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Can Gankers be Ganked?l

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2014-08-26 10:10:01 UTC
Ynot Eyob wrote:
Made my day with a good laugh, as we are at war with both of you, kill a few more :D

Do not worry... we have plenty of time to kill you as well...

what what bullshit of coalition talk is that? I have never seen a single blue that was not one of our own alts...

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Ryder 'ook
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-08-26 10:47:27 UTC
I endorse this product and / or service!

Every atom in our bodies was forged in the furnace of ancient stars - it's time we return home.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#23 - 2014-08-26 11:21:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
gnshadowninja wrote:
Dont you just hate it when the guy who got final blow dont use killboards so it wont API feed -.-
Ill post killmail later when im home unless one of my lovely alliance members can do it for me Roll
If it was an NPC alt in a Providence* that went suspect and then exploded about 3 minutes after the Obelisk died, the kill is showing on zkill.

*Going by the contents it was, loot fairy was hating on you though

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#24 - 2014-08-26 11:30:34 UTC
Inception Gank. You ganked deeper.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Marlin Spikes
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2014-08-26 11:40:16 UTC
To summarize my understanding of Space Warrior’s premises for their oh so salty tears:
1. god-like ghosting of suspect freighters is not cool. Only non-suspect freighters should be shot at.
2. Ganking is OG only when the gankers are doing the ganking.
3. Gankers should never be ganked.
4. Poorly executed ganking operations are never the FC’s fault.
5. Your status or membership in a coalition will always protect your suspect capital flying alts.
6. When gankers are ganked by other gankers, well…that’s just not right/fair.
7. Pursuit of Happiness are just a bunch of [insert carebear tears here]
8. Aligning your freighter prior to going suspect is totally unnecessary if you bring enough swag in your cargo hold.

Lols...I hope I'm understanding this right.

Here is where the plot thickens...I was wondering why this NPC alt was marked -5 to begin with. He was killed in a fight on Aug 3, 2014 providing logi support against the very same coalition that he claims to be a part of. What? Must be an error on the kill boards. Interesting…

Bombers Rule!!!

Fearless Sister
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2014-08-26 12:15:24 UTC
Ace Gunnery wrote:
easy isk? you clearly have no idea how hard it acually is and you can remain ignorant for all i care. The fact a so-called coalition ally of ours would purposely sabotage one of our ganks shows the character of this pilot. If you choose to keep him in your alliance you will be decced. plain and simple.

Whatever corp he is allowed to remain in will be decced as to ensure he cannot interfere with us again. Just business...nothing personal

Sounds like you mad -BRO
Koz Katral
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#27 - 2014-08-26 13:26:45 UTC
Suspect Freighter? bad gankers are bad.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2014-08-26 14:00:18 UTC
This thread is hilarious.

I wish POH many hilariously won battles.

Although, they may need to start fitting cargo expanders to carry all those tears.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#29 - 2014-08-26 14:21:28 UTC
Next time use a couple of Orcas and shunt things into the fleet hangar using characters in noobships. Orcas will not flag and who cares if you lose an Ibis?

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Ronove Los
Outer Harbor
#30 - 2014-08-26 14:22:58 UTC
I have seen haulers eject their ship the moment they've scooped the loot.
A mate (pod) warps in, boards the ship and flies away in peace, leaving the pod of the original hauler suspect.
Seen it a few times now, don't know if it still works...

Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#31 - 2014-08-26 14:54:51 UTC
Ace Gunnery wrote:
easy isk? you clearly have no idea how hard it acually is and you can remain ignorant for all i care. The fact a so-called coalition ally of ours would purposely sabotage one of our ganks shows the character of this pilot. If you choose to keep him in your alliance you will be decced. plain and simple.

Whatever corp he is allowed to remain in will be decced as to ensure he cannot interfere with us again. Just business...nothing personal

Cant imagine that these wars are very effective since you all never leave jita. (ok that is an overstatement - sometimes your in amarr)

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2014-08-26 15:02:40 UTC
Ace Gunnery wrote:
easy isk? you clearly have no idea how hard it acually is and you can remain ignorant for all i care. The fact a so-called coalition ally of ours would purposely sabotage one of our ganks shows the character of this pilot. If you choose to keep him in your alliance you will be decced. plain and simple.

Whatever corp he is allowed to remain in will be decced as to ensure he cannot interfere with us again. Just business...nothing personal

ah tears of the gankers, they have to be the best, hats off to pursuit of happiness

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#33 - 2014-08-26 15:07:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Lan Wang wrote:
ah tears of the gankers, they have to be the best, hats off to pursuit of happiness
I don't normally do biblical quotes, because I'm a filthy heathen, but this seems appropriate.

Psalm 19:10 wrote:
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-08-26 16:56:16 UTC
linky linky

Killmail posted.

Just to confirm, im apparently first to die and will repay the freighter loss in ship deaths.

If only I could post the local rage chatlogs Twisted
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#35 - 2014-08-26 17:47:34 UTC
Advice to avoid this:
1. get a deep space transport
2. get nuetral loot scoopers
3. get a freighter
4. loot scoopers drop everything in the DST, which never goes suspect and in turn the freighte rmoves it all to its cargohold and again never goes suspect. Many suspect noobships may die but youll get the loot everytime. I've done this probably a dozen times since i learned how to with CODEdot in Uedama a few months ago and its crazy stupid ISK if you do it right.

This was just an example of people rushing to get loot without thinking to apply certain game mechanics first.
Oh and it wasn't a gank in this case either it was just a suspect blap. Ganking means concord, so unless your Proteus was CONCORDOKEN then it was no gank.

Either way good kill to both sides

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2014-08-26 17:54:22 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Advice to avoid this:
1. get a deep space transport
2. get nuetral loot scoopers
3. get a freighter
4. loot scoopers drop everything in the DST, which never goes suspect and in turn the freighte rmoves it all to its cargohold and again never goes suspect. Many suspect noobships may die but youll get the loot everytime. I've done this probably a dozen times since i learned how to with CODEdot in Uedama a few months ago and its crazy stupid ISK if you do it right.

This was just an example of people rushing to get loot without thinking to apply certain game mechanics first.
Oh and it wasn't a gank in this case either it was just a suspect blap. Ganking means concord, so unless your Proteus was CONCORDOKEN then it was no gank.

Either way good kill to both sides

dont tell them how to win we need more of this content

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#37 - 2014-08-26 17:54:55 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Advice to avoid this:
1. get a deep space transport
2. get nuetral loot scoopers
3. get a freighter
4. loot scoopers drop everything in the DST, which never goes suspect and in turn the freighte rmoves it all to its cargohold and again never goes suspect. Many suspect noobships may die but youll get the loot everytime. I've done this probably a dozen times since i learned how to with CODEdot in Uedama a few months ago and its crazy stupid ISK if you do it right.

This was just an example of people rushing to get loot without thinking to apply certain game mechanics first.
Oh and it wasn't a gank in this case either it was just a suspect blap. Ganking means concord, so unless your Proteus was CONCORDOKEN then it was no gank.

Either way good kill to both sides

Youve missed the story bro, they ganked a freighter and the I caught their suspect freighter, I never claimed to have ganked anything.

Also you may want to read the defination of ganking or being ganked
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#38 - 2014-08-26 18:04:27 UTC
gnshadowninja wrote:
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Advice to avoid this:
1. get a deep space transport
2. get nuetral loot scoopers
3. get a freighter
4. loot scoopers drop everything in the DST, which never goes suspect and in turn the freighte rmoves it all to its cargohold and again never goes suspect. Many suspect noobships may die but youll get the loot everytime. I've done this probably a dozen times since i learned how to with CODEdot in Uedama a few months ago and its crazy stupid ISK if you do it right.

This was just an example of people rushing to get loot without thinking to apply certain game mechanics first.
Oh and it wasn't a gank in this case either it was just a suspect blap. Ganking means concord, so unless your Proteus was CONCORDOKEN then it was no gank.

Either way good kill to both sides

Youve missed the story bro, they ganked a freighter and the I caught their suspect freighter, I never claimed to have ganked anything.

Also you may want to read the defination of ganking or being ganked

In terms of Eve ganks are widely accepted to involve CONCORD after the fact you can see that in C&P and all the nerf highsec ganking threads here in F&I, also you never claimed to gank anyone but the thread title implies that given its " Can gankers be Ganked?"

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#39 - 2014-08-26 18:05:13 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Advice to avoid this:
1. get a deep space transport
2. get nuetral loot scoopers
3. get a freighter
4. loot scoopers drop everything in the DST, which never goes suspect and in turn the freighte rmoves it all to its cargohold and again never goes suspect. Many suspect noobships may die but youll get the loot everytime. I've done this probably a dozen times since i learned how to with CODEdot in Uedama a few months ago and its crazy stupid ISK if you do it right.

This was just an example of people rushing to get loot without thinking to apply certain game mechanics first.
Oh and it wasn't a gank in this case either it was just a suspect blap. Ganking means concord, so unless your Proteus was CONCORDOKEN then it was no gank.

Either way good kill to both sides

dont tell them how to win we need more of this content

too late now

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#40 - 2014-08-26 18:06:28 UTC
Ronove Los wrote:
I have seen haulers eject their ship the moment they've scooped the loot.
A mate (pod) warps in, boards the ship and flies away in peace, leaving the pod of the original hauler suspect.
Seen it a few times now, don't know if it still works...

It does still work but if the freighter is targetted they cant board or scoop it ( not that anything could )
Its also very risky because some random ibis KM Wh**e could be a freighter pilot and could run off with the freighter

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet