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War Decs as a griefing tool

First post
Alavaria Fera
#681 - 2014-09-03 02:25:33 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Uhm....I'm not in NPC corp, I'm in a 1 man corp that I fold if I get wardecced.

You are well educated in the ways of eve online: Highsec

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#682 - 2014-09-03 02:25:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
It has become evident that people like Veers, are only capable of attacking and defending their limited viewpoint on the forums. Ingame, they are useless.

My last wardec made the entire corp rethink their position and decided to go from completely indy to pvp just because they got really excited fighting against me. As result of me helping them understand how to engage people during wars, people that have them wardecced now has lost more isk then they have, and I mean by the hundreds of millions difference.

Veers, like everything else you need to look at context. The small minority that is AG is not the entire EVE. Your groups single minded and pathetic views are yours and yours alone. I got no problem with people wanting to sit in an NPC corp. To me that means he never had to ability to function with a group and look forward into the future. Which is no real loss to any corp since he would not have been a contributing member to the corp anyway. 1 Man corps, the same thing with exceptions. I have been a one corp for a long time, but that is because I function better in attacking large groups on my own. You do it because I see you no different then that guy that wants to stay in a NPC Corp. Like your NPC Corp brethren, you would be a zero in the balance sheet of any corp.

Any corp unable to survive a wardec would not have lasted in any event because it comes down to poor leadership. I have seen small corps survive through wardecs because they are led by people that understand what EVE is. I have seen corp and alliance grow to massive scales even with constant wardecs because their members constantly grows and understands what it means to make allies with the right groups. They gain the respect of the wardeccers and wardeccers respect these guys creating lasting contacts for assistance and beneficial growth.

This is something the AG crowd does not seem to comprehend. I see them along with you as the I want the game to change to my views. Because I am to use useless to work together pro actively with others for the betterment of the corp and actually make a difference.

In any event I think this thread has gone on long enough now. You have already gotten CCP stance and arguing about it because it is not your view makes you look even worse.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#683 - 2014-09-03 02:27:26 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:

Uhm....I'm not in NPC corp, I'm in a 1 man corp that I fold if I get wardecced. I definitely do enjoy Eve as it currently is, though I always think it could be better. I'm quite happy running L4 missions and incursions with friends. And I don't log into your Eve, I log into the actual Eve. The threat of suicide ganking keeps things interesting....I don't mine nor do i have any intention of putting towers up, and am quite happy to continue playing the game as it currently is.

Why do you go out of your way to be a pretentious shitstain? Don't put words in my ******* mouth, read the words I wrote - I never said MY EVE, I said, the EVE I PLAY. It's the same EVE you play. What you want is something else. And no, based on what you've said here, you do not enjoy EVE as it is. I don't care, at the end of the day, how you choose to restrict yourself in a PVP environment, but don't go pretending that it's not a PVP environment and don't expect it to change to suit the people who want it to not be a PVP environment, because they don't want to play EVE, they want something else.

EVE is a PVP environment, that is the bottom line, and anyone who wants something else is playing the wrong game. Is this point clear yet? Are you going to dodge it with some more rhetoric about how restricting your game experience can save you from PVP?

Because that's all you're doing, restricting your own experience. Even if that's all you want, personally, this is not the sort of thing you tell newbs that want more. "Hey, you don't like PVP, that's cool, as long as you restrict yourself from 90% of what EVE has to offer, you'll never have to do any."

It certainly is a PvP environment because of suicide ganking. But a lot of highsec players, myself included, focus mainly on the PvE part of the game. Suicide ganking is still a factor, and it is a PvP game - doesn't stop us from mainly being happy PvE players though - running missions together, etc...
Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#684 - 2014-09-03 02:27:58 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:

Yep, big part of the playerbase is casual high sec carebears. Forcing them into hopeless wars to get slaughtered would not be great for retention. On the other hand compromising wardecs to protect them would also not be great. They have a choice - learn to fight off the wardecs, or drop corp and seek safety in npc corp. It's always good to let people make important decisions.

You're right, of course, and I'm assisting one of these 'casual high sec carebears' right now that have been forced into 'hopeless war'. Only, you fail to consider how many of that majority player base is actually capable of adapting. Just because there's a lot of loud screaming and foot stomping on the forums from carebears in opposition to PVP in highsec, it doesn't mean that's the majority carebear opinion. In fact, the newbro carebear I'm assisting is reading this forum right now and agreeing with me - he thinks you're soft and need to go back to WOW. And he came to this decision on his own, with no coaxing from me at all.

Well, some people want to fight wars. From the large number of people sitting in NPC corps its clear that a lot of others (including myself) would prefer to carry on in highsec without needing to deal with wardecs. I'm perfectly happy playing Eve and have no intention of play WoW.

You're not happy with playing EVE, though. You've made that quite clear. You don't want to play EVE at all, not as it is. You're still suggesting making it something it's not and was never intended to be, because when you log into the EVE I'm playing, you accept the threat of wardecs, especially if you're in a player corp.

By restricting yourself to an NPC corp, you're only limiting the game available to you, and you do that to yourself. That's why I don't care about NPC corps, because when you're in one, you simply can't put a tower up on my moons for example, and you can't wardec me. I, however, can still suicide gank your mining ships if I don't like the look of you. You are irrelevant. When you're in an NPC corp, you might as well be an NPC yourself, that's how irrelevant you are to EVE.

Uhm....I'm not in NPC corp, I'm in a 1 man corp that I fold if I get wardecced. I definitely do enjoy Eve as it currently is, though I always think it could be better. I'm quite happy running L4 missions and incursions with friends. And I don't log into your Eve, I log into the actual Eve. The threat of suicide ganking keeps things interesting....I don't mine nor do i have any intention of putting towers up, and am quite happy to continue playing the game as it currently is.

Then why form a corp to begin with? Why not just stay in a NPC corp. Seems a bit counter productive...unless you only do it to avoid NPC tax rates...a mechanic you exploit...just as others do. Only that one serves your purpose, while the others do not. Do you see the point? You ask that a game be changed to serve the minority because the mechanics do not serve their purpose. That doesn't seem wrong to you?

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#685 - 2014-09-03 02:31:05 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
It has become evident that people like Veers, are only capable of attacking and defending their limited viewpoint on the forums. Ingame, they are useless.

My last wardec made the entire corp rethink their position and decided to go from completely indy to pvp just because they got really excited fighting against me. As result of me helping them understand how to engage people during wars, people that have them wardecced now has lost more isk then they have, and I mean by the hundreds of millions difference.

Veers, like everything else you need to look at context. The small minority that is AG is not the entire EVE. Your groups single minded and pathetic views are yours and yours alone. I got no problem with people wanting to sit in an NPC corp. To me that means he never had to ability to function with a group and look forward into the future. Which is no real loss to any corp since he would not have been a contributing member to the corp anyway. 1 Man corps, the same thing with exceptions. I have been a one corp for a long time, but that is because I function better in attacking large groups on my own. You do it because I see you no different then that guy that wants to stay in a NPC Corp. Like your NPC Corp brethren, you would be a zero in the balance sheet of any corp.

Any corp unable to survive a wardec would not have lasted in any event because it comes down to poor leadership. I have seen small corps survive through wardecs because they are led by people that understand what EVE is. I have seen corp and alliance grow to massive scales even with constant wardecs because their members constantly grows and understands what it means to make allies with the right groups. They gain the respect of the wardeccers and wardeccers respect these guys creating lasting contacts for assistance and beneficial growth.

This is something the AG crowd does not seem to comprehend. I see them along with you as the I want the game to change to my views. Because I am to use useless to work together pro actively with others for the betterment of the corp and actually make a difference.

In any event I think this thread has gone on long enough now. You have already gotten CCP stance and arguing about it because it is not your view makes you look even worse.

Well, I think my points still stand. Some people want to fight wars, do PvP etc... Others, like me, prefer to enjoy the game focusing mainly on PvE. Doesn't mean it's PvP free, just that we enjoy working on the PvE aspects together with other people. I'm certainly not trying to change the wardec mechanics, and I think they are currently fine (although a button to instantly fold and re-form my 1 man corp when wardcced would be nice, to save me the 2 minutes of paperwork).
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#686 - 2014-09-03 02:33:00 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

Then why form a corp to begin with? Why not just stay in a NPC corp. Seems a bit counter productive...unless you only do it to avoid NPC tax rates...a mechanic you exploit...just as others do. Only that one serves your purpose, while the others do not. Do you see the point? You ask that a game be changed to serve the minority because the mechanics do not serve their purpose. That doesn't seem wrong to you?

What mechanic did I want changed? I think wardeccs work fine. I went 1-man to avoid the NPC taxes, which are a pain. I'm not sure how that's "exploiting" the mechanic anymore than anyone else making a corp is. I'm perfectly happy with the way the current wardecc mechanics are.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#687 - 2014-09-03 02:37:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Veers Belvar wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
It has become evident that people like Veers, are only capable of attacking and defending their limited viewpoint on the forums. Ingame, they are useless.

My last wardec made the entire corp rethink their position and decided to go from completely indy to pvp just because they got really excited fighting against me. As result of me helping them understand how to engage people during wars, people that have them wardecced now has lost more isk then they have, and I mean by the hundreds of millions difference.

Veers, like everything else you need to look at context. The small minority that is AG is not the entire EVE. Your groups single minded and pathetic views are yours and yours alone. I got no problem with people wanting to sit in an NPC corp. To me that means he never had to ability to function with a group and look forward into the future. Which is no real loss to any corp since he would not have been a contributing member to the corp anyway. 1 Man corps, the same thing with exceptions. I have been a one corp for a long time, but that is because I function better in attacking large groups on my own. You do it because I see you no different then that guy that wants to stay in a NPC Corp. Like your NPC Corp brethren, you would be a zero in the balance sheet of any corp.

Any corp unable to survive a wardec would not have lasted in any event because it comes down to poor leadership. I have seen small corps survive through wardecs because they are led by people that understand what EVE is. I have seen corp and alliance grow to massive scales even with constant wardecs because their members constantly grows and understands what it means to make allies with the right groups. They gain the respect of the wardeccers and wardeccers respect these guys creating lasting contacts for assistance and beneficial growth.

This is something the AG crowd does not seem to comprehend. I see them along with you as the I want the game to change to my views. Because I am to use useless to work together pro actively with others for the betterment of the corp and actually make a difference.

In any event I think this thread has gone on long enough now. You have already gotten CCP stance and arguing about it because it is not your view makes you look even worse.

Well, I think my points still stand. Some people want to fight wars, do PvP etc... Others, like me, prefer to enjoy the game focusing mainly on PvE. Doesn't mean it's PvP free, just that we enjoy working on the PvE aspects together with other people. I'm certainly not trying to change the wardec mechanics, and I think they are currently fine (although a button to instantly fold and re-form my 1 man corp when wardcced would be nice, to save me the 2 minutes of paperwork).

None of your points stand, not one. Not up to CCP intentions, not up to experienced player scrutiny, and not up to reality. What you actually just highlighted, though, is a problem with the game. Anyone that wants to be in a corp and explore EVE's potential has to accept the possibility of wardecs. CCP needs to make it as impossible to fold a corp as it is to transfer assets like POCOs out of it under the condition of wardecs. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too, that is certainly not within the spirit of EVE online.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#688 - 2014-09-03 02:38:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Veers Belvar wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
It has become evident that people like Veers, are only capable of attacking and defending their limited viewpoint on the forums. Ingame, they are useless.

My last wardec made the entire corp rethink their position and decided to go from completely indy to pvp just because they got really excited fighting against me. As result of me helping them understand how to engage people during wars, people that have them wardecced now has lost more isk then they have, and I mean by the hundreds of millions difference.

Veers, like everything else you need to look at context. The small minority that is AG is not the entire EVE. Your groups single minded and pathetic views are yours and yours alone. I got no problem with people wanting to sit in an NPC corp. To me that means he never had to ability to function with a group and look forward into the future. Which is no real loss to any corp since he would not have been a contributing member to the corp anyway. 1 Man corps, the same thing with exceptions. I have been a one corp for a long time, but that is because I function better in attacking large groups on my own. You do it because I see you no different then that guy that wants to stay in a NPC Corp. Like your NPC Corp brethren, you would be a zero in the balance sheet of any corp.

Any corp unable to survive a wardec would not have lasted in any event because it comes down to poor leadership. I have seen small corps survive through wardecs because they are led by people that understand what EVE is. I have seen corp and alliance grow to massive scales even with constant wardecs because their members constantly grows and understands what it means to make allies with the right groups. They gain the respect of the wardeccers and wardeccers respect these guys creating lasting contacts for assistance and beneficial growth.

This is something the AG crowd does not seem to comprehend. I see them along with you as the I want the game to change to my views. Because I am to use useless to work together pro actively with others for the betterment of the corp and actually make a difference.

In any event I think this thread has gone on long enough now. You have already gotten CCP stance and arguing about it because it is not your view makes you look even worse.

Well, I think my points still stand. Some people want to fight wars, do PvP etc... Others, like me, prefer to enjoy the game focusing mainly on PvE. Doesn't mean it's PvP free, just that we enjoy working on the PvE aspects together with other people. I'm certainly not trying to change the wardec mechanics, and I think they are currently fine (although a button to instantly fold and re-form my 1 man corp when wardcced would be nice, to save me the 2 minutes of paperwork).

And that is totally up to you if that is how you want to play the game and if you were in a corp I would still then see you as a non contributing member.

If you have no problem with ganking and wars why the constant crap fest posting then? Would it not serve a better purpose beating that into your AG brothers heads that ganking and wars are fine? Your evasion is also an issue. You off all people cannot tell others what it should be like if that is how you avoid playing a part of the game you do not like.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#689 - 2014-09-03 02:39:51 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
It has become evident that people like Veers, are only capable of attacking and defending their limited viewpoint on the forums. Ingame, they are useless.

My last wardec made the entire corp rethink their position and decided to go from completely indy to pvp just because they got really excited fighting against me. As result of me helping them understand how to engage people during wars, people that have them wardecced now has lost more isk then they have, and I mean by the hundreds of millions difference.

Veers, like everything else you need to look at context. The small minority that is AG is not the entire EVE. Your groups single minded and pathetic views are yours and yours alone. I got no problem with people wanting to sit in an NPC corp. To me that means he never had to ability to function with a group and look forward into the future. Which is no real loss to any corp since he would not have been a contributing member to the corp anyway. 1 Man corps, the same thing with exceptions. I have been a one corp for a long time, but that is because I function better in attacking large groups on my own. You do it because I see you no different then that guy that wants to stay in a NPC Corp. Like your NPC Corp brethren, you would be a zero in the balance sheet of any corp.

Any corp unable to survive a wardec would not have lasted in any event because it comes down to poor leadership. I have seen small corps survive through wardecs because they are led by people that understand what EVE is. I have seen corp and alliance grow to massive scales even with constant wardecs because their members constantly grows and understands what it means to make allies with the right groups. They gain the respect of the wardeccers and wardeccers respect these guys creating lasting contacts for assistance and beneficial growth.

This is something the AG crowd does not seem to comprehend. I see them along with you as the I want the game to change to my views. Because I am to use useless to work together pro actively with others for the betterment of the corp and actually make a difference.

In any event I think this thread has gone on long enough now. You have already gotten CCP stance and arguing about it because it is not your view makes you look even worse.

Well, I think my points still stand. Some people want to fight wars, do PvP etc... Others, like me, prefer to enjoy the game focusing mainly on PvE. Doesn't mean it's PvP free, just that we enjoy working on the PvE aspects together with other people. I'm certainly not trying to change the wardec mechanics, and I think they are currently fine (although a button to instantly fold and re-form my 1 man corp when wardcced would be nice, to save me the 2 minutes of paperwork).

And that is totally up to you if that is how you want to play the game and if you were in a corp I would still then see you as a non contributing member.

If you have no problem with ganking and wars why the constant crap fest posting then? Would it not serve a better purpose beating that into your AG brothers heads that ganking and wars are fine?

I think wars are 100% fine, and I'm not concerned with how you see me. As far as ganking, i think it's an important part of the game, and have expressed my views on other threads.
Grog Aftermath
#690 - 2014-09-03 02:39:51 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

Then why form a corp to begin with? Why not just stay in a NPC corp. Seems a bit counter productive...unless you only do it to avoid NPC tax rates...a mechanic you exploit...just as others do. Only that one serves your purpose, while the others do not. Do you see the point? You ask that a game be changed to serve the minority because the mechanics do not serve their purpose. That doesn't seem wrong to you?

Well taxes were only increased because players in player corps moaned about it as I recall.

Guess the idea was to try and get people out of NPC corps into player corps. Of course it didn't work, because if they wanted to be in a player corp. they would have been regardless of taxes. All it did was see an increase in 1 player corps.

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#691 - 2014-09-03 02:44:20 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

Then why form a corp to begin with? Why not just stay in a NPC corp. Seems a bit counter productive...unless you only do it to avoid NPC tax rates...a mechanic you exploit...just as others do. Only that one serves your purpose, while the others do not. Do you see the point? You ask that a game be changed to serve the minority because the mechanics do not serve their purpose. That doesn't seem wrong to you?

What mechanic did I want changed? I think wardeccs work fine. I went 1-man to avoid the NPC taxes, which are a pain. I'm not sure how that's "exploiting" the mechanic anymore than anyone else making a corp is. I'm perfectly happy with the way the current wardecc mechanics are.

I don't wish to scroll through this entire 34 page forum thread attempting to find where you worded your discourse for the way wars are done. Perhaps "mechanics" wasn't the proper word, but you know what I mean. It is clear what you and other anti gankers want...change to the way the game is..or "mechanics" if you will. Eve is not broken. If you can't take the heat, and I don't direct this to you personally, get out of the kitchen.

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#692 - 2014-09-03 03:03:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Veers Belvar
Remiel Pollard wrote:

None of your points stand, not one. Not up to CCP intentions, not up to experienced player scrutiny, and not up to reality. What you actually just highlighted, though, is a problem with the game. Anyone that wants to be in a corp and explore EVE's potential has to accept the possibility of wardecs. CCP needs to make it as impossible to fold a corp as it is to transfer assets like POCOs out of it under the condition of wardecs. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too, that is certainly not within the spirit of EVE online.

A wardecc against me, really? Not very sporting. I could fight, but instead I will just disband and re-form my 1 man corp and inflict a 30-1 economic victory. Thanks for the entertainment.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#693 - 2014-09-03 03:04:55 UTC
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#694 - 2014-09-03 03:06:17 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

Well, I'm glad that the current wardecc mechanics (which I support) make it possible for me to avoid these wars by disbanding and reforming my 1-man corp.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#695 - 2014-09-03 03:08:10 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

Well, I'm glad that the current wardecc mechanics (which I support) make it possible for me to avoid these wars by disbanding and reforming my 1-man corp.

Hence why his next move is likely going to be paying some suicide ganker groups to follow you around instead.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#696 - 2014-09-03 03:09:28 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

Hey Veers.

Now that I own that corp name and ticker you keep rolling and recreating.

Watcha gonna do?

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#697 - 2014-09-03 03:10:14 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

Well, I'm glad that the current wardecc mechanics (which I support) make it possible for me to avoid these wars by disbanding and reforming my 1-man corp.

Hence why his next move is likely going to be paying some suicide ganker groups to follow you around instead.

Nope, it was an elaborate stunt to steal his corp name. He seems attached to it, he's rolled it twice before and recreates the same one.

EVE is hard.


“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#698 - 2014-09-03 03:10:43 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

Well, I'm glad that the current wardecc mechanics (which I support) make it possible for me to avoid these wars by disbanding and reforming my 1-man corp.

Hence why his next move is likely going to be paying some suicide ganker groups to follow you around instead.

Meh, gotta keep things entertaining. Hope it is someone good.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#699 - 2014-09-03 03:11:31 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

Well, I'm glad that the current wardecc mechanics (which I support) make it possible for me to avoid these wars by disbanding and reforming my 1-man corp.

Hence why his next move is likely going to be paying some suicide ganker groups to follow you around instead.

Nope, it was an elaborate stunt to steal his corp name. He seems attached to it, he's rolled it twice before and recreates the same one.

EVE is hard.


Meh, I found a new name. They key is 0% taxes and immunity from wardeccs, which works for me.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#700 - 2014-09-03 03:15:20 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
That's a shame, I was looking forward to melting you repeatedly.

Well, I'm glad that the current wardecc mechanics (which I support) make it possible for me to avoid these wars by disbanding and reforming my 1-man corp.

Hence why his next move is likely going to be paying some suicide ganker groups to follow you around instead.

Nope, it was an elaborate stunt to steal his corp name. He seems attached to it, he's rolled it twice before and recreates the same one.

EVE is hard.


Meh, I found a new name. They key is 0% taxes and immunity from wardeccs, which works for me.

In EVE, there is no immunity. You're getting walked all over, and that's why you don't belong in EVE.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104