This is crap.

What's "well-known" is that too many new players, all too often think they can jump in at the "top" of the game by buying a 2 or 3 year old character -- and not realizing what it really costs to fly those big shiny ships or how the skills make the ships work -- when they should have started at the bottom and worked their way up.

Thus, learning how the game is *really* played is a sudden shock to many new players because they have no CONTEXT of the game as a whole.

They've been born into a mentality of "Instant Gratification" and virtual entitlement... which is pathetic, at best, and far, FAR worse for the game than the alleged cost of getting into PVP.

Fly a frig, learn to fly it well... get some kills and have some fun... LEARN FROM THE VETS ... actually earn the right to *****.

For my part, I'm happily ticking the days off the calendar until the the kiddies all go back to school and EVE is no longer a cheap form of "daycare"... that's what WoW is for.

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#123 - 2014-08-28 16:34:11 UTC
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

No NPE will ever get you ready for pvp as there is no AI that can symulate a player.

Also you are combat effective 30 min i to EVE.

Sure, if you don't mind being used as a scout, a bait ship or a cannon-fodder tackler in a fleet fight. I don't find that very fun, but whatevs.

You seem to think 'new players' should be able to come into the game on their own terms and win solo. This is not true in EVE, has never been true and should never be true.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#124 - 2014-08-28 16:36:40 UTC
Just wanted to added this section from the article i linked, as it's spot on for this discussion:

Eventually, though, I got into the groove and realized that for a game like FTL, part of the experience should be experimenting with new things, paying attention, and learning how to maximize your chances of survival on your own. It’s not dissimilar to systems driven, sandbox games like Minecraft or Terraria in that way: they just dump you into a system and tell you that figuring it out is half the fun. (The other half is feeling superior to people who complain about it not being spoon fed to them.)
Tolkaz Khamsi
Empire Reclamation Services
#125 - 2014-08-28 16:37:51 UTC
I've often thought that the NPE should do two things: have a "Fitting Your Ship 101" class with cutscenes and dialogue and whatnot, just to familiarize noobs with the basics of EVE ships. Powergrid, CPU, rigs, high-medium-low power slots, etc. Your instructor would be some hard-as-nails combat vet who would walk you through fitting out your first frigate in PVP fashion. Then you'd be released in a noob-only PVP arena where you'd mix it up with other noobs. If you got killed, you'd get a "here's why you died" report that listed some fitting/skill suggestions. I.e., "You might want to improve your gunnery and capacitor skills, pilot. You got capped out and didn't have enough range on your guns!"

Then, after you graduated from that level of PVP instruction, you'd have "EVE Fleet Mechanics 101" where you and other noobs would learn how to operate in fleets under an NPC FC against a rival noob fleet (or NPC fleet).

Just doing that would vastly increase the number of PVP-capable (and PVP-aspirant) players.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#126 - 2014-08-28 16:42:00 UTC
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
I've often thought that the NPE should do two things: have a "Fitting Your Ship 101" class with cutscenes and dialogue and whatnot, just to familiarize noobs with the basics of EVE ships. Powergrid, CPU, rigs, high-medium-low power slots, etc. Your instructor would be some hard-as-nails combat vet who would walk you through fitting out your first frigate in PVP fashion. Then you'd be released in a noob-only PVP arena where you'd mix it up with other noobs. If you got killed, you'd get a "here's why you died" report that listed some fitting/skill suggestions. I.e., "You might want to improve your gunnery and capacitor skills, pilot. You got capped out and didn't have enough range on your guns!"

Then, after you graduated from that level of PVP instruction, you'd have "EVE Fleet Mechanics 101" where you and other noobs would learn how to operate in fleets under an NPC FC against a rival noob fleet (or NPC fleet).

Just doing that would vastly increase the number of PVP-capable (and PVP-aspirant) players.

Click on the link i posted, read the article. What you are suggesting here (and what probably already happens in the game) is this:

What the researchers found was that relative to those in other conditions, children who were given instructions on how to make the toy squeak played with it for shorter amounts of time, did fewer unique actions with it, and discovered fewer of the toy’s other functions.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#127 - 2014-08-28 16:42:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
What other game have you ever played in your life that didn't come with a tutorial level or instructions to tell you how to play it?
Pretty much every game produced for the ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, Vic 20, C64, Amiga and Atari ST.

Back then games didn't hold your hand, rarely came with tutorials or manuals, had no save games (the nearest you got was level codes), and you started from scratch when you died, if the game didn't have level codes.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

James Rapture
Dead Star Syndicate
#128 - 2014-08-28 16:50:28 UTC
As someone who flies in Frigates with both vets AND noobs on a regular basis, I can safely say that it is not the cost of PvP that is an issue. It is about joining a group that knows what it is doing. A newbro fit can be priced under 2-3mil with reasonable fittings and that ISK is usually just given to the pilot or the fit is offered to them by the Corporation. A T2 fitted Frigate usually ranges from 5-10mil so I'll back you on that one. But I think it is the lack of understanding the mechanics of small scale PvP that is turning pilots away. Groups that take newbros in and fleet them up have it right. You can't solo a fight without knowing how/when to engage. I toss my newbros into kiting ships that are easy to learn in and let them join in and have fun. They can watch veteran scouts do their work and secure a point.

TL;DR: For small scale PvP, cost is negligble for newbros if you are with the right group.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#129 - 2014-08-28 16:52:51 UTC
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

No NPE will ever get you ready for pvp as there is no AI that can symulate a player.

Also you are combat effective 30 min i to EVE.

Sure, if you don't mind being used as a scout, a bait ship or a cannon-fodder tackler in a fleet fight. I don't find that very fun, but whatevs.

Why do you expect to be a pvp god right out the box?

It took me the better part of 4 years to get to the point I am at now and that is just with one ship hull and I am still learning. You can't buy your way to competence in EVE and starting out as a fleet scout/tackle/adorable newbee is the single best way to learn.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#130 - 2014-08-28 17:02:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
baltec1 wrote:
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

No NPE will ever get you ready for pvp as there is no AI that can symulate a player.

Also you are combat effective 30 min i to EVE.

Sure, if you don't mind being used as a scout, a bait ship or a cannon-fodder tackler in a fleet fight. I don't find that very fun, but whatevs.

Why do you expect to be a pvp god right out the box?

It took me the better part of 4 years to get to the point I am at now and that is just with one ship hull and I am still learning. You can't buy your way to competence in EVE and starting out as a fleet scout/tackle/adorable newbee is the single best way to learn.

I'm going with him falling into the entitlement generation/ generation y/me demographic.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Tolkaz Khamsi
Empire Reclamation Services
#131 - 2014-08-28 17:03:48 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

No NPE will ever get you ready for pvp as there is no AI that can symulate a player.

Also you are combat effective 30 min i to EVE.

Sure, if you don't mind being used as a scout, a bait ship or a cannon-fodder tackler in a fleet fight. I don't find that very fun, but whatevs.

Why do you expect to be a pvp god right out the box?

It took me the better part of 4 years to get to the point I am at now and that is just with one ship hull and I am still learning. You can't buy your way to competence in EVE and starting out as a fleet scout/tackle/adorable newbee is the single best way to learn.


Yeah, shame on a new player for actually wanting to have fun in a game they paid for. Eesh.

You know when people accuse Eve players of being elitist d-bags? This is what they're talking about. I know you probably didn't mean it that way, but come on, man. New players shouldn't have to wait for weeks and weeks to play the game they were shown in all the youtube clips and promos that CCP runs.

The game is promoted and sold as "Giant fleet battles! Grim PVP death-matches! Market shenanigans! Spying, subterfuge, and treachery!". Well, great: a new player joined the game to get into that stuff. What they get instead is mining and shooting at little red X's. Or trying to explore out of hisec and getting killed in two seconds by someone you never even saw. Or getting into a corp and finding out that you don't get to do any fun stuff; until you reach some arbitrary skill-level, you're the Eve equivalent of a prison punk.

Like I said before: I don't expect CCP to do anything at this point to improve the NPE, for the simple reason that Eve is a fully mature game now and probably won't attract all that many brand-new players. It's more a wish for what might have been than anything else. I do admire groups like RvB and Eve UNI though, because they did what they could to rectify shortcomings in CCP's own game.
Rose of Shadow
Deep Lovin
#132 - 2014-08-28 17:07:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Rose of Shadow
Otuk Andven wrote:
One of the big issues that I feel put players off PVP is the cost. This is especially true for new players.

Its a well known fact that pvp cost money, an average t1 frigate is going to set you back about 10m ISK depending on fittings and rigs, yet for new players going to go into low sec to try pvp that ship is going to die.

Now 10m is a lot, -don't laugh- for new players and I suspect for a lot of people it is a lot. New players can't do incursions and their ISK/hour on missions will be low because of sub-par dps or tank. After 6 months in the game I was still going about 15m an hour in a navy raven doing lv4s.

The result is people spend more time engaged in missioning and mining to fund their pvp activity. Now I had a lot of free time then so I could grind missions for hours to do pvp a lot, (about half a billion worth of it if I remember). However now that I'm in work I doubt I could/would.

And people wonder why half the player base ends up mining/missioning?


The first 15 or so ships I managed to blow up were around 1.2 mil each! including everything.
You can even fly perfectly fine fits for lower than that.

And I have ran maybe 4 lvl 1 missions in total.

Besides that, join a good "newbro" pvp corp and you will be fine either way because most of them have a ship replacement system that you can tap into.

I usually just explore some systems for extra ISK. Besides that, even without the skills for it, I trade a bit on the local markets and make a little profit like that.

If I am allowed to recommend 1 thing: Drop that raven into a trashcan or sell it, and buy LOADS of T1 frigs of the ISK. Then go into lowsec and explode them all. Pull yourself out of the track you are digging into EVE.

This game is perfectly newbro friendly if you get in contact with the right people when you start, or if you are inventive enough to think out of the box instead of running to the "quest givers" (missions) to make ISK.

EDIT: I exploded my first ship within the first week of playing, and many more after that.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#133 - 2014-08-28 17:08:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:

The game is promoted and sold as "Giant fleet battles! Grim PVP death-matches! Market shenanigans! Spying, subterfuge, and treachery!".
I've never seen Eve advertised with "grim PvP death-matches" because that would be a lie.

As for the rest of it they're all instantly accessible to new players, the last 3 don't even require ingame skills, real life social skills are much more useful for social engineering your way to infamy and riches.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#134 - 2014-08-28 17:15:58 UTC
I might want to add that even for someone with barely 3 years of sub to his name, I can hardly remember how being a newbie was at all. I too drifted alone and friendless for months, and PVP was a distant thing... and that was how I liked it at first. I wan't busy with "getting kills" but with preventing them from happening. Gradually I became better at the game and it happened less often, and in less dumb ways... but others would still be doing things the "dumb" way. I put two and two together and tadaa: I got solo kills. At this point losing a frigate became a non-issue.

Gradually my wallet grew and losing them happened less and less. Ergo, I made more ISK but also retained more ISK. Over time a nice amount of ISK accumulated in my wallet and losing bigger ships became less of an issue. Gradually my SP rose and I was capable of doing better paying PVE content. Again, I made more ISK, and it was at this point losing a cruiser didn't hurt me much anymore.

I't all very vague now but I remember growing into PVP gradually as my skills, knowledge and ISK making abilities increased. But it was back then, at that dreadfull start, losing a frigate was meaningfull and exiting. Nowadays I PVP in frigs when bored or when new members join our corp. Being eased into PVP by a bunch of friendly casuals is a must if you want to PVP comfortably from the start. I find it awesome to see corp members get into pew early, but they need to be "carried" a little bit, and that's fine. This is an MMO. The socially strong will always be ahead of the soloist.

It comes down to comfortable PVP through social skills or an absolute challenge going true solo. I did the latter first, the former later, and I do not regret that order of affairs. I'm the first one to admit I had a rough time at the start too. But when I share what I know now with the guy in a T1 Rifter on his trial, I bet he nails a solo kill within a week. It's that simple.

The "cost" depends. Everything in Eve "depends". If certain factors do not work in your favour, adapt. Seek company that is willing to carry you a little in exchange for nothing but your presence on comms. Accept you cannot be a PVP god and SP does count towards your successes. Once you are no longer in denial and have a bunch of pilots to fleet up with, PVP becomes a whole lot more fun.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#135 - 2014-08-28 17:16:21 UTC
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

No NPE will ever get you ready for pvp as there is no AI that can symulate a player.

Also you are combat effective 30 min i to EVE.

Sure, if you don't mind being used as a scout, a bait ship or a cannon-fodder tackler in a fleet fight. I don't find that very fun, but whatevs.

Why do you expect to be a pvp god right out the box?

It took me the better part of 4 years to get to the point I am at now and that is just with one ship hull and I am still learning. You can't buy your way to competence in EVE and starting out as a fleet scout/tackle/adorable newbee is the single best way to learn.


Yeah, shame on a new player for actually wanting to have fun in a game they paid for. Eesh.

You know when people accuse Eve players of being elitist d-bags? This is what they're talking about. I know you probably didn't mean it that way, but come on, man. New players shouldn't have to wait for weeks and weeks to play the game they were shown in all the youtube clips and promos that CCP runs.

The game is promoted and sold as "Giant fleet battles! Grim PVP death-matches! Market shenanigans! Spying, subterfuge, and treachery!". Well, great: a new player joined the game to get into that stuff. What they get instead is mining and shooting at little red X's. Or trying to explore out of hisec and getting killed in two seconds by someone you never even saw. Or getting into a corp and finding out that you don't get to do any fun stuff; until you reach some arbitrary skill-level, you're the Eve equivalent of a prison punk.

Like I said before: I don't expect CCP to do anything at this point to improve the NPE, for the simple reason that Eve is a fully mature game now and probably won't attract all that many brand-new players. It's more a wish for what might have been than anything else. I do admire groups like RvB and Eve UNI though, because they did what they could to rectify shortcomings in CCP's own game.

GSF newbees go on the big fleet fights, we have several new players in BATs who managed to scam a few billion in week one, we have them out training to be spies via the GIA. There are a large number of organisations who love taking on new players. Newbees are a most valued and loved asset and as our propaganda says, they make a difference
Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#136 - 2014-08-28 17:16:39 UTC
Felicity Love wrote:
For my part, I'm happily ticking the days off the calendar until the the kiddies all go back to school and EVE is no longer a cheap form of "daycare"... that's what WoW is for.

Me too.

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project

Marc Durant
#137 - 2014-08-28 17:18:40 UTC
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
Oh dear God, what horse****. Tell you what, chum: load up a Condor and fit it out like you just said and go take on an Enyo. Then come back and tell me what the Enyo did to you. And I'm assuming that you're a several million skillpoint player, based on your assumptions; why don't you roll up a new toon and try it.

Have you ever actually taken your own advice to see how it works out in the real world? If a noob takes your advice, it's going to lead to flaming death. It's ridiculous.

I'm a severe altoholic, I roll alts all the time and do funky stuff with it.

On that specific scenario, if the AF is AB fit it'll be lol, but even if it's MWD fit then the Condor is easily 50% faster (with max skills almost twice as fast) while being WAY more agile. So if said newbie learned about how to kite and avoid the slingshots (it's not as difficult as ppl make it out to be) then there's nothing the blaster Enyo can do, at all, ever.

Yes, yes I am. Thanks for noticing.

Eve Cluster Explorations
#138 - 2014-08-28 17:19:18 UTC
Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
Yeah, shame on a new player for actually wanting to have fun in a game they paid for. Eesh.
So if someone pays for a game they should have the dev-given right to hit the skill ceiling the moment they touch the controls?

Tolkaz Khamsi wrote:
You know when people accuse Eve players of being elitist d-bags? This is what they're talking about. I know you probably didn't mean it that way, but come on, man. New players shouldn't have to wait for weeks and weeks to play the game they were shown in all the youtube clips and promos that CCP runs.
You know when people call people who call EVE players elitist douchebags casuals? This is what they're talking about. In a game with any depth whatsoever it's going to take time investment to get good. If you don't want it to take weeks/months to get good you don't want to play a hard game.

As for the character skill wall stuff:
a) As has been said, it's not as high as people make out
b) If you don't want any character skill wall at all, don't play an RPG

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Tolkaz Khamsi
Empire Reclamation Services
#139 - 2014-08-28 17:21:30 UTC
Rose of Shadow wrote:

If I am allowed to recommend 1 thing: Drop that raven into a trashcan or sell it, and buy LOADS of T1 frigs of the ISK. Then go into lowsec and explode them all. Pull yourself out of the track you are digging into EVE.

Excellent advice, and worth re-stating.

Get noobs so inured to losing ships that they don't even factor it into fights later on.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#140 - 2014-08-28 17:21:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
@ Baltec1, your first link is broken, this one works though.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack